
  • 字体支持
    • 1.英文字体支持
    • 2.中文字体支持
  • 颜色支持

我们使用markdown编辑器时,可以通过 face属性修改字体, size属性修改字号, color属性修改文字颜色。


<font color=red face="华文彩云" size=5>自定义字体</font>





样式 字体
The beautiful worlds Arial
The beautiful worlds Arial Black
The beautiful worlds Arial Narrow
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift Condensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift Light
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift Light Condensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiBold
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiCondensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiCondensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiLight
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed
The beautiful worlds Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiCondensed
The beautiful worlds Book Antiqua
The beautiful worlds Bookman Old Style
The beautiful worlds Bradley Hand ITC
The beautiful worlds Calibri
The beautiful worlds Calibri Light
The beautiful worlds Cambria
The beautiful worlds Cambria Math
The beautiful worlds Candara
The beautiful worlds Candara Light
The beautiful worlds Century
The beautiful worlds Century Gothic
The beautiful worlds Comic Sans MS
The beautiful worlds Consolas
The beautiful worlds Constantia
The beautiful worlds Cooper Black
The beautiful worlds Corbel
The beautiful worlds Corbel Light
The beautiful worlds Courier New
The beautiful worlds Dubal
The beautiful worlds Dubal Light
The beautiful worlds Dubai Medium
The beautiful worlds Ebrima
The beautiful worlds Franklin Gothic Medium
The beautiful worlds Freestyle Script
The beautiful worlds French Script MT
The beautiful worlds Gabriola
The beautiful worlds Gadugi
The beautiful worlds Garamond
The beautiful worlds Georgia
The beautiful worlds Impact
The beautiful worlds Ink Free
The beautiful worlds Javanese Text
The beautiful worlds Juice ITC
The beautiful worlds Kristen ITC
The beautiful worlds Leelawadee UI
The beautiful worlds Leelawadee UI Semilight
The beautiful worlds Lucida Console
The beautiful worlds Lucida Handwriting
The beautiful worlds Lucida Sans Unicode
The beautiful worlds Malgun Gothic
The beautiful worlds Malgun Gothic Semilight
The beautiful worlds Microsoft Himalaya
The beautiful worlds Microsoft JhengHei
The beautiful worlds Microsoft JhengHei Light
The beautiful worlds Microsoft JhengHei UI
The beautiful worlds Microsoft JhengHei UI Light
The beautiful worlds Microsoft New Tai Lue
The beautiful worlds Microsoft PhagsPa
The beautiful worlds Microsoft Sans Serif
The beautiful worlds Microsoft Tai Le
The beautiful worlds Microsoft YaHei UI
The beautiful worlds Microsoft YaHei UI Light
The beautiful worlds Microsoft Yi Baiti
The beautiful worlds MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB
The beautiful worlds MingLiU-ExtB
The beautiful worlds Mongolian Baiti
The beautiful worlds Monotype Corsiva
The beautiful worlds MS Gothic
The beautiful worlds MS PGothic
The beautiful worlds MS Reference Sans Serif
The beautiful worlds MS UI Gothic
The beautiful worlds MV Boli
The beautiful worlds Myanmar Text
The beautiful worlds Nirmala UI
The beautiful worlds Nirmala UI Semilight
The beautiful worlds Palatino Linotype
The beautiful worlds Papyrus
The beautiful worlds PMingLiU-ExtB
The beautiful worlds Pristina
The beautiful worlds Segoe Print
The beautiful worlds Segoe Script
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Black
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Emoji
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Historic
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Light
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Semibold
The beautiful worlds Segoe UI Symbol
The beautiful worlds SimSun-ExtB
The beautiful worlds Sitka Banner
The beautiful worlds Sitka Display
The beautiful worlds Sitka Heading
The beautiful worlds Sitka Small
The beautiful worlds Sitka Subheading
The beautiful worlds Sitka Text
The beautiful worlds Sylfaen
The beautiful worlds Tahoma
The beautiful worlds Tempus Sans ITC
The beautiful worlds Times New Roman
The beautiful worlds Trebuchet MS
The beautiful worlds Verdana
The beautiful worlds Wingdings2
The beautiful worlds Wingdings3
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic Light
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic Medium
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic UI
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic UI Light
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic UI Semibold
The beautiful worlds Yu Gothic UI SemiLight


