printf("consumer %d read from pool\n", (int)arg);
printf("producer %d write to pool\n", (int)arg);
//创建生产者线程pthread_create(&producer_id[i], NULL, producer_fun, (void *)i);//创建消费者线程pthread_create(&consumer_id[i], NULL, consumer_fun, (void *)i);


  • (int)arg = *(int *)arg

  • (void *)i = &i

printf("consumer %d read from pool\n", *(int *)argarg);
printf("producer %d write to pool\n", *(int *)argarg);
//创建生产者线程pthread_create(&producer_id[i], NULL, producer_fun, &i);//创建消费者线程pthread_create(&consumer_id[i], NULL, consumer_fun, &i);

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