C:\burns\maven-project>mvn archetype:generate -DartifactId=my-app1
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Building Maven Stub Project (No POM) 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] >>> maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) > generate-sources @ standalone-pom >>>
[INFO] <<< maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) < generate-sources @ standalone-pom <<<
[INFO] --- maven-archetype-plugin:2.2:generate (default-cli) @ standalone-pom ---
[INFO] Generating project in Interactive mode
[INFO] No archetype defined. Using maven-archetype-quickstart (org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart:1.0)
Choose archetype:
1: remote -> am.ik.archetype:maven-reactjs-blank-archetype (Blank Project for React.js)
2: remote -> am.ik.archetype:msgpack-rpc-jersey-blank-archetype (Blank Project for Spring Boot + Jersey)
3: remote -> am.ik.archetype:mvc-1.0-blank-archetype (MVC 1.0 Blank Project)
4: remote -> am.ik.archetype:spring-boot-blank-archetype (Blank Project for Spring Boot)
5: remote -> am.ik.archetype:spring-boot-docker-blank-archetype (Docker Blank Project for Spring Boot)
6: remote -> am.ik.archetype:spring-boot-gae-blank-archetype (GAE Blank Project for Spring Boot)
7: remote -> am.ik.archetype:spring-boot-jersey-blank-archetype (Blank Project for Spring Boot + Jersey)
8: remote -> am.ik.archetype:vanilla-spring-webflux-fn-blank-archetype (Blank project for Vanilla Spring WebFlux.fn)
9: remote -> at.chrl.archetypes:chrl-spring-sample (Archetype for Spring Vaadin Webapps)
10: remote -> (an archetype web 3.0 + struts2 (bootstrap + jquery) + JPA 2.1 with struts2 login system)
11: remote -> (An Archetype with JPA 2.1; Struts2 core; Jquery struts plugin; Struts BootStrap plugin; json Struts plugin; Login System using Session and Interceptor)
12: remote -> (Anteros Archetype for Java Web projects.)
13: remote -> (Modelos com Anota??es Gson)
14: remote -> (A Maven archetype to create Doclets for Javadoc)
15: remote -> (A Maven Archetype for Publishing Dropwizard-based Services on AWS' ElasticBeanstalk Service)
16: remote -> (A Maven Archetype Encompassing Jetty for Publishing Java SE Services on AWS'Elastic Beanstalk Service)
17: remote -> (A Maven Archetype Encompassing RestAssured, Jetty, Jackson, Guice and Jersey for Publishing JAX-RS-based Services on AWS' Elastic Beanstalk Service)
18: remote -> (A Maven Archetype Wrapping Existing war files on AWS' Elastic Beanstalk Service)
19: remote -> (A simple project to start with VRaptor 4)
20: remote -> (-)
21: remote -> (-)
22: remote -> (Basic archetype for generic applications using Demoiselle Framework)
23: remote -> (Archetype for Vaadin web applications)
24: remote -> (Archetype for automated functional tests in desktop java applications)
25: remote -> (Archetype for automated functional tests in web applications)
26: remote -> (Archetype for automated functional tests in web applications)
27: remote -> (CPF Plug-in Maven Arechtype)
28: remote -> (Concurrent Processing Framework Archetype Web)
29: remote -> ch.powerunit.extensions:powerunit-extensions-matchers-archetype (This is a test framework for the JDK 1.8 - Extension to provide matchers based on annotation. - Archetype)
30: remote -> ch.sbb.maven.archetypes:iib9-maven-projects (IBM Integration Bus 9 Maven Project Structure)
31: remote -> ch.sbb.maven.archetypes:wmb7-maven-projects (WebSphere Message Broker 7 Maven Project Structure)
32: remote -> cn.stackbox.archetypes:rest-with-oauth2 (SpringBoot Project Generator for springboot, oauth2, mybatis)
33: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-app-archetype (-)
34: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-data-pipeline-plugins-archetype (-)
35: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-etl-batch-sink-archetype (-)
36: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-etl-batch-source-archetype (-)
37: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-etl-realtime-sink-archetype (-)
38: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-etl-realtime-source-archetype (-)
39: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-etl-transform-archetype (-)
40: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-mapreduce-archetype (-)
41: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-spark-java-archetype (-)
42: remote -> co.cask.cdap:cdap-spark-scala-archetype (-)
43: remote -> co.cask.tigon:tigon-app-archetype (-)
44: remote -> co.ntier:spring-mvc-archetype (An extremely simple Spring MVC archetype, configured with NO XML.)
45: remote -> co.spraybot:maven-archetype (A Maven archetype for easily creating internal spraybot libraries.)
46: remote -> com.abiquo:backup-plugin-archetype (Maven archetype for an Abiquo Backup plugin)
47: remote -> com.abiquo:storage-plugin-archetype (Maven archetype for an Abiquo Storage Plugin)
48: remote -> com.adlinktech.gateway.archetypes:gateway-archetype-camel-ospl (Creates a new Maven project using Vortex Gateway.)
49: remote -> com.agapsys:agreste-app-archetype (AGRESTE Application Archetype)
50: remote -> com.agapsys:agreste-lib-archetype (AGRESTE Library Archetype)
51: remote -> com.agapsys:rcf-app-archetype (Basic application based on Agapsys REST Controller Framework)
52: remote -> com.agapsys.archetypes:agreste-app-archetype (Basic application based on Agapsys AGRESTE)
53: remote -> com.agapsys.archetypes:agreste-lib-archetype (Basic library based on Agapsys AGRESTE)
54: remote -> com.agapsys.archetypes:rcf-app-archetype (Basic application based on Agapsys REST Controller Framework)
55: remote -> com.agilejava.docbkx:docbkx-quickstart-archetype (-)
56: remote -> com.aimconsulting:service-automation-archetype (A project used to bootstrap a basic web service integration test framework)
57: remote -> com.airhacks:igniter (An application template for building Java FX MVP applicationswith Dependency Injection and afterburner.fx)
58: remote -> com.airhacks:javaee-bce-archetype (Maven Archetype (wizard) for the javaee-bce-pom project)
59: remote -> com.airhacks:javaee7-essentials-archetype (Java EE 7 project template. Clean, lean and minimalistic.)
60: remote -> com.airhacks:javaee8-essentials-archetype (Java EE 8 project quickstart template. Clean, lean and minimalistic.)
61: remote -> com.alexanderperucci:spring-grow (Maven Archetype which can generate a secured Spring MVC Web Application (XML Configuration))
62: remote -> (-)
63: remote -> com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-archetype (Maven archetype for a simple AWS Java application.)
64: remote -> com.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes:aws-serverless-jersey-archetype (-)
65: remote -> com.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes:aws-serverless-spark-archetype (-)
66: remote -> com.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes:aws-serverless-spring-archetype (-)
67: remote -> com.amazonaws.serverless.archetypes:aws-serverless-springboot-archetype (-)
68: remote -> com.andrewreitz.velcro:velcro (Awesome Maven archetype for Android)
69: remote -> com.arcbees.archetypes:gwtp-appengine-guice-archetype (GWTP Appengine Guice application)
70: remote -> com.arcbees.archetypes:gwtp-basic-archetype (Basic GWTP application)
71: remote -> com.astamuse:asta4d-archetype (an archetype that is automatically created from asta4d-sample.)
72: remote -> com.atlassian.bamboo:bamboo-specs-archetype (-)
73: remote -> com.atlassian.connect:atlassian-connect-spring-boot-archetype (Provides a Maven archetype for Atlassian Connect add-ons using Spring Boot)
74: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:bamboo-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Bamboo plugin project)
75: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:confluence-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Confluence plugin project)
76: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:crowd-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Crowd plugin project)
77: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:fecru-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian FishEye / Crucible plugin project)
78: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:jira-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian JIRA plugin project)
79: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:jira4-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian JIRA plugin project for JIRA 4.x)
80: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new cross-product Atlassian plugin project)
81: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:refapp-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Refapp plugin project)
82: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:stash-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Stash plugin project)
83: remote -> com.atlassian.maven.archetypes:studio-plugin-archetype (This archetype can be used to create a new Atlassian Studio plugin project)
84: remote -> com.atolcd.alfresco:repo-archetype (Alfresco repository module archetype)
85: remote -> com.atolcd.alfresco:share-archetype (Alfresco Share module archetype)
86: remote -> com.att.ajsc:ajsc-archetype (-)
87: remote -> com.att.ajsc:ajsc-surfsup-archetype (-)
88: remote -> com.att.ajsc:sdk-camunda-archetype (sdk-camunda-archetype-resources)
89: remote -> com.att.ajsc:sdk-java-camel-archetype (AJSC Camel Archetype)
90: remote -> com.att.ajsc:sdk-java-jersey-archetype (AJSC Jersey archtype)
91: remote -> com.att.ajsc:sdk-java-restlet-archetype (AJSC restlet archetype)
92: remote -> com.attivio.platform.archetypes:attivio-archetype-client (Attivio Client Maven Archetype)
93: remote -> com.attivio.platform.archetypes:attivio-archetype-module (Attivio eModule Maven Archetype)
94: remote -> com.bardframework:bard-simple-archetype (A web framework that is easy to use, easy to extend)
95: remote -> com.bellotapps.archetypes:four-layers-webapp-archetype (A Maven archetype for a multi-module project,which includes model, interfaces, persistence, service and webapp modules)
96: remote -> com.bernardomg.maven.archetypes:library-archetype (A Maven Archetype to ease the creation of new Java libraries.)
97: remote -> com.bernardomg.maven.archetypes:spring-mvc-thymeleaf-archetype (A Maven Archetype for Spring MVC, and Thymeleaf, projects.)
98: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-core-sample (-)
99: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-deltaspike-data-sample (-)
100: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-entity-view-sample (-)
101: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-java-ee-sample (-)
102: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-spring-boot-sample (-)
103: remote -> com.blazebit:blaze-persistence-archetype-spring-data-sample (-)
104: remote -> com.blurscope:tomee7-hibernate-archetype (Simple Java EE 7 project template. Test environment is TomEE 7 with Hibernate)
105: remote -> com.bsb.common.vaadin:com.bsb.common.vaadin.embed-simple-archetype (-)
106: remote -> com.bsb.common.vaadin:com.bsb.common.vaadin7.embed-simple-archetype (-)
107: remote -> com.bugvm:bugvm-java-template (-)
108: remote -> com.bugvm:bugvm-libgdx-template (-)
109: remote -> com.bugvm:bugvm-scala-template (-)
110: remote -> com.buschmais.jqassistant.archetype:jqassistant.archetype.project (A project archetype including a basic jQAssistant setup.)
111: remote -> com.canoo.dolphin-platform:kumuluz-archetype (This repository contains a Maven Archetype for a KumuluzEE based project of the Dolphin Platform.)
112: remote -> com.canoo.dolphin-platform:spring-boot-archetype (This repository contains a Maven Archetype for a Spring Boot based project of the Dolphin Platform.)
113: remote -> (-)
114: remote -> (-)
115: remote -> com.cerner.beadledom:simple-service (-)
116: remote -> com.citytechinc.aem.apps.ionic:aem-apps-ionic-maven-archetype (Archetype generating a multi module AEM project, initial content, and contentsync configuration appropriate for an AEM Apps project.)
117: remote -> com.cloudfoundry.tothought:spring-data-basic (A basic setup for Spring Data + Hibernate + MySql)
118: remote -> (Basic Bobcat archetype.)
119: remote -> (Basic Bobcat archetype)
120: remote -> (AEM BDD Bobcat archetype)
121: remote -> (BDD Bobcat archetype)
122: remote -> (Bobcat Appium archetype.)
123: remote -> com.commercetools.maven-archetypes:commercetools-hello-java-archetype (Archetype for creating a Java application with commercetools)
124: remote -> com.commercetools.maven-archetypes:commercetools-spring-mvc-quickstart (Archetype for creating Spring MVC 4 web application with commercetools)
125: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-quickstart (Citrus quickstart project)
126: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-quickstart-jms (Citrus quickstart project with JMS consumer and producer)
127: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-quickstart-soap (Citrus quickstart project with SOAP client and server)
128: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-jms (Archetype for Citrus JMS simulator)
129: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-mail (Archetype for Citrus mail simulator)
130: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-rest (Archetype for Citrus REST simulator)
131: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-swagger (Archetype for Citrus Swagger auto generated REST simulator)
132: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-ws (Archetype for Citrus SOAP simulator)
133: remote -> com.consol.citrus.archetypes:citrus-simulator-archetype-wsdl (Archetype for Citrus WSDL auto generated SOAP simulator)
134: remote -> com.consol.citrus.mvn:citrus-quickstart (Citrus quickstart project)
135: remote -> com.consol.citrus.mvn:citrus-quickstart-jms (Citrus quickstart project with JMS consumer and producer)
136: remote -> com.consol.citrus.mvn:citrus-quickstart-soap (Citrus quickstart project with SOAP client and server)
137: remote -> com.controlsjs.controls4j:app-archetype (Use Controls.js together with Java. Deploy to desktop,Android, iOS, HTML5 browser.)
138: remote -> com.coreoz:plume-archetype-hibernate-jersey-guice (Bootstrap a project with Hibernate, Jersey and Guice)
139: remote -> com.coreoz:plume-archetype-querydsl-jersey-guice (Bootstrap a project with Querydsl, jersey and Guice)
140: remote -> com.coreoz:plume-archetype-querydsl-jersey-guice-grizzly (Bootstrap a project with Querydsl, Jersey, Guice and Grizzly embedded server)
141: remote -> com.crawljax.plugins.archetypes:crawljax-plugins-archetype (Generates a Crawljax project template.)
142: remote -> com.cuubez:cuubez-archetype (Cuubez quickstart archetype.)
143: remote -> com.cyc.model.maven:cyc-model-archetype-project (Maven archetype for creating Cyc Model Generator-based projects.)
144: remote -> com.deciphernow:gm-fabric-archetype (-)
145: remote -> com.devdungeon.maven.archetypes:library (A Maven project archetype for DevDungeon class libraries)
146: remote -> com.digitalpebble.stormcrawler:storm-crawler-archetype (-)
147: remote -> com.dkirrane.maven.archetype:ggitflow-maven-archetype (-)
148: remote -> com.dragome:simple-webapp-archetype (Dragome SDK simple webapp archetype)
149: remote -> com.dtsc.bpm:form-archetype (Archetype for BPM form project)
150: remote -> com.dukescript.archetype:crud4j-archetype (HTML page with master/detail showing results obtainsfor a Jersey server. Everything written in Java.Use your favorite language to code. Run the same codeon server as well as client. UseHTML as a lightweight rendering toolkit. Deploy to desktop,Android, iOS, HTML5 browser.)
151: remote -> com.dukescript.archetype:knockout4j-archetype (HTML page with Knockout.js bindings driven by application modelwritten in Java. Use your favorite language to code. UseHTML as a lightweight rendering toolkit. Deploy to desktop,Android, iOS, HTML5 browser.)
152: remote -> com.dukescript.archetype:visual-archetype (HTML page with various visual technologies driven by codewritten in Java. Control canvas, charts or maps and deployto iOS, Android, desktop and any browser.)
153: remote -> com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype:basic-gwt-webapp (webapp archetype using protostuff, json and gwt)
154: remote -> com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype:basic-webapp (webapp archetype using protostuff, json and jquery)
155: remote -> com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype:simple-gwt-webapp (webapp archetype using protobuf, json and gwt)
156: remote -> com.dyuproject.protostuff.archetype:simple-webapp (webapp archetype using protobuf, json and jquery)
157: remote -> com.ebay.jetstream.archetype:simpleapp (Distributed Stream Processing Framework)
158: remote -> com.eclipsesource.tabris:tabris-application (Archetype to create a Tabris based Application)
159: remote -> com.effectiveosgi:eosgi-module-archetype (-)
160: remote -> com.effectiveosgi:eosgi-project-archetype (-)
161: remote -> com.effectiveosgi:eosgi-test-module-archetype (-)
162: remote -> com.elephantdrummer:drummer (Elephant Drummer Java Job Scheduler)
163: remote -> com.erinors:xtend-ioc-archetype (-)
164: remote -> com.eurodyn.qlack2.webdesktop.apps:qlack2-wdapps-archetypes-barebones (-)
165: remote -> com.exadatum.xsuite.xmaven:exadatum-travis-sonatype-archetype (An archetype to generate exadatum open source module to be deployed to maven central via travis CI and sonatype)
166: remote -> com.fitbur.testify.archetype:archetype-junit-spring-integrationtest (Creates a new quickstart project to integration test Spring modules with Testify, JUnit, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
167: remote -> com.fitbur.testify.archetype:archetype-junit-spring-systemtest (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Spring MVC application with Testify, JUnit, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
168: remote -> com.fitbur.testify.archetype:archetype-junit-springboot-systemtest (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Spring Boot application with Testify, JUnit, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
169: remote -> com.fitbur.testify.archetype:archetype-junit-unittest (Creates a new quickstart project to unit test Java code with Testify, JUnit, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
170: remote -> com.force.sdk:springmvc-archetype (Spring MVC Project with Support)
171: remote -> com.foreveross:moria-spring-cloud-archetype (Demo project for Spring Boot)
172: remote -> com.freedomotic:freedomotic-device-maven-archetype (-)
173: remote -> com.gfk.senbot:SenBotArchetype (Archetype to create new project exposing the SenBot (junit/cucumber/selenium acceptance test executor) to your test environment.)
