
1. 背景


2. 算法部分

2.1 到底使用多少个点?





self.model_points_68 = np.array([[-73.393523, -29.801432, -47.667532],[-72.775014, -10.949766, -45.909403],[-70.533638, 7.929818, -44.84258],[-66.850058, 26.07428, -43.141114],[-59.790187, 42.56439, -38.635298],[-48.368973, 56.48108, -30.750622],[-34.121101, 67.246992, -18.456453],[-17.875411, 75.056892, -3.609035],[0.098749, 77.061286, 0.881698],[17.477031, 74.758448, -5.181201],[32.648966, 66.929021, -19.176563],[46.372358, 56.311389, -30.77057],[57.34348, 42.419126, -37.628629],[64.388482, 25.45588, -40.886309],[68.212038, 6.990805, -42.281449],[70.486405, -11.666193, -44.142567],[71.375822, -30.365191, -47.140426],[-61.119406, -49.361602, -14.254422],[-51.287588, -58.769795, -7.268147],[-37.8048, -61.996155, -0.442051],[-24.022754, -61.033399, 6.606501],[-11.635713, -56.686759, 11.967398],[12.056636, -57.391033, 12.051204],[25.106256, -61.902186, 7.315098],[38.338588, -62.777713, 1.022953],[51.191007, -59.302347, -5.349435],[60.053851, -50.190255, -11.615746],[0.65394, -42.19379, 13.380835],[0.804809, -30.993721, 21.150853],[0.992204, -19.944596, 29.284036],[1.226783, -8.414541, 36.94806],[-14.772472, 2.598255, 20.132003],[-7.180239, 4.751589, 23.536684],[0.55592, 6.5629, 25.944448],[8.272499, 4.661005, 23.695741],[15.214351, 2.643046, 20.858157],[-46.04729, -37.471411, -7.037989],[-37.674688, -42.73051, -3.021217],[-27.883856, -42.711517, -1.353629],[-19.648268, -36.754742, 0.111088],[-28.272965, -35.134493, 0.147273],[-38.082418, -34.919043, -1.476612],[19.265868, -37.032306, 0.665746],[27.894191, -43.342445, -0.24766],[37.437529, -43.110822, -1.696435],[45.170805, -38.086515, -4.894163],[38.196454, -35.532024, -0.282961],[28.764989, -35.484289, 1.172675],[-28.916267, 28.612716, 2.24031],[-17.533194, 22.172187, 15.934335],[-6.68459, 19.029051, 22.611355],[0.381001, 20.721118, 23.748437],[8.375443, 19.03546, 22.721995],[18.876618, 22.394109, 15.610679],[28.794412, 28.079924, 3.217393],[19.057574, 36.298248, 14.987997],[8.956375, 39.634575, 22.554245],[0.381549, 40.395647, 23.591626],[-7.428895, 39.836405, 22.406106],[-18.160634, 36.677899, 15.121907],[-24.37749, 28.677771, 4.785684],[-6.897633, 25.475976, 20.893742],[0.340663, 26.014269, 22.220479],[8.444722, 25.326198, 21.02552],[24.474473, 28.323008, 5.712776],[8.449166, 30.596216, 20.671489],[0.205322, 31.408738, 21.90367],[-7.198266, 30.844876, 20.328022]], dtype="double")







2.2 相机内参的设定



从上面的公式中可以推到,如果我们知道图像的宽度,和视场角 α \alpha α,就可以计算得到对应的焦距了,如果不知道视场角,我们也可以对其进行近似,大多数的webcam和手机的水平视场角是 5 0 ∘ 50^{\circ} 50∘到 7 0 ∘ 70^{\circ} 70∘,一般情况下焦距和图像的宽度满足对应的关系:

但这种近似非常crude,是不应该用在需要精确焦距的应用中使用,但在平常的使用中,可以进行估计,如果我们的网络摄像头分辨率为1280×720,并且使用校准过程发现焦距在1100和1300之间,那么我们测得的焦距可能是正确的。 但是,如果发现的焦距为12500,则可能是校准错误或镜头异常。




LZ使用了三种方式估计相机内参,具体如下,都使用EPNP进行外参估计,估计出来的值会有2-3度的浮动,当然如果需要特别精确的头部姿态,肯定是要进行相机标定的,如果可以接受这个误差的话,LZ觉得下面的三种内参估计的方式对整体实验结果影响不是特别大,尤其是没有ground truth的情况下。。。

