

Massimo d’Azeglio described a ridiculous fad in the historical painting of his time(马西莫·达泽格里奥在他的时间的历史绘画中描述了荒谬的表现): “Anche in arte vi fu allora un gran movimento verso il culto del vero(即使在艺术中也有一个伟大的运动来崇拜真实)…. Si cercò col vero dinanzi la forma antica nella sua monotona affettazione; si volle vedere il nudo da per tutto, fino sotto le vesti; si dipinsero figure che sembrava le avessero indosso bagnate. La mania arrivò al punto che per uno scultore classico l’umbilico fu visibile sotto la corazza del medio evo, ed un disegnatore dovendo rappresentare Napoleone in piedi, segnava la rotula sotto lo stivale a tromba(真实的情感中的古老形态;它希望看到裸体从衣服下面的一切;涂上了数字,似乎穿着它们。狂热的意思是,对于经典雕塑者来说,脐部在中世纪的盔甲下可见,并且设计师必须代表拿破仑站着,标志着小号靴下的膝盖骨)!” (I Miei Ricordi, “Biblioteca classica Hoepliana”, pp. 130-1).

One might call it an attempt to make the overcoat do also the duty of underclothes — the veritable idea of feminine dress(有人可能会说,这是一种尝试,使大衣同时兼作内衣的功能—这才是真正意义上的女性服饰)!

Cf. the wickedly expressive passage in Martial, XI. cxix; “De cathedra quotiens surgis (iam saepe notavi), / pedicant miserae, Lesbia, te tunicae… / sic constringuntur magni Symplegade culi / et nimias intrant Cyaneasque natis” (“Whenever you get up from your chair — I have often noticed it ere now — your unhappy garments, Lesbia, treat you indecently.... they are so gripped by the straits of your mighty rump, and enter a pass difficult and Cyanean(每当你从椅子上站起来—我以前经常注意到—你那不开心的衣服,莱斯比亚,都会对你下流…他们被你强大的臀部紧紧抓住,进入一个青色的难以通过的关口).” (Walter Ker))(Epigrams, “The Loeb Classical Library”, II, p. 306) — the use of the word pedicare here is a wonderful example of pathetic fallacy & quite in the convention of Homer’s “the ruthless stone(无情的石头)”, “the arrow eager to fly(渴望飞翔的箭矢)”, “the spears longing to take their fill of flesh(渴望抓住他们肉体的矛)”, etc. (cf. Aristotle,Rhetoric, III, xi, “The Loeb Classical Library”, p. 407).


I am reminded in this connexion of Klopstock(克洛普施托克,德国诗人)’s “schöne Bild von Gedanken und Sprache(思想和语言的美丽图景)”: “Wie dem Mädchen , das aus dem Bade steigt, das Gewand anliegt(就像那个穿着长袍从浴缸里出来的女孩)” (quoted in E. Engel, Deutsche Stilkunst, 24teAufl., S. 94), as well as of William James’s simile for Bergson’s style(以及威廉·詹姆斯对伯格森风格的比喻): “A ‘straightforward style’ — a flexibility of verbal resource that follows the thought without a crease or wrinkle, as elastic silk underclothing follows the movements of one’s body(一种‘直截了当的风格’——语言资源的灵活性,随心所欲,毫无痕迹,就像弹性丝绸内衣跟随身体的运动一样)”(A Pluralistic Universe, p. 227; A. Albalat, however, attacked Bergson’s style as jargonistic & dismissed Matière et Mémoire as written “dans une langue inintelligible”; he also quoted Faquet’s opinion on Bergson’s books: “Je n’en ai jamais compris une seule page”(然而,阿尔巴拉特抨击伯格森的风格是行话式的&用“难以理解的语言”书写不恰当的主题和记忆;他还引用了他对伯格森书籍的看法:“我一页都看不懂”)— Comment, Il ne Faut pas Écrire, p. 181).

Julien Benda seems to have borrowed from James: “Le style d’idées doit se mouler exactement sur la pensée(思想风格必须完全建立在思想上)... celle-ci lui demande de ne lui valoir qu’un vêtement transparent” (Du Style d’Idées, p. 9).

