

f ( x ) = a x 2 − ( a + 6 ) x + 3 ln ⁡ x f(x)=ax^2-(a+6)x+3\ln x f(x)=ax2−(a+6)x+3lnx
(1)讨论当 a = 1 a=1 a=1时, f ( x ) f(x) f(x)的单调区间
(2)求得实数 a a a的一个范围使得当 2 ≤ x ≤ 3 e 2\leq x \leq 3e 2≤x≤3e时 f ( x ) ≥ − 6 f(x)\geq-6 f(x)≥−6恒成立

( 1 ) \quad(1) (1)当 a = 1 a=1 a=1时, f ( x ) = x 2 − 7 x + 3 ln ⁡ x f(x)=x^2-7x+3\ln x f(x)=x2−7x+3lnx

\qquad 定义域为 ( 0 , + ∞ ) (0,+\infty) (0,+∞), f ′ ( x ) = 2 x − 7 + 3 x = 2 x 2 − 7 x + 3 x = ( x − 3 ) ( 2 x − 1 ) x f'(x)=2x-7+\dfrac 3x=\dfrac{2x^2-7x+3}{x}=\dfrac{(x-3)(2x-1)}{x} f′(x)=2x−7+x3​=x2x2−7x+3​=x(x−3)(2x−1)​

\qquad 可能的极值点: x 1 = 1 2 , x 2 = 3 x_1=\dfrac 12,x_2=3 x1​=21​,x2​=3

( 0 , 1 2 ) ( 0,\dfrac 12) (0,21​) 1 2 \dfrac 12 21​ ( 1 2 , 3 ) (\dfrac 12,3) (21​,3) 3 3 3 ( 3 , + ∞ ) (3,+\infty) (3,+∞)
f ′ ( x ) f'(x) f′(x) + + + 0 0 0 − - − 0 0 0 + + +
f ( x ) f(x) f(x) ↗ \nearrow ↗ 极大值 ↘ \searrow ↘ 极小值 ↗ \nearrow ↗

\qquad 单调递增区间为 ( 0 , 1 2 ] (0,\dfrac 12] (0,21​]和 [ 3 , + ∞ ) [3,+\infty) [3,+∞),单调递减区间为 [ 1 2 , 3 ] [\dfrac 12,3] [21​,3]

( 2 ) f ′ ( x ) = 2 a x − ( a + 6 ) x + 3 ln ⁡ x = ( a x − 3 ) ( 2 x − 1 ) x \quad(2)f'(x)=2ax-(a+6)x+3\ln x=\dfrac{(ax-3)(2x-1)}{x} (2)f′(x)=2ax−(a+6)x+3lnx=x(ax−3)(2x−1)​

\qquad 依题意, f ( 2 ) = 2 a − 12 + 3 ln ⁡ 2 ≥ − 6 f(2)=2a-12+3\ln 2\geq-6 f(2)=2a−12+3ln2≥−6,即 a ≥ 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 a\geq 3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2} a≥3−23ln2​

\qquad 当 a ≤ 6 a\leq6 a≤6时, 3 a ≥ 1 2 \dfrac{3}{a}\geq\dfrac 12 a3​≥21​, ( 3 a , + ∞ ) (\dfrac 3a,+\infty) (a3​,+∞)为单调递增区间

\qquad 当 a > 6 a>6 a>6时, 3 a < 1 2 \dfrac 3a<\dfrac 12 a3​<21​, ( 1 2 , + ∞ ) (\dfrac 12,+\infty) (21​,+∞)为单调递增区间

\qquad 所以当 a ≥ 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 a\geq3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2} a≥3−23ln2​时, ( 2 , + ∞ ) (2,+\infty) (2,+∞)为单调递增区间

\qquad 所以 f ( 3 e ) > f ( 2 ) ≥ − 6 f(3e)>f(2)\geq-6 f(3e)>f(2)≥−6

\qquad 综上所述, a a a的取值范围为 ( 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 , + ∞ ) (3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2},+\infty) (3−23ln2​,+∞)


Dear Peter: \text{Dear Peter:} Dear Peter:

I’m glad to write this letter to you.And I have solved the quetion you asked me before.Now let me tell you how  \qquad \text{I'm glad to write this letter to you.And I have solved the quetion you asked me before.Now let me tell you how } I’m glad to write this letter to you.And I have solved the quetion you asked me before.Now let me tell you how 
to do it. \text{to do it.} to do it.

