Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2插件图文教程

Python Extractor for Python Editor is a free Productivity Extension published by detect and extract python code from a webpage and open it directly in Python Editor v4.You just have to open a webpage containing ...All the apps, games or extensions here are for home or personal use only. If it infringes your copyright, please contact us for removal. Python Extractor for Python Editor is the property and trademark of the developer, all rights reserved.Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2是一个免费的生产力的扩展。 你可以下载最新版本的扩展文件来安装并使用它。

Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2下载点击下载Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2

Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2安装说明下载完Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2的crx文件后, 打开Chrome浏览器扩展页面 (通过在地址栏输入chrome://extensions/ 或通过Chrome菜单图标> 更多工具> 扩展图标), 然后拖放 crx 文件到Chromer扩展页面就可以安装了。如果出现crx文件头损坏不能安装的错误,请打开Chrome的开发者选择,就可以安装了。

Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2文件详细信息Crx文件: hecicfehmfcebfpdockfljfdpjldhpkj-1.2.crx

文件大小: 75643 bytes (73.87 KB)




Python Extractor for Python Editor 1.2更多信息

Python Extractor for Python Editor is a free Productivity Extension published by detect and extract python code from a webpage and open it directly in Python Editor v4.You just have to open a webpage containing ...All the apps, games or extensions here are for home or personal use only. If it infringes your copyright, please contact us for removal. Python Extractor for Python Editor is the property and trademark of the developer, all rights reserved.Chrome 谷歌浏览器下载

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