Benda often seem bent upon creating the impression of being one of those geniuses whom Kant called “die blossen Naturalisten des Kopfs (élèves de la nature, Autodidacti)”; people who “sie zwar manches, was sie wissen, von anderen hätten lernen können, für sich selbst ausgedacht haben(他们本可以为自己想出一些他们知道的、从别人那里学到的东西)” (Anthropologie, §59 — Werke, hrsg. E. Cassirer, Bd. VIII, S. 116, but his book-learning is greater than his air of doggedly hard thinking may lead people to believe(但他的书本知识比他那个顽强刻苦思念的神气更能让人相信), & he often prends son, bien où il le trouve; another instance of his “foreign debt” owed to the Americans is: Hawthorne: “Letter to an Editor”: “The greatest possible merit of style is, of course, to make the words absolutely disappear into the thought(当然,这种风格的最大优点可能是使文字完全消失在思想中).”“C’est à peu près comme si l’on disait qu’une pensée sur le bleu doit s’efforcer d’être bleu(就像有人说,一个关于蓝色的想法是其必须先努力成为蓝色)”(op. cit., p. 29) —cf. R.B. Perry, Present Philosophical Tendencies, p. 234: “The word ‘blue’ may mean blue, although the word is not blue(尽管“蓝色”不是蓝色,但“蓝色”却意味着蓝色。”).”


Joubert mentioned Kant several times in Pensées (Éd. “Libraire Académique”, Tit. XXIV. iii. 17). I don’t suppose he knew his writings well. The aphorism, “Que de savants forgent les sciences, cyclopes laborieux, ardents, infatigables, mais qui n’ont qu’un oeil(让科学家们锻造科学,勤劳、热情、不知疲倦但只有一只眼睛的独眼巨人)” (Tit. XVIII. 93),is, however, strongly reminiscent of Kant’s Anthropologie(然而,它强烈地让人想起康德的人类学), §59. Kant was talking about types of genius; having mentioned(康德在谈论天才的类型时,提到) “derarchitektonische, der den Zusammenhang aller Wissenschaften, und wie sie einander unterstützen, methodisch einsieht(认知),” he spoke of another type: “Es giebt aber auch gigantische Gelehrsamkeit, die doch oft zyklopisch ist, der nämlich ein Auge fehlt: nämlich das der wahren Philosophie, um diese Menge des historischen Wissens, die Fracht von hundert Kameelen, durch die Vernunft zweckmässig zu benutzen(解构)” (Werke, hrsg. E. Cassirer, Bd. VIII, S. 116).


Grillparzer’s epigram on “Moderne Logik”(格里爾帕策关于“现代逻辑”的警句): “Das sind wunderliche Denkgesetze / Und leer an wahrer Beweiseskraft, / Wo Logik gibt die Folgesätze / Und den Obersatz die Leidenschaft(这些都仅仅是思维法则,并没有真正的证据力量,但是逻辑却给出了命题结果,以及最重要的命题激情)(彦按,即言事物发展的客观规律,不以个人的意志为转)” (Gesam. Werk., hrsg. E. Rollett und A. Sauer, Bd. II, S. 62-3). This should take its place beside F.H. Bradley’s famous boutade: “Metaphysics is the finding of bad reasons for what we believe upon instinct; but to find these reasons is itself an instinct(形而上学(指对世界本质的研究,即研究一切存在者,一切现象(尤其指抽象概念)的原因及本源)是我们对本能相信的错误理由的发现; 但要找到这些原因本身就是本能的)” (Appearance & Reality, p. xiv).

Both were written in pre-Freudian days when “rationalization” was not heard of. Cf. Collected Papers of C.S. Peirce, VI, pp. 4-5: “There is an ethics indissolubly bound up with it(the logic used by science)-an ethics of fairness & impartiality-& a writer, who teaches, by his example, to find arguments for a conclusion which he wishes to believe, saps the very foundations of science by trifling with its morals.” Incidentally this passage is just another proof of the difference, which amounts to almost opposition, between Peirce’s pragmaticism & William James’s pragmatism(Peirce: “Pragmaticism was originally enounced in the form of a maxim, as follows: Consider what effects, that mightconceivably have practical bearings, you conceive the objects of your conception to have. Then, your conception of those effects is the whole of your conception of the object(实用主义最初是以一个格言的形式被提出的:以下是什么样的效果,即可以想象地具有实际的方位,你构想了你的概念的对象。那么,你对这些效果的概念就是你对对象的整体概念).”).

Samuel Butler(塞缪尔·巴特勒), Ernest Pontifex, or The Way of All Flesh(《众生之路》), ch. 66: “His(Euclid’s)superstructure is demonstration, his ground is faith(他的(欧几里得)上层建筑是示范,他的基础是信仰)” (Methuen, p. 247). Cf. Pareto, General Sociology, §1749 (Eng. tr., II, p. 1209, marginalia).