# 相机内参估计方法一# self.focal_length = self.size[1]# self.camera_center = (self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0] / 2)# self.camera_matrix = np.array(#     [[self.focal_length, 0, self.camera_center[0]],#      [0, self.focal_length, self.camera_center[1]],#      [0, 0, 1]], dtype="double")# 相机内参估计方法二# cx = self.size[1] / 2# cy = self.size[0] / 2# fx = cx / np.tan(60 / 2 * np.pi / 180)# fy = fx# self.camera_matrix = np.float32([[fx, 0.0, cx],#                                  [0.0, fy, cy],#                                  [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])# 相机内参估计方法三cx = self.size[1] / 2cy = self.size[0] / 2fx = np.sqrt(self.size[1] * self.size[1] + self.size[0] * self.size[0]) / np.tan(60 / 2 * np.pi / 180) / 2fy = fxself.camera_matrix = np.float32([[fx, 0.0, cx],[0.0, fy, cy],[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])# Assuming no len distortionself.dist_coefs = np.zeros((4, 1))

2.3 OpenCV的接口使用



def solvePnP(objectPoints, imagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvec=None, tvec=None, useExtrinsicGuess=None, flags=None): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__"""solvePnP(objectPoints, imagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs[, rvec[, tvec[, useExtrinsicGuess[, flags]]]]) -> retval, rvec, tvec.   @brief Finds an object pose from 3D-2D point correspondences..   This function returns the rotation and the translation vectors that transform a 3D point expressed in the object.   coordinate frame to the camera coordinate frame, using different methods:.   - P3P methods (@ref SOLVEPNP_P3P, @ref SOLVEPNP_AP3P): need 4 input points to return a unique solution..   - @ref SOLVEPNP_IPPE Input points must be >= 4 and object points must be coplanar..   - @ref SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE Special case suitable for marker pose estimation..   Number of input points must be 4. Object points must be defined in the following order:.     - point 0: [-squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 1: [ squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 2: [ squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 3: [-squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0].   - for all the other flags, number of input points must be >= 4 and object points can be in any configuration..   .   @param objectPoints Array of object points in the object coordinate space, Nx3 1-channel or.   1xN/Nx1 3-channel, where N is the number of points. vector\<Point3d\> can be also passed here..   @param imagePoints Array of corresponding image points, Nx2 1-channel or 1xN/Nx1 2-channel,.   where N is the number of points. vector\<Point2d\> can be also passed here..   @param cameraMatrix Input camera matrix \f$A = \vecthreethree{f_x}{0}{c_x}{0}{f_y}{c_y}{0}{0}{1}\f$ ..   @param distCoeffs Input vector of distortion coefficients.   \f$(k_1, k_2, p_1, p_2[, k_3[, k_4, k_5, k_6 [, s_1, s_2, s_3, s_4[, \tau_x, \tau_y]]]])\f$ of.   4, 5, 8, 12 or 14 elements. If the vector is NULL/empty, the zero distortion coefficients are.   assumed..   @param rvec Output rotation vector (see @ref Rodrigues ) that, together with tvec, brings points from.   the model coordinate system to the camera coordinate system..   @param tvec Output translation vector..   @param useExtrinsicGuess Parameter used for #SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE. If true (1), the function uses.   the provided rvec and tvec values as initial approximations of the rotation and translation.   vectors, respectively, and further optimizes them..   @param flags Method for solving a PnP problem:.   -   **SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE** Iterative method is based on a Levenberg-Marquardt optimization. In.   this case the function finds such a pose that minimizes reprojection error, that is the sum.   of squared distances between the observed projections imagePoints and the projected (using.   projectPoints ) objectPoints ..   -   **SOLVEPNP_P3P** Method is based on the paper of X.S. Gao, X.-R. Hou, J. Tang, H.-F. Chang.   "Complete Solution Classification for the Perspective-Three-Point Problem" (@cite gao2003complete)..   In this case the function requires exactly four object and image points..   -   **SOLVEPNP_AP3P** Method is based on the paper of T. Ke, S. Roumeliotis.   "An Efficient Algebraic Solution to the Perspective-Three-Point Problem" (@cite Ke17)..   In this case the function requires exactly four object and image points..   -   **SOLVEPNP_EPNP** Method has been introduced by F. Moreno-Noguer, V. Lepetit and P. Fua in the.   paper "EPnP: Efficient Perspective-n-Point Camera Pose Estimation" (@cite lepetit2009epnp)..   -   **SOLVEPNP_DLS** Method is based on the paper of J. Hesch and S. Roumeliotis..   "A Direct Least-Squares (DLS) Method for PnP" (@cite hesch2011direct)..   -   **SOLVEPNP_UPNP** Method is based on the paper of A. Penate-Sanchez, J. Andrade-Cetto,.   F. Moreno-Noguer. "Exhaustive Linearization for Robust Camera Pose and Focal Length.   Estimation" (@cite penate2013exhaustive). In this case the function also estimates the parameters \f$f_x\f$ and \f$f_y\f$.   assuming that both have the same value. Then the cameraMatrix is updated with the estimated.   focal length..   -   **SOLVEPNP_IPPE** Method is based on the paper of T. Collins and A. Bartoli..   "Infinitesimal Plane-Based Pose Estimation" (@cite Collins14). This method requires coplanar object points..   -   **SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE** Method is based on the paper of Toby Collins and Adrien Bartoli..   "Infinitesimal Plane-Based Pose Estimation" (@cite Collins14). This method is suitable for marker pose estimation..   It requires 4 coplanar object points defined in the following order:.     - point 0: [-squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 1: [ squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 2: [ squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0].     - point 3: [-squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0].   .   The function estimates the object pose given a set of object points, their corresponding image.   projections, as well as the camera matrix and the distortion coefficients, see the figure below.   (more precisely, the X-axis of the camera frame is pointing to the right, the Y-axis downward.   and the Z-axis forward)..   .   ![](pnp.jpg).   .   Points expressed in the world frame \f$ \bf{X}_w \f$ are projected into the image plane \f$ \left[ u, v \right] \f$.   using the perspective projection model \f$ \Pi \f$ and the camera intrinsic parameters matrix \f$ \bf{A} \f$:.   .   \f[.     \begin{align*}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     u \\.     v \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} &=.     \bf{A} \hspace{0.1em} \Pi \hspace{0.2em} ^{c}\bf{T}_w.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_{w} \\.     Y_{w} \\.     Z_{w} \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} \\.     \begin{bmatrix}.     u \\.     v \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} &=.     \begin{bmatrix}.     f_x & 0 & c_x \\.     0 & f_y & c_y \\.     0 & 0 & 1.     \end{bmatrix}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\.     0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\.     0 & 0 & 1 & 0.     \end{bmatrix}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\.     r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\.     r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\.     0 & 0 & 0 & 1.     \end{bmatrix}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_{w} \\.     Y_{w} \\.     Z_{w} \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix}.     \end{align*}.   \f].   .   The estimated pose is thus the rotation (`rvec`) and the translation (`tvec`) vectors that allow transforming.   a 3D point expressed in the world frame into the camera frame:.   .   \f[.     \begin{align*}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_c \\.     Y_c \\.     Z_c \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} &=.     \hspace{0.2em} ^{c}\bf{T}_w.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_{w} \\.     Y_{w} \\.     Z_{w} \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} \\.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_c \\.     Y_c \\.     Z_c \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix} &=.     \begin{bmatrix}.     r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\.     r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\.     r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\.     0 & 0 & 0 & 1.     \end{bmatrix}.     \begin{bmatrix}.     X_{w} \\.     Y_{w} \\.     Z_{w} \\.     1.     \end{bmatrix}.     \end{align*}.   \f].   .   @note.      -   An example of how to use solvePnP for planar augmented reality can be found at.           opencv_source_code/samples/python/plane_ar.py.      -   If you are using Python:.           - Numpy array slices won't work as input because solvePnP requires contiguous.           arrays (enforced by the assertion using cv::Mat::checkVector() around line 55 of.           modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp version 2.4.9).           - The P3P algorithm requires image points to be in an array of shape (N,1,2) due.           to its calling of cv::undistortPoints (around line 75 of modules/calib3d/src/solvepnp.cpp version 2.4.9).           which requires 2-channel information..           - Thus, given some data D = np.array(...) where D.shape = (N,M), in order to use a subset of.           it as, e.g., imagePoints, one must effectively copy it into a new array: imagePoints =.           np.ascontiguousarray(D[:,:2]).reshape((N,1,2)).      -   The methods **SOLVEPNP_DLS** and **SOLVEPNP_UPNP** cannot be used as the current implementations are.          unstable and sometimes give completely wrong results. If you pass one of these two.          flags, **SOLVEPNP_EPNP** method will be used instead..      -   The minimum number of points is 4 in the general case. In the case of **SOLVEPNP_P3P** and **SOLVEPNP_AP3P**.          methods, it is required to use exactly 4 points (the first 3 points are used to estimate all the solutions.          of the P3P problem, the last one is used to retain the best solution that minimizes the reprojection error)..      -   With **SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE** method and `useExtrinsicGuess=true`, the minimum number of points is 3 (3 points.          are sufficient to compute a pose but there are up to 4 solutions). The initial solution should be close to the.          global solution to converge..      -   With **SOLVEPNP_IPPE** input points must be >= 4 and object points must be coplanar..      -   With **SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE** this is a special case suitable for marker pose estimation..          Number of input points must be 4. Object points must be defined in the following order:.            - point 0: [-squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].            - point 1: [ squareLength / 2,  squareLength / 2, 0].            - point 2: [ squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0].            - point 3: [-squareLength / 2, -squareLength / 2, 0]"""pass



  • SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE: 这种是迭代方法,使用的算法是Levenberg-Marquardt优化,在这种情况下,函数找到一个使重投影误差最小的姿态,重投影误差也是评估姿态估计的一个指标,具体计算方式是将三维点利用我们计算得到的相机姿态进行投影,得到二维图像屏幕上的点,然后计算投影后的点与原来图像上的点的距离的平方和来进行度量

  • P3P:SOLVEPNP_P3P和SOLVEPNP_AP3P,需要四个点来计算,三个点可以计算得到四个解,再利用第四个点来确定最后的解,使用的点比较少,会导致一个点定位不准,使得计算出来的姿态就会不准,所以也不是很建议使用

  • SOLVEPNP_IPPE:需要至少四个点且必须要共面,只返回唯一的解

  • SOLVEPNP_IPPE_SQUARE:是基于marker的姿态估计,只能输入4组点,还要按照既定的顺序,基于marker的定位对于marker的设计还是有一定技巧的,通常都是正方形或者圆形这种特殊的图形,调用对应的函数可以返回两个解

  • SOLVEPNP_DLS,SOLVEPNP_UPNP在OpenCV现有的实现下,有时候会出现完全错误的结果,如果使用上述flags的话将会使用SOLVEPNP_EPNP的方式进行替代


  • objectPoints:三维空间坐标中的点的坐标,Nx3 1-channel or 1xN/Nx1 3-channel

  • imagePoints:图像坐标系中的点的坐标, Nx2 1-channel or 1xN/Nx1 2-channel

  • cameraMatrix:相机内参矩阵

  • distCoeffs: 畸变参数,这个在代码中默认设置为0,但通常情况下摄像头还是会多多少少出现桶型畸变或枕型畸变的

  • rvec:输出旋转向量

  • tvec:输出平移向量

  • useExtrinsicGuess:这个是使用给定的一个粗略的外参,作为SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE算法的初始值,如果初始值比较好,可以优化到一个比较好的值,并且速度也会增加,但是LZ觉得这个也许在连续帧中,作为参考值是比较好的一个方法,但是如果是单独独立一帧,用一个初始的参考值,这个LZ觉得意义并没有特别大

  • flags:就是使用上面一些计算位姿的算法,需要注意使用不同算法的点的要求

2.4 旋转向量,旋转矩阵,欧拉角,四元数之间的关系



a. 旋转向量->旋转矩阵->欧拉角

  • 旋转向量->旋转矩阵


 (R, j) = cv2.Rodrigues(pose_my[0])
  • 旋转矩阵->欧拉角
# Checks if a matrix is a valid rotation matrix.
def isRotationMatrix(R):Rt = np.transpose(R)shouldBeIdentity = np.dot(Rt, R)I = np.identity(3, dtype=R.dtype)n = np.linalg.norm(I - shouldBeIdentity)return n < 1e-6# Calculates rotation matrix to euler angles
# The result is the same as MATLAB except the order
# of the euler angles ( x and z are swapped ).
def rotationMatrixToEulerAngles(R):assert (isRotationMatrix(R))sy = math.sqrt(R[0, 0] * R[0, 0] + R[1, 0] * R[1, 0])singular = sy < 1e-6if not singular:x = math.atan2(R[2, 1], R[2, 2])y = math.atan2(-R[2, 0], sy)z = math.atan2(R[1, 0], R[0, 0])else:x = math.atan2(-R[1, 2], R[1, 1])y = math.atan2(-R[2, 0], sy)z = 0x = _radian2angle(x)y = _radian2angle(y)z = _radian2angle(z)return np.array([x, y, z])def _radian2angle(r):return (r / math.pi) * 180