样式 字体
美丽的世界 等线
美丽的世界 等线 Light
美丽的世界 方正舒体
美丽的世界 方正姚体
美丽的世界 仿宋
美丽的世界 黑体
美丽的世界 华文彩云
美丽的世界 华文仿宋
美丽的世界 华文行楷
美丽的世界 华文琥珀
美丽的世界 华文楷体
美丽的世界 华文隶书
美丽的世界 华文宋体
美丽的世界 华文细黑
美丽的世界 华文新魏
美丽的世界 华文中宋
美丽的世界 楷体
美丽的世界 隶书
美丽的世界 宋体
美丽的世界 微软雅黑
美丽的世界 微软雅黑 Light
美丽的世界 新宋体
美丽的世界 幼圆

Tips: html支持的字体,markdown编辑器基本都支持,上面给出的常见的。



示例 颜色 示例 颜色 示例 颜色 示例 颜色 示例 颜色
#000000 #2F0000 #600030 #460046 #28004D
#272727 #4D0000 #820041 #5E005E #3A006F
#3C3C3C #600000 #9F0050 #750075 #4B0091
#4F4F4F #750000 #BF0060 #930093 #5B00AE
#5B5B5B #930000 #D9006C #AE00AE #6F00D2
#6C6C6C #AE0000 #F00078 #D200D2 #8600FF
#7B7B7B #CE0000 #FF0080 #E800E8 #921AFF
#8E8E8E #EA0000 #FF359A #FF00FF #9F35FF
#9D9D9D #FF0000 #FF60AF #FF44FF #B15BFF
#d0d0d0 #ff7575 #ffaad5 #ffa6ff #d3a4ff
#000079 #000079 #003E3E #006030 #006000
#000093 #003D79 #005757 #01814A #007500
#0000C6 #004B97 #007979 #019858 #009100
#0000C6 #005AB5 #009393 #01B468 #00A600
#0000E3 #0066CC #00AEAE #02C874 #00BB00
#2828FF #0072E3 #00CACA #02DF82 #00DB00
#4A4AFF #0080FF #00E3E3 #02F78E #00EC00
#6A6AFF #2894FF #00FFFF #1AFD9C #28FF28
#7D7DFF #46A3FF #4DFFFF #4EFEB3 #53FF53
#9393FF #66B3FF #80FFFF #7AFEC6 #79FF79
#AAAAFF #84C1FF #A6FFFF #96FED1 #93FF93
#467500 #424200 #5B4B00 #844200 #642100
#548C00 #5B5B00 #796400 #9F5000 #842B00
#64A600 #737300 #977C00 #BB5E00 #A23400
#73BF00 #8C8C00 #AE8F00 #D26900 #BB3D00
#82D900 #A6A600 #C6A300 #EA7500 #D94600
#8CEA00 #C4C400 #D9B300 #FF8000 #F75000
#9AFF02 #E1E100 #EAC100 #FF9224 #FF5809
#A8FF24 #F9F900 #FFD306 #FFA042 #FF8040
#B7FF4A #FFFF37 #FFDC35 #FFAF60 #FF8F59
#C2FF68 #FFFF6F #FFE153 #FFBB77 #FF9D6F
#613030 #616130 #336666 #484891 #6C3365
#743A3A #707038 #3D7878 #5151A2 #7E3D76
#804040 #808040 #408080 #5A5AAD #8F4586
#984B4B #949449 #4F9D9D #7373B9 #9F4D95
#AD5A5A #A5A552 #5CADAD #8080C0 #AE57A4
#B87070 #AFAF61 #6FB7B7 #9999CC #B766AD
#C48888 #B9B973 #81C0C0 #A6A6D2 #C07AB8
#CF9E9E #C2C287 #95CACA #B8B8DC #CA8EC2
#D9B3B3 #CDCD9A #A3D1D1 #C7C7E2 #D2A2CC
#E1C4C4 #D6D6AD #B3D9D9 #D8D8EB #DAB1D5
#F2E6E6 #E8E8D0 #D1E9E9 #F3F3FA #EBD3E8

Tips: 颜色对照表来源于网络,点击这里查看原网页。


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