Walter Bagehot(沃尔特·白芝浩,英国经济学家、政治社会和法学家): “Butler’s literary manner is awkward & hesitating. He seems to have an obscure feeling of what the truth is; but his manipulation of words & images is not apt enough to bring it out. Like the miser in the story, he has a schilling(先令,奥地利货币单位) about him somewhere, if people will only give him time & solitude to make research for it(巴特勒的文学风格是笨拙的和犹豫的。他似乎对真相有一种模糊的感觉;但是,他对文字和图像的操纵又不足以把它表现出来。就像故事中的守财奴一样,如果人们给他时间和独处来研究的话,他在某个地方也许能有一个先令)” (Literary Studies, ed. R.H. Hutton, III, p. 127). This must be an allusion to David Copperfield, ch. 21: “‘I have got a trifle of money somewhere about me, my dear,’ said Mr Barkis, ‘but I’m a little tired. If you & Mr David will leave me for a short nap, I’ll try & find it when I wake.”(“亲,我身上有点钱,”巴克斯先生说,“但我有点累了。”如果你和戴维先生离开让我小睡一会儿,我会在醒来时设法找到它。”)


E.J. Trelawney: “Atheism is no longer a term of reproach but an indication of intelligence(无神论不再是一种指责,而是智慧的象征)” (Letters of E.J. Trelawney, ed. by H. Buxton Forman, p. 248). Cf. James Martineau: “It is no longer an insult to a clergyman’s honour, but rather a compliment to his intelligence, to suspect him of saying one thing & believing another” (quoted in Carlyle D. Burns, Horizons of Experience, p. 291). In other words, for a man living in a block universe of discourse or a climate of monolithic opinion where, in Bossuet’s words,l’hérétique est celui qui a une opinion(异教徒是有不同意见的人), the “moral obligation of being intelligent” entails also the immoral obligation of being hypocritical. To avoid fire & faggots, a lover of truth has to nurse a lie in his soul(“智慧的道德义务”也意味着虚伪的不道德义务。为了避免火灾和同性恋,热爱真理的人必须在自己的灵魂中孕育谎言。).


〇 “Ostrich burying its head(鸵鸟埋头)”; cf.《欒城集》(苏辙)卷一《次韻子瞻聞不赴商幕》第一首:“閉門已學龜頭縮,避謗仍兼雉尾藏”,自注:“雉藏不能盡尾,鄉人以為諺。”Cf. 楊棨《蜨庵詩集‧壬寅六月紀事‧之四》:“未憑駝足走,先學雉頭藏。”


The Diary of Fanny Burney, Nov. 28th(《范妮·伯尼日记》,11月28日), 1784 records a visit to Dr Johnson who told her about the last illness of his wife: “When she was carried to the lodgings that had been prepared for her, she complained that the staircase was in very bad condition — for the plaster was beaten off in many places. ‘Oh,’ said the man of the house, ‘that’s nothing but the knocks against it of the coffins of the poor souls that have died in the lodgings!’(1784年,约翰逊医生向她讲述了他妻子的最后一次疾病:“当她被抬到为她准备的住处时,她抱怨楼梯状况非常糟糕——因为她觉得石膏在很多地方都被敲掉了。“哦,”屋子里的人说,“那不过是在屋里死去的可怜人的棺材敲打声而已!”)” (“Everyman’s Library”, p. 92).Cf. Antoine Albalat, Souvenirs de la vie littéraire, nouvelle éd., p. 8 recording Daudet’s remark: “L’idée de la mort a empoisonné mon existence. Chaque fois que je change d’appartement, ma première réflexion est de me dire: Comment fera-t-on pour sortir ton cercueil?(死亡的念头毒害了我的生活。每次我搬出公寓,我的第一反应就是告诉自己:怎么才能把你的棺材拿出来)”; “Q.”, Hocken & Huncken, ch. 5, in which Mr Philip warned Captain Hocken: “I don’t know no unhandier houses for gettin’ out a corpse. There’s a turn at the foot o’ the stairs; most awkward(我不知道有什么更不安全的房子可以用来取出尸体。楼梯脚下有一个转弯,非常尴尬。).”


The Diary of Fanny Burney, Dec. 19th, 1875: “‘Was there ever,’ cried he(the King), ‘such stuff asgreat part of Shakespeare? only one must not say so! But what think you? — What? — Is there not sad stuff? — what —what?’” (p. 111).

This is apparently a kind of a signature view of British aristocracy on Shakespeare; e.g. Martin Chuzzlewit, ch. 28, Mr Pip: “The Viscount said: ‘Shakespeare is an infernal humbug, Pip! What’ the good of Shakespeare, Pip? I never read him. What the devil is it all about, Pip? There’s a lot of feet in Shakspeare’s verse, but there ain’t any legs worth mentioning in Shakspeare’s plays, are there, Pip?’”

