Apq.namespace( "Apq.Threading" );

if( !Apq.Threading.Thread )
 Apq.Threading.Thread = Apq.Class( "Apq.Threading.Thread" );

/// <t=0>启动延时时间</t>
 /// <m=true>是否允许多次排队</m>
 Apq.Threading.Thread.prototype.ctor = function( ThreadStart, t, args, o, m ){
  this.t = t || 0;
  this.ThreadStart = ThreadStart;
  this.args = args;
  this.o = o;
  this.m = m == null ? true : m;
  this.ids = []; // 排队号码集合
 Apq.Threading.Thread.prototype.Enqueue = function(){
  if( !this.m && this.ids.length )
   throw new Error( -1, "该线程不允许重复排队" );
  var id = Apq.setTimeout( this.t, this.ThreadStart, arguments.length ? arguments : this.args, this.o );
  this.ids.push( id );
  return id;
 Apq.Threading.Thread.prototype.Dequeue = function( id ){
  id = id || this.ids.concat();
  if( id instanceof Array )
   if( id.length )
    for( var i = 0; i < id.length; i++ )
     this.Dequeue( id[i] );
  else if( this.ids.Contains( id ) )
   clearTimeout( id );
   this.ids.Remove( id );



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