Thank you, toastmasters! Thank you, EF Phoenixes!

Time reallyflies. I just can’t imagine that I’m delivering my CC6 in a flash. It seemsthat yesterday I was still that shy boy shivering on the stage even when givingan introduction. Due to the difference, I sigh a lot with emotion at this verymoment. And I also want to share my feelings with you as our 6 year anniversaryis approaching.

Intoastmaster, you can develop and enhance your public speaking skills.

At the firstphase, from the start to CC3, I had a serious problem: stage fright. As I justmentioned above, even when giving an introduction, I would be very nervous. Buttoastmasters would give a big round of applause to you no matter what. With allthe respects, I began to date with toastmasters regularly.

Thisis my first speech: Ice breaker, just 2 minutes long, to show my sincerity to EFPhoenixes. It’s normal for most people to feel at a loss on the stage at thebeginning. As you can  see in the video,this guy looked very shy and a little nervous. However, if you follow the CCmanual, when you finish you CC3, it would be very different.

Atthe second phase, from CC4 to CC6, I became more confident on the stage, evencan interact and have eye contact with the audience like this. This is my firsttime as the contest chair after CC4. I think the performance is much betterthan Ice breaker.

Anotherexample, I took part in the spring humor speech contest after finishing CC1 anddidn’t win any award. But I won the first place in our club and the third placein our area after my CC4 in the autumn contest. That’s an obvious change to me.And after my CC6, I will be qualified to be a mentor. It means that I no longeralways need other’s help. Now, I can help others to start their toastmastersjourney.

What’smore,        In Toastmaster, you can notonly improve your public speaking skills, but also gain many friends and learnhow to get along well with others. How to make friends in EF Phoenixes? Throughmeetings? Maybe it won’t work well. Look at this:

We were drinking together after regularmeeting

Amazing karaoke.

Outing to Qinghuangdao

Wedding wishes

Birthday party  激情状

At the very beginning, I was lookingforward to be a better speaker. Now I am getting closer to this goal. To mysurprise, I made a lot of excellent friends in Toastmaster. We try our best toperform well on the stage. We gather ideas to better our club distinguishingly.We laugh and behave crazily together.

we are a family 强调,停顿

Thank you, Toastmasters. You make mestronger on the stage. Thank you, EF Phoenixers. You give a lot of good friendsto me. Thank you all.


From Jill:

1. A few grammar mistakes need to be take care of:

'deliver my speech more confidently and attratively'

(maybe it was a slip of the tongue)

2. Be flexible! Without PPT, you could do even better!

From Others & myself:

Prepare a backup solution when the PPT does't work

Don't show the big smile when getting excited! It makes you not professional and looks not so maturely.

Body language can be designed more appropriately.

Vocal variety would make a speech more impressive. It's better to present your speech in the 'high low high low.....' variety.

The voice is not so magnetic. Sometimes maybe it's a little boring or not attractive due to the voice quality.

【CC6】Thank you, toastmasters! Thank you, EF Phoenixes!相关推荐

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