


同样,通过stream,我们想获取data,不用管其源头( a file, a socket,serial ports等等)。


Typical operations on a stream:

  • read one byte. Next time you read, you'll get the next byte, and so on.
  • read several bytes from the stream into an array
  • seek (move your current position in the stream, so that next time you read you get bytes from the new position)
  • write one byte
  • write several bytes from an array into the stream
  • skip bytes from the stream (this is like read, but you ignore the data. Or if you prefer it's like seek but can only go forwards.)
  • push back bytes into an input stream (this is like "undo" for read - you shove a few bytes back up the stream, so that next time you read that's what you'll see. It's occasionally useful for parsers, as is:
  • peek (look at bytes without reading them, so that they're still there in the stream to be read later)


a stream is just a source of input, hiding away (abstracting) another source. As long as you don't break the abstraction, your code will be very flexible.





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