





void main()


/* Create Point Cloud */

pcl::PointCloud<:pointxyzrgba>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<:pointxyzrgba>);

/* Read PCD File */

/* Read Wrong */

if (- == pcl::io::loadPCDFile<:pointxyzrgba>("table_scene_lms400.pcd", *cloud))




/* Then show the point cloud */

boost::shared_ptr<:visualization::pclvisualizer> viewer(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer("office chair model"));

viewer->setBackgroundColor(, , );

pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<:pointxyzrgba> rgba(cloud); //Maybe set the cloud to he handler rgba?

viewer->addPointCloud<:pointxyzrgba>(cloud, rgba, "sample cloud"); //Add a Point Cloud (templated) to screen. Q:Some questions here

viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, , "sample cloud"); //Set the rendering properties

//viewer->addCoordinateSystem(1.0); //Adds 3D axes describing a coordinate system to screen at 0,0,0

viewer->initCameraParameters (); //Initialize camera parameters with some default values.

/* Show the point cloud */

while (!viewer->wasStopped ())


viewer->spinOnce (); //updates the screen loop

boost::this_thread::sleep (boost::posix_time::microseconds ());





下面看看loadPCDFile在namespace io里的实现:

template inline int

loadPCDFile (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PointCloud &cloud)


pcl::PCDReader p;

return (p.read (file_name, cloud));


可以看到loadPCDFile 这个内联函数,就是调用了一下pcl::PCDReader里的read函数。


template int

read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PointCloud &cloud, const int offset = 0)


pcl::PCLPointCloud2 blob;

int pcd_version;

int res = read (file_name, blob, cloud.sensor_origin_, cloud.sensor_orientation_, pcd_version, offset);

// If no error, convert the data

if (res == 0)

pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (blob, cloud);

return (res);




pcl::PCDReader::read (const std::string &file_name, pcl::PCLPointCloud2 &cloud,

Eigen::Vector4f &origin, Eigen::Quaternionf &orientation, int &pcd_version,

const int offset)


pcl::console::TicToc tt;

tt.tic ();

int data_type;

unsigned int data_idx;

int res = readHeader (file_name, cloud, origin, orientation, pcd_version, data_type, data_idx, offset);

if (res < )

return (res);

unsigned int idx = ;

// Get the number of points the cloud should have

unsigned int nr_points = cloud.width * cloud.height;

// Setting the is_dense property to true by default

cloud.is_dense = true;

if (file_name == "" || !boost::filesystem::exists (file_name))


PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not find file '%s'.\n", file_name.c_str ());

return (-);


// if ascii

if (data_type == )


// Re-open the file (readHeader closes it)

std::ifstream fs;

fs.open (file_name.c_str ());

if (!fs.is_open () || fs.fail ())


PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Could not open file %s.\n", file_name.c_str ());

return (-);


fs.seekg (data_idx);

std::string line;

std::vector<:string> st;

// Read the rest of the file



while (idx < nr_points && !fs.eof ())


getline (fs, line);

// Ignore empty lines

if (line == "")


// Tokenize the line

boost::trim (line);

boost::split (st, line, boost::is_any_of ("\t\r "), boost::token_compress_on);

if (idx >= nr_points)


PCL_WARN ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] input file %s has more points (%d) than advertised (%d)!\n", file_name.c_str (), idx, nr_points);



size_t total = ;

// Copy data

for (unsigned int d = ; d < static_cast (cloud.fields.size ()); ++d)


// Ignore invalid padded dimensions that are inherited from binary data

if (cloud.fields[d].name == "_")


total += cloud.fields[d].count; // jump over this many elements in the string token



for (unsigned int c = ; c < cloud.fields[d].count; ++c)


switch (cloud.fields[d].datatype)


case pcl::PCLPointField::INT8:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT8:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::INT16:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT16:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::INT32:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT32:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);



case pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT64:


copyStringValue<:traits::astype>::type> (

st.at (total + c), cloud, idx, d, c);




PCL_WARN ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Incorrect field data type specified (%d)!\n",cloud.fields[d].datatype);




total += cloud.fields[d].count; // jump over this many elements in the string token





catch (const char *exception)


PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] %s\n", exception);

fs.close ();

return (-);


// Close file

fs.close ();



/// ---[ Binary mode only

/// We must re-open the file and read with mmap () for binary


// Open for reading

int fd = pcl_open (file_name.c_str (), O_RDONLY);

if (fd == -)


PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Failure to open file %s\n", file_name.c_str () );

return (-);


// Seek at the given offset

off_t result = pcl_lseek (fd, offset, SEEK_SET);

if (result < )


pcl_close (fd);

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] lseek errno: %d strerror: %s\n", errno, strerror (errno));

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Error during lseek ()!\n");

return (-);


size_t data_size = data_idx + cloud.data.size ();

// Prepare the map

#ifdef _WIN32

// As we don't know the real size of data (compressed or not),

// we set dwMaximumSizeHigh = dwMaximumSizeLow = 0 so as to map the whole file

HANDLE fm = CreateFileMapping ((HANDLE) _get_osfhandle (fd), NULL, PAGE_READONLY, , , NULL);

