
NTP is a core protocol used today’s IT infrastructure to synchronize date and time information. In order to work properly, we need to configuration NTP port in our server, client and intermediate systems like switch, firewall, router.

NTP是当今IT基础结构使用的核心协议,用于同步日期和时间信息。 为了正常工作,我们需要在服务器,客户端和交换机,防火墙,路由器等中间系统中配置NTP端口。

NTP端口UDP 123 (NTP Port UDP 123)

NTP uses the UDP port number 123 by default. NTP services run on UDP protocol because of the UDP simplicity and performative behavior. NTP is also a very simple protocol just like ask and get response manner which is very well suited with the connectionless UDP protocol.

NTP默认使用UDP端口号123。 由于UDP的简单性和执行行为,NTP服务在UDP协议上运行。 NTP也是一种非常简单的协议,就像“问与答”响应方式一样,非常适合无连接UDP协议。

可靠的NTP端口TCP 123 (Reliable NTP Port TCP 123)

As stated previously NTP uses UDP transmission protocol by default with port number 123. As UDP is not fully reliable protocol it may create some problems during usage. TCP provides more reliable transmission of the protocol packages. So TCP port number 123 can be used for more reliable and less problematic NTP transmission.

如前所述,NTP默认使用端口号为123的UDP传输协议。由于UDP并非完全可靠的协议,因此在使用过程中可能会产生一些问题。 TCP提供了更可靠的协议包传输。 因此,TCP端口号123可用于更可靠和较少问题的NTP传输。

Linux NTP端口配置 (Linux NTP Port Configuration)

In this part, we will learn basic steps to list and change NTP port configuration. These steps can be run all major Linux distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Kali, Fedora and CentOS.

在这一部分中,我们将学习列出和更改NTP端口配置的基本步骤。 这些步骤可以在所有主要Linux发行版上运行,例如Ubuntu,Debian,Mint,Kali,Fedora和CentOS。

列出NTP服务端口 (List NTP Service Ports)

We will start by listing NTP ports with the tool netstat and grep . We will grep port number 123 from the output of the netstat command listening UDP and TCP ports.

我们将从使用工具netstatgrep列出NTP端口开始。 我们将从netstat命令的输出中grep端口号123监听UDP和TCP端口。

$ netstat -tuln | grep 123

List NTP Ports

We can see that there are NTP services listening port number 123 in different interfaces like localhost which is and all interfaces


打印NTP服务状态 (Print NTP Service Status)

In Linux distributions, NTP services status can be listed with the systemctl command like below.


$ systemctl status ntp

Print NTP Service Status
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LEARN MORE  What Is Nettime and How To Use Nettime?

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翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/ntp-port-number-and-configuration-tutorial-for-linux-local-system/



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