


输入命令回车即可: git branch --set-upstream-to origin



Can‘t Update No tracked branch configured for branch相关推荐

  1. git No tracked branch configured or branch doesn‘t exist

    错误信息: No tracked branch configured for branch dev-link or the branch doesn't exist.         To make ...

  2. No tracked branch configured for branch dev-rongtong or the branch doesn‘t exist.

    No tracked branch configured for branch dev-rongtong or the branch doesn't exist. To make your branc ...

  3. IDEA git 拉取项目时报 No tracked branch configured for branch master or the branch doesn‘t exist的提示

    1.选择本地文件位置,主项目右键 2.空白处右键,打开git的Git bash here 3.输入 命令: git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master 4.返 ...

  4. [已解决]Can't update: no tracked branch

    报错:Can't update: no tracked branch 我们之前的分支是drome,然后删除了这个分支,换到了另一个分支上面去了,所以出现了这个问题. 解决办法: 0:点击VCS-> ...

  5. git push.default Update were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behand remote

    现象:可以git pull下来,然后再git status,显示正常. 通过浏览器访问git地址,发现没有别人提交的修改,最新修改是自己提交的. 咨询同事,给出一个命令,就搞定可以正常push了. g ...

  6. 提交代码遇到 Everything up-to-date 或 提交代码遇到 On branch master Your branch and ‘origin/master‘ have diverg

    提交代码遇到 Everything up-to-date 提交代码遇到『Everything up-to-date』 提交代码遇到 On branch master Your branch and ' ...

  7. 最近使用git的错误----“failed to push some refs to ...”与“On branch master Your branch is up to date with ‘”

    第一种错误 使用命令 git push origin master 报如下错误: failed to push some refs to - 这是因为你往git上已经推送了一部分代码或文件夹,你删掉了 ...

  8. git远程操作报错git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/branch master

    报错信息如下 There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you want ...

  9. err: git push.default Update were rejected because a pushed branch tip is behand remote

    解决方法一: git config --global push.default current 解决方法二: 切换到其他分支,并执行 git pull,全部更新完毕,在切换回原来的分支,再执行git ...

  10. git中local branch追踪remote branch

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