#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const int SIZE = 20;
int main()
{cout << "名字的名是什么?";char first_name[SIZE];cin.get(first_name,SIZE).get();cout << "名字姓是什么?";char second_name[SIZE];cin.get(second_name, SIZE);cout << "你的等级是多少?";char grade;cin >> grade;cout << "你的年龄?";int age;cin >> age;cout << "名字:" << second_name << "," << first_name << endl;grade = grade + 1;cout << "年级:" << grade << endl;cout << "年龄:" << age << endl;system("pause");return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//#include <string>
//using namespace std;
//int main()
//{// string name;
// string dessert;
// cout << "输入你的名字:\n";
// getline(cin,name);
// cout << "输入你喜欢的点心:\n";
// getline(cin,dessert);
// cout << "我喜欢一些点心" << dessert;
// cout << "," << name << ".\n";
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//#include <cstring>
//const int SIZE = 20;
//int main()
//{// using namespace std;
// char firstName[SIZE];
// char lastName[SIZE];
// char fullName[2 * SIZE + 1];
// cout << "Enter your first name: ";
// cin >> firstName;
// cout << "Enter your last name: ";
// cin >> lastName;
// strncpy_s(fullName, lastName, SIZE);
// strcat_s(fullName, ", ");
// strncat_s(fullName, firstName, SIZE);
// fullName[SIZE - 1] = '\0';
// cout << "Here's the information in a single string: "
//  << fullName << endl;
// cin.get();
// cin.get();
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//#include <string>
//using namespace std;
//const int SIZE = 20;
//int main()
//{// cout << "输入你的名:";
// string ming;
// getline(cin, ming);
// cout << "请输入你的姓:";
// string xing;
// getline(cin, xing);
// string xingming;
// xingming = xing + ", " + ming;//字符串这样连接
// cout << xingming;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
#include <string> //string logo;
//using namespace std;
//struct CandyBar
//{// char logo[40];
// float weight;
// int kaluli;
//int main()
//{// CandyBar snack
// {//  "Mocha",
//  2.3,
//  350
// };
// cout << snack.logo << " " << snack.weight << " " << snack.kaluli << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
//struct CandyBar
//{// char logo[40];
// float weight;
// int kaluli;
//int main()
//{// CandyBar snack[3]
// {//  {"candy1",11.1,1},
//  {"candu2",22.2,2},
//  {"candy3",33.3,3}
// };
// cout << "糖果展示如下:\n" << "糖果#1:\n";
// cout << "糖果品牌:" << snack[0].logo << endl;
// cout << "糖果重量:" << snack[0].weight << endl;
// cout << "糖果卡路里:" << snack[0].kaluli << endl;
// cout << "糖果展示如下:\n" << "糖果#2:\n";
// cout << "糖果品牌:" << snack[1].logo << endl;
// cout << "糖果重量:" << snack[1].weight << endl;
// cout << "糖果卡路里:" << snack[1].kaluli << endl;
// cout << "糖果展示如下:\n" << "糖果#3:\n";
// cout << "糖果品牌:" << snack[2].logo << endl;
// cout << "糖果重量:" << snack[2].weight << endl;
// cout << "糖果卡路里:" << snack[2].kaluli << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
//const int SIZE = 70;
//struct William_Wingate
//{// char gongsi[SIZE];
// float zhijing;
// float weight;
//int main()
//{// William_Wingate pizza;
// cout << "公司的名称:";
// cin.getline(pizza.gongsi,SIZE);
// cout << "披萨的直径:";
// cin >> pizza.zhijing;
// cout << "披萨的重量:";
// cin >> pizza.weight;
// cout << "公司的名字是:";
// cout << pizza.gongsi << endl;
// cout << "披萨的直径是:";
// cout << pizza.zhijing << endl;
// cout << "披萨的重量是:" ;
// cout << pizza.weight << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
//const int SIZE = 70;
//struct William_Wingate
//{// char logo[SIZE];
// float zhijing;
// float weight;
//int main()
//{// William_Wingate *ptr = new William_Wingate;
// cout << "你的公司名字:";
// cin >> ptr->logo;
// cout << "你的公司的名字:" << ptr->logo << endl;
// cout << "披萨的直径:";
// cin >> ptr->zhijing;
// cout << "披萨的直径:" << ptr->zhijing << endl;
// cout << "披萨的重量:";
// cin >> ptr->weight;
// cout << "披萨的重量:" << ptr->weight << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//using namespace std;
//const int SIZE = 70;
//struct William_Wingate
//{// char logo[SIZE];
// float zhijing;
// float weight;
//int main()
//{// William_Wingate *ptr = new William_Wingate[3];
// strcpy_s(ptr[0].logo, "huawei1");
// ptr[0].zhijing = 1.2;
// ptr[0].weight = 1.234;
// strcpy_s(ptr[1].logo, "huawei2");
// ptr[1].zhijing = 2.2;
// ptr[1].weight = 2.234;
// strcpy_s(ptr[2].logo, "huawei3");
// ptr[2].zhijing = 3.2;
// ptr[2].weight = 3.234;
// cout << "#1:" << endl;
// cout << ptr[0].logo << endl
//  << ptr[0].zhijing << endl
//  << ptr[0].weight << endl;
// cout << "#2:" << endl;
// cout << ptr[1].logo << endl
//  << ptr[1].zhijing << endl
//  << ptr[1].weight << endl;
// cout << "#3:" << endl;
// cout << ptr[2].logo << endl
//  << ptr[2].zhijing << endl
//  << ptr[2].weight << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;
//#include <iostream>
//#include <array>
//using namespace std;
//int main()
//{// array<double, 3> t40;
// cout << "输入第一个人的成绩:";
// cin >> t40[0];
// cout << "输入第二个人的成绩:";
// cin >> t40[1];
// cout << "输入第三个人的成绩:";
// cin >> t40[2];
// cout << "#1:" << t40[0] << endl
//  << "#2:" << t40[1] << endl
//  << "#3:" << t40[2] << endl;
// cout << "平均数是:" << (t40[0] + t40[1] + t40[2]) / 3 << endl;
// system("pause");
// return 0;

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