174: remote -> com.gfk.senbot:SenBotDemo-archetype (A SenBot Demo project with the purpose to demonstrate all available SenBot features.)
175: remote -> com.gitblit.fathom:fathom-archetype-standard (-)
176: remote -> com.github.3cpj:cpj-common (臭皮匠通用工具集)
177: remote -> com.github.K0zka:kotlin-simple-archetype (-)
178: remote -> com.github.adminfaces:admin-starter-archetype (Maven archetype for AdminFaces Starter application.)
179: remote -> com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms:simple-java-project-with-spring-context-archetype (-)
180: remote -> com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms:simple-java-project-with-spring-hibernate-querydsl-archetype (-)
181: remote -> com.github.akiraly.reusable-poms:simple-java-project-with-util-libs-archetype (-)
182: remote -> com.github.apetrelli.samplegwt:samplegwt-archetype (A complete but simple archetype that connects GWT to several technologies: JPA 2, Hibernate, Spring Core, Spring Security, Spring Transactions.)
183: remote -> com.github.bessemHmidi:angularBeans-helloWorld-archetype (This is a simple Hello World Built with AngularBeans Framework and JavaEE7)
184: remote -> com.github.bjoernpetersen:musicbot-provider (Archetype for JMusicBot provider plugins)
185: remote -> com.github.blakepettersson:reactmann-java-archetype (A default archetype to create Reactmann verticles with.)
186: remote -> com.github.bmaggi:eclipse-tycho-archetype (An archetype to generate eclipse tycho project)
187: remote -> com.github.bordertech.wcomponents:wcomponents-app-archetype (-)
188: remote -> com.github.cafdataprocessing:worker-document-archetype (-)
189: remote -> com.github.carlosvin.archetype:lifecycle-maven-plugin-archetype (Archetype for an example of custom Maven plugin overriding default lifecycle)
190: remote -> com.github.casmi.archetypes:casmi-quickstart (Quickstart archetype for casmi project)
191: remote -> com.github.charlie-cityu.archetypes:docs-city-archetype-quickstart (A variation on the maven-archetype-quickstart with source set to 1.8,build to executable jar with dependencies and junit 4.12. File names have been changedto and Directory structure remains consistent with the Mavenstandard.)
192: remote -> com.github.chenjianjx:srb4j (The archetype to generate code simple restful backend in Java)
193: remote -> com.github.choonchernlim:choonchernlim-archetype-jar (Groovy-based JAR archetype with Spring Boot and CI integration)
194: remote -> com.github.choonchernlim:choonchernlim-archetype-webapp (Groovy-based Maven WAR archetype using Spring Boot with the capability of generating static codeanalysis reports for Continuous Integration servers.)
195: remote -> com.github.dakusui:logiaslisp (A JSON based Lisp processor.)
196: remote -> com.github.dakusui:symfonion (A JSON based music macro language processor.)
197: remote -> com.github.davidmoten:xuml-model-archetype (-)
198: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for a complete Android Apk)
199: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for a complete Android library (including application with instrumentation tests and ready-to-publish application on releases))
200: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for a complete Android Apk)
201: remote -> com.github.donhac:stonehenge-archetype-java (a maven archetype for the microService of java)
202: remote -> com.github.drtrang:maven-archetype-springboot (基于 Spring Boot 的 Maven 原型)
203: remote -> com.github.easypack:easypack-archetype-jetty (Maven archetype for creating a project that uses an embedded Jetty and is packaged with an EasyPack packaging)
204: remote -> com.github.easypack:easypack-archetype-quickstart (Maven archetype for quick starting a project that uses one of the EasyPack packagings)
205: remote -> com.github.easypack:easypack-archetype-tomcat (Maven archetype for creating a project that uses an embedded Tomcat and is packaged with an EasyPack packaging)
206: remote -> com.github.easypack:easypack-archetype-undertow (Maven archetype for creating a project that uses the Undertow server and is packaged with an EasyPack packaging)
207: remote -> com.github.fracpete:latex-maven-archetype (The LaTeX Maven Archetype is kickstarts your LaTeX / Maven projects.)
208: remote -> com.github.fredlo2010:vaadin-archetype-springboot-application (This project is no longer maintained :(Please user coordinatescom.github.sparkmuse : vaadin-archetype-springboot-application : 1.0.2See:
209: remote -> com.github.galatearaj:fuse-archetype (A sample archetype for Galatea projects)
210: remote -> com.github.genthaler:ant-maven-plugin-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate an Ant-based Maven Plugin)
211: remote -> com.github.genthaler:beanshell-maven-plugin-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate an Beanshell-based Maven Plugin)
212: remote -> com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-archetype (-)
213: remote -> com.github.gwtmaterialdesign:gwt-material-errai-archetype (A GWT Material Errai Archetype that provides easy creation of gwt-material projects with Errai Framework)
214: remote -> com.github.h0ru5.gwt:angulargwt-app-archetype (Archetype for Webapps using AngularGWT incl. example controller and scope)
215: remote -> com.github.h0ru5.gwt:angulargwt-module-archetype (Archetype for an AngularGwt Module with example service)
216: remote -> com.github.happyfaces:happyfaces-archetype (Description)
217: remote -> com.github.hey-johnnypark:spring-boot-kafka-archetype (A Maven Archetype for an example spring boot application with spring-kafka)
218: remote -> com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes:maven-archetype-executable (Executable Quickstart Archetype that is ready to run with 'java -jar')
219: remote -> com.github.igor-petruk.archetypes:maven-archetype-scala-executable (Creates executable Scala Project that is ready to run with 'java -jar')
220: remote -> com.github.igor-suhorukov:daemon-archetype (Daemon-archetype can generate project structure to package your application as daemon or standalone executable app)
221: remote -> com.github.invictum:invictum-junit-archetype (Archetype for simple project with jUnit style automated tests. Based on Serenity BDD project.)
222: remote -> com.github.jcustenborder.kafka.connect:kafka-connect-quickstart (A quickstart for building Kafka Connect connectors.)
223: remote -> com.github.jobop:anylogspi-archetype (-)
224: remote -> com.github.jobservice:worker-batch-archetype (-)
225: remote -> com.github.jpaoletti:jpm-archetype (Archetype for a jpm-struts1-bootstrap project)
226: remote -> com.github.jsdevel:testng-selenium-archetype (Quickly get up and running with testng-selenium.)
227: remote -> com.github.karlnicholas:javaee-security-quickstart-archetype (Java EE MVC quickstart with form based security and user self-registration pages.)
228: remote -> com.github.katari:k2-archetype-application (-)
229: remote -> com.github.katari:k2-archetype-module (-)
230: remote -> com.github.kentyeh:springJdbiArch (Spring and JDBI web archetype)
231: remote -> com.github.kevbradwick:cucumber-selenium-archetype (A Maven archetype for creating a Cucumber project with Selenium support)
232: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-clean-app-archetype (-)
233: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-clean-sdv-app-archetype (-)
234: remote -> com.github.kospiotr:gwt-gxt-clean-sdv-app-archetype (-)
235: remote -> com.github.lalyos:standalone-jpa-eclipselink-archetype (StandAlone (j2se) jpa project with eclipseLink implementations using embedded DerbiDB)
236: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-batch-archetype (Archetype project for Macchinetta Batch Framework (2.x))
237: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-multi-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
238: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-multi-web-blank-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
239: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
240: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-archetype (Web Blank Project (No O/R Mapper) using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
241: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-noorm-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Project (No O/R Mapper) using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
242: remote -> com.github.macchinetta.blank:macchinetta-web-blank-thymeleaf-archetype (Web Blank Project using Macchinetta Server Framework (1.x))
243: remote -> com.github.manolo:gwt-pwa-archetype (GWT-2.8.1 project with Polymer and PWA service worker)
244: remote -> com.github.manolo:gwt-webappcreator-archetype (GWT project based on webappcreator demo template)
245: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-annotationlibrary (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)
246: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-quickstart (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)
247: remote -> com.github.markusbernhardt:robotframework-archetype-selenium2library (Robot Framework archetype for creating a testsuite)
248: remote -> com.github.mcac0006:jboss-eap6-enterprise-archetype (A useful Maven Archetype which generates a vanilla, out-of-the-box EAR package bundle, ready for use on JBoss EAp 6.4)
249: remote -> com.github.mhshams:kotlin-quickstart-archetype (Kotlin Quick Start Archetype)
250: remote -> com.github.mkolisnyk:aerial-cucumber-junit-archetype (-)
251: remote -> com.github.mkolisnyk:aerial-cucumber-testng-archetype (-)
252: remote -> com.github.mkspcd:simple-webapp (The bare minimum for a functional webapp.)
253: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-angularjs (-)
254: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-intellij (-)
255: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-jbake (-)
256: remote -> com.github.monkeysintown:m11n-archetypes-single (-)
257: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-accountservice (MicroNet Reference Account Service)
258: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-activemq (MicroNet Containerized ActiveMQ Message Broker)
259: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-couchbase (Docker Container Archetype to use Couchbase with MicroNet)
260: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-database (MicroNet Database Component to Access PostgreSQL)
261: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-gatewayservice (MicroNet API Gateway Service Archetype)
262: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-playerservice (MicroNet Example Player Service to Manage Player Scores.)
263: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-roundservice (Round service which periodically broadcasts new round events)
264: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-simpleservice (A simple MicroNet Service Archetype)
265: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-testclient (Test Client for the MicroNet Sample Game)
266: remote -> com.github.mrharibo.micronet:mn-archetype-voteservice (Archetype for the VoteService that processes player guesses)
267: remote -> com.github.mwmahlberg.speedy:speedy-archetype (Archetype for creating Web Applications with the Speedy Web Application Framework)
268: remote -> com.github.ngeor:archetype-quickstart-jdk8 (A Maven archetype for a simple Java app, updated for Java 8)
269: remote -> com.github.noraui:noraui-archetype (Maven archetype for use a NORA-UI project)
270: remote -> com.github.piotr-kalanski:kafka-streams-app-archetype (-)
271: remote -> com.github.piotr-kalanski.kafka:kafka-streams-app-archetype (-)
272: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:apigatewayandauthentication (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway and Authentication Sevices)
273: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:basicinfrastructureandusermanagement (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway, Authentication and Discovery Sevices)
274: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:fullinfrastructure (Maven Archtypes for Service Templates)
275: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:gatewayauthenticationanddiscovery (Maven Archtypes for API Gateway, Authentication and Discovery Sevices)
276: remote -> com.github.pwizenty:servicetemplate (Maven Archtypes for Service Templates)
277: remote -> com.github.rutledgepaulv:maven-archetype (A maven archetype for com.github.rutledgepaulv projects.)
278: remote -> com.github.searls:jasmine-archetype (An archetype to get started with JavaScript unit testing with Jasmine.)
279: remote -> com.github.sparkmuse:vaadin-archetype-springboot-application (This archetype generates a Vaadin + Springboot application.)
280: remote -> com.github.spotbugs:spotbugs-archetype (A Maven archetype for SpotBugs plugin project)
281: remote -> com.github.supermanhub:spring-boot-quick-start-archetype (A famous modern and lightweight architecture based on spring Framework, Boot, Security, Data JPA, HATEOAS, Thymeleaf, WebJars, TDD, RESTful API and so on, which helps you and your team to build web applications or web services quickly and easily.)
282: remote -> com.github.tcnh:fitnesse-project (Project to create a Maven archetype that can be used to generate a FitNesse project based on hsac-fitnesse-fixtures extended with bootstrap-plus and allure)
283: remote -> com.github.toobrien:aws-lambda-s3-example (Template for an AWS Lambda function, demonstratinguse of S3 module and POJO return type.)
284: remote -> com.github.vaadin4qbanos:jsclipboard (JSClipboard Add-on)
285: remote -> com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all:swf-archetype (Archetype to create apps using SWF)
286: remote -> com.github.venkatramanm.swf-all:swf-plugin-archetype (Archetype to create plugins for SWF)
287: remote -> com.github.webdriverextensions:webdriverextensions-archetype-quickstart (Use this archetype to create a new Page Object Pattern based WebDriver Extension project.)
288: remote -> com.github.wisebrains.archetypes:gatein-rest-resource-archetype (A Maven archetype to generate sample Restful GateIn resource)
289: remote -> com.github.wjhstd:code-ssm-archetype (code-ssm Maven Webapp)
290: remote -> com.github.workerframework:worker-archetype (-)
291: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-quickstart (Java Quickstart)
292: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-spring-boot (Spring Boot Quickstart)
293: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-webapp (Java Webapp Quickstart)
294: remote -> com.github.xlongshu.maven:archetype-webapp-2x (Java Webapp 2.x Quickstart)
295: remote -> (A basic Java application with Google App Engine flexible.)
296: remote -> (A skeleton application with Google App Engine)
297: remote -> (A basic Java application with Google App Engine Standard)
298: remote -> (A skeleton project using Cloud Endpoints Frameworks with Google App Engine Standard)
299: remote -> (A guestbook application with Google App Engine)
300: remote -> (A simple starter application using Cloud Endpoints Frameworks with Google App Engine Standard)
301: remote -> (Archetype with a README about Google App Engine archetypes)
302: remote -> (-)
303: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a project containing all the examplepipelines.)
304: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a project containing all the examplepipelines targeting Java 8.)
305: remote -> (Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java is a distribution of ApacheBeam designed to simplify usage of Apache Beam on Google Cloud Dataflowservice. This archetype creates a simple starter pipeline to get startedusing the Google Cloud Dataflow SDK for Java.)
306: remote -> (a sample archetype that creates a project with a PL/SQL package inside and extends the parent project)
307: remote -> (preconfigured PL/SQL project)
308: remote -> (preconfigured PL/SQL webapp)
309: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Plugins)
310: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Web UI GWT Plugins)
311: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Gerrit Web UI JavaScript Plugins)
312: remote -> (-)
313: remote -> (-)
314: remote -> com.googlecode.apparat:apparat-archetype-asm (-)
315: remote -> com.googlecode.apparat:apparat-archetype-tdsi (-)
316: remote -> com.googlecode.etl-unit:etlunit-feature-archetype (-)
317: remote -> com.googlecode.etl-unit:etlunit-project-archetype (-)
318: remote -> com.googlecode.gwtquery:gquery-archetype (This archetype generates a GWT project with all set to use GwtQuery and its plugins.)
319: remote -> com.googlecode.gwtquery:gquery-plugin-archetype (This archetype generates a maven/eclipse project with all set for creating a new GwtQuery Plugin)
320: remote -> com.googlecode.jannocessor:jannocessor-sample-archetype (Multi-module sample project for annotation-driven source code generation with JAnnocessor)
321: remote -> com.googlecode.jdbc-proc:jdbc-proc-archetype (Creates simple project with jdbc-proc support)
322: remote -> com.googlecode.metridoc:metridoc-archetype (-)
323: remote -> com.googlecode.mycontainer:mycontainer-gae-archetype (-)
324: remote -> com.googlecode.playn:playn-archetype (Archetype for PlayN game projects.)
325: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:graphaware-runtime-module-maven-archetype (-)
326: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:graphaware-springmvc-maven-archetype (-)
327: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:neo4j-graphaware-runtime-module-maven-archetype (-)
328: remote -> com.graphaware.neo4j:neo4j-springmvc-maven-archetype (-)
329: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:gwt-simple (simple gwt project archetype with the net.ltgt plugin)
330: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:gwt-simple-mojo-plugin (simple gwt project archetype with mojo plugin)
331: remote -> com.gwidgets.maven:spring-boot-gwt (A maven archetype that integrates GWT into a Spring Boot Application)
332: remote -> com.handcraftedbits.archetype:handcraftedbits-archetype-aws (A Maven Archetype for HandcraftedBits AWS Projects)
333: remote -> com.handcraftedbits.archetype:handcraftedbits-archetype-java (A Maven Archetype for HandcraftedBits Java Projects)
334: remote -> com.handcraftedbits.archetype:handcraftedbits-archetype-simple (A Maven Archetype for Simple HandcraftedBits Projects)
335: remote -> com.hazelcast.simulator:archetype (-)
336: remote -> com.hazelcast.stabilizer:archetype (-)
337: remote -> com.hextremelabs.ussd:ussd-app-archetype (A lightweight USSD application framework)
338: remote -> com.highwise:weby (A simple spring mvc + hibernate project archetype)
339: remote -> com.hivemq:hivemq-plugin-archetype (The Maven Plugin Archetype which makes HiveMQ plugin development a breeze.)
