
I am interested in your products do you do dropshipping without

putting your name on the boxes when you ship them out?





对应于国内的零售业务,也可以把drop shipping


在电子商务行业,drop shipping


请看Wikipedia 对drop shipping 的解析:

Drop shipping is a supply chain management technique in which the

retailer does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers

customer orders and shipment details to wholesalers, who then ship

the goods directly to the customer . The retailers make their

profit on the difference between the wholesale and retail








Drop shipping is a supply

chain management technique in which the retailer

does not keep goods in stock, but instead transfers customer orders

and shipment details to either the manufacturer or a wholesaler,

who then ships the goods directly to the customer. As in all


businesses, the retailers make their profit on the difference

between the wholesale and retail price.


Two significant benefits of drop shipping are the elimination of

upfront inventory and a positive cash-flow cycle. A positive

cash flow cycle occurs because the seller is paid when the purchase

is made. The seller usually pays the wholesaler using a credit card

or credit terms. Therefore, there is a period of time in which the

seller has the customer's money, but has not yet paid the


Drop shipping also eliminates some duplication of effort, since

only one warehouse will pick, pack and ship the product. This

approach can reduce total inventory management and shipping costs.

These cost reductions can subsequently reduce the price to the



As in any business, some risks are involved in drop shipping.

For example, back ordering may occur when a

seller places a shipment request with a wholesaler, but the product

is sold out. Back ordering may be accompanied by a long wait for a

shipment while the wholesaler waits for new products, which may

reflect badly on the retailer. A good wholesaler will keep

retailers updated, but it is the business owner's job to be aware

of the quantities that the wholesaler has available.

Drop shipping has also featured prominently in some Internet-based home business scams.lucrative "work from home

opportunity." The victim who buys into this scam will be sold a

list of businesses from which drop-shipment orders can be placed.

These businesses may not be wholesalers, but other businesses or

individuals acting as middlemen between retailers and

wholesalers, with no product of their own to sell. These middlemen

often charge prices that leave little profit margin for the victim, and require

a regular fee for the retailer's usage of their services.

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