For the first quetion,when a=1, f ( x ) = x 2 − 7 x + 3 ln ⁡ x .And  f ′ ( x ) = 2 x − 7 + 3 x = ( x − 3 ) ( 2 x − 1 ) x .So we can know \text{For the first quetion,when a=1,}f(x)=x^2-7x+3\ln x \text{.And }f'(x)=2x-7+\dfrac 3x=\dfrac{(x-3)(2x-1)}{x}\text{.So we can know} For the first quetion,when a=1,f(x)=x2−7x+3lnx.And f′(x)=2x−7+x3​=x(x−3)(2x−1)​.So we can know
the possible extreme points are  x 1 = 1 2 , x 2 = 3 .Therefore the monotone increasing interval is  ( 0 , 1 2 ] and  [ 3 , + ∞ ) . \text{the possible extreme points are }x_1=\dfrac 12,x_2=3\text{.Therefore the monotone increasing interval is }(0,\dfrac 12]\text{ and }[3,+\infty). the possible extreme points are x1​=21​,x2​=3.Therefore the monotone increasing interval is (0,21​] and [3,+∞).
And the monotone decreasing interval is  [ 1 2 , 3 ] . \text{And the monotone decreasing interval is }[\dfrac 12,3]\text{.} And the monotone decreasing interval is [21​,3].

For the second question,It’s obvious that  f ( 2 ) = 2 a − 12 + 3 ln ⁡ 2 ≥ − 6 .It means that  a ≥ 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 .Therefore the \text{For the second question,It's obvious that }f(2)=2a-12+3\ln 2\geq-6\text{.It means that }a\geq 3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2}\text{.Therefore the} For the second question,It’s obvious that f(2)=2a−12+3ln2≥−6.It means that a≥3−23ln2​.Therefore the
possible extreme points are  x 1 = 1 2 , x 2 = 3 a .We can prove that : When  a ≤ 6 , ( 3 a , + ∞ ) is a monotone increasing  \text{possible extreme points are }x_1=\dfrac 12,x_2=\dfrac 3a\text{.We can prove that : When }a\leq 6,(\dfrac 3a,+\infty)\text{ is a monotone increasing } possible extreme points are x1​=21​,x2​=a3​.We can prove that : When a≤6,(a3​,+∞) is a monotone increasing 
increasing interval.And when  a > 6 , ( 1 2 , + ∞ ) is a monotone increasing interval.Therefore when  a ≥ 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 , \text{increasing interval.And when }a>6,(\dfrac 12,+\infty)\text{ is a monotone increasing interval.Therefore when }a\geq 3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2}, increasing interval.And when a>6,(21​,+∞) is a monotone increasing interval.Therefore when a≥3−23ln2​,
( 2 , + ∞ ) must be a monotone increasing interval.Therefore  f ( 3 e ) > f ( 2 ) ≥ − 6 .In conclusion, the real number a  (2,+\infty)\text{ must be a monotone increasing interval.Therefore }f(3e)>f(2)\geq -6\text{.In conclusion, the real number a } (2,+∞) must be a monotone increasing interval.Therefore f(3e)>f(2)≥−6.In conclusion, the real number a 
should be in the range of  ( 3 − 3 ln ⁡ 2 2 , + ∞ ) . \text{should be in the range of }(3-\dfrac{3\ln 2}{2},+\infty). should be in the range of (3−23ln2​,+∞).

This is my way to solve the quetion.Look forward to your early reply. \text{This is my way to solve the quetion.Look forward to your early reply.} This is my way to solve the quetion.Look forward to your early reply.

Yours, \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{Yours,} Yours,

Li Hua \qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\text{Li Hua} Li Hua



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