Cf. Jacques Barzun, Teacher in America, p. 150: “When, some twenty years ago, the old comic magazine Life guaranteed anonymity if a score of American celebrities would write in their honest opinion of Shakespeare, the replies they received showed that the name ‘Shakepeare’ stood for a consecrated bore(大约20年前,当老漫画杂志《生活》保证如果有二十位美国名人以他们对莎士比亚的诚实看法写作,就不会透露姓名时,他们收到的回复显示,‘莎士比亚’这个名字代表着一种神圣的无聊。).”


The Diary of Fanny Burney, September, 1787: “He(Harry Bunbury)adores Werter, & would scarce believe I had not read it — still less that I had begun it & left it off, from distaste at its evident tendency. I saw myself sink instantly in his estimation(他(哈利)很喜欢维特(按即《少年维特的烦恼》),几乎不会相信我没有读过它—更不用说我开始读它,却因为厌恶它明显的倾向而把它忘了。但我发现自己立刻陷入了他的评价)” (p. 181).

William Rose overlooked this passage in his account of early English references to Werther (see Men, Myths, & Movements in German Literature, pp. 148 ff.). Nor had he lit upon the following passage in Maria Edgeworth’s Castle Rackrent (1801): “What is it you’re reading there? my dear?’ asked Sir Condy… ‘The Sorrows of Werter,’ replies my lady(“你在读什么?亲爱的?”康迪爵士问道……“《少年维特的烦恼》,”夫人回答道。)” (“Everyman’s Library” ed., p. 43).


Rosalie Glynn Grylls, William Godwin & His World, p. 64: “The dictum of Max Beerbohm(马克斯·比尔博姆) in Zuleika Dobson(《朱莱卡.多卜生》), that beauty & the lust for learning have yet to be allied, was not applicable to the women intellectuals of the French Revolution period(美丽与求知欲尚未结合起来,这并不适用于法国大革命时期的女性知识分子).”

I don’t recall this dictum in Max’s novel, but there is one to the same effect in Antoine Furetière’s Le Roman Bourgeois, “Édition Porteret”, p. 124: “Aussi n’est-il pas possible que les filles se puissent piquer en mesme temps de science et de beauté; car la lecture et les veilles leur rendent les yeux battus,et elles ne peuvent conserver leur teint frais ou leur enbon-point, si elles ne vivent dans la delicatesse et dans l’oysiveté.”

Cf. Anatole France’s comment on “une fillet très maigre, mais bacheliers-ès-lettres(一个有学士学位却瘦骨嶙峋的女孩)”: “Un peu moins de titres et un peu plus de tétons(头衔愈少,乳房愈丰满。)” (J.-J. Brousson, Anatole France en Pantoufles, p.(此處頁數留空未註。)).

See 第百五十則 a propos of Baudelaire, Journal Intime, p. 123 & 第二百三十九則 a propos of Heine’s Briefe über Deutschland.

彦按,一五〇则,Charles Baudelaire(波德莱尔), Journaux Intimes(《私人日记》), éd par Ad. van Bever. 參觀第四十四則、百十七則。P. 123: “La bêtise est souvent l’ornement de la beauté... La bêtise est toujours la conservation de la beauté; elle éloigne les rides; c’est un cosmétique divin qui préserve nos idoles des morsures que la pensée garde pour nous(愚蠢往往是美丽的装饰品……愚蠢总是保持美丽;它能消除皱纹;它是一种神圣的化妆品,可以保护我们的外表不受思想的伤害。).”按 Erasmus(伊拉斯莫斯,荷兰学者) 早云:“Folly is the best preservative of youth, and the most effectual antidote against age(愚蠢是青春最好的防腐剂,也是对抗衰老最有效的解药。).” (In Praise of Folly, George Allen & Unwin’s “Pocket Crowns”, no. 14, p. 22).

