
function self = netcdf(theFilename, thePermission)% netcdf/netcdf -- Constructor for netcdf class.
%  netcdf (no arguments) shows extensive "help".
%  netcdf('version') shows the present version number.
%  netcdf('theFilename', 'thePermission') creates and/or
%   opens 'theFilename' if 'thePermission' is one of
%   {'clobber', 'noclobber', 'write', 'nowrite'} or a
%   unique abbreviation thereof.  The "netcdf" object
%   is assigned silently to "ans" if no output argument
%   is provided.
%  netcdf('thePermission') invokes Matlab's "uiputfile"
%   or "uigetfile" dialog for selecting the file to create
%   or open, respectively, depending on 'thePermission'
%   (default = 'nowrite' if possible, then 'noclobber').
%  netcdf('random') creates a NetCDF file with a unique,
%   random name, suitable for use as a temporary file.
%  self = netcdf (no argument) calls "netcdf('nowrite')",
%   which invokes matlab's "uigetfile" dialog.  The returned
%   "self" is the "netcdf" object that was opened.
%  netcdf(theNCid) returns a "netcdf" object corresponding
%   to theNCid of an open NetCDF file.  This function does
%   not re-open the file.  TheNCid is the formal identifi
% <<<<<<<<<< Language Synopsis of the NetCDF Toolbox >>>>>>>>>>
%   [...] denotes default value.
%   Create or open a NetCDF file:
%      f = netcdf('myNetCDF.nc', 'clobber | noclobber')
%      f = netcdf('myNetCDF.nc', 'write | [nowrite]')
%         where f is the returned "netcdf" object.
%      f = netcdf('clobber | noclobber') for "uiputfile" dialog.
%      f = netcdf('write | [nowrite]') for "uigetfile" dialog.
%      f = netcdf('random') to create a randomly named file.
%   Define a NetCDF global attribute:
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [myGlobalAttributeDoubleData]
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = 'myGlobalAttributeCharData'
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = nctype(myGlobalAttributeData)
%         where nctype = [ncdouble] | ncfloat | nclong | ...
%                         ncint | ncshort | ncbyte | [ncchar]
%         (N.B. default depends on context.)
%         (See "NetCDF User's Guide" for datatype definitions.)
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      g = f.myGlobalAttribute is the object.
%      g(:) = [] deletes the attribute.
%   Define a NetCDF record-dimension:
%      f('myRecordDimension') = 0 defines a record-dimension.
%      f('myRecordDimension') = [] deletes the dimension.
%      r = f('myRecordDimension') is the object.
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [myGlobalAttributeDoubleData]
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = 'myGlobalAttributeCharData'
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = nctype(myGlobalAttributeData)
%         where nctype = [ncdouble] | ncfloat | nclong | ...
%                         ncint | ncshort | ncbyte | [ncchar]
%         (N.B. default depends on context.)
%         (See "NetCDF User's Guide" for datatype definitions.)
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      g = f.myGlobalAttribute is the object.
%      g(:) = [] deletes the attribute.
%   Define a NetCDF record-dimension:
%      f('myRecordDimension') = 0 defines a record-dimension.
%      f('myRecordDimension') = [] deletes the dimension.
%      r = f('myRecordDimension') is the object.
%      r(:) = [] deletes the dimension.
%      r(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF dimension:
%      f('myDimension') = myDimensionLength
%      f('myDimension') = [] deletes the dimension.
%      d = f('myDimension') is the object.
%      d(:) = [] deletes the dimension.
%      d(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%      isrecdim(d) determines whether d is the record-dimension.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether d is a coordinate-dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF variable:
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myRecordDimension, myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(r, d, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(d, ...)
%      f('myVariable') = [] deletes the variable.
%      v = f{'myVariable'} returns the object.
%      v = f{'myVariable', 1} returns the object -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(:) = [] deletes the variable.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether v is a coordinate-variable.
%      isscalar(v) determines whether v is a scalar-variable.