340: remote -> com.hurence.logisland:logisland-plugin-archetype (-)
341: remote -> (IBM MFP Adapter archetype for JavaScript adapter as a maven project. BuildNumber is : 8.0.2018050201)
342: remote -> (IBM MFP Adapter archetype for Java adapter as a maven project. BuildNumber is : 8.0.2018050201)
343: remote -> (IBM MFP Adapter archetype for sql adapter as a maven project. BuildNumber is : 8.0.2018050201)
344: remote -> (-)
345: remote -> com.icfolson.aem:aem-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for AEM projects that utilize the ICF Olson AEM Library.)
346: remote -> com.igormaznitsa:mind-map-plugin (Archetype to create base project of a NB mind map plugin)
347: remote -> com.igormaznitsa:mvn-golang-hello (Archetype generates a sample mvn-golang project)
348: remote -> com.igormaznitsa:mvn-golang-hello-multi (Archetype generates a sample multimodule mvn-golang project)
349: remote -> com.indoqa.quickstart:quickstart-boot-archetype (A quickstart for Java/React projects based on Indoqa Boot)
350: remote -> com.inductiveautomation.ignitionsdk:client-designer-gateway-archetype (Maven Archetype for an Ignition Client+Designer+Gateway Scope Module)
351: remote -> com.inductiveautomation.ignitionsdk:opc-ua-driver-archetype (Maven Archetype for an Ignition OPC-UA Driver Module)
352: remote -> com.inductiveautomation.ignitionsdk:vision-component-archetype (Maven Archetype for an Ignition Vision Module Component)
353: remote -> com.infinityrefactoring:8R-basic-archetype (A basic Maven Archetype for standalone application or libraries.)
354: remote -> (Provides a template for generating starter ICECP-based projects; use `mvn -DarchetypeArtifactId=icecp-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=1.0`.)
355: remote -> (-)
356: remote -> com.iobeam:iobeam-spark-scala-maven-archetype (Maven archetype to set up an iobeam spark app project.)
357: remote -> com.jamcracker.adapter.jit:jit-adapter-archetype (-)
358: remote -> com.jarredweb.repo:webjar-quickstart-archetype (A quick-start template project that uses the webjar framework)
359: remote -> com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery:struts2-jquery-archetype-base (This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Plugin.)
360: remote -> com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery:struts2-jquery-archetype-mobile (This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Mobile Plugin.)
361: remote -> com.jgeppert.struts2.jquery:struts2-jquery-bootstrap-archetype-grid (This Archetype provides a Webapp Configuration ready for the Struts2 jQuery Grid Plugin and the Struts2Bootstrap Plugin.)
362: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-aa-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with authentication and authorization)
363: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-async-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with Server Sent Events)
364: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-basic-archetype (Maven archetype to create basic web project based on JSmart)
365: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-file-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with file upload and download)
366: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-path-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with dynamic path control)
367: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-rest-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with Spring MVC integration)
368: remote -> com.jsmartframework:jsmart-scroll-archetype (Maven archetype to create web project based on JSmart with table and list scroll control)
369: remote -> com.khubla.pragmatach:pragmatach-archetype (-)
370: remote -> com.kloudtek.mule:mule4-api-archetype (Maven Archetype for creating a mule 4 API project)
371: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.activator (Creates a Liferay module project that customizes the starting and stopping of a Liferay bundle.)
372: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.api (Creates a Liferay API module project with an empty public interface.)
373: remote -> (Creates a Liferay Audience Targeting report as a module project.)
374: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.content.targeting.rule (Creates a Liferay Audience Targeting rule as a module project.)
375: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.content.targeting.tracking.action (Creates a Liferay Audience Targeting metric as a module project.)
376: remote -> (Creates a Liferay module project that customizes Liferay Portal's Control Menu.)
377: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.form.field (Creates a Liferay form field module project using the Soy templating language.)
378: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.fragment (Creates a Liferay fragment module project that customizes existing Liferay modules.)
379: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.freemarker.portlet (Creates a FreeMarker portlet as a module project.)
380: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.layout.template (Creates a Liferay layout template module project.)
381: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.mvc.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet as a module project.)
382: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.angular.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and Angular support as a module project.)
383: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.billboardjs.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and Billboard.js support as a module project.)
384: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.isomorphic.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and isomorphic code support as a module project.)
385: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.jquery.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and jQuery support as a module project.)
386: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.metaljs.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and Metal.js support as a module project.)
387: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm support as a module project.)
388: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.react.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and React support as a module project.)
389: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.npm.vuejs.portlet (Creates a Liferay MVC portlet with npm and Vue.js support as a module project.)
390: remote -> (Creates a Liferay panel app that customizes a panel category (e.g., Control Panel) by inserting an entry that gives access to an application.)
391: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.portlet (Creates a Liferay portlet extending the "javax.portlet.GenericPortlet" class as a module project.)
392: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.portlet.configuration.icon (Creates a Liferay module project that customizes a Liferay portlet's configuration icon.)
393: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.portlet.provider (Creates a Liferay module project that finds appropriate portlets to manage requests.)
394: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.portlet.toolbar.contributor (Creates a Liferay module project that customizes a Liferay portlet's toolbar.)
395: remote -> (Creates a Liferay JAX-RS module project.)
396: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.service (Creates a Liferay OSGi service module project implementing a chosen interface.)
397: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.service.builder (Creates a Liferay Service Builder project by generating an API and implementation module.)
398: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.service.wrapper (Creates a Liferay service wrapper module project extending a chosen service wrapper class.)
399: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.simulation.panel.entry (Creates a Liferay panel app module project that customizes Liferay Portal's Simulation Menu.)
400: remote -> (Creates a Liferay Soy portlet as a module project.)
401: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.spring.mvc.portlet (Creates a Spring MVC portlet as a WAR project.)
402: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.template.context.contributor (Creates a Liferay module project that injects custom non-JSP template variables into Liferay Portal.)
403: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.theme (Creates a Liferay WAR-style theme project.)
404: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.theme.contributor (Creates a Liferay module project that packages UI resources (e.g., CSS and JS) independent of a theme to include on a Liferay Portal page.)
405: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.war.hook (Creates a Liferay WAR-style Hook project.)
406: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.war.mvc.portlet (Creates a Liferay WAR-style MVC portlet project.)
407: remote -> com.liferay:com.liferay.project.templates.workspace (Creates a Liferay Workspace project usable by Gradle and Maven build tools.)
408: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.alloy.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay Faces Alloy portlet)
409: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.bootsfaces.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay BootsFaces portlet)
410: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.butterfaces.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay ButterFaces portlet)
411: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.icefaces.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay ICEFaces portlet)
412: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.jsf.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay JSF portlet)
413: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.primefaces.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay PrimeFaces portlet)
414: remote -> com.liferay.faces.archetype:com.liferay.faces.archetype.richfaces.portlet (Maven archetype for a Liferay RichFaces portlet)
415: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-ext-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay extensions.)
416: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-hook-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay hooks.)
417: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-layouttpl-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay layout templates.)
418: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay portlets.)
419: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-icefaces-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay ICEfaces portlets.)
420: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-jsf-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay JSF portlets.)
421: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-liferay-faces-alloy-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay Faces Alloy portlets.)
422: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-primefaces-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay PrimeFaces portlets.)
423: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-richfaces-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay RichFaces portlets.)
424: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-portlet-spring-mvc-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay Spring MVC portlets.)
425: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-servicebuilder-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay Service Builder portlets.)
426: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-theme-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay themes.)
427: remote -> com.liferay.maven.archetypes:liferay-web-archetype (Provides an archetype to create Liferay webs.)
428: remote -> com.lightbend.lagom:maven-archetype-lagom-java (maven-archetype-lagom-java)
429: remote -> com.liveperson.archetypes:dropwizard-app (-)
430: remote -> com.liveperson.archetypes:dropwizard-core (-)
431: remote -> com.liveperson.archetypes:jdk9-app (-)
432: remote -> com.liveperson.archetypes:kafka-app (-)
433: remote -> com.lordofthejars.thymeleafarchetype:thymeleaf-spring-maven-archetype (Thymeleaf Spring Maven Archetype)
434: remote -> com.luhuiguo.archetype:spring-angular-webapp-archetype (Spring Boot + Angular application)
435: remote -> com.luhuiguo.archetypes:spring-angular-antd-archetype (Spring Angular Ant Design Archetype)
436: remote -> com.manydesigns:portofino-war-archetype (-)
437: remote -> (Maven archetype that creates a basic example ManyWho Service)
438: remote -> com.massisframework.massis:hellosimulator-archetype (Simple Hello World simulator)
439: remote -> com.matthewjosephtaylor.archetypes:application-archetype (Maven archetype for a single-jar application)
440: remote -> com.messapix.ftatr.jfxmobile:jfxmobile-archetype (Create base javafxPorts project)
441: remote -> (Maven Archetype for Azure Functions)
442: remote -> (Azure IoT Gateway SDK Simple Module Scaffolding)
443: remote -> com.microstrat.activiti:activiti-archetype (An Apache Maven archetype to create a base project from which to create extensions to Activiti Enterprise.)
444: remote -> com.mikenimer:extjs-springmvc-webapp (A maven Archetype to create new EXTJS project powered by a spring MVC service.)
445: remote -> com.mobidevelop.robovm:robovm-templates-console (-)
446: remote -> com.mobidevelop.robovm:robovm-templates-ios-single-view-no-ib (-)
447: remote -> com.moomanow.archetypes:moomanow-quickstart-webapp (-)
448: remote -> com.mycodefu:executable-jar-archetype (An archetype to create a Java project which is easy to deploy and execute.)
449: remote -> com.mysema.rdf:rdfbean-tapestry-quickstart (Archetype for creating a basic RDFBean Tapestry 5 application.)
450: remote -> com.mysema.rdfbean:rdfbean-tapestry-quickstart (Archetype for creating a basic RDFBean Tapestry 5 application.)
451: remote -> com.nablarch.archetype:nablarch-batch-archetype (Nablarch Framework.)
452: remote -> com.nablarch.archetype:nablarch-batch-ee-archetype (Nablarch Framework.)
453: remote -> com.nablarch.archetype:nablarch-jaxrs-archetype (Nablarch Framework.)
454: remote -> com.nablarch.archetype:nablarch-web-archetype (Nablarch Framework.)
455: remote -> com.nativelibs4java:javacl-simple-tutorial (-)
456: remote -> com.nitorcreations:dope-archetype (A presentation system intended for more advanced users. Think Powerpoint meets Markdown.)
457: remote -> com.oneandone:typedrest-archetype (Archetype for building TypedRest web applications that can run standalone or be consumed as a library.)
458: remote -> com.ontology2:centipede-archetype (archetype for command line applications based on Centipede, Spring and Guava)
459: remote -> com.opsdatastore:opsdatastore-collector-plugin-archetype (-)
460: remote -> (Archetype to start mixed Java/JavaScript development on top ofGraalVM - a JVM with polyglot capabilities. The GraalVM comeswith a 100% compatible node.js implementation that can easily executeJava code as well as code in other scripting languages like Ruby,R language or Python.)
461: remote -> com.pampanet:jersey-guice-webapp-archetype (Archetype for building RESTful Web Services with Jersey 1.18.1 and Google Guice 3.0)
462: remote -> com.pampanet:secure-rest-webapp-archetype (Maven Archetype for building Secure RESTful Web Services Archetype with Apache Shiro 1.2.3, Jersey 1.18.1 and Google Guice 3.0)
463: remote -> com.pampanet:shiro-guice-resteasy-webapp-archetype (Maven Archetype for building Secure RESTful Web Services Archetype with Apache Shiro 1.2.3, RestEasy 3 and Google Guice 3.0)
464: remote -> com.partnet.sample:seauto-cucumber-sample-archetype (Sample project for SeAuto: a bridge to Selenium from your favorite test framework.)
465: remote -> com.partnet.sample:seauto-jbehave-sample-archetype (Sample project for SeAuto: a bridge to Selenium from your favorite test framework.)
466: remote -> com.partnet.sample:seauto.junit.sample-archetype (Sample project for SeAuto: a bridge to Selenium from your favorite test framework.)
467: remote -> com.paypal.selion:SeLion-Archetype (Archetype for new SeLion projects)
468: remote -> com.peppermintchain.archetypes:peppermint-chain-quick-start (This archetype allows a quick-start setup of a peppermint-chain app.)
469: remote -> com.pojosontheweb:woko-archetype (-)
470: remote -> (A simple HTTP framework based on Netty.)
471: remote -> com.premiumminds:pm-wicket-archetype (Template to create a web application with Wicket + Guice + Hibernate)
472: remote -> com.progressoft.brix.domino.archetypes:domino-gwt-app-archetype (-)
473: remote -> com.progressoft.brix.domino.archetypes:domino-gwt-module-archetype (-)
474: remote -> com.progressoft.brix.domino.archetypes:domino-material-module-archetype (-)
475: remote -> com.proofpoint.platform:sample-server-archetype (Sample server archetype)
476: remote -> com.proofpoint.platform:skeleton-server-archetype (Skeleton server archetype)
477: remote -> com.pyx4me:j2me-simple (Maven 2 Archetype for midlet application using j2me-maven-plugin)
478: remote -> com.qaprosoft:carina-archetype (Carina Archetype)
479: remote -> com.rapid7.pax:pax-runner-platform-archetype (An archetype for creating pax-runner platform definition files.)
480: remote -> com.rexsl:rexsl-maven-archetype (-)
481: remote -> com.rhythm.louie:louie-archetype (Maven Archetype for creating Louie-based services)
482: remote -> com.robeja.mojo:restygwt-maven-archetype (Simple RestyGWT, RestEasy maven archetype)
483: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:at9-basic (Archetype with basic configuration for Java9)
484: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:at9-linker (Archetype with configuration for assembling a Java9 project)
485: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:at9-remote (Archetype with deployment configuration for a Java9 project)
486: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:javaee7-essentials-archetype (minimal pom for javaee7 projects)
487: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:javase7-essentials-archetype (minimal pom for javase7 projects)
488: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:javase8-assembly-archetype (Archetype for JavaSE 8 with assembly configuration)
489: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:javase8-essentials-archetype (Archetype with essentials for javase8)
490: remote -> com.rudolfschmidt:javase8-remote-archetype (Archetype for JavaSE 8 with maven central deployment configuration)
491: remote -> (Archetype for a Spring-based project on SAP Cloud Platform (Cloud Foundry).)
492: remote -> (Archetype for a Tomcat-based project on SAP Cloud Platform (Cloud Foundry).)
493: remote -> (Archetype for a TomEE-based project on SAP Cloud Platform (Cloud Foundry).)
494: remote -> (Archetype for a project based on Java EE 6 on SAP Cloud Platform (Neo).)
495: remote -> (Archetype for a project based on Java EE 7 on SAP Cloud Platform (Neo).)
496: remote -> (Starter for a project based on Java EE 6 on SAP Cloud Platform (Neo).)
497: remote -> (SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
498: remote -> (SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
499: remote -> (SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
500: remote -> (Develop OData V2 services with SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
501: remote -> (Develop OData V4 services with SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
502: remote -> (Contains a sample OData V4 service that mashes up data from OData V2 and HANA for your reference)
503: remote -> (SAP Cloud Platform SDK for service development)
504: remote -> (hybris maven archetype for a basic YaaS Service)
505: remote -> (hybris maven archetype for a basic YaaS Service)
506: remote -> (hybris maven archetype for a basic Spring Boot YaaS Service)
507: remote -> com.saucelabs:quickstart-seleniumrc-junit (-)
508: remote -> com.saucelabs:quickstart-seleniumrc-testng (-)
509: remote -> com.saucelabs:quickstart-webdriver-junit (-)
510: remote -> com.saucelabs:quickstart-webdriver-testng (-)
511: remote -> (Example web application for DITA Delivery)
512: remote -> com.sdl.dxa:dxa-webapp-archetype (Example web application for DXA)
513: remote -> com.seismicgames:jersey-swagger-archetype (A Jersey/Swagger/Grizzly RESTful API Archetype)
514: remote -> com.shedhack.tool:spring-boost (Maven Archetype to generate a Spring Boot Application)
515: remote -> com.sibvisions.jvx:jvxapplication-archetype (A preconfigured setup for a JVx application)
516: remote -> com.sinnerschrader.aem.react:aem-project-archetype (React AEM archetype. Fork of AEM multi-module archetype.)