b. 旋转向量->四元数->欧拉角

    def get_euler_angle(self, rotation_vector):# calc rotation anglestheta = cv2.norm(rotation_vector, cv2.NORM_L2)# transform to quaterniondw = math.cos(theta / 2)x = math.sin(theta / 2) * rotation_vector[0][0] / thetay = math.sin(theta / 2) * rotation_vector[1][0] / thetaz = math.sin(theta / 2) * rotation_vector[2][0] / theta# pitch (x-axis rotation)t0 = 2.0 * (w * x + y * z)t1 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (x ** 2 + y ** 2)pitch = math.atan2(t0, t1)# yaw (y-axis rotation)t2 = 2.0 * (w * y - z * x)if t2 > 1.0:t2 = 1.0if t2 < -1.0:t2 = -1.0yaw = math.asin(t2)# roll (z-axis rotation)t3 = 2.0 * (w * z + x * y)t4 = 1.0 - 2.0 * (y ** 2 + z ** 2)roll = math.atan2(t3, t4)return pitch, yaw, roll

3. 效果和目前存在的问题



  1. 通用人脸68个关键点坐标地址

  2. 关键点数据的说明

  3. 相机内参近似计算方法地址


  1. 人脸姿态估计(计算欧拉角)

    1.什么是人脸姿态估计问题 人脸姿态估计主要是获得脸部朝向的角度信息.一般可以用旋转矩阵.旋转向量.四元数或欧拉角表示(这四个量也可以互相转换).一般而言,欧拉角可读性更好一些,使用更为广泛.本文获得 ...

  2. 无需人脸检测,实时6自由度3维人脸姿态估计img2pose

    效果图: 提出了一种实时的6自由度3D人脸姿态估计方法,其不依赖于人脸检测和关键点对齐.我们观察到直接估计6自由度刚体变换是一个比在3D人脸对齐中广泛使用的关键点检测更简单的问题.基于此我们做出了一下 ...

  3. 无需人脸检测,实时3维人脸姿态估计img2pose 2020

    提出了一种实时的6自由度3D人脸姿态估计方法,其不依赖于人脸检测和关键点对齐.我们观察到直接估计6自由度刚体变换是一个比在3D人脸对齐中广泛使用的关键点检测更简单的问题.基于此我们做出了一下几个贡献( ...

  4. 跳过人脸检测和关键点定位,Facebook等提出实时3D人脸姿态估计新方法

    本文转载自机器之心. 来自 Facebook AI 和美国圣母大学的研究者提出了一种 6 自由度的实时 3D 人脸姿态估计技术,可以不依赖人脸检测和人脸关键点定位独立运行. 人脸检测是给照片中的每个人 ...

  5. 人脸姿态估计(代码已跑通)

    人脸姿态估计主要是获得脸部朝向的角度信息.一般可以用旋转矩阵.旋转向量.四元数或欧拉角表示(这四个量也可以互相转换).一般而言,欧拉角可读性更好一些,使用更为广泛.本文获得的人脸姿态信息用三个欧拉角( ...

  6. Hopenet人脸姿态估计

    Fine-Grained Head Pose Estimation Without Keypoints-论文解读 代码 论文 Abstract 传统的头部姿态计算方法是通过人脸上关键点求解二维到三维对 ...

  7. 七点人脸姿态估计_Github开源库简单配置即可上线的3D人脸检测工具箱

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  8. 基于深度学习的三维人体姿态估计

    目录 ​​​​​一.技术背景 1.1 人体姿态估计 1.2 三维人体重建 1.4 构建多人场景研究情况 二. 技术方法 2.1 基础架构 2.2 重叠loss 2.3 深度顺序感知loss 四.存在的 ...

  9. 用于野外精确人体姿态估计的自适应多视图融合

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