C4D模型导出到网页插件 C4D Web Exporter(WIN)

PlugInTransform.png (163.29 KB, 下载次数: 119) 2016-5-16 01:39 上传

Welcome to the experimental web exporter plug-in for CINEMA 4D. Export your CINEMA 4D geometry directly to a real-time 3D browser experience. Let others interactively inspect your geometry on the web.

How to install/run

BEFORE Installing the C4D plug-in make sure to have the

Visual Studio 15 C++ runtime and the

.NET 4.6 framework or higher

installed on your Windows computer. After that you can

Download FuseeC4DWebExporter.exe (3.3 MB)

and run it to install the plug-in. After the installation your CINEMA 4D’s File->Export menu will show the “FUSEE Web Viewer (*.html)” option.



CINEMA 4D crashes on startup after the plug-in was installed

Most likely one of the prerequisites is missing. Try installing the Visual Studio 15 C++ runtime or higher and the .NET 4.6 framework To remove the plugin execute the uninstaller or manually remove the two subdirectories “FuExport” and “ManagedPlugIn” found in the “plugins” subdirectory of your CINEMA 4D installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R17\plugins).

I downloaded the file but Windows refuses to execute the installer

If you start the executable directly from your web browser Windows SmartScreen might report a potentially unsafe action by saying “Windows SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized program from starting…”. In this case please click on “More Info” (“Weitere Informationen”) and then on “Run anyway” (“Trotzdem ausführen”). Alternatively you could download the executable to some place on your disk, right-click the executable and display its properties. At the bottom of the properties dialog you might find a “Security” entry stating that “This file came from another computer…”. Hit “Unblock” (“Zulassen”) and start the executable.

When I double-click on the generated HTML file the browser doesn’t show the scene

Most web browsers will not allow you to view the scene directly from the disk where you saved it by simply double-clicking on the HTML file. Opening the HTML file from a web server will work, though. To open the scene locally with different browsers, try the following:

Chrome use the –allow-file-access-from-files command line parameter.

Firefox you need to go to about:config (just type it in the address bar and hit enter), filter for “origin” and change the “security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy” to false.

I uploaded the generated HTML to a server but I cannot load the scene

Make sure to upload the entire contents generated by the plug-in including the “Assets” subfolder placed near the HTML file.

There are polygons missing in the exported scene

Currently the plug-in converts all geometry to triangles and takes only the first 65K triangles of each object. If your scene results in a huge amount of polygons triangles (e.g. by using subdivision, sculpting,..), this will likely happen. Reduce your geometry before exporting. Note that while exporting the “Renderer” setting for subdivision objects will be used (not the “Editor” setting).

Parts of my material settings are not converted

Currently the plug-in only converts the following material channels: Color, Luminance, Specular (standard specular reflectivity channel in R16), Normal. Only normal maps in “Object” mode are supported.

My geometry appears unlit (dark/black)

Make sure your geometry’s normals are all directed towards the object’s outsite. Do not use negative scaling values in any object’s Coordinate settings. Even better: do not use other scaling values than 1.


How do I export to HTML

When the plugin is installed correctly, your CINEMA 4D’s File->Export menu will show the “FUSEE Web Viewer” entry. Simply click on this menu entry and choose a place where to save the resulting HTML and accompanying files.


After successfully saving the output, CINEMA 4D will open your favorite browser directly showing the resulting web page. Note that besides the HTML file, the export PlugIn will also generate a subfolder called “Assets” within the chosen directory. This subfolder contains necessary data and scripts to interactively display the 3D model. When uploading the HTML scene to web space, make sure to upload the Assets folder and its entire contents as well.

How to view the scene locally

Please note that most web browsers will not allow you to view the scene directly from the disk where you saved it by simply double-clicking on the HTML file. This is due to default security settings that wont allow you to load files from local storage. However, you can change those settings. In Chrome you need to start the chrome executable with the –allow-file-access-from-files command line parameter. In Firefox you need to go to about:config (just type it in the address bar and hit enter), filter for “origin” and change the “security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy” to false.

I have a MAC, what can I do?

Currently the plug-in is only supported on Windows machines. The resulting HTML page runs on all major WebGL enabled browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, IE) on all supported desktop operating systems. A pretty unstable MAC version exists but due to limited resources we cannot continuously work on it. Send an email if you want to try the MAC version.

How do I uninstall the PlugIn?

To remove the plugin execute the uninstaller or manually remove the two subdirectories “FuExport” and “ManagedPlugIn” found in the “plugins” subdirectory of your CINEMA 4D installation (e.g. C:\Program Files\MAXON\CINEMA 4D R17\plugins).

What CINEMA 4D features are supported on export?

The FUSEE Web exporter plug-in currently supports every CINEMA 4D geometry object capable of being converted to polygons and resulting in less than 65K triangles (per object). Exported Material settings are Color, Luminance, Specular (standard specular reflectivity channel in R16), Normal (only normal maps in “Object” mode). Keyframe animations on the timeline are exported for position, scale and rotation keys. An experimental support for bone animations unsing CINEMA 4D Joints is implemented as well.

What will the installer do to my system?

The instalation will add two two new directories (“FuExport” and “ManagedPlugIn”) to the plugins folder of your CINEMA 4D installation.

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