517: remote -> com.sitture:fitnesse-quickstart (An archetype that can be used to generate a Maven based FitNesse project.)
518: remote -> com.sixdimensions.wcm.cq:cq-deploy-plugin (Maven plugin for automating code deployments to Adobe CQ.)
519: remote -> com.sixsq.slipstream:slipstream-module (-)
520: remote -> com.smb-tec.xo.archetypes:xo-neo4j-quickstart (Creates a skeleton for an XO application using the Neo4j graph database backend.)
521: remote -> com.sourcesense.solr:solr-multicore-archetype (-)
522: remote -> com.sourcesense.solr:solr-standalone-archetype (-)
523: remote -> com.speedment:speedment-archetype-basic (-)
524: remote -> com.speedment:speedment-archetype-mariadb (-)
525: remote -> com.speedment:speedment-archetype-mysql (-)
526: remote -> com.speedment:speedment-archetype-postgresql (-)
527: remote -> com.speedment.archetypes:speedment-archetype-mariadb (-)
528: remote -> com.speedment.archetypes:speedment-archetype-mysql (-)
529: remote -> com.speedment.archetypes:speedment-archetype-postgresql (-)
530: remote -> com.springer:omelet-archetype (static file generator for omelet)
531: remote -> com.springer:omelet-archetype-simple (Automation library for Selenium built on top of TestNg)
532: remote -> com.strategicgains.archetype:restexpress-cassandra (A Basic, Cassandra-backed Service Suite)
533: remote -> com.strategicgains.archetype:restexpress-minimal (A Minimal RestExpress Server)
534: remote -> com.strategicgains.archetype:restexpress-mongodb (A Basic, MongoDB-backed Service Suite)
535: remote -> com.strategicgains.archetype:restexpress-scaffold-minimal (A Minimal RestExpress Server)
536: remote -> com.strategicgains.archetype:restexpress-scaffold-mongodb (A Basic, MongoDB-backed Service Suite)
537: remote -> com.streamsets:streamsets-datacollector-stage-lib-tutorial (StreamSets Stage Library Archetype)
538: remote -> com.streamsets.datacollector.archetype:stage-lib (StreamSets Stage Library Archetype)
539: remote -> com.sun.faces:faces-2.1-test-war-archetype (Archetype to create automated test based on JSF 2.1)
540: remote -> com.sun.faces:faces-2.2-test-war-archetype (Create a JSF 2.2 vanilla app.)
541: remote -> com.sun.faces.regression:i_jsf_XXXX-archetype (-)
542: remote -> com.sun.faces.test:i_jsf_xxxx_htmlunit-archetype (-)
543: remote -> com.sun.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-ejb (An archetype which contains a simple Jersey based EJB project.)
544: remote -> com.sun.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-grizzly (An archetype which contains a quickstart Jersey project based on Grizzly container.)
545: remote -> com.sun.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-grizzly2 (An archetype which contains a quickstart Jersey project based on Grizzly2 container.)
546: remote -> com.sun.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-webapp (An archetype which contains a sample Jersey based Webapp project.)
547: remote -> com.sun.mep:mep-connector-archetype-rar (Maven archetype to create a RAR-based connector for the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform version 1.1_01.)
548: remote -> com.sun.mep:mep-connector-jaxrs-archetype-rar (Maven archetype to create a JAXRS-based connector for the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform version 1.1_01.)
549: remote -> com.sun.mep:mep-connector-jaxws-archetype-rar (Maven archetype to create a JAXWS-based connector for the Sun GlassFish Mobility Platform version 1.1_01.)
550: remote -> com.surenpi.autotest:autotest.web.framework.archetype (WebUI自动化测试框架骨架)
551: remote -> (-)
552: remote -> com.tealcube.minecraft.bukkit:bukkit-plugin-archetype (A Bukkit plugin archetype for Teal Cube plugins and libraries.)
553: remote -> com.techempower:gemini-resin-archetype (An archetype project for building Gemini applications.)
554: remote -> com.tectonica:gae-jersey-guice-archetype (Maven archetype for generating skeleton Google-App-engine application that uses Jersey, Jackson and Guice)
555: remote -> com.thepracticaldeveloper:archetype-java-basic-tpd (A basic Java Archetype for Java 1.8 and 9. It contains somecommonly-used test libraries and creates an executable JAR file by default.)
556: remote -> com.thesett.archetype:dropwizard_archetype (Archetype for setting up a DropWizard codegen project.)
557: remote -> com.thetachain:theta-chain-module (This Archetype is a fast and simple way to setup a Theta-Chain development environment.)
558: remote -> com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven:gauge-archetype-java (Archetype for Gauge Java)
559: remote -> com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven:gauge-archetype-selenium (Archetype for Gauge Java with Selenium)
560: remote -> com.thoughtworks.gauge.maven:gauge-maven-plugin (A maven plugin to execute gauge specs in the project)
561: remote -> com.tqlab.sense:tqlab-sense-archetype (tqlab sense archetype)
562: remote -> com.tvd12:ezyfox-sfs2x-archetype (Support to create smartfox game application project (use ezyfox) quickly)
563: remote -> com.tvd12:maven-simple-archetype (Support to create a maven project quickly)
564: remote -> com.udaan.archetypes:dropwizard-kotlin (Maven archetype for Kotlin based Dropwizard applications)
565: remote -> com.unboundid:server-sdk-archetype (A Maven archetype that can generate a project for building anUnboundID Server SDK extension bundle.)
566: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-addon (This archetype generates a multi-module Vaadin add-on project for Vaadin 6.5+ with a test/demo application and a documentation module.Packaging the add-on as ZIP is supported.)
567: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application (This archetype generates a sample Vaadin application as a single-module Maven project.This archetype is primarily meant for simple applications, quick tests and demos.)
568: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application-example (This archetype generates a sample Vaadin application as a multi-module Maven project.)
569: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-application-multimodule (This archetype generates the skeleton for a multi-module Vaadin application.For a full example project, see vaadin-archetype-application-example.)
570: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-clean (This archetype generates a simple Vaadin application as a Maven project.No custom widgetset is included.)
571: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-jpacontainer (This archetype generates a simple Vaadin application using JPAContainer as a Maven project.)
572: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet (This archetype generates a Liferay portlet plugin project that relies on the Vaadin bundles being installed on the portal server.The result of the maven build is an OSGi bundle that can be installed on a Liferay 7+ server. The Vaadin integration handles the registration of the annotated UI as a Portlet.)
573: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-portlet (This archetype creates a simple porlet with required Vaadin dependencies. In addition to standard JSR 286 configurations the archetype also adds liferay specific configuration files, but they shoudn't affect other portals.)
574: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-sample (This archetype generates a Vaadin application as a Maven project.The application contains a custom GWT widgetset that is compiledby the GWT compiler and integrated into the project as part of thebuild process. The application is based on the Vaadin Color PickerDemo application available at
575: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-touchkit (Generates a simple Vaadin application using TouchKit.)
576: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-archetype-widget (This archetype generates a Vaadin 7 widget project and a related demo application.)
577: remote -> com.vaadin:vaadin-maven-plugin (Maven plugin for Vaadin.)
578: remote -> com.vaadin.polymer:gwt-pwa-archetype (GWT-2.8.0 project with Polymer and PWA service worker)
579: remote -> com.vaadin.wscdn:wscdn-archetype ( project archetype)
580: remote -> com.vasiliyspodin:j8-minimal (Minimal Java 8 Maven Archetype)
581: remote -> com.vaushell:archetype-exec (archetype for an executable (not a library))
582: remote -> com.vaushell:archetype-library (archetype for a library (not an executable))
583: remote -> (Create Android application structure for DEMUX Framework applications)
584: remote -> (Create OSGI bundle for DEMUX Android projects)
585: remote -> (Create application bundles for DEMUX Framework applications)
586: remote -> (Create JavaFX desktop application structure for DEMUX Framework applications)
587: remote -> com.vilt-group.minium:minium-script-cucumber-archetype (-)
588: remote -> com.vilt-group.minium:minium-script-jasmine-archetype (-)
589: remote -> com.vlkan:vanilla-jaxrs-service-api-archetype (Archetype for creating a microservice API using vanilla JAX-RS.)
590: remote -> com.vlkan:vanilla-jaxrs-service-archetype (Archetype for creating a microservice using vanilla JAX-RS.)
591: remote -> com.vmware.xenon:xenon-quickstart (-)
592: remote -> com.wadpam.gaelic:gaelic-archetype-starter (-)
593: remote -> com.wandrell.archetype:library (A Maven archetype to ease the creation of new libraries.)
594: remote -> com.wandrell.archetypes:library (A Maven archetype to ease the creation of new libraries.)
595: remote -> com.wandrell.maven.archetypes:library (A Maven archetype to ease the creation of new libraries.)
596: remote -> com.wandrell.maven.archetypes:library-archetype (A Maven Archetype to ease the creation of new Java libraries.)
597: remote -> com.wandrell.maven.archetypes:spring-mvc-thymeleaf-archetype (A Maven Archetype for Spring MVC, and Thymeleaf, projects.)
598: remote -> com.webcohesion.enunciate:enunciate-simple-archetype (-)
599: remote -> (-)
600: remote -> com.wiley:teasy-template-archetype (Maven archetype for Teasy framework template)
601: remote -> com.willowtreeapps:oak-archetype (-)
602: remote -> com.willowtreeapps:oak-dagger-api15-archetype (-)
603: remote -> com.willowtreeapps:oak-dagger-archetype (-)
604: remote -> com.willowtreeapps:oak-gradle-archetype (-)
605: remote -> com.willwinder:javalin-java-archetype (Simple archetype to setup a javalin project)
606: remote -> com.willwinder:javalin-kotlin-archetype (Simple archetype to setup a javalin project using Kotlin)
607: remote -> com.wordpress.javaenterprise7:MinimumHelloWorld-archetype (Minimal archetype for a Java EE 7 application)
608: remote -> (XTIVIA Services Framework)
609: remote -> com.yoctopuce.archetype:commandline (Simple commandline example with Yoctoupce library)
610: remote -> com.zanclus:spock-bootstrap (Maven archetype for getting started using SpockFramework for testing)
611: remote -> com.zanclus.codepalousa:deltaspike-restlet-archetype (A Maven Archetype for generating a basic ReSTlet Application stub which can then be expanded)
612: remote -> com.zanclus.codepalousa:restlet-deltaspike-raml-archetype (A Maven Archetype for generating a simple Restlet application which can produce it's own RAML documentationbased on the content of the code contained therein. It also sets up and uses Apache DeltaSpike for dependencyinjection. The version tracks the version of the Restlet Framework being used.)
613: remote -> com.zanclus.codepalousa:vertx-java-archetype (A Maven Archetype for generating a basic Vert.x 3.0.0 Java project)
614: remote -> com.zanclus.codepalousa:vertx-js-archetype (A Maven Archetype for generating a basic Vert.x 3.0.0 JavaScript project)
615: remote -> com.zanclus.vertx:vertx-groovy-archetype (A Maven Archetype for generating a basic Vert.x ${project.version}Java project)
616: remote -> com.zenjava:javafx-basic-archetype (The JavaFX Basic Archetype provides core functionality for assembling JavaFX applications.)
617: remote -> com.zenjava:javafx-rest-archetype (The JavaFX Basic Archetype provides a Maven archetype for generating a basic JavaFX REST client-server starterproject.)
618: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for a GCM Android application)
619: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for an Android library)
620: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for an Android application)
621: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for an Android application,instrumentation tests and ready-to-publish application on releases.)
622: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for an Android application and instrumentation tests)
623: remote -> (Creates a skeleton for an Android application using the Stand framework stack)
624: remote -> de.akquinet.chameria:chameria-quickstart-archetype (-)
625: remote -> de.akquinet.javascript.archetypes:javascript-jqueryplugin (Creates a skeleton for an Javascript jquery plugin)
626: remote -> de.akquinet.javascript.archetypes:javascript-quickstart (Creates a skeleton for an Javascript application)
627: remote -> de.akquinet.jbosscc:jbosscc-javaee6-modular-ear-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate a modular Java EE 6 based project skeleton.)
628: remote -> de.akquinet.jbosscc:jbosscc-seam-archetype (Maven Archetype to generate a Seam Application - running on JBoss AS7)
629: remote -> de.bmiag.tapir:tapir-bootstrap-archetype (tapir Bootstrap Archetype)
630: remote -> de.bmiag.tapir:tapir-module-archetype (tapir Module Archetype)
631: remote -> de.bripkens:java-quickstart (Java quickstart archetype with some common libs)
632: remote -> de.cologneintelligence:archetype-fitgoodies-quickstart (Archetype which generates an FitGoodies-enabled example project)
633: remote -> de.crowdcode.kissmda.maven:kissmda-maven-app-archetype (-)
634: remote -> de.crowdcode.kissmda.maven:kissmda-maven-cartridge-archetype (-)
635: remote -> de.cubeisland.maven.archetypes:archetype-cubeengine-module (This archetype generates a new module for the Cube Engine.)
636: remote -> de.dailab:jiac-agent-config-temp (-)
637: remote -> de.dailab:jiac-config-temp (Creates a jiac agent project, with spring-config templates for an agent and an agent bean)
638: remote -> de.dailab:jiac-empty (Creates a empty jiac project. POM only)
639: remote -> de.dailab:jiac-jsw (Creates a runnable agent, which can used as system service/daemon)
640: remote -> de.dailab:jiac-multi-module (Creates jiac multi module project with api and domain module)
641: remote -> de.hansche:vaadin-jee7-webapp-archetype (Maven archetype for Java EE-based Vaadin projects)
642: remote -> de.holisticon.archetypes:java-library (Please refer to
643: remote -> de.katerkamp.szoo:styles-factory-archetype (Archetype to create a custom Style Factory Maven Project.The factory collects and assembles styles from Google fonts,Zurb Foundation etc.)
644: remote -> de.learnlib.archetypes:basic (Archetype for a basic LearnLib setup, including the most commonly used dependencies)
645: remote -> de.learnlib.archetypes:complete (Archetype which includes all LearnLib dependencies)
646: remote -> de.learnlib.archetypes:core (Archetype providing dependencies for core functionalities of LearnLib)
647: remote -> de.learnlib.archetypes:typical (Archetype for a typical LearnLib setup, including the most commonly used dependencies)
648: remote -> de.saumya.mojo:rails-maven-archetype (archetype to mavenize an existing rails 2.3.x or rails3 application)
649: remote -> de.saxsys:mvvmFX-archetype (An maven archetype to create an example application with mvvmFX)
650: remote -> de.saxsys:mvvmfx-archetype (An maven archetype to create an example application with mvvmFX)
651: remote -> de.schlichtherle:javafx-scala-demo (An archetype for a standalone JavaFX 2.0 application written in Scala.
The generated application is translated from the Colorful Circles demo from the
JavaFX 2.0 SDK.)
652: remote -> de.schlichtherle.truezip:truezip-archetype-file (TrueZIP File* module application - requires JSE 6.)
653: remote -> de.schlichtherle.truezip:truezip-archetype-path (TrueZIP Path module application - requires JSE 7.)
654: remote -> de.svenkubiak:mangooio-maven-archetype (-)
655: remote -> de.svenkubiak:ninja-simple-archetype (This is a archetype for a simple Ninja Web Framework project. It is based on the servlet archetype, but with some minor modifications)
656: remote -> de.taimos:archetype-lambda (Maven archetype for an AWS lambda function written in Java)
657: remote -> de.taimos:dvalin-archetype-basic (Maven archetype for a basic dvalin project)
658: remote -> de.taimos:dvalin-archetype-docker (Maven archetype for a docker based dvalin project)
659: remote -> de.terrestris:shogun2-webapp-archetype (-)
660: remote -> de.whisperedshouts:iiq-webapp-archetype (This archetype may be used to create a webapp based on SailPoint IdentityIQ.)
661: remote -> dk.jacobve.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-flex (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Flex project using the israfil maven plugin)
662: remote -> dk.navicon:valkyrie-rcp-archetype (Archetype for creating new Valkyrie projects.)
663: remote -> dk.sublife.docker-integration:docker-integration-archetype (-)
664: remote -> dk.swissarmyronin:guava-lombok-mockito-archetype (A quick start template that provides Guava, Lombok, JUnit, Mockito, and SLF4J.)
665: remote -> edu.byu.hbll:java-app-project (Maven archetype for standalone applications)
666: remote -> edu.byu.hbll:java-ee-project (Maven archetype for Java EE applications)
667: remote -> edu.byu.hbll:java-project (Maven archetype for libraries)
668: remote -> edu.byu.hbll:java-web-project (Maven archetype for Java EE applications)
669: remote -> edu.jhu.hlt:concrete-new-project (Archetype for creating new Concrete projects.)