%      d(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%      isrecdim(d) determines whether d is the record-dimension.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether d is a coordinate-dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF variable:
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myRecordDimension, myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(r, d, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(d, ...)
%      f('myVariable') = [] deletes the variable.
%      v = f{'myVariable'} returns the object.
%      v = f{'myVariable', 1} returns the object -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(:) = [] deletes the variable.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether v is a coordinate-variable.
%      isscalar(v) determines whether v is a scalar-variable.
%   Define a NetCDF attribute:
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = nctype(myAttributeData)
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      v.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      v.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%   Define a NetCDF attribute:
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = nctype(myAttributeData)
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      v.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      v.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%      v.myAttribute = nctype(myAttributeData)
%      v.myAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      a = f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute is the object.
%      a = v.myAttribute is the object.
%      a(:) = [] deletes the attribute.
%   Store and retrieve NetCDF variable data:
%      f{'myVariable'}(i, j, ...) = myVariableData
%      f{'myVariable', 1}(i, j, ...) = myVariableData -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(i, j, ...) = myVariableData
%      myVariableData = f{'myVariable'}(i, j, ...)
%      myVariableData = f{'myVariable', 1}(i, j, ...) -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      myVariableData = v(i, j, ...)
%   Store and retrieve NetCDF attribute data: (always a row vector)
%      f.myGlobalAttribute(i) = myGlobalAttributeData
%      g(i) = myGlobalAttributeData
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute(i) = myAttributeData
%      v.myAttribute(i) = myAttributeData
%      a(i) = myAttributeData
%      myGlobalAttributeData = f.myGlobalAttribute(i)
%      myGlobalAttributeData = g(i)
%      myAttributeData = f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute(i)
%      myAttributeData = v.myAttribute(i)
%      myAttributeData = a(i)
%      EXCEPTION: v.FillValue_ references the "_FillValue" attribute.
%                 Use the "fillval(v, ...)" method to avoid confusion.
%   Store and retrieve NetCDF record data:
%      s = f(0) returns the object.
%      t = s(0) returns the record template as a struct.
%      u = r(i) returns the i-th record data as a struct.
%      d = f('myDimension') is the object.
%      d(:) = [] deletes the dimension.
%      d(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%      isrecdim(d) determines whether d is the record-dimension.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether d is a coordinate-dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF variable:
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myRecordDimension, myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(r, d, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(d, ...)
%      f('myVariable') = [] deletes the variable.
%      v = f{'myVariable'} returns the object.
%      v = f{'myVariable', 1} returns the object -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(:) = [] deletes the variable.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether v is a coordinate-variable.
%      isscalar(v) determines whether v is a scalar-variable.
%   Define a NetCDF attribute:
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = nctype(myAttributeData)
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      v.myAttribute = [myAttributeDoubleData]
%      v.myAttribute = 'myAttributeCharData'
%      v.myAttribute = nctype(myAttributeData)
%      v.myAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      a = f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute is the object.
%      a = v.myAttribute is the object.
%      a(:) = [] deletes the attribute.
%   Store and retrieve NetCDF variable data:
%      f{'myVariable'}(i, j, ...) = myVariableData
%      f{'myVariable', 1}(i, j, ...) = myVariableData -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(i, j, ...) = myVariableData
%      myVariableData = f{'myVariable'}(i, j, ...)
%      myVariableData = f{'myVariable', 1}(i, j, ...) -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      myVariableData = v(i, j, ...)
%   Store and retrieve NetCDF attribute data: (always a row vector)
%      f.myGlobalAttribute(i) = myGlobalAttributeData
%      g(i) = myGlobalAttributeData
%      f{'myVariable'}.myAttribute(i) = myAttributeData
%      v.myAttribute(i) = myAttributeData
%      a(i) = myAttributeData
%      myGlobalAttributeData = f.myGlobalAttribute(i)
%      myGlobalAttributeData = g(i)
%  netcdf(theNCid) returns a "netcdf" object corresponding
%   to theNCid of an open NetCDF file.  This function does
%   not re-open the file.  TheNCid is the formal identification
%   number that would be returned ordinarily by a call to the
%   NetCDF "nccreate" or "ncopen" function.