又,四四则,Propertius(普罗佩提乌斯,古罗马诗人) (The Loeb Classical Library, E. T. by H.E. Butler). 才女之才,特色相之一種,所以昂待沽之價者。故揚州瘦馬必學琴能彈“顏回”或“梅花”一段,學畫能寫蘭竹數枝,學字能書 “吏部尚書大學士”、“第一甲第一名”數字(見錢枋輯本《野獲編》卷二十三)。(萬紅友《風流棒傳奇》嘲賴參將女賴能文云:“天下才女,十個有九個假的,就是寫得出幾句,不過填脂襯粉,便思禍棗災梨。”)晁景迂《嵩山集》卷九《胡季和送江梅山茶來》云:“山茶有色笑江梅,無色江梅謝不才。莫言無色無才思,幾許才從色上來。”誠哉斯言!蓋美色便易見才,薄才可以增色,相為映發。至於有才無貌,則 Baudelaire 云 “Aimer les femmes intelligentes est un plaisir de pédéraste(喜欢聪明的女人是一种同性恋的乐趣).”(Journaux Intimes, ed. Ad. van Bever, p. 10)語雖過激,亦即此理。獨 Propertius 於 Cynthia,反復稱其為女學士。Bk. I, vii, 11: “me laudent doctae solum placuisse puellae”; II, xi, 6: “cinis hic docta puella fuit”; xiii, 11: “Me invet in gremio doctae legisse puellae.” 觀 Propertius 詩,前後所載 Cynthia 雖博學,而淫蕩很辣,有王鳳姐風,非 Juvenal(尤维纳利斯,罗马哲学家) 所深惡痛絕之掉書袋女學究也(Sat. VI, 434 et seq.)。Martial, XI, xix 答 Galla 云:“我不敢娶卿,以卿乃女學士,而吾牀笫間‘不阡不陌,非途非路(喻指不拘一格,不局限在某种标准之中。)’(《南齊書》卷四十一張融自論其文謂)(Cf. 七三〇則),破律壞度耳。”(Diserta es. / Saepe soloecismum mentula nostra facit .)語頗刻毒。參觀 J.L. Guez de Balzac(巴尔扎克) 致 Chapelain(夏普兰) 書:“j'ai dit que je souffrirais plus volontiers une femme qui a de la barbe, qu’une femme qui fait la savant(我是说,相较一个有学问的女人我更愿意忍受一个有胡子的女人).”(見 J. E. Fidao-Justiniani, L’Esprit Classique et la Préciosité, p. 48)


又,二三九则,Heinrich Heines(海涅,德国诗人、小说家) Sämtliche Werke (Berlin: Verlag Von A. Weichert), Bd. III 筆鋒輕銳,惜不免利口喋喋。倘能抑之矯其浮,裁之削其繁,便格高而力擪矣。C.G. Leland 譯 Germany 屢斥其“intolerable & needless repetition(不可容忍和不必要的重复)” (I, p. 159; p. 225; II, p. 17),有以哉!又見第四十九則、一百九十三則、十九則。

1ter Brief, Briefe über Deutschland, S. 126: “Sie(Mme de Staël)hat Genie, aber leider hat hat dieses Genie ein Geschlecht, und zwar ein weibliches(她(德斯塔尔夫人)是天才,但不幸的是,这位天才有性别,女性).” 按 Heine, Geständnisse(《自白》): “Da Frau von Staël ein Autor von Genie ist und einst die Meinung aussprach, dass das Genie kein Geschlecht habe(因为冯·斯塔尔夫人是《天才》一书的作者,她曾表示天才没有性别)” usw. (Bd. IX, S. 149)

十七世紀法國 F. Poulain de la Barre(普兰·德·拉巴尔) 撰論男女平等,以為特軀幹有異,若夫昭昭靈靈,此心此理,無乎不齊(De l’égalité des deux sexes(《两性平等》)(1673), éd. 1690, p. 76: “L’Esprit n’a point de sexe(灵魂没有性别)” 見 Paul Kluckhohn, Die Auffassung der Liebe in der Literatur des 18. Jahrhunderts und in der deutschen Romantik, 2te Aufl., S. 31 引)。Mme de Staël (德斯塔尔夫人)語蓋出於此。

參觀李卓吾( 贽 )《焚書》卷二〈答以女人學道為見短書〉云:“故謂人有男女則可,謂見有男女豈可乎?謂見有長短則可,謂男子之見盡長,女人之見盡短,又豈可乎?”呂温〈上官昭容書樓歌〉:“漢家婕妤唐昭容,工詩能賦千載同。自言才藝是天真,不服丈夫勝婦人。”Captain Shandon: “There is no such thing as female genius(没有所谓的女性天才).” (見L.P. Smith, Reperusals & Recollections, p. 192 引); Goncourt(龚古尔): “There are no women of genius; the women of genius are men(彦按,此即女子高才者称先生之所谓乎?).” (見 Havelock Ellis, Man & Woman, Am. ed. 1929, p. 454 引); Baudelaire, Conseils aux Jeunes Littérateurs(对年轻学者的建议), IX: “Je suis obligé de ranger dans la classe des femmes dangereuses aux gens de lettres, la femme honnête, le bas-bleu et l’actrice; — La femme honnête parce qu’elle appartient nécessairement à deux hommes...; le bas-bleu parce que c’est un homme manqué; — l’actrice parce qu’elle est frottée de littérature” etc.

