
Looking for a way to increase the performance of your netbook?  Here’s how you can use a standard SD memory card or a USB flash drive to boost performance with ReadyBoost.

寻找提高上网本性能的方法吗? 使用ReadyBoost可以使用标准SD存储卡或USB闪存驱动器来提高性能。

Most netbooks ship with 1Gb of Ram, and many older netbooks shipped with even less.  Even if you want to add more ram, often they can only be upgraded to a max of 2GB.  With ReadyBoost in Windows 7, it’s easy to boost your system’s performance with flash memory.  If your netbook has an SD card slot, you can insert a memory card into it and just leave it there to always boost your netbook’s memory; otherwise, you can use a standard USB flash drive the same way. Also, you can use ReadyBoost on any desktop or laptop; ones with limited memory will see the most performance increase from using it.

大多数上网本附带1Gb的Ram,而许多较旧的上网本则更少。 即使您想添加更多的ram,通常它们也只能升级到最大2GB。 使用Windows 7中的ReadyBoost,可以通过闪存轻松提高系统性能。 如果您的上网本有SD卡插槽,则可以将存储卡插入其中,然后将其留在那里以始终增加上网本的内存; 否则,您可以以相同方式使用标准USB闪存驱动器。 另外,您可以在任何台式机或笔记本电脑上使用ReadyBoost; 内存有限的用户可以通过使用它获得最大的性能提升。

Please Note:  ReadyBoost requires at least 256Mb of free space on your flash drive, and also requires minimum read/write speeds.  Most modern memory cards or flash drives meet these requirements, but be aware that an old card may not work with it.

请注意:ReadyBoost在您的闪存驱动器上至少需要256Mb的可用空间,并且还要求最低的读/写速度。 大多数现代存储卡或闪存驱动器都满足这些要求,但请注意,旧存储卡可能无法使用。

Using ReadyBoost


Insert an SD card into your card reader, or connect a USB flash drive to a USB port on your computer.  Windows will automatically see if your flash memory is ReadyBoost capable, and if so, you can directly choose to speed up your computer with ReadyBoost.

将SD卡插入读卡器,或将USB闪存驱动器连接到计算机上的USB端口。 Windows将自动查看您的闪存是否具有ReadyBoost功能,如果可以,您可以直接选择使用ReadyBoost来加快计算机速度。

The ReadyBoost settings dialog will open when you select this.  Choose “Use this device” and choose how much space you want ReadyBoost to use.

选择此项后,将打开“ ReadyBoost设置”对话框。 选择“使用此设备”,然后选择要使用ReadyBoost的空间。

Click Ok, and Windows will setup ReadyBoost and start using it to speed up your computer.  It will automatically use ReadyBoost whenever the card is connected to the computer.

单击“确定”,Windows将设置ReadyBoost并开始使用它来加速计算机。 只要将卡连接到计算机,它将自动使用ReadyBoost。

When you view your SD card or flash drive in Explorer, you will notice a ReadyBoost file the size you chose before.  This will be deleted when you eject your card or flash drive.

在资源管理器中查看SD卡或闪存驱动器时,您会注意到一个ReadyBoost文件,该文件的大小与之前选择的大小相同。 当您弹出卡或闪存驱动器时,该文件将被删除。

If you need to remove your drive to use elsewhere, simply eject as normal.


Windows will inform you that the drive is currently being used.  Make sure you have closed any programs or files you had open from the drive, and then press Continue to stop ReadyBoost and eject your drive.

Windows将通知您当前正在使用该驱动器。 确保已关闭从驱动器中打开的所有程序或文件,然后按继续以停止ReadyBoost并弹出驱动器。

If you remove the drive without ejecting it, the ReadyBoost file may still remain on the drive.  You can delete this to save space on the drive, and the cache will be recreated when you use ReadyBoost next time.

如果卸下驱动器而不弹出它,则ReadyBoost文件可能仍保留在驱动器上。 您可以删除它以节省驱动器上的空间,下次您使用ReadyBoost时将重新创建缓存。



Although ReadyBoost may not make your netbook feel like a Core i7 laptop with 6GB of RAM, it will still help performance and make multitasking even easier.  Also, if you have, say, a memory stick and a flash drive, you can use both of them with ReadyBoost for the maximum benefit.  We have even noticed better battery life when multitasking with ReadyBoost, as it lets you use your hard drive less.

尽管ReadyBoost可能不会让您的上网本像具有6GB RAM的Core i7笔记本电脑,但它仍将有助于提高性能并使多任务处理更加容易。 另外,如果您有一个记忆棒和一个闪存驱动器,则可以将它们与ReadyBoost一起使用以最大程度地受益。 使用ReadyBoost进行多任务处理时,我们甚至已经注意到了更长的电池寿命,因为它可以减少硬盘的使用。

SD cards and thumb drives are relatively cheap today, and many of us have several already, so this is a great way to improve netbook performance cheaply.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15265/boost-netbook-speed-with-an-sd-card-readyboost/



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