12.1.9 C++ Decltype 关键字 问题描述

template<class T1, class T2>
void ft(T1 x, T2 y)
{...?type? xpy = x + y;//C++98 can't explain...,xpy的类型无法描述...
} Decltype 关键字(C++11)

The C++11 solution is a new keyword: decltype.可以这样更改函数:

template<class T1, class T2>
void ft(T1 x, T2 y)
{...decltype(x + y) xpy = x + y;...


decltype (expression) var;

Stage 1: 如果expresion是一个没有用括号括起的标识符,则var的类型与该标识符的类型相同,包括const等限定符。

double x = 5.5;
double y = 7.9;
double &rx = x;
const double * pd;
decltype(x) w; // w is type double
decltype(rx) u = y; // u is type double &
decltype(pd) v; // v is type const double *

Stage 2: 如果expression是一个函数调用,则var的类型与函数的返回值相同。

long indeed(int);
decltype (indeed(3)) m; // m is type long
//The call expression isn’t evaluated. In this case, the compiler examines the prototype to
get the return type; there’s no need to actually call the function.

Stage 3:如果expression是一个左值,则var为指向其类型的引用。前提是expression是用括号括起的标识符。

double xx = 4.4;
decltype ((xx)) r2 = xx; // r2 is double &
decltype(xx) w = xx; // w is double (Stage 1 match)
//Incidentally, parentheses don’t change the value or lvaluedness of an expression. For
example, the following two statements have the same effect:
xx = 98.6;
(xx) = 98.6; // () don't affect use of xx

Stage 4: 如果前面的条件都不满足,则var的类型与expression的类型相同。

int j = 3;
int &k = j
int &n = j;
decltype(j+6) i1; // i1 type int
decltype(100L) i2; // i2 type long
decltype(k+n) i3; // i3 type int;
//Note that although k and n are references, the expression k+n is not a reference; it’s just
the sum of two ints, hence an int. 后置返回值类型


template<class T1, class T2>
?type? gt(T1 x, T2 y)
{...return x + y;


auto h(int x, float y) -> double;
//-> double成为后置返回类型. 其中auto是一个占位符,表示后置返回类型提供的类型。


template<class T1, class T2>
auto gt(T1 x, T2 y) -> decltype(x + y)
{...return x + y;

C++ Decltype 关键字相关推荐

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  5. C++11新特性之decltype关键字的使用

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  6. decltype关键字详解

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  7. 理解 decltype关键字

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