又Journaux Intimes, “Fusées” VI: “Aimer les femmes intelligentes est un plaisir de pédéraste(爱聪明的女人是同性恋者的乐趣).” (Oeuv. comp., éd. Bibl. de la Pléiade, pp. 947-8, 1192); Eric Gill, Autobiography(《自传》), p. 122: “We know what Renoir said, naming the tool with which he painted his pictures(“Je peins avec mon sexe”)(按,雷諾瓦“以陽具作畫”一語,各家所引小異,“mon sexe”或作“ma queue”,或作“mon pénis”。). Let his confession suffice for me. Lettering, masonry — these are not trades for eunuchs.” 均相發明。


Grillparzer(格里尔帕策,奥地利剧作家): “Poesie und Prosa sind voneinander unterschieden wie Essen und Trinken(诗歌和散文就像食物和饮料一样截然不同). Man muss vom Wein nicht fordern, dass er auch den Hunger stillen soll, und wer, um das zu erreichen, ekelhaft Brot in seinen Wein brockt, mag das Schweinefutter selbst ausfressen(一个人不必要用酒来满足饥饿感,谁会为了这个目的,把面包屑掺到酒里吃猪食呢)” (Gesam. Werk., hrsg. von E. Rollett und A. Sauer, II, S. 142-3).

Again: “Die Prosa ist des Menschen Speise, die Poesie sein Trank, der nicht nährt, sondern erquickt. Man kann aber auch, wie die neuesten Deutschen, Bier trinken, in dem Nahrungsstoffe zur Gärung gebracht sind, wovon man fett wird und noch dazu einen schweren Dusel in den Kopf bekommt(散文是人的食物,诗歌是人的饮料,它不滋养人,却使人精神振奋。但你也可以喝啤酒,就像时髦的德国人一样,在啤酒中加入发酵的营养物质,使人发胖,也使人头昏眼花)” (Ibid., S. 150).

Cf.《圍爐詩話》(吳喬)卷一:“意喻之米,文則炊而為飯,詩則釀而為酒。飯不變米形,酒則盡變。噉飯則飽,飲酒則醉,醉則憂者以樂,喜者以悲,如《凱風》、《小弁》之意,斷不可以文章平直之道出之” — a simile much praised by(一个深受赞誉的明喻) 趙秋谷(执信) in his《談龍錄》, 李重華《貞一齋詩說》& 紀曉嵐 in 《點論李義山詩集》卷下(《過崔兗海(戎)故宅》評語)&《點論蘇文忠(轼)詩集》卷五(《和子由記園中草木》第三首評語).

Cf. also Valéry: “La pensée doit être cachée dans les vers comme la vertu nutritive dans un fruit. Un fruit est nourriture, mais il ne paraît que délice. On ne perçoit que du plaisir, mais on reçoit une substance(思想隐藏在诗句中,就像水果中的营养一样。水果亦是食物,看起来很美味。你在感觉到快乐的同时也得到了其中的营养)” (La Littérature, 1930, pp. 17-8);

T.S. Eliot(艾略特,英国诗人、作家): “The chief use of the meaning of a poem is to keep the mind diverted & quiet, while the poem does its work upon him(the reader): much as the imaginary burglar is always provided with a nice piece of meat for the house-dog(一首诗的意义和主要用途是使人的思想得到转移和安静,而这首诗对他(读者)起到了作用:就像想象中的小偷总是会提供给看家狗一块美味的肉一样)” (The Use of Poetry & the Use of Criticism, p. 151);

J.B. Yeats(彦按,疑为W.B.Yeats,William Butler Yeats,威廉·巴特勒·叶芝,爱尔兰诗人、剧作家和散文家): “with poets ideas are consciously or unconsciously part of their technique & of the machinery of poetry... Let poets, by all means, touch on ideas, but let it be only a ‘touching’ & a tentative groping with the sensitive poetical fingers... Religious poetry is poor & always will be so — because it asserts a definite belief where such a thing is impossible(对于诗人来说,思想自觉或不自觉地成为他们技巧的一部分&构成诗歌的组件……让诗人想尽一切办法去触及思想,但让它只是一种‘触动’&用敏感的诗意手指进行试探性的摸索……宗教诗是贫乏的,而且永远都是如此——因为它主张一种明确的信仰,即这样的一种思想在那里(宗教诗)是一种“不可能”)” (Letters to His Son & Others, pp. 220-1);

George Sampson: “Poetry uses matter to get itself expressed. Thus a mnemonic is not poetry; it is matter put into metrical form for the convenience of the memory. The ballad, at first sight, may seem to exist for the sake of the story. The truth is that the story exists for the sake of the ballad, & is memorable as a story because it has been transmuted into form(乍一看,歌谣似乎是为了故事而存在。事实是,故事是为了歌谣而存在的,作为一个故事,它是值得纪念的,因为它已经被转化为另外一种形式的存在). Told in prose as short & simple as the verse, most ballad-stories would be immemorable anecdotes” (Seven Essays, p. 33).

