


3.clean up

在使用svn时,某次上传完东西之后,再次update提示失败,然后执行clean up也报错。






sqlite3 wc.db "delete from work_queue"
sqlite3 wc.db "delete from wc_lock

3.clean up

然后执行svn clean up就可以了。

failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with can‘t set file相关推荐

  1. 关于SVN:cleanup失败提示:failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with ‘E:XXX’

    标题关于SVN:cleanup失败提示:failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with 'E:XXX',work item 38126(file- ...

  2. 解决SVN 中Failed to run the WC DB work queue的错误方法

    文章主要内容来源于 https://blog.csdn.net/fans439642593/article/details/81169265 更多问题可以参考此条链接:https://blog.csd ...

  3. SVN报错之“Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with...“的解决方法

    SVN报错之"Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with-"的解决方法 文章目录 SVN报错之"Failed t ...

  4. 真实有效!!解决SVN 中Failed to run the WC DB work queue的错误方法

    更新SVN时,clean up 无效,报出以下错误 Failed to run the WC DB work queue 解决办法: 下载sqlite3.exe(下面有下载链接),将下载好的sqlit ...

  5. SVN Cleanup 提示:Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with

    在svn本地目录更新文件夹时,更新失败. 然后svn提示我,让我cleanup一下,于是就去cleanup. 结果同样失败: Failed to run the WC DB work queue as ...

  6. Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with

    解决windows下SVN Cleanup错误:Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with 参考文章:https://www.cnblogs. ...

  7. svn: E155009: Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with原因分析及解决方案

    在使用svn checkout一个项目时报错: 查看我的目录,发现文件没有完全checkout下来,于是想要执行svn update进行更新,结果报错.让我先执行cleanup 执行svn clean ...

  8. SVN 提示 Failed to run the WC DB work queue 错误解决

    1.下载sqlite3.exe,将下载好的sqlite3放到出问题的svn的根目录 .svn/sqlite3.exe: 2.使用window键+R,输入cmd回车,打开windows的命令行: 3.使 ...

  9. SVN-Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with blablabla

    在Mac上上传项目文件到时,因为部分文件名包含非法字符,导致在Win上更新后无法识别并报错,并且无法Cleanup,陷入死循环. 原因是SVN命令采用队列方式,需要清除之前有问题的命令,步骤如下: 1 ...


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