Hi, 今天我们来说说长句的问题,之前也有读者提到过希望能够讲讲长句。长句哈,是很多人特别喜欢写的一种,就怕写的短了被认为childish。对于我们non-native speaker的作者来说,长句,一来容易犯错,会造成歧义,会引起逻辑混乱,二来对读者来说,也是悲痛万分,仿佛爬过十万八千里才看到渴望的句号,但又突然发现想不起来之前说啥了。。。英语学术论文简短语句摘抄,举例来看。

"Break up long sentences"



"Have something to say and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style." (Matthew Arnold, quoted in Russell, G.W.E., Collections and Recollections, London: Smith, Elder & Co, 1898, Chapter 13)


所以,我们需要做的一件事就是“化繁为简 Break up long sentences”



  1. 写作初期脸皮要厚,短句就短句,不需要炫技术。以表达意思为主,力求清楚表达所要表达的意思,那怕都是短句。

  2. 后期修改时,可以适当的合并短句子,最最好不要超过三个短句的合并。

  3. 每个完整的句子只能包含一个信息。

  4. 深吸一口气来读一遍,一口气之内读完意识清晰不缺氧。


      Until relatively recently, the idea of focusing on the concept of ‘citizenship’ in a British context would have seemed rather eccentric to both historians and political theorists alike, for in the immediate post-war decades, in the 1950s and early 1960s, despite the publication in 1950 of arguably the most famous and influential of all British works on the subject (T. H. Marshall’s Citizenship and Social Class), politicians and intellectuals largely avoided the term, mainly because of the perceived unity and homogeneity of British society that seemed to be the lasting legacy of the Second World War, and which many saw as being guaranteed by (relatively) full employment and a welfare state that offered genuinely universal benefits for the first time. (118 words).



Until relatively recently, the idea of focusing on the concept of ‘citizenship’ in a British context would have seemed rather eccentric to both historians and political theorists alike. For, in the immediate post-war decades, in the 1950s and early 1960s, despite the publication in 1950 of arguably the most famous and influential of all British works on the subject (T. H. Marshall’s Citizenship and Social Class) politicians and intellectuals largely avoided the term.This was mainly because of the perceived unity and homogeneity of British society that seemed to be the lasting legacy of the Second World War, and which many saw as being guaranteed by (relatively) full employment and a welfare state that offered genuinely universal benefits for the first time. (120 words).

初步修改后,字数没有减少,但是整段分割成了三句,分别是28, 43 和49单词,阅读起来好多了。但是第三句依然显得很冗长。


      Until relatively recently, the idea of focusing on the concept of ‘citizenship’ in a British context would have seemed rather eccentric to both historians and political theorists alike. For, in the immediate post-war decades, in the 1950s and early 1960s, despite the publication in 1950 of arguably the most famous and influential of all British works on the subject (T. H. Marshall’s Citizenship and Social Class) politicians and intellectuals largely avoided the term. This was mainly because of the perceived unity and homogeneity of British society that seemed to be the lasting legacy of the Second World War. Many saw these features as being guaranteed by (relatively) full employment and a welfare state that offered genuinely universal benefits for the first time.




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