In other words, teaching is the bant but not the bat of poetry. Grillparzer, Valéry & Sampson have been simply applying to poetry the Schillerian criterion for all fine arts: “Das eigentliche Kunst-geheimnis des Meisters, dass er den Stoff durch die Form vertilgt” (Briefe über die ästhetische Erziehung des Menschen, XXII,Schillers Werke in drei Bänden, “Veb”, II, S. 576).

Gottfried Keller(戈特弗里德·凯勒), Brief an B. Auerbach, 25 Feb. 1860 (das Didaktische im Poetischen aufzelöst aufzulösen ist(寓说教于诗意)) “wie Zucker oder Salz im Wasser(犹水中盐饴)” (H. Meyers, Der Sonderling in der deutschen Dichtung, Carl Hanser, S. 197).《傅大士心王銘》(《五燈會元》卷二):“水中鹽味,色裏膠青,決定是有,不見其形。”《遺山文集》36《杜詩學引》:“前人論子美用事有著鹽水中之喻。”《西清詩話》(蔡绦):“作詩用事要如禪家語:‘水中著鹽,飲水乃知鹽味。’”王驥德《曲律論‧用事第二十一》:“又有一等事,用在句中,令人不覺,如禪家所謂撮鹽水中,飲水乃知鹽味,方是妙手。”


H. Taine(泰纳,法国学者) on les honnêtes jeunes filles: “Quand vous voyez à votre future des joues roses et des yeux candides, ne concluez pas qu’elle est un ange, mais qu’on la couche à neuf heures et qu’elle a mangé beaucoup de côtelettes” (Vie et opinions de M. Frédéric-Thomas Graindorge, ch. 5).

Cf. Georg Büchner: “Es ist keine Kunst, ein ehrlicher Mann zu sein, wenn man täglich Suppe, Gemüse und Fleisch zu essen hat” (Sämtliche Werke und Briefe, hrsg. Bergemann, S. 607); Charles Kingsley: “On two thousand a year a man can afford to be honest” (Yeast, ch. 6). Rebecca Sharp in Vanity Fair: “I think I could be a good woman if I had 5000 a year” (The Oxford Thackeray, XI, p. 532). B. Brecht: “Erst kommt das Fressen, dann kommt die Moral(先谈温饱,再论道德)” (“Denn wovon lebt der Mensch?” in Gedichte, hrsg. Hauptmann & Slupianek, I, S. 281);Ital. proverb: “Prima la trippa e poi la virtù.” Horace: “Virtus post nummos” (Epistulae, I. i. 53). Le Neveu de Rameau: “La voix de la conscience et de l'honneur est bien faible, lorsque les boyaux crient(当肠胃尖叫时,良心和荣誉的声音会非常微弱).”



W. Somerset Maugham(毛姆), A Writer’s Notebook(《一个作家的札记》), “The Collected Edition”, p. 282: “One of the misfortunes of human beings is that they continue to have sexual desires long after they are sexually desirable(人类的不幸之一是,他们在性欲满足很久之后仍会然会有).”Cf. Faust, I, 1546-7: “Ich bin zu alt, um nur zu spielen, / Zu jung, um ohne Wunsch zu sein” (彦按,即六〇九则所谓“張三有錢不會使,李四會使却無錢。”)(Faust, Ed. E. Trunz, S. 83). Homer’s Epigrams, 12: “...grey-haired old men whose powers are dulled, but whose hearts still desire(其发虽苍,其力虽弱,而其欲尤炽)” (Hesiod(赫西俄德,古希腊诗人), The Homeric Hymns(《荷马赞美诗》), & Homerica, “Loeb”, p. 473).


In his Dictionary of Slang, p. 57, Partridge says that the word “bitch” is more offensive than the word “whore” & adduces by way of proof the catchphrase, “I may be a whore, but can’t be a bitch!” The reason, I suppose, is that a bitch, like a poet, is born while a whore, like a poet laureate, is made; the former denotes character, & the latter implies circumstances. Partridge should have quoted Joseph Andrews, Bk. I, ch. 17: “‘Get you out of my house, you whore.’ To which she added another name, which we do not care to stain our paper with. It was a monosyllable beginning with a b—, and indeed was the same as if she had pronounced the words, ‘she-dog’” (“The World’s Classics”, p. 81).



Machiavelli(马基亚维利,意大利政治思想家): “Gli uomini sono ciechi nelle cose in cui peccano quanto sono acerrimi persecutori dei vizi che non hanno(人们对自己所犯的罪行视而不见,一如他们对自己所没有的恶行进行残酷的迫害一样。)” (Lettere familiari, ed. E. Alvisi, p. 320 — given in Il Principe e altri scritti minori, “Biblioteca classica Hoepliana”, p. 509).

