
1.In so far as/insofar as 到这种程度

2.inquiry 调查=research


my fellow Chinese 中国同胞
my fellow officials
fellow actors
fellows 大伙、同事

4.considerably 大量地

considerable adj.大量的(able-capable能够,能够考虑的)
considerate adj.体贴的(为他人考虑的)
consider v.考虑

vary considerably/significantly/greatly/widely
vary slightly
vary in size/length/degree/quality
4.vary according to…根据… .有什么不同
Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object.
5.vary from…to…
Office hours vary from company to company.
The incomes of self- employed professionals can vary widely from one month to the next.(自由工作者的收入每月都有所不同)

5.patent 专利

take out a patent 拿出专利
apply for a patent 申请专利
give/grant a patent 授予专利
infringe a patent 侵犯专利

6.chance adj.随机的;偶然的

a chance meeting/encounter 一次偶然的会议/相遇

7.nature 自然、本质(天生)- nurture 培养、教养(后天)

8.reluctant adj.勉强的,不情愿的

be willing to do sth
be unwilling to do sth=be reluctant to to sth

9.such and such…某某(形容词或代词)

People from such and such areas/a place…
If you were born in such and such a year…
If you earn such and such per year…(代词,代money)

If I ask you to arrive at such and such a time, you should get there 10 minutes early.


for fear of sth
for fear (that)…

He won’t say anything/ for fear (of) losing his job.
He won’t say anything/ for fear (that) he would lose his job.(虚拟语气)


1.inspect- inspection v.检查观察 视察
The customs officer inspected my passport suspiciously.
2.suspect- suspicion-suspicious
suspect v.怀疑 n.嫌疑犯
The suspect also died in the hospital.
3.prospect-prospective n.前景v.寻找
I don’t have a job. I don’t have any prospects.
4.retrospect n.回顾,回想v.回顾,追溯
In retrospect, I think that I was wrong.
5.speculative 推测的,投机的


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