

可能需要对int, string, char等进行格式化,常用的方法包括 snprintf, std::string, std::stringstream, boost::format等。

snprintf支持c语言,可能是这几种方式中效率最高的,它们之间的效率对比可以参考 Comparing the performance of a sequence of several generators 。





format有两种使用风格,一种类似于 printf,另一种使用占位符,类似于c#。



const double almostpi = 22.0 / 7.0;// Printf
printf("Pi is %f\n", almostpi);// Boost format with printf syntax
boost::format printf_formatting("Pi is %f\n");
std::cout << printf_formatting % almostpi;// Boost format with positional syntax
boost::format position_formatting("Pi is %1%\n");
std::cout << position_formatting % almostpi;// Output:
// Pi is 3.142857
// Pi is 3.142857
// Pi is 3.14286

显然,format的使用与printf类似,使用 %f 格式化一个浮点数,默认的精度是6位小数。


const double almostpi = 22.0 / 7.0;
const double distancetosun = 149600000000.0;    // meters
const double earthorbitlength = 2 * almostpi * distancetosun;// Printf
printf("Earth orbit distance is %f meters\n", earthorbitlength);// Boost format with printf syntax
boost::format printf_formatting("Earth orbit distance is %f meters\n");
std::cout << printf_formatting % earthorbitlength;// Boost format with positional syntax
boost::format position_formatting("Earth orbit distance is %1% meters\n");
std::cout << position_formatting % earthorbitlength;// Output:
// Earth orbit distance is 940342857142.857180 meters
// Earth orbit distance is 940342857142.857180 meters
// Earth orbit distance is 9.40343e+011 meters

使得 %1% 占位符时,当数值较大时,会使用科学计数法(大概6-7个字符长度时会使用)。



boost::format scinotation("Do we use scientific? '%1%'\n");// %llu时也会显示科学计数法for (size_t n=0; n<15; ++n)
{double value = 1 * pow(10, n) + 0.5;std::cout << scinotation % value;
}// Output:
// Do we use scientific? '1.5'
// Do we use scientific? '10.5'
// Do we use scientific? '100.5'
// Do we use scientific? '1000.5'
// Do we use scientific? '10000.5'
// Do we use scientific? '100001'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+006'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+007'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+008'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+009'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+010'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+011'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+012'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+013'
// Do we use scientific? '1e+014'

另外,在实际使用中,如果使用了不匹配的标记符时,如使用了%llu, 而实际数值却是double时,也会以科学计数法显示。

可以使用 %e 显示指定以科学计数法显示。



// Printf
printf("Pi is '%10.2f'\n", almostpi);// Boost format with printf syntax
boost::format printf_formatting("Pi is '%10.2f'\n");
std::cout << printf_formatting % almostpi;// Boost format with positional syntax
boost::format position_formatting("Pi is '%1$10.2f'\n");
std::cout << position_formatting % almostpi;// Output:
// Pi is '      3.14'
// Pi is '      3.14'
// Pi is '      3.14'



// 直接输出
cout << boost::format("%s") % "this is what i want" << endl; // 结合 string
string s;
s = str(boost::format("%s") % "this is what i want");
cout << s << endl;// 使用 formater
boost::format fmt("%s");
fmt % "this is what i want";
string s = fmt.str();
cout << s << endl;// 占位符
cout << boost::format("%1%") % "this is what i want" << endl;


format 异常时会throw 异常信息,所以要使用try语句块处理异常,否则程序默认会终止。如:

{cout << boost::format("%d%d") % 1 << endl;
catch (std::exception const &e)
{cout << e.what() << endl;
catch (...)
{cout << "format error" << endl;
}// output
// boost::too_few_args: format-string refered to more arguments than were passed


Boost::format (and wformat) examples – numbers: int, float, double
Comparing the performance of a sequence of several generators

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