Cf. Hudibras(《胡迪布拉斯》,塞缪尔·巴特勒的作品), Pt. I, Canto I, ll. 215 f.: “Compound for sins they(the Antinomians)are inclined to, / By damning those they have no mind to(他们(反律法主义者)倾向于通过谴责那些他们不想去做的事来弥补他们的罪过).”

Sir Henry Taylor(亨利·泰勒) also wrote in his Autobiography(《自传》) (1885), vol. I, pp. 92-3: “Every man who aspires to a certain intellectual rank & precedency has his peculiar system of morals made for himself, like his easy chair — in which he arranges himself to his own perfect satisfaction, denouncing ex cathedrâ the easy chairs of all the rest of mankind. There is nothing that is infirm or out of joint in him but some dogma is put in like a cushion to bolster it up... It is not long since I heard a Populationist vehemently reproach a poor but very respectable married gentleman for the sin of having 9 children lawfully begotten. The Populationist, on the other hand, was a single man, & might very possibly be chargeable with sinning against another sort of philosophy(每一个渴望获得某种学术地位和先例的人都有自己独特的道德体系,就像他的安乐椅一样——他把自己放置其中直到完全满意,然后谴责前大教堂是其他所有人的安乐椅。因一些教条像垫子一样被放进去支撑它,在他身上没有任何虚弱或关节不适的地方……没过多久,我就听到一位人口学家强烈谴责一位贫穷但非常受人尊敬的已婚绅士,说他有9个孩子是不合法的。另一方面,人口学家是个单身汉,很可能会被指控违反另一种信条).”



Cf. C. Binet-Sanglé, Le haras humain on the auto-erotism of some French girls(《论一些法国女孩的自我性爱》): “Angèle, chaque soir, sur un siège different, vous vous donnez à vous-même le plaisir que donne un amant... Julie (avec)son accoudoir d’un petit fauteuil” (cited in Ploss, Bartels & Bartels, Woman, tr, by E.J. Dingwall, II, p. 76); cf, Havelock Ellis, Studies in the Psychology of Sex, I, pp. 176-8 on the sewing machine & the bicycle(在缝纫机和自行车上).


Albert Samain(萨曼,法国诗人), Carnets intimes: “Il y a deux sortes d’orgueil: l’un qui fait les vaniteux, l’autre qui fait les modestes. Le second est de beaucoup le plus profond(骄傲有两种:一种是虚荣的,一种是谦虚的,而第二种尤深)” (cited in La Petite Illustration, 12 Août 1939, p. 2 de la couverture).

Cf. Massimo d’Azeglio, I Miei Ricordi: “Quante cose anderebbero meglio al mondo se la vanità si mutasse in orgoglio? Questo basta a sè stesso. La vanità vuol l’applauso” (“Biblioteca classica Hoepliana”, p. 71).

Neither is so good as Swift(乔纳森·斯威夫特)’s observation(前述两者皆远逊斯翁): “Whoever desired the character of a proud Man, ought to conceal his Vanity(无论谁想要成为一个骄傲的人,都应该掩盖他的虚荣心)” (Satires & Personal Writings, ed. W.A. Eddy, p. 413).

Cf. Myriam Le Bargy: “La recherche des honneurs et des décorations est vanité; les mépriser relève de l’orgueil(追求荣誉和装饰是虚荣的;蔑视之则是骄傲的)”; André Siegfried: “La vaniteux met tous ses titres sur sa corte de visite ou sur son tombeau; l’orgueilleux n’y inscrit que son seul nom(虚荣的妇人把她所有的头衔都写在墓碑上;骄傲的人则只写自己的名字).”


Which reminds of the cliché in the Arabian Nights(《天方夜谭》) about a man’s “zabb swelling & lifting his garment in front of him” (The Thousand Nights & One Night, tr. P. Mathers, I, p. 511; cf. Catallus, XXXII,11, see 第五十二則).(此語補於《手稿集》1059 頁夾縫,所繫札記一節(“《禪真逸史》第二十一回:‘少年子弟見了,個個豎起旗竿來’”云云)已全刪去。第五十二則“Catallus, XXXII,11”亦已刪。)





卷九:“古人有言曰:‘止罵所以助罵,助罵所以止罵。’”(此語補於《手稿集》1064 頁眉,不知何所指。)













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  5. x240无线网卡驱动 linux,Linux2.6移植:DM9000驱动
  6. java程序员面试自我介绍范文
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  8. Python 多行注释
  9. 计算机及软件工程专业职称,有关软件工程师职称
  10. Day2 | SpringBoot电商mall项目学习