670: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:WeatherTopology-archetype (Reads weather from kafka topic and stores latest
weather for American airports in HBase)
671: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:flight-topology-archetype (Reads flights from kafka topic and updates HBase
with flight information)
672: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:hadoop-archetype (Create a Hadoop client application including an UberJar)
673: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:hadoop-thrift-archetype (-)
674: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:hadoop-thrift-example-archetype (Creates an example program that serializes thrift students to HDFS sequence files)
675: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:hdfs-ingest-weather-archetype (Creates an example program that reads NOAA weather and serializesto HDFS Thrift sequence files)
676: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:kafka-flight-archetype (Ingest real-time flight data from FlightAware into a Kafka topic)
677: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:kafka-weather-archetype (Ingest real-time weather data into a Kafka topic)
678: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:spark-scala-archetype (Create a Spark Scala program. Provides dependencies on Spark, Spark Streaming, Kafka, and Hive)
679: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:spark-scala-kafka-word-count-archetype (Create a Spark Scala streaming WordCount program that reads from Kafka)
680: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:spark-scala-network-word-count-archetype (Create a Spark Scala Network WordCount program similar to that included in the Spark examples)
681: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:spark-scala-word-count-archetype (Create a Spark Scala WordCount program similar to that in O'Reilly Learning Spark book)
682: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:spark-streaming-flights-archetype (Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads flights from Kafka and looks them up in HBase)
683: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:speed-layer-flights-archetype (Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads flights from Kafka, looks up corresponding weather information and updates speed layer tables in HBase)
684: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:speed-layer-weather-archetype (Create a Spark Scala streaming program that reads simulated weather reports from Kafka and stores them in the latest_weather table in HBase)
685: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:storm-word-count-archetype (Modified version of the Word Count program at
686: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:thrift-archetype (Example program to write thrift from local file system)
687: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:thrift-example-archetype (Creates an example program that serializes thrift logins)
688: remote -> edu.uchicago.mpcs53013:word-count-archetype (Create the WordCount example from the Hadoop docs)
689: remote -> es.ucm.fdi.grasia.faerie.archetypes:basic (Project for definition and implementation of an architecture/framework for Ambient-Assited Living systems)
690: remote -> es.uvigo.ei.sing:aibench-archetype (-)
691: remote -> eu.clarin.weblicht:weblicht-nentities-ws-dw-archetype (An archetype for creating weblicht web services with dropwizard. This archetype provides debian and redhat packaging.)
692: remote -> eu.crydee.uima.opennlp:opennlp-resource-archetype (Archetype to ease the Mavenization of OpenNLP resources)
693: remote -> eu.stratosphere:quickstart-java (-)
694: remote -> eu.stratosphere:quickstart-scala (-)
695: remote -> eu.tarienna:first-archetype-basic (A maven archetype to generate a basic FIRST application skeleton.)
696: remote -> eu.vitaliy:java6se-spring3-archetype (Simple spring 3 archetype)
697: remote -> fish.payara.maven.archetypes:payara-micro-maven-archetype (Archetype for Payara Micro application.)
698: remote -> fr.brouillard.oss:jee-war-archetype (Creates jee ready to use webapp)
699: remote -> fr.brouillard.oss:jgitver-jar-archetype (Creates ready to use jar maven project using jgitver)
700: remote -> fr.fastconnect.factory.tibco:archetype-default-pom (This archetype will create an independent POM with default propertiesrequired by the FC TIBCO Factory plugins.)
701: remote -> fr.fastconnect.factory.tibco:archetype-default-project (This archetype will create an independent POM with default propertiesrequired by the FC TIBCO Factory plugins.)
702: remote -> fr.fastconnect.factory.tibco:archetype-default-workspace (This archetype creates the default workspace (with BusinessWorks projects, Java projects & delivery project).)
703: remote -> (This archetype creates an empty TIBCO BusinessWorks project.)
704: remote -> (This archetype creates an empty TIBCO BusinessWorks Projlib project.)
705: remote -> (This archetype will create a POM that inherits from FC TIBCO Factoryparent POM *OR* from the client's root POM created with'archetype-client-root-project' archetype.This POM will be the Maven configuration for the existing TIBCO BWproject.1) you want to use the default FC TIBCO Factory parent, then replace the'rootProjectGroupId', 'rootProjectArtifactId' & 'rootProjectVersion'by the content of 'fcFactoryGroupId', 'fcFactoryArtifactId' &'fcFactoryVersion' respectively.2) you want to use your own parent created with'archetype-client-root-project', then replace 'rootProjectGroupId','rootProjectArtifactId' & 'rootProjectVersion' by the values of yourown parent (ex: '', 'project-root', '1.0.0').)
706: remote -> (This archetype will create a POM that inherits from FC TIBCO Factoryparent POM.This POM will be the central configuration for all the TIBCOBusinessWorks projects of this client project. It is possible forinstance to redefine here the default properties that will be used forany TIBCO BusinessWorks projects.)
707: remote -> fr.lteconsulting:angular2-gwt.archetype (-)
708: remote -> fr.lteconsulting.archetypes:quickstart-java8 (-)
709: remote -> fr.manastria:manastria-archetype-introduction (A Manastria archetype for beginner.)
710: remote -> fr.uha.ensisa.ff:spark-simple-archetype (An extremely simple Spark kickoff project.)
711: remote -> fr.uha.ensisa.ff:spring-mvc-archetype (An extremely simple Spring MVC, configured with NO XML.)
712: remote -> fr.ybonnel:simpleweb4j-archetype (An archetype for SimpleWeb4j.)
713: remote -> guru.bug.javacourses:webproject (Java Courses simple WEB project archetype)
714: remote -> (An archetype for test automation projects)
715: remote -> im.bci:jnuit-archetype (Create a full featured game project: lwjgl for rendering, jnuit for GUI, artemis for Entity System, guice for dependency injection, maven plugins for installer/package generators for Windows, Debian, Fedora and other OS, support of Keyboard/Mouse/Gamepad inputs settings...)
716: remote -> in.kncsolutions.dhelm.archetype:dhelm-archetype-quickstart (Dhelm-archetype-quickstart is an archetype  for dhelm project.)
717: remote -> in.virit.vwscdn:vwscdn-archetype ( project archetype)
718: remote -> info.kwarc.sally4:sally4-module-archetype (Semantic Alliance Communication Module Archetype)
719: remote -> info.kwarc.sally4.comm:comm-archetype (Semantic Alliance Communication Module Archetype)
720: remote -> io.airlift:sample-server-archetype (Sample server archetype)
721: remote -> io.airlift:skeleton-server-archetype (Skeleton server archetype)
722: remote -> io.andromeda:lyricist-quickstart (-)
723: remote -> (-)
724: remote -> (Basic implementation of an Apigee Edge API to get started quickly)
725: remote -> io.appbricks:appbricks-archetype-dubbox-service (a maven archetype for appbricks service)
726: remote -> (Single page application (SPA) Java servlet Maven archetype)
727: remote -> io.baratine:baratine-maven-archetype (Baratine Maven Archetype)
728: remote -> io.brooklyn:brooklyn-archetype-quickstart (This project defines an archetype for creating new projects which consume brooklyn,including an example application and an example new entity type,able to build an OSGi JAR and a binary assembly, with logging and READMEs.)
729: remote -> io.brooklyn.ambari:brooklyn-ambari-service (-)
730: remote -> io.confluent.maven:kafka-connect-quickstart (A quickstart for building Kafka Connect connectors.)
731: remote -> io.coodoo:JavaEE7-Angular2-Architype (e easiest way to get started with JavaEE + Angular2)
732: remote -> io.cucumber:cucumber-archetype (Cucumber Expressions)
733: remote -> io.dropwizard.archetypes:java-simple (-)
734: remote -> io.fabric8:camel-cxf-code-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in code (Java) first.)
735: remote -> io.fabric8:camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in contract (WSDL) first.)
736: remote -> io.fabric8:camel-drools-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using the Drools rule engine.)
737: remote -> io.fabric8:camel-webservice-archetype (Creates a new Camel web services project)
738: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-amq-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Camel and ActiveMQ.)
739: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-cbr-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project for Camel based Content Based Router.)
740: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-cdi-archetype (Creates a new Camel CDI project which uses the Java Container in Fabric8.)
741: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-cxf-code-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in code (Java) first.)
742: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in contract (WSDL) first.)
743: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-dozer-wiki-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using a Dozer transform where the camel routes and transforms are maintained in the wiki)
744: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-drools-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using the Drools rule engine.)
745: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-eips-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project for Camel based Enterprise Integration Patterns.)
746: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-errorhandler-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Camel based Error handling.)
747: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-servlet-war-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Camel Servlet with a WAR.)
748: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-spring-boot-archetype (Shows how to use Camel with Spring Boot in the Java Container.)
749: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-spring-java-archetype (Creates a new Camel Spring project which uses the Java Container in Fabric8.)
750: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:camel-webservice-archetype (Creates a new Camel web services project)
751: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cbr-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project for Camel based Content Based Router.)
752: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-amq-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI and ActiveMQ in a standalone Java Container)
753: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container)
754: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-http-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container calling the remote camel-servlet quickstart)
755: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-http-client-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container using HTTP client to call remote camel-jetty quickstart)
756: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-jetty-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container using Jetty as HTTP server)
757: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-mq-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI and ActiveMQ in a standalone Java Container)
758: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-camel-swagger-archetype (Creates a new An example using REST DSL and Swagger Java with CDI)
759: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:cdi-cxf-archetype (Creates a new CXF JAX-RS using CDI running in a standalone Java Container)
760: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:django-example-archetype (Creates a new django example)
761: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:dotnet-example-archetype (Creates a new dotnet example)
762: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:eip-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project for Camel based Enterprise Integration Patterns.)
763: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:errors-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Camel based Error handling.)
764: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:funktion-groovy-example-archetype (Creates a new funktion groovy example)
765: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:funktion-java-example-archetype (Creates a new funktion java example)
766: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:funktion-kotlin-example-archetype (Creates a new funktion kotlin example)
767: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:funktion-nodejs-example-archetype (Creates a new Funktion :: Examples :: NodeJS)
768: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:golang-example-archetype (Creates a new golang example)
769: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:infinispan-client-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using Spring XML and Infinispan in a standalone Java container)
770: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:infinispan-infinispan-client-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using Spring XML and Infinispan in a standalone Java container)
771: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:infinispan-infinispan-server-archetype (Creates a new Infinispan Server)
772: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:infinispan-server-archetype (Creates a new Infinispan Server)
773: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-camel-cdi-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container)
774: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-camel-cdi-http-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container calling the remote camel-servlet quickstart)
775: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-camel-cdi-mq-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI and AcrtiveMQ in a standalone Java Container)
776: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-camel-cdi-rest-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using CDI in a standalone Java Container as REST client)
777: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-camel-spring-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using Spring XML in a standalone Java container)
778: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-cxf-cdi-archetype (Creates a new CXF JAX-RS using CDI running in a standalone Java Container)
779: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-fatjar-archetype (Creates a new Simple standalone Java Container (fat jar))
780: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-jgroups-greeter-archetype (Creates a new Simple Jgroups Example using Kubernetes Discovery)
781: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-mainclass-archetype (Creates a new Simple standalone Java Container (main class))
782: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-simple-fatjar-archetype (Creates a new Simple standalone Java Container (fat jar))
783: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:java-simple-mainclass-archetype (Creates a new Simple standalone Java Container (main class))
784: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:jboss-fuse-camel-amq-archetype (Creates a new ActiveMQ and Camel Example)
785: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:jboss-fuse-camel-log-archetype (Creates a new Camel Log Example)
786: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:jboss-fuse-camel-rest-sql-archetype (Creates a new Camel Example using Rest DSL with SQL Database)
787: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:jboss-fuse-cxf-rest-archetype (Creates a new CXF Rest Example)
788: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:jms-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Camel and JMS.)
789: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-beginner-camel-cbr-archetype (Creates a new Camel Content-Based Router Example)
790: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-beginner-camel-eips-archetype (Creates a new Camel using mutliple EIPs into a single solution)
791: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-beginner-camel-errorhandler-archetype (Creates a new Error handling with Camel)
792: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-beginner-camel-log-archetype (Creates a new Camel Log Example)
793: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-beginner-camel-log-wiki-archetype (Creates a new Camel Log Example (wiki))
794: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-amq-archetype (Creates a new ActiveMQ and Camel Example)
795: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-cbr-archetype (Creates a new Camel Content-Based Router Example)
796: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-cxf-code-first-archetype (Creates a new web service using Java code first)
797: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype (Creates a new web service using the WSDL contract first)
798: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-dozer-wiki-archetype (Creates a new An example Camel project using a Dozer transform where the camel routes and transforms are maintained in the wiki)
799: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-drools-archetype (Creates a new Fabric8 :: Quickstarts :: Karaf :: Camel Drools)
800: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-eips-archetype (Creates a new Camel using mutliple EIPs into a single solution)
801: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-errorhandler-archetype (Creates a new Error handling with Camel)
802: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-log-archetype (Creates a new Camel Log Example)
803: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-log-wiki-archetype (Creates a new Camel Log Example (wiki))
804: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-rest-sql-archetype (Creates a new Camel Example using Rest DSL with SQL Database)
805: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-camel-webservice-archetype (Creates a new Camel example exposing a webservice to add or get Customers (backend is mocked in a bean))
806: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-camel-cxf-code-first-archetype (Creates a new Creates a web service using Java code first)
807: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype (Creates a new Creates a web service using the WSDL contract first)
808: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-rest-archetype (Creates a new RESTful WebService Example using JAX-RS)
809: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-secure-rest-archetype (Creates a new Secure Restful Web Services Example using JAX-RS Basic Authentication with Fabric8)
810: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-secure-soap-archetype (Creates a new Secure SOAP example using JAXWS with WS-Security)
811: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-cxf-soap-archetype (Creates a new SOAP example using JAXWS)
812: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-profiles-camel-twitter-archetype (Creates a new Camel Twitter Example)
813: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-profiles-registry-archetype (Creates a new Karaf Quickstart : Profiles :: Registry)
814: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-rest-archetype (Creates a new RESTful WebService Example using JAX-RS with JBoss Fuse)
815: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-secure-rest-archetype (Creates a new Secure Restful Web Services Example using JAX-RS Basic Authentication with Fabric8)
816: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-secure-soap-archetype (Creates a new Secure SOAP example using JAXWS with WS-Security)
817: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf-soap-archetype (Creates a new SOAP example using JAXWS)
818: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf2-camel-amq-archetype (Karaf 2 example running a Camel route connecting to ActiveMQ)
819: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf2-camel-log-archetype (Karaf 2 example running a Camel route)
820: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:karaf4-camel-log-archetype (Creates a new Karaf4 Camel Log Example)
821: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:node-example-archetype (Creates a new node example)
822: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:php-example-archetype (Creates a new php example)
823: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:rails-example-archetype (Creates a new rails example)
824: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:rest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using REST.)
825: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:rest-web-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using REST with a WAR.)
826: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:secure-rest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Secure REST.)
827: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:secure-soap-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using Secure SOAP.)
828: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:soap-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project using SOAP.)