// As we don't know the real size of data (compressed or not),

// we set dwNumberOfBytesToMap = 0 so as to map the whole file

char *map = static_cast(MapViewOfFile (fm, FILE_MAP_READ, , , ));

if (map == NULL)


CloseHandle (fm);

pcl_close (fd);

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Error mapping view of file, %s\n", file_name.c_str ());

return (-);



char *map = static_cast (mmap (, data_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, ));

if (map == reinterpret_cast (-)) // MAP_FAILED


pcl_close (fd);

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Error preparing mmap for binary PCD file.\n");

return (-);



/// ---[ Binary compressed mode only

if (data_type == )


// Uncompress the data first

unsigned int compressed_size, uncompressed_size;

memcpy (&compressed_size, &map[data_idx + ], sizeof (unsigned int));

memcpy (&uncompressed_size, &map[data_idx + ], sizeof (unsigned int));

PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Read a binary compressed file with %u bytes compressed and %u original.\n", compressed_size, uncompressed_size);

// For all those weird situations where the compressed data is actually LARGER than the uncompressed one

// (we really ought to check this in the compressor and copy the original data in those cases)

if (data_size < compressed_size || uncompressed_size < compressed_size)


PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Allocated data size (%zu) or uncompressed size (%zu) smaller than compressed size (%u). Need to remap.\n", data_size, uncompressed_size, compressed_size);

#ifdef _WIN32

UnmapViewOfFile (map);

data_size = compressed_size + data_idx + ;

map = static_cast(MapViewOfFile (fm, FILE_MAP_READ, , , data_size));


munmap (map, data_size);

data_size = compressed_size + data_idx + ;

map = static_cast (mmap (, data_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, ));



if (uncompressed_size != cloud.data.size ())


PCL_WARN ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] The estimated cloud.data size (%u) is different than the saved uncompressed value (%u)! Data corruption?\n",

cloud.data.size (), uncompressed_size);

cloud.data.resize (uncompressed_size);


char *buf = static_cast (malloc (data_size));

// The size of the uncompressed data better be the same as what we stored in the header

unsigned int tmp_size = pcl::lzfDecompress (&map[data_idx + ], compressed_size, buf, static_cast (data_size));

if (tmp_size != uncompressed_size)


free (buf);

pcl_close (fd);

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Size of decompressed lzf data (%u) does not match value stored in PCD header (%u). Errno: %d\n", tmp_size, uncompressed_size, errno);

return (-);


// Get the fields sizes

std::vector<:pclpointfield> fields (cloud.fields.size ());

std::vector fields_sizes (cloud.fields.size ());

int nri = , fsize = ;

for (size_t i = ; i < cloud.fields.size (); ++i)


if (cloud.fields[i].name == "_")


fields_sizes[nri] = cloud.fields[i].count * pcl::getFieldSize (cloud.fields[i].datatype);

fsize += fields_sizes[nri];

fields[nri] = cloud.fields[i];



fields.resize (nri);

fields_sizes.resize (nri);

// Unpack the xxyyzz to xyz

std::vector pters (fields.size ());

int toff = ;

for (size_t i = ; i < pters.size (); ++i)


pters[i] = &buf[toff];

toff += fields_sizes[i] * cloud.width * cloud.height;


// Copy it to the cloud

for (size_t i = ; i < cloud.width * cloud.height; ++i)


for (size_t j = ; j < pters.size (); ++j)


memcpy (&cloud.data[i * fsize + fields[j].offset], pters[j], fields_sizes[j]);

// Increment the pointer

pters[j] += fields_sizes[j];



//memcpy (&cloud.data[0], &buf[0], uncompressed_size);

free (buf);



// Copy the data

memcpy (&cloud.data[], &map[] + data_idx, cloud.data.size ());

// Unmap the pages of memory

#ifdef _WIN32

UnmapViewOfFile (map);

CloseHandle (fm);


if (munmap (map, data_size) == -)


pcl_close (fd);

PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Munmap failure\n");

return (-);



pcl_close (fd);


if ((idx != nr_points) && (data_type == ))


PCL_ERROR ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Number of points read (%d) is different than expected (%d)\n", idx, nr_points);

return (-);


// No need to do any extra checks if the data type is ASCII

if (data_type != )


int point_size = static_cast (cloud.data.size () / (cloud.height * cloud.width));

// Once copied, we need to go over each field and check if it has NaN/Inf values and assign cloud.is_dense to true or false

for (uint32_t i = ; i < cloud.width * cloud.height; ++i)


for (unsigned int d = ; d < static_cast (cloud.fields.size ()); ++d)


for (uint32_t c = ; c < cloud.fields[d].count; ++c)


switch (cloud.fields[d].datatype)


case pcl::PCLPointField::INT8:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT8:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::INT16:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT16:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::INT32:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::UINT32:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT32:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;



case pcl::PCLPointField::FLOAT64:


if (!isValueFinite<:traits::astype>::type>(cloud, i, point_size, d, c))

cloud.is_dense = false;








double total_time = tt.toc ();

PCL_DEBUG ("[pcl::PCDReader::read] Loaded %s as a %s cloud in %g ms with %d points. Available dimensions: %s.\n",

file_name.c_str (), cloud.is_dense ? "dense" : "non-dense", total_time,

cloud.width * cloud.height, pcl::getFieldsList (cloud).c_str ());

return ();








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