It didn’t feel right(感觉不是很好) to lie.Besides even a seventh grader would know that entire families aren’t allergic to eggs.But I didn’t wanna hurt her feelings either. (让她难过)

So that left me with only one option(只剩一条路).and another near-death experience in my ongoing saga with Juli had been successfully avoided.

Until one week later.

Hi,brought you some more eggs.


Did your family like the first batch(第一批)?

Do you even have to ask.(还用问吗)

Great. see you at school.

what I hoped would be a one-time event was just the beginning of a life consumed with lies,intrigue and deception.

Every morning I’d be on the lookout for(留意某人) Juli so if she happened to come.I could whip the door open(迅速开门) before she knocked.

Then I’d dump(倒掉) the eggs before anyone noticed(趁没人注意).==Why couldn’t I == just face her? Why couldn’t I just say,NO.Don’t want them.Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings or was I just afraid of her?

When Mrs.Brubeck first suggested hatching eggs as my science project I was less than(没那么) excited. That is, until(直到) I saw my first sign of life.

That is the embryo(胚胎).

It looks like a bean.

Let’s try the other ones.

Suddenly it felt real.All the eggs were alive .There were little bean babies inside every one.

On the day of the fair. all six chicks hatched.What are the odds?

This year’s top prize(冠军) goes to Juli for her wonderful project.

I won the first place.and that was cool,but all I really cared about were my chicks.

My mom wasn’t crazy about us raising chickens.But I begged and pleased.I told her I would take care of everything and I did.

What’s the matter?

And it turned hens laid(下蛋) more eggs we could eat.At first ,we tried to keep up but after a month of boiling,frying and deviling like that movie we were overtaken.

If you ever have any extra(如果有多余的).I’d be happy to buy them from you.


I happen to know Mrs.hellen would be interested as well.



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