829: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-activemq-archetype (Creates a new Shows how to use ActiveMQ with Spring Boot in the Java Container)
830: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-amq-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel route connecting to ActiveMQ)
831: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel route)
832: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-config-archetype (Creates a new Spring Boot example running a Camel route configured using Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets)
833: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-drools-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel route using a rules engine)
834: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-infinispan-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel route using Infinispan)
835: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-rest-sql-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel REST route connecting to a SQL database)
836: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-teiid-archetype (Creates a new Camel and Teiid example with Spring Boot in the Java Container)
837: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-camel-xml-archetype (Spring Boot example running a Camel route defined in XML)
838: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-cxf-jaxrs-archetype (Spring Boot example running a CXF JAXRS Endpoint)
839: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-cxf-jaxws-archetype (Spring Boot example running a CXF JAXWS Endpoint)
840: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-hystrix-archetype (Creates a new Fabric8 :: Quickstarts :: Spring-Boot :: Hystrix)
841: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-keycloak-archetype (Creates a new Shows how to use Spring Boot with Keycloak)
842: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-ribbon-archetype (Creates a new Fabric8 :: Quickstarts :: Spring-Boot :: Ribbon)
843: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-webmvc-archetype (Creates a new Spring Boot WebMVC example)
844: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-boot-webmvc-ip-archetype (Creates a new Returns IP address to show service load-balancing)
845: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:spring-camel-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using Spring XML in a standalone Java container)
846: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:springboot-activemq-archetype (Creates a new Spring Boot application with ActiveMQ)
847: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:springboot-camel-archetype (Creates a new Spring Boot application with Camel)
848: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:springboot-webmvc-archetype (Creates a new Spring Boot application using Spring WebMVC)
849: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:swarm-camel-archetype (Creates a new Camel REST Service running in a standalone Java Swarm Container)
850: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:swarm-camel-rest-archetype (Creates a new Camel REST Service running in a standalone Java Swarm Container)
851: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:swift-example-archetype (Creates a new swift example)
852: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:vertx-simple-archetype (Creates a new Simple embedded vert.x fatjar)
853: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:vertx-simplest-archetype (Creates a new Simple embedded vert.x fatjar)
854: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:vertx-web-archetype (Creates a new Simple embedded vert.x fatjar)
855: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:war-camel-servlet-archetype (Creates a new Camel route using Servlet deployed as WAR)
856: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:war-cxf-cdi-servlet-archetype (Creates a new CXF JAX-RS using CDI deployed as WAR)
857: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:war-rest-archetype (Creates a new RESTful WebService Example using JAX-RS in a WAR)
858: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:war-wildfly-archetype (Creates a new Simple Wildfly Application deployed as war)
859: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:wildfly-camel-cdi-archetype (Creates a new Simple CDI application deployed on Wildfly-Camel)
860: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:wildfly-camel-ejb-archetype (Creates a new Simple EJB application deployed on Wildfly-Camel)
861: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:wildfly-camel-jaxrs-archetype (Creates a new Simple JAXRS application deployed on Wildfly-Camel)
862: remote -> io.fabric8.archetypes:wildfly-camel-jaxws-archetype (Creates a new Simple JAXWS application deployed on Wildfly-Camel)
863: remote -> io.fabric8.django:camel-connector-archetype (Creates a new Camel Connector)
864: remote -> io.featureflow:featureflow-tutorial (A quickstart archtype for the in app featureflow java tutorial)
865: remote -> io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-highcharts-maven-archetype (gatling-highcharts-maven-archetype)
866: remote -> io.github.aktoluna:slnarch-web-gauge-archetype (-)
867: remote -> io.github.christian-draeger:paco-archetype (A Paco test project template including some basic example tests.)
868: remote -> io.github.cjkent.osiris:osiris-archetype (Maven Archetype for Osiris)
869: remote -> io.github.oliviercailloux:java-se-1.8-archetype (A maven archetype for starting Java SE 1.8 projects.)
870: remote -> io.gravitee.maven.archetypes:gravitee-policy-maven-archetype (The Gravitee Policy Maven archetype)
871: remote -> io.gravitee.maven.archetypes:gravitee-resource-maven-archetype (The Gravitee Resource Maven archetype)
872: remote -> io.gravitee.maven.archetypes:gravitee-service-maven-archetype (The Gravitee Service Maven archetype)
873: remote -> io.gumga:gumga-archetype (Project archetype for GUMGA)
874: remote -> io.gupshup.maven:samplebot-archetype (The archetype project to generate Gupshup Bot projects)
875: remote -> io.jenkins.archetypes:empty-plugin (Skeleton of a Jenkins plugin with a POM and an empty source tree.)
876: remote -> io.jenkins.archetypes:global-configuration-plugin (Skeleton of a Jenkins plugin with a POM and an example piece of global configuration.)
877: remote -> io.jenkins.archetypes:global-shared-library (Uses the Jenkins Pipeline Unit mock library to test the usage of a Global Shared Library)
878: remote -> io.jenkins.archetypes:hello-world-plugin (Skeleton of a Jenkins plugin with a POM and an example build step.)
879: remote -> io.jenkins.archetypes:scripted-pipeline (Uses the Jenkins Pipeline Unit mock library to test the logic inside a Pipeline script.)
880: remote -> io.knotx.archetypes:knotx-adapter-archetype (-)
881: remote -> io.knotx.archetypes:knotx-knot-archetype (-)
882: remote -> io.magentys:cinnamon-archetype (-)
883: remote -> io.mangoo:mangooio-maven-archetype (-)
884: remote -> (Application template for the server of the Open Application Standard Platform for Java (OASP4J).)
885: remote -> io.paradoxical:dropwizard-api (A simple dropwizard (0.9.1) api template with swagger enabled, bundled as a docker container)
886: remote -> io.paradoxical:library-archetype (A library archetype for deployment to sonatype)
887: remote -> io.playn:playn-archetype (Archetype for PlayN game projects.)
888: remote -> io.redlink.ssix.moven:moven-model-archetype (Moven archetype for packaging models.)
889: remote -> io.silverspoon:silverspoon-archetype-led (-)
890: remote -> io.silverspoon:silverspoon-archetype-temperature (-)
891: remote -> io.sphere.maven-archetypes:commercetools-spring-mvc-quickstart (Archetype for creating Spring MVC 4 web application with commercetools)
892: remote -> io.syndesis:extension-archetype-java (-)
893: remote -> io.syndesis:extension-archetype-spring-boot (-)
894: remote -> io.syndesis:extension-archetype-xml (-)
895: remote -> io.syndesis:syndesis-archetype-flow-extension-boot (-)
896: remote -> io.syndesis:syndesis-archetype-flow-extension-java (-)
897: remote -> io.syndesis:syndesis-archetype-flow-extension-xml (-)
898: remote -> io.syndesis.extension:extension-archetype-java (-)
899: remote -> io.syndesis.extension:extension-archetype-spring-boot (-)
900: remote -> io.syndesis.extension:extension-archetype-xml (-)
901: remote -> io.teecube.tac.archetypes:default-bw5-ear (Default BW5 EAR archetype)
902: remote -> io.teecube.tac.archetypes:default-bw6-app-module (Default BW6 app module archetype)
903: remote -> io.teecube.tac.archetypes:default-bw6-application (Default BW6 application archetype)
904: remote -> io.tiler:tiler-maven-archetype (The Maven archetype for Tiler-based dashboards)
905: remote -> io.vertx:vertx-maven-archetype (-)
906: remote -> io.vilt.minium:minium-cucumber-archetype (-)
907: remote -> io.wcm.maven.archetypes:io.wcm.maven.archetypes.aem (Maven Archetype for creating new AEM projects.)
908: remote -> io.xtech.babel:babel-camel-archetype (Maven Archetype for Babel)
909: remote -> io.yawp:yawp (YAWP! appengine)
910: remote -> it.amattioli:javate-zk-archetype (-)
911: remote -> it.amattioli:javate-zk-jpa-archetype (-)
912: remote -> it.amattioli.archetypes:javate-zk-archetype (Archetype for a JavATE project that uses Hibernate and ZK.)
913: remote -> it.cosenonjaviste:jsf2-spring4-jpa2-archetype (This archetype is based on org.fluttercode.knappsack/spring-jsf-jpa-archetype/1.1 one.
This new archetype upgrade libraries to JSF 2.2, Spring 4 and JPA 2.1)
914: remote -> it.tidalwave.netbeans:netbeans-platform-application-archetype (Tidalwave NetBeans Platform Application Archetype)
915: remote -> it.tidalwave.netbeans:netbeans-platform-archetype (Tidalwave NetBeans Platform Archetype)
916: remote -> it.tidalwave.northernwind:simple-project-site-archetype-1 (-)
917: remote -> it.tidalwave.northernwind:simple-site1-step1-archetype (-)
918: remote -> it.tidalwave.thesefoolishthings:project-archetype (TheseFoolishThings - Project Archetype)
919: remote -> (A Maven Archetype for the generation of a Maven project for a new converter. This archetype can be used either in combination with the Maven command line (utilizing the goal archetype:generate) or inside any IDE suitably integrated with Maven.)
920: remote -> javax.faces:javax.faces-war-archetype (A simple project with war packaging that depends on JSF 2.2 andjavaee 6, in that order.)
921: remote -> jboss:mobicents-ra-archetype (An archetype for slee resource adaptor.)
922: remote -> jboss:mobicents-ra-mavenization-archetype (An archetype for slee resource adaptor mavenization.)
923: remote -> jp.blackawa:spring-bootstrapping-archetype (Bootstrap Spring Boot project with Spring Security Database Authentication/Authorization.)
924: remote -> me.alb-i986:cucumber-java-junit-archetype (Maven Archetype for creating cucumber projects, featuring Java and JUnit)
925: remote -> me.alb-i986.cucumber:cucumber-java-junit-archetype (Maven Archetype for creating cucumber projects, featuring Java and JUnit)
926: remote -> me.alb-i986.selenium:selenium-tinafw-archetype (Archetype for creating Selenium projects that rely on selenium-tinafw, a Selenium framework)
927: remote -> me.geso.avans:avans-setup (avans-setup)
928: remote -> me.limone:wicket-spring-boilerplate (-)
929: remote -> me.noroutine:tobacco-bootstrap (Web Application with all modern client libraries)
930: remote -> me.thingle.archetypes:java8-jersey2-guice4-webapp-archetype (A java 8, servlet 3.1 webapp with jersey 2 and guice 4)
931: remote -> ml.rugal.archetype:springmvc-spring-hibernate (A pretty useful JavaEE application archetype based on springmvc spring and hibernate)
932: remote -> ml.rugal.archetype:springmvc-spring-mongodb (An archetype based on springmvc spring and MongoDB)
933: remote -> ml.rugal.archetype:springmvc-spring-mybatis (A pretty useful JavaEE application archetype based on Springmvc Spring and Mybatis)
934: remote -> net.alchim31.maven:scala-archetype-simple (The maven-scala-plugin is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.)
935: remote -> net.automatalib.archetypes:basic (The basic archetype, which provides preconfigured dependencies for the basic usage of AutomataLib.)
936: remote -> net.automatalib.archetypes:complete (The complete archetype, which provides preconfigured dependencies on all artifacts of AutomataLib.)
937: remote -> net.automatalib.archetypes:core (-)
938: remote -> net.automatalib.archetypes:typical (-)
939: remote -> net.avh4.mvn.archetype:java-1.6-archetype (Maven 2 archtype for Java 1.6 projects)
940: remote -> net.biville.florent:maven-embedded-neo4j-archetype (-)
941: remote -> net.code-story:quickstart (-)
942: remote -> net.coding.chenxiaobo:base-framework-archetype (base-framework is a authority management system of java web framework, the framework ased on spring, mybatis, spring mvc, apache shiro)
943: remote -> net.contextfw:web-quickstart (Context Web Application Framework - Quickstart)
944: remote -> net.databinder:data-app (To make creating a new Databinder application easier, this archetype includes all required sources and resources.)
945: remote -> (To make creating a new Databinder application easier, this archetype includes all required sources and resources.)
946: remote -> net.devonlinux.solr:solr-quickstart-archetype (-)
947: remote -> net.devonlinux.solr:solr-quickstart-archetype-no-acceptance-tests (-)
948: remote -> (A maven-archetype for a basic Java scaffold that is hosted ongithub)
949: remote -> net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-archetypes-application (-)
950: remote -> net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-archetypes-library (-)
951: remote -> net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-archetypes-mobile-application (-)
952: remote -> net.flexmojos.oss:flexmojos-archetypes-modular-webapp (-)
953: remote -> net.imagej:imagej-command-archetype (ImageJ Command Archetype: an Apache Maven archetype for ImageJ2 Commands.)
954: remote -> net.ja731j.bukkit:bukkit-plugin-simple (A Maven archetype which creates a simple Bukkit plugin)
955: remote -> net.jackadull:scala-archetype (Scala archetype, to be used only for Jackadull projects.)
956: remote -> (The TrueLicense Maven Archetype is a turn-key solution for designingand implementing a custom licensing schema for your software product.The archetype generates a tailor-made project which is composed ofready-made modules for vending and consuming license keys.The modules contain code templates which you can easily customizewithout writing code by configuring a set of properties.)
957: remote -> (An archetype for a TrueUpdate application running in Oracle GlassFish.)
958: remote -> (An archetype for a TrueUpdate application running in Apache Tomcat.)
959: remote -> (Showcases the client API of the module TrueVFS Access.)
960: remote -> (Creates a custom TrueVFS Profile which bundles all selected TrueVFS modules for ease of use.)
961: remote -> net.kindleit:gae-archetype-gwt (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects that uses GWT for the view)
962: remote -> net.kindleit:gae-archetype-jsf (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects that works under Java Server Faces)
963: remote -> net.kindleit:gae-archetype-jsp (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects that uses jsp for the view)
964: remote -> net.kindleit:gae-archetype-objectify-jsp (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects that uses jsp for the view and Objectify for the ORM.)
965: remote -> net.kindleit:gae-archetype-wicket (Archetype for creating maven-gae projects based on apache wicket framework)
966: remote -> net.ladstatt:scala-javafx-archetype (The Scala JavaFX Archetype provides a simple template for a scala basedJavaFX project)
967: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
968: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic_2.10 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
969: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic_2.7.7 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
970: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic_2.8.0 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
971: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic_2.8.1 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
972: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-basic_2.9.1 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management).)
973: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
974: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank_2.10 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
975: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank_2.7.7 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
976: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank_2.8.0 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
977: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank_2.8.1 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
978: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-blank_2.9.1 (Blank project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
979: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-hellolift (Archetype - hellolift, a sample Lift application)
980: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
981: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.10 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
982: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.7.7 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
983: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.8.0 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
984: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.8.1 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
985: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-basic_2.9.1 (Basic JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
986: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
987: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
988: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.10 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
989: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.7.7 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
990: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.8.0 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
991: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.8.1 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
992: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank-single_2.9.1 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework (single project).)
993: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.10 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
994: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.7.7 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
995: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.8.0 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
996: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.8.1 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
997: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-jpa-blank_2.9.1 (Blank JPA archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
998: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-mvc_2.10 (Minimal MVC based project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
999: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-mvc_2.9.1 (Minimal MVC based project archetype for Lift Web Framework.)
1000: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-sbt (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system)
1001: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-sbt_2.7.7 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system)
1002: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-sbt_2.8.0 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system)
1003: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-sbt_2.8.1 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system)
1004: remote -> net.liftweb:lift-archetype-sbt_2.9.1 (Basic project archetype for Lift Web Framework (with database, logging, user management) using the sbt build system)
1005: remote -> net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes:dagger-guice-rf-activities (GWT application with user authentication, using Dagger and Places/Activities on client side, Guice on server side, RequestFactory for communication.)
1006: remote -> net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes:modular-requestfactory (The GWT WebAppCreator's sample, modularized and using RequestFactory.)
1007: remote -> net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes:modular-webapp (The GWT WebAppCreator's sample (using GWT-RPC), modularized.)
1008: remote -> net.miob.maven:kotlin-archetype (A maven quick start archetype for kotlin projects.)
1009: remote -> net.officefloor.maven:woof-archetype (Archetype to generate a WoOF project)
1010: remote -> (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, business processing of data)
1011: remote -> (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, business processing of data)
1012: remote -> (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, business processing of data)
1013: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.model (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, database persistence of your model)
1014: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.parent (Parent skeleton for an Osgiliath project)
1015: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.routes (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, routing support between modules)
1016: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.routes.blueprint (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, routing support between modules)
1017: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.routes.cdi (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, routing support between modules)
1018: remote -> net.osgiliath.archetypes:net.osgiliath.archetype.ui (Must be behind an Osgiliath parent archetype, user inteface programming for Osgiliath)
1019: remote -> net.phaedra:phaedra-archetype (-)
1020: remote -> net.roboconf:roboconf-maven-archetype (-)
1021: remote -> net.ryian:ryian-web-archetype (ryian-web-archetype is an archetype to create a web project based on ryian framework)
1022: remote -> net.serenity-bdd:serenity-cucumber-archetype (Serenity automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2, JUnit and Cucumber-JVM)
1023: remote -> net.serenity-bdd:serenity-jbehave-archetype (Serenity automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2, JUnit and JBehave)
1024: remote -> net.serenity-bdd:serenity-junit-archetype (Serenity automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2 and JUnit)
1025: remote -> net.serenity-bdd:serenity-junit-screenplay-archetype (Serenity automated acceptance testing project using Screenplay, Selenium 2 and JUnit)
1026: remote -> net.sf.ingenias:iafarch-empty (-)
1027: remote -> net.sf.ingenias:iafarch-gui (-)
1028: remote -> net.sf.ingenias:iafarch-helloworld (-)
1029: remote -> net.sf.ingenias:iafarch-interaction (-)
1030: remote -> net.sf.itcb.archetype:common-archetype (Archetype that might be used by IT managers in order to create the common packages of custom IT.groupId, artifactId, package, version, companyMainGroupId, companyMainArtifactId, companyMainVersion, company, companyUrl have to be defined in archetype execution.By convention, we recommend to call this module common-"yourcompany".)
1031: remote -> net.sf.itcb.archetype:main-archetype (Archetype that might be used by IT managers in order to create the base of custom IT.archetypeId, groupId, version, company and companyUrl have to be defined in archetype execution.By convention, we recommend to call this module main-"yourcompany".)
1032: remote -> net.sf.jlue:jlue-archetype-basic (Archetype - basic project for Jlue)
1033: remote -> net.sf.jlue:jlue-archetype-blank (Archetype - blank project for Jlue)
1034: remote -> net.sf.maven-autotools:maven-autotools-archetype-executable (-)
1035: remote -> net.sf.maven-autotools:maven-autotools-archetype-shared (-)
1036: remote -> net.sf.maven-har:maven-archetype-har (-)
1037: remote -> net.sf.maven-sar:maven-archetype-sar (-)
1038: remote -> net.sf.mgp:maven-archetype-gwt (An archetype which contains a sample Maven GWT project.)
1039: remote -> net.sf.portletunit:portletunit-portlet-archetype (An archetype that creates a simple porltet with unit tests.)
1040: remote -> net.sf.sf3jswing:mojo-archetype ("Maven Old Java Object" Project builder . From this archetype, maven can build and initialize a SF3JSWING child project folder structure.)
1041: remote -> net.sf.squirrel-sql.plugins:squirrelsql-plugin-archetype (This project produces the maven archetype that can be used to generate a SQuirreLPluginmaven project. The project that is produced contains an Example plugin that demonstrates the useof key plugin APIs.)
1042: remote -> net.sf.uctool:uctool-archetype (Creates a new project ready to be used with Use Case Tool.)
1043: remote -> net.smartcosmos.extension:smartcosmos-extension-archetype (SMART COSMOS Extension Archetype)
1044: remote -> net.sourceforge.ota-tools.schema:ota-tools-schema-archetype (-)
1045: remote -> net.thejeearchitectcookbook:jsf-jqmobile-archetype (JSF 2 and JQuery Mobile basic web archetype.)
1046: remote -> net.thucydides:thucydides-easyb-archetype (Thucydides automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2, JUnit and easyb)
1047: remote -> net.thucydides:thucydides-jbehave-archetype (Thucydides automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2, JUnit and JBehave)
1048: remote -> net.thucydides:thucydides-simple-archetype (Thucydides automated acceptance testing project using Selenium 2 and JUnit)
1049: remote -> net.tirasa.connid:connector-archetype (-)
1050: remote -> net.trajano.archetype:java-archetype (This is an archetype type for a Java artifact.)
1051: remote -> net.truelicense:truelicense-maven-archetype (The TrueLicense Maven Archetype is a turn-key solution for designingand implementing a custom licensing schema for your software product.The archetype generates a tailor-made project which is composed ofready-made modules for vending and consuming license keys.The modules contain code templates which you can easily customizewithout writing code by configuring a set of properties.)
1052: remote -> net.unit8.enkan:kotowari-archetype (-)
1053: remote -> (EJB 3.0 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1054: remote -> (EJB 3.1 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1055: remote -> (EJB 3.2 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1056: remote -> (OSGi project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1057: remote -> (OSGi Web 2.5 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1058: remote -> (OSGi Web 3.0 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1059: remote -> (OSGi Web 3.1 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1060: remote -> (Web 2.5 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1061: remote -> (Web 3.0 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1062: remote -> (Web 3.1 project targeting WebSphere Liberty)
1063: remote -> net.wasdev.wlp.maven:liberty-archetype-ear (An archetype that generates a Java EE 7 multi-module project that includes an EJB module, a web application module and an EAR module)
1064: remote -> net.wasdev.wlp.maven:liberty-archetype-webapp (-)
1065: remote -> net.wasdev.wlp.maven:liberty-plugin-archetype (-)
1066: remote -> net.wetheinter:gwt-maven-plugin (Maven plugin for the Google Web Toolkit.)
1067: remote -> ng.shoppi:dashboard-archetype (Archetype to generate a Shopp!ng style dashboard project)
1068: remote -> ng.shoppi:microservice-archetype (Archetype to generate a Shopp!ng style microservice project)
1069: remote -> nl.delphinity:springboot (A basic starter template using springboot, jpa data, thymeleaf and MVC)
1070: remote -> nl.delphinity:springboot-delphinity-archetype (A basic starter template using springboot, jpa data, thymeleaf and MVC)
1071: remote -> nl.hsac:fitnesse-project (Project to create a Maven archetype that can be used to generate a FitNesse project based on hsac-fitnesse-fixtures)
1072: remote -> nl.psek.fitnesse:psek-fitnesse-project-archetype (A template for a FitNesse testproject using the psek-fitnesse-fixtures)
1073: remote -> no.bouvet:maven-archetype-eventsourcing (-)
1074: remote -> no.tornado:jsf-quickstart-archetype (JSF Web Application with libSASS)
1075: remote -> no.tornado:modular-app-archetype (Modular application archetype based on Tornado Inject - One service and one client module.)
1076: remote -> no.tornado:tornadofx-quickstart-archetype (TornadoFX Quick Start Archetype with minimal sample application)
1077: remote -> no.tornado:web-quickstart (Quickstart Archetype for)
1078: remote -> (OSNZ groovy archetype)
1079: remote -> (OSNZ Java archetype)
1080: remote -> (OSNZ Scala archetype)
1081: remote -> (OSNZ LMZ Archetype)
1082: remote -> (OSNZ WAR Archetype)
1083: remote -> open.jbi.components.maven.archetype:maven-archetype-jbi-bc (Maven archetype project to create a JBI Binding Component projectthat contains the maven, ant build setup and sample source code for BC.)
1084: remote -> open.jbi.components.maven.archetype:maven-archetype-jbi-se (Maven archetype project to create a JBI Service Engine projectthat contains the maven, ant build setup and sample source code for BC.)
1085: remote -> org.actframework:act-archetype-support (-)
1086: remote -> org.actframework:archetype-quickstart (-)
1087: remote -> org.actframework:archetype-simple-restful-service (-)
1088: remote -> org.activiti:activiti-archetype-unittest (Creates a new Activiti unit test.)
1089: remote -> org.aerysoft.minimaven:minimaven-ghsite-simple (A simple Maven archetype for GitHub-hosted static website.)
1090: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:activiti-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Activiti JARs)
1091: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-allinone-archetype (Sample multi-module project for All-in-One development on the Alfresco plaftorm. Includes modules for Platform/Repository JAR and Share JAR)
1092: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-amp-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Repository AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))
1093: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-platform-jar-archetype (Sample project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of Platform/Repository JARs and AMPs (Alfresco Module Packages))
1094: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:alfresco-share-jar-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of JARs and AMPs (Alfresco ModulePackages))
1095: remote -> org.alfresco.maven.archetype:share-amp-archetype (Share project with full support for lifecycle and rapid development of AMPs (Alfresco ModulePackages))
1096: remote -> org.antframework.template:template-archetype (基于ant-boot应用的父pom)
1097: remote -> org.antlr:antlr3-maven-archetype (ANTLR 3 Maven Archetype)
1098: remote -> org.apache.accumulo:accumulo-instamo-archetype (-)
1099: remote -> org.apache.apex:apex-app-archetype (-)
1100: remote -> org.apache.apex:apex-conf-archetype (-)
1101: remote -> org.apache.archiva:archiva-consumer-archetype (Simple archetype to create archiva consumers)
1102: remote -> org.apache.avro:avro-service-archetype (Archetype that generates a simple example Avro service)
1103: remote -> org.apache.axis2.archetype:quickstart (Maven archetype for creating a  Axis2 web Service)
1104: remote -> org.apache.axis2.archetype:quickstart-webapp (Maven archetype for creating a  Axis2 web Service as a webapp)
1105: remote -> org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-maven-archetypes-examples (A Maven Archetype to create a project containing all theexample pipelines from the Apache Beam Java SDK.)
1106: remote -> org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-maven-archetypes-examples-java8 (A Maven Archetype to create a project containingexample pipelines from the Apache Beam Java SDK, targeting Java 8.)
1107: remote -> org.apache.beam:beam-sdks-java-maven-archetypes-starter (A Maven archetype to create a simple starter pipeline toget started using the Apache Beam Java SDK.)
1108: remote -> org.apache.brooklyn:brooklyn-archetype-quickstart (This project defines an archetype for creating new projects which consume brooklyn,including an example application and an example new entity type,able to build an OSGi JAR and a binary assembly, with logging and READMEs.)
1109: remote -> org.apache.camel:camel-component (-)
1110: remote -> org.apache.camel:camel-router (-)
1111: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-activemq (Creates a new Camel project that configures and interacts with ActiveMQ.)
1112: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-api-component (Creates a new Camel component that wraps one or more API proxies.)
1113: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-blueprint (Creates a new Camel project with OSGi blueprint support. Ready to be deployed in OSGi.)
1114: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-cdi (Creates a new Camel project using CDI.)
1115: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-component (Creates a new Camel component.)
1116: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-component-scala (Creates a new Camel component with Scala.)
1117: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-connector (Creates a new Camel connector.)
1118: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-cxf-code-first-blueprint (Creates a new Camel project with Apache CXF code-first example using OSGi blueprint.)
1119: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-cxf-contract-first-blueprint (Creates a new Camel project with Apache CXF contract-first example using OSGi blueprint.)
1120: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-dataformat (Creates a new Camel data format.)
1121: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-groovy (Creates a new Camel project using Groovy DSL.)
1122: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-java (Creates a new Camel project using Java DSL.)
1123: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-java8 (Creates a new Camel project using Java8 DSL.)
1124: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-scala (Creates a new Camel project using Scala DSL.)
1125: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-scr (Creates a new Camel SCR (Declarative Services) bundle project for OSGi)
1126: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-spring (Creates a new Camel project with added Spring DSL support.)
1127: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-spring-boot (Creates a new Camel project using Spring Boot.)
1128: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-spring-dm (Creates a new Camel project with added Spring DSL support. Ready to be deployed in OSGi.)
1129: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-war (Creates a new Camel project that deploys the Camel Web Console, REST API, and your routes as a WAR)
1130: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-web (Creates a new Camel web project that deploys the Camel routes as a WAR)
1131: remote -> org.apache.camel.archetypes:camel-archetype-webconsole (Creates a new Camel project that deploys the Camel Web Console, REST API, and your routes as a WAR)
1132: remote -> org.apache.chemistry.opencmis:chemistry-opencmis-server-archetype (OpenCMIS Server Framework archetype)
1133: remote -> org.apache.chemistry.opencmis:chemistry-opencmis-server-extension-archetype (OpenCMIS Server Extension archetype)
1134: remote -> org.apache.clerezza:internal.archetype (Generic archetype for clerezza projects)
1135: remote -> org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-block (-)
1136: remote -> org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-block-plain (-)
1137: remote -> org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-22-archetype-webapp (-)
1138: remote -> org.apache.cocoon.archetype-block:cocoon-archetype-block (-)
1139: remote -> org.apache.cocoon.archetype-parent:cocoon-archetype-parent (-)
1140: remote -> org.apache.cocoon.archetype-sample:cocoon-archetype-sample (-)
1141: remote -> org.apache.cocoon.archetype-webapp:cocoon-archetype-webapp (-)
1142: remote -> org.apache.crunch:crunch-archetype (Create a basic, self-contained job for Apache Crunch.)
1143: remote -> org.apache.cxf:cxf-http-basic (-)
1144: remote -> org.apache.cxf.archetype:cxf-jaxrs-service (Simple CXF JAX-RS webapp service using Spring configuration)
1145: remote -> org.apache.cxf.archetype:cxf-jaxws-javafirst (Creates a project for developing a Web service starting from Java code)
1146: remote -> org.apache.cxf.archetype:cxf-jaxws-wsdlfirst (Creates a contract (WSDL)-first CXF web service)
1147: remote -> org.apache.directmemory.server:server-example-archetype (-)
1148: remote -> (-)
1149: remote -> (-)
1150: remote -> org.apache.felix:maven-ipojo-plugin (Maven Plugin to package iPOJO-powered bundles.)
1151: remote -> org.apache.flex.blazeds:blazeds-spring-boot-example-archetype (-)
1152: remote -> org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:flexjs-simple-application-archetype (Maven archetype for creating FlexJS Maven project for building a simple FlexJS application with both Flash and JavaScript output.)
1153: remote -> org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:flexjs-simple-application-pure-js-archetype (Maven archetype for creating FlexJS Maven project for building a simple FlexJS application with only JavaScript output.)
1154: remote -> org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:flexjs-simple-application-pure-swf-archetype (Maven archetype for creating FlexJS Maven project for building a simple FlexJS application with only Flash output.)
1155: remote -> org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:flexjs-simple-library-archetype (Maven archetype for creating FlexJS Maven project for building a simple FlexJS library.)
1156: remote -> org.apache.flex.flexjs.framework:flexjs-simple-typedef-archetype (Maven archetype for creating FlexJS Maven project for building a simple FlexJS typedef library.)
1157: remote -> org.apache.flink:flink-quickstart-java (-)
1158: remote -> org.apache.flink:flink-quickstart-java_2.11 (-)
1159: remote -> org.apache.flink:flink-quickstart-scala (-)
1160: remote -> org.apache.flink:flink-quickstart-scala_2.11 (-)
1161: remote -> org.apache.geronimo.buildsupport:geronimo-archetype-testsuite (Plugin to help create a testsuite)
1162: remote -> org.apache.geronimo.buildsupport:geronimo-assembly-archetype (-)
1163: remote -> org.apache.geronimo.buildsupport:geronimo-plugin-archetype (-)
1164: remote -> org.apache.geronimo.plugins:geronimo-archetype-testsuite (Plugin to help create a testsuite)
1165: remote -> org.apache.geronimo.samples:geronimo-samples-archetype (Plugin to help create a samples project)
1166: remote -> org.apache.isis:quickstart-archetype (-)
1167: remote -> org.apache.isis.archetype:helloworld-archetype (This module defines a standard parent POM to use for various Incode applications and modules.Its primary purpose is to make it easy to use a set up maven mixins ( child POMs.  Specifically this means locking down the versions of plugins using pluginManagement.It does NOT define any mixins for Apache Isis.)
1168: remote -> org.apache.isis.archetype:quickstart_wicket_restful_jdo-archetype (-)
1169: remote -> org.apache.isis.archetype:simple_wicket_restful_jdo-archetype (-)
1170: remote -> org.apache.isis.archetype:simpleapp-archetype (This module defines a standard parent POM to use for various Incode applications and modules.Its primary purpose is to make it easy to use a set up maven mixins ( child POMs.  Specifically this means locking down the versions of plugins using pluginManagement.It does NOT define any mixins for Apache Isis.)
1171: remote -> org.apache.isis.archetype:todoapp-archetype (-)
1172: remote -> org.apache.kafka:streams-quickstart-java (-)
1173: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:archetypes-command (-)
1174: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-assembly-archetype (This archetype sets up an empty karaf assembly project.)
1175: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-blueprint-archetype (An archetype for creating a simple blueprint bundle.)
1176: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-bundle-archetype (A simple bundle archetype.)
1177: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-command-archetype (A Karaf command archetype.)
1178: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-feature-archetype (This archetype sets up an empty karaf features project.)
1179: remote -> org.apache.karaf.archetypes:karaf-kar-archetype (This archetype sets up an empty karaf kar project.)
1180: remote -> org.apache.karaf.eik.archetypes:eik-camel-archetype (Camel PDE plugin to be used in EIK)
1181: remote -> org.apache.marmotta:marmotta-archetype-module (This Maven Archetype allows creating the basic structure for an Marmotta Module)
1182: remote -> org.apache.marmotta:marmotta-archetype-webapp (Web Application bundle (WAR file) containing Apache Marmotta)
1183: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-archetype (An archetype which contains a sample archetype.)
1184: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-j2ee-simple (An archetype which contains a simplified sample J2EE application.)
1185: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-marmalade-mojo (-)
1186: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-mojo (An archetype which contains a sample a sample Maven plugin.)
1187: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-plugin (An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin.)
1188: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-plugin-site (An archetype which contains a sample Maven plugin site. This archetype can be layered upon anexisting Maven plugin project.)
1189: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-portlet (An archetype which contains a sample JSR-268 Portlet.)
1190: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-profiles (-)
1191: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart (An archetype which contains a sample Maven project.)
1192: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-simple (An archetype which contains a simple Maven project.)
1193: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-site (An archetype which contains a sample Maven site which demonstrates some of the supported document types likeAPT, XDoc, and FML and demonstrates how to i18n your site. This archetype can be layeredupon an existing Maven project.)
1194: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-site-simple (An archetype which contains a sample Maven site.)
1195: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-site-skin (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Site Skin.)
1196: remote -> org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-webapp (An archetype which contains a sample Maven Webapp project.)
1197: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-codi-jsf12 (Archetype to create a new JSF 1.2 webapp based on MyFaces CODI)
1198: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-codi-jsf20 (Archetype to create a new JSF 2.0 webapp based on MyFaces CODI)
1199: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-core-integration-test (Archetype to create a new MyFaces core project used for integration tests via cargo and HtmlUnit.Projects created via this archetype aim to test specific issues from the MyFaces core JIRA issuetracker and can be directly added to the MyFaces core integration-tests module.)
1200: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld (Archetype to create a new webapp based on myfaces)
1201: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld-facelets (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces and Facelets)
1202: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld-portlets (Archetype to create a new portlet webapp based on myfaces)
1203: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld20 (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces 2.0)
1204: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld20-debug (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces 2.0, specially for debug issues)
1205: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-helloworld20-owb (Archetype to create a new webapp based on MyFaces 2.0 with OpenWebBeans)
1206: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-jsfcomponents (Archetype to create a libary project of JSF components)
1207: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-jsfcomponents20 (Archetype to create a libary project of JSF 2.0 components)
1208: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-trinidad (Archetype to create a new webapp based on Trinidad)
1209: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.buildtools:myfaces-archetype-trinidad20 (Archetype to create a new webapp based on Trinidad and JSF 2.0)
1210: remote -> org.apache.myfaces.trinidadbuild:myfaces-archetype-trinidad (Archetype to ease the burden of creating a new application based with Trinidad)
1211: remote -> org.apache.nifi:nifi-processor-bundle-archetype (-)
1212: remote -> org.apache.nifi:nifi-service-bundle-archetype (-)
1213: remote -> org.apache.npanday:maven-archetype-dotnet-simple (-)
1214: remote -> org.apache.npanday:maven-archetype-netexecutable (-)
1215: remote -> org.apache.npanday:maven-archetype-vb-simple (-)
1216: remote -> org.apache.olingo:olingo-odata2-sample-cars-annotation-archetype (-)
1217: remote -> org.apache.olingo:olingo-odata2-sample-cars-annotation-archetype-incubating (-)
1218: remote -> org.apache.olingo:olingo-odata2-sample-cars-jpa-archetype (-)
1219: remote -> org.apache.olingo:olingo-odata2-sample-cars-service-archetype (-)
1220: remote -> org.apache.olingo:olingo-odata2-sample-cars-service-archetype-incubating (-)
1221: remote -> org.apache.oodt:opsui-archetype (-)
1222: remote -> org.apache.oodt:radix-archetype (-)
1223: remote -> org.apache.openejb.maven:tomee-webapp-archetype (-)
1224: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:application-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate portal application templates.)
1225: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates tobe used by other components and applications.)
1226: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:jetspeed-archetype (Jetspeed 2 Maven Archetype)
1227: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:portal-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate portal instances.)
1228: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:portal-component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates tobe injected/installed as a library in the portal application itself.)
1229: remote -> org.apache.portals.jetspeed-2:shared-component-archetype (Jetspeed-2 Maven2 Archetype used to generate component templates tobe installed as a shared library for all portlet/web applications.)
1230: remote -> org.apache.portals.pluto.archetype:bean-portlet-archetype (Maven archetype for a bean portlet)
1231: remote -> org.apache.portals.pluto.archetype:generic-portlet-archetype (Maven archetype for a generic portlet)
1232: remote -> org.apache.rave:rave-custom-project-archetype (An Archetype to create a custom Apache Rave project)
1233: remote -> org.apache.royale.framework:royale-simple-application-archetype (Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with both Flash and JavaScript output.)
1234: remote -> org.apache.royale.framework:royale-simple-application-pure-js-archetype (Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with only JavaScript output.)
1235: remote -> org.apache.royale.framework:royale-simple-application-pure-swf-archetype (Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale application with only Flash output.)
1236: remote -> org.apache.royale.framework:royale-simple-library-archetype (Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale library.)
1237: remote -> org.apache.royale.framework:royale-simple-typedef-archetype (Maven archetype for creating Royale Maven project for building a simple Royale typedef library.)
1238: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-bean-service-unit (-)
1239: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-binding-component (-)
1240: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-camel-osgi-bundle (-)
1241: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-camel-service-unit (-)
1242: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-cxf-bc-service-unit (-)
1243: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-cxf-code-first-osgi-bundle (-)
1244: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-cxf-se-service-unit (-)
1245: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-cxf-se-wsdl-first-service-unit (-)
1246: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-bundle (-)
1247: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-drools-service-unit (-)
1248: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-eip-service-unit (-)
1249: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-embedded-simple (-)
1250: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-exec-service-unit (-)
1251: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-file-poller-service-unit (-)
1252: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-file-sender-service-unit (-)
1253: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-file-service-unit (-)
1254: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-ftp-poller-service-unit (-)
1255: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-ftp-sender-service-unit (-)
1256: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-ftp-service-unit (-)
1257: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-http-consumer-service-unit (-)
1258: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-http-provider-service-unit (-)
1259: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-http-service-unit (-)
1260: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jms-consumer-service-unit (-)
1261: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jms-provider-service-unit (-)
1262: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jms-service-unit (-)
1263: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jsr181-annotated-service-unit (-)
1264: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jsr181-service-unit (-)
1265: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-jsr181-wsdl-first-service-unit (-)
1266: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-lwcontainer-service-unit (-)
1267: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-mail-service-unit (-)
1268: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-ode-service-unit (-)
1269: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-osgi-bundle (-)
1270: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-osworkflow-service-unit (-)
1271: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-project-root (-)
1272: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-quartz-service-unit (-)
1273: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-saxon-service-unit (-)
1274: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-saxon-xquery-service-unit (-)
1275: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-saxon-xslt-service-unit (-)
1276: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-script-service-unit (-)
1277: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-scripting-service-unit (-)
1278: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-service-assembly (-)
1279: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-service-engine (-)
1280: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-service-unit (-)
1281: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-shared-library (-)
1282: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-smpp-service-unit (-)
1283: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-snmp-service-unit (-)
1284: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-validation-service-unit (-)
1285: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-vfs-service-unit (-)
1286: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling:servicemix-xmpp-service-unit (-)
1287: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling.archetypes:servicemix-cxf-code-first-osgi-bundle (-)
1288: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling.archetypes:servicemix-cxf-wsdl-first-osgi-bundle (-)
1289: remote -> org.apache.servicemix.tooling.archetypes:servicemix-osgi-bundle (-)
1290: remote -> org.apache.shindig:sample-maven-archetype (Default server war dependencies)
1291: remote -> (Maven archetype for a generic OSGi bundle.)
1292: remote -> (Maven archetype for initial content)
1293: remote -> (Maven archetype for a generic OSGi bundle installed via JCR Install.)
1294: remote -> (Maven archetype for Sling Launchpad Standalone applications)
1295: remote -> (Maven archetype for Sling Launchpad Webapp applications)
1296: remote -> (Maven archetype for Sling Servlets)
1297: remote -> (Maven archetype for a Sling Slingstart application)
1298: remote -> org.apache.stanbol:enhancer-engine-archetype (-)
1299: remote -> org.apache.stanbol:statefull-webmodule-archetype (Archetype for a project that accesses the entityhub, and logs queries to a persisten graph)
1300: remote -> org.apache.stanbol:stateless-webmodule-archetype (Archetype for a project that allows posting files and shows the computed enhancements.)
1301: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-angularjs (-)
1302: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-blank (-)
1303: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-convention (-)
1304: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-dbportlet (-)
1305: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-plugin (-)
1306: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-portlet (-)
1307: remote -> org.apache.struts:struts2-archetype-starter (-)
1308: remote -> org.apache.synapse:synapse-package-archetype (This archetype can be used to create Maven projects that bundle a mediationinto a standalone distribution ready to be executed)
1309: remote -> org.apache.syncope:syncope-archetype (Apache Syncope Archetype)
1310: remote -> org.apache.tapestry:quickstart (-)
1311: remote -> org.apache.tapestry:tapestry-archetype (-)
1312: remote -> org.apache.tapestry:tapestry-simple (Archetype for creating a basic Tapestry 5 application, including Eclipse control files.)
1313: remote -> org.apache.taverna.engine:taverna-activity-archetype (Archetype to build a Taverna 3 service activity.Includes engine and UI parts, and a test class to run the workbench with the new activity.)
1314: remote -> org.apache.tinkerpop:gremlin-archetype-dsl (-)
1315: remote -> org.apache.tinkerpop:gremlin-archetype-server (-)
1316: remote -> org.apache.tinkerpop:gremlin-archetype-tinkergraph (-)
1317: remote -> org.apache.tomcat.maven:tomcat-maven-archetype (-)
1318: remote -> org.apache.tomee.maven:tomee-webapp-archetype (-)
1319: remote -> org.apache.tomee.patch.archetype:cxf-jaxrs-service (Simple CXF JAX-RS webapp service using Spring configuration)
1320: remote -> org.apache.tomee.patch.archetype:cxf-jaxws-javafirst (Creates a project for developing a Web service starting from Java code)
1321: remote -> org.apache.turbine:turbine-webapp-2.3.3 (This archetype sets up a web application project based on Apache Turbine 2.3.3)
1322: remote -> org.apache.turbine:turbine-webapp-4.0 (This archetype sets up a web application project based on Apache Turbine 4.0M2)
1323: remote -> (Create a Tuscany binding extension project)
1324: remote -> (Create an SCA JAR contribution project)
1325: remote -> (Create an SCA ZIP contribution project)
1326: remote -> (Create a Tuscany policy extension project)
1327: remote -> (Create a simple Apache Tuscany SCA webapp project)
1328: remote -> (Create an SCA Webapp project using BPEL)
1329: remote -> (Create a Tuscany SCA and JSF project)
1330: remote -> (-)
1331: remote -> (Create a simple Apache Tuscany SCA webapp project using the Stripes Web Framework)
1332: remote -> org.apache.uima:ruta-maven-archetype (A Maven archetype for creating maven-built Ruta projects)
1333: remote -> org.apache.wicket:wicket-archetype-quickstart (-)
1334: remote -> org.aperteworkflow:custom-widget-archetype (Aperte Workflow is a compilation of well-known, stable and mature frameworks into acomplete BPM solution developed by BlueSoft sp. z o.o. - Polish independent software vendor.Project home page is available at
1335: remote -> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr:bck2brwsr-archetype-html-sample (Creates a skeletal HTML page and associated Java controller class.Runs in any browser (even without Java plugin) with the help of Bck2Brwsrvirtual machine.)
1336: remote -> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr:knockout4j-archetype (HTML page with Knockout.js bindings driven by application modelwritten in Java. Use your favorite language to code. UseHTML as a lightweight rendering toolkit. Deploy using JavaFX orbck2brwsr virtual machine.)
1337: remote -> org.apidesign.bck2brwsr:mojo (-)
1338: remote -> org.apidesign.canvas:canvas-archetype (-)
1339: remote -> org.apidesign.html:crud4j-archetype (HTML page with master/detail showing results obtainsfor a Jersey server. Everything written in Java.Use your favorite language to code. Run the same codeon server as well as client. UseHTML as a lightweight rendering toolkit. Deploy to desktop,Android, iOS, HTML5 browser.)
1340: remote -> org.apidesign.html:knockout4j-archetype (HTML page with Knockout.js bindings driven by application modelwritten in Java. Use your favorite language to code. UseHTML as a lightweight rendering toolkit. Deploy to desktop,Android, iOS, HTML5 browser.)
1341: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-basic-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1342: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-basic-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1343: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-basic-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1344: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-basic-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1345: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-core (Maven 2 archetype that creates a backend (Managers, DAOs and Web Services)application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1346: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-modular-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's JSF implementation.)
1347: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-modular-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Spring MVC implementation.)
1348: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-modular-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Struts implementation.)
1349: remote -> org.appfuse:appfuse-modular-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Tapestry implementation.)
1350: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-gwt-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1351: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1352: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-jsf-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1353: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1354: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-spring-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1355: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1356: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-struts-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1357: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a web application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1358: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-tapestry-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1359: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-basic-wicket-archetype (AppFuse Web Frameworks: JSF, Spring MVC, Struts 2 and Tapestry.)
1360: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-core (Maven 2 archetype that creates a backend (Managers, DAOs and Web Services)application with AppFuse embedded in it.)
1361: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-core-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1362: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-jsf-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1363: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-spring-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1364: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-spring-freemarker-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1365: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-spring-security-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1366: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-stripes-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1367: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-struts-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1368: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-tapestry-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1369: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-light-wicket-archetype (AppFuse Archetype)
1370: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-gwt-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1371: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-jsf (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's JSF implementation.)
1372: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-jsf-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1373: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-spring (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Spring MVC implementation.)
1374: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-spring-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1375: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-struts (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Struts implementation.)
1376: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-struts-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1377: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-tapestry (Maven 2 archetype that creates a modular web application with AppFuse. This archetype creates two modules:"core" and "web". The core module depends on appfuse-service, while the web module depends on core as wellas AppFuse's Tapestry implementation.)
1378: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-tapestry-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1379: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-modular-wicket-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1380: remote -> org.appfuse.archetypes:appfuse-ws-archetype (AppFuse is a full-stack framework for building web applications on the JVM.)
1381: remote -> org.appng:appng-archetype-application (-)
1382: remote -> org.appverse.web.framework.archetypes.gwt:appverse-web-archetypes-gwt (Appverse Web Framework Archetypes GWT Archetype)
1383: remote -> org.appverse.web.framework.archetypes.gwt:appverse-web-archetypes-gwt-eclipselink (Appverse Web Framework Archetypes GWT Eclipselink Archetype)
1384: remote -> org.appverse.web.framework.archetypes.gwt:appverse-web-archetypes-gwt-hibernate (Appverse Web Framework Archetypes GWT Hibernate Archetype)
1385: remote -> org.appverse.web.framework.archetypes.gwtproject:appverse-web-archetypes-gwtproject (Appverse Web Framework Tools Archetypes GWT Project)
1386: remote -> org.appverse.web.framework.archetypes.jsf2:appverse-web-archetypes-jsf2 (Appverse Web Framework Archetypes JSF2 Archetype)
1387: remote -> (Appverse Web Framework Archetypes Rest Eclipselink Archetype)
1388: remote -> (Appverse Web Framework Tools Archetypes GWT Project)
1389: remote -> org.atteo.moonshine:distribution-archetype (-)
1390: remote -> org.atteo.moonshine:hibernate-archetype (-)
1391: remote -> org.atteo.moonshine:rest-archetype (-)
1392: remote -> org.atteo.moonshine:service-archetype (-)
1393: remote -> org.atteo.moonshine:standalone-archetype (-)
1394: remote -> org.avaje.ebeanorm:ebean-start (-)
1395: remote -> org.baracus.application:baracus-maven-archetype (Maven Mrchetype for the BARACUS framework for Android application)
1396: remote -> org.beamfoundry.bundles.spring-dm:org.beamfoundry.bundles.spring-dm-bundle-archetype (Spring DM Maven2 Archetype)
1397: remote -> org.beangle.webmvc:beangle-webmvc-archetype-starter (-)
1398: remote -> org.beangle.webui:beangle-webui-archetype_2.11 (-)
1399: remote -> org.beangle.webui:beangle-webui-archetype_2.12 (-)
1400: remote -> org.biins:micro-service (Spring boot micro service archetype)
1401: remote -> org.biopax.paxtools:paxtools-archetype (Paxtools Maven archetype - sample Java project to quickly start using Paxtools library and BioPAX data.)
1402: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:etlunit-database-schema-archetype (-)
1403: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:etlunit-feature-archetype (-)
1404: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:etlunit-hadoop-test-archetype (-)
1405: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:etlunit-informatica-test-archetype (-)
1406: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:etlunit-project-archetype (-)
1407: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:feature-archetype (-)
1408: remote -> org.bitbucket.bradleysmithllc.etlunit:project-archetype (-)
1409: remote -> org.blueoxygen.cimande:cimande-archetype (-)
1410: remote -> org.blueoxygen.cimande:cimande-archetype-blank (-)
1411: remote -> org.boretti.drools.integration:drools4-integration-helper-archetype (Support of the archetype for the Maven plugin)
1412: remote -> org.boretti.drools.integration:drools5-integration-helper-archetype (This is an Maven 2 Archetype to support creation of a ready touse Maven 2 project with Drools support. This archetype containsexamples of code based on interface, classes and pre/postcondition. JUnit 4 examples are also included.)
1413: remote -> org.brillien:brillien-archetype (-)
1414: remote -> org.broadleafcommerce:ecommerce-archetype (BroadleafCommerce ECommerce Archetype)
1415: remote -> org.brutusin:jsonsrv-archetype (Maven archetype for creation of jsonsrv projects)
1416: remote -> org.brutusin:rpc-tomcat-jar (Maven archetype