%  Other permissions: The word 'readonly' is a synonym for 'nowrite'.
%   The word 'define' can be used to open an existing file in 'define'
%   mode, although this is not strictly necessary, since the "NetCDF
%   Toolbox" switches context automatically, as needed.
% <<<<<<<<<< Language Synopsis of the NetCDF Toolbox >>>>>>>>>>
%   [...] denotes default value.
%   Create or open a NetCDF file:
%      f = netcdf('myNetCDF.nc', 'clobber | noclobber')
%      f = netcdf('myNetCDF.nc', 'write | [nowrite]')
%         where f is the returned "netcdf" object.
%      f = netcdf('clobber | noclobber') for "uiputfile" dialog.
%      f = netcdf('write | [nowrite]') for "uigetfile" dialog.
%      f = netcdf('random') to create a randomly named file.
%   Define a NetCDF global attribute:
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [myGlobalAttributeDoubleData]
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = 'myGlobalAttributeCharData'
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = nctype(myGlobalAttributeData)
%         where nctype = [ncdouble] | ncfloat | nclong | ...
%                         ncint | ncshort | ncbyte | [ncchar]
%         (N.B. default depends on context.)
%         (See "NetCDF User's Guide" for datatype definitions.)
%      f.myGlobalAttribute = [] deletes the attribute.
%      g = f.myGlobalAttribute is the object.
%      g(:) = [] deletes the attribute.
%   Define a NetCDF record-dimension:
%      f('myRecordDimension') = 0 defines a record-dimension.
%      f('myRecordDimension') = [] deletes the dimension.
%      r = f('myRecordDimension') is the object.
%      r(:) = [] deletes the dimension.
%      r(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF dimension:
%      f('myDimension') = myDimensionLength
%      f('myDimension') = [] deletes the dimension.
%      d = f('myDimension') is the object.
%      d(:) = [] deletes the dimension.
%      d(:) = newSize resizes the dimension.
%      isrecdim(d) determines whether d is the record-dimension.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether d is a coordinate-dimension.
%   Define a NetCDF variable:
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myRecordDimension, myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(myDimension, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(r, d, ...)
%      f{'myVariable'} = nctype(d, ...)
%      f('myVariable') = [] deletes the variable.
%      v = f{'myVariable'} returns the object.
%      v = f{'myVariable', 1} returns the object -- auto-scaling enabled.
%      v(:) = [] deletes the variable.
%      iscoord(v) determines whether v is a coordinate-variable.
%      isscalar(v) determines whether v is a scalar-variable.
%   Define a NetCDF attribute:
function self = netcdf(theFilename, thePermission)% netcdf/netcdf -- Constructor for netcdf class.
%  netcdf (no arguments) shows extensive "help".
%  netcdf('version') shows the present version number.
%  netcdf('theFilename', 'thePermission') creates and/or
%   opens 'theFilename' if 'thePermission' is one of
%   {'clobber', 'noclobber', 'write', 'nowrite'} or a
%   unique abbreviation thereof.  The "netcdf" object
%   is assigned silently to "ans" if no output argument
%   is provided.
%  netcdf('thePermission') invokes Matlab's "uiputfile"
%   or "uigetfile" dialog for selecting the file to create
%   or open, respectively, depending on 'thePermission'
%   (default = 'nowrite' if possible, then 'noclobber').
%  netcdf('random') creates a NetCDF file with a unique,
%   random name, suitable for use as a temporary file.
% Copyright (C) 1996-7 Dr. Charles R. Denham, ZYDECO.
%  All Rights Reserved.
%   Disclosure without explicit written consent from the
%    copyright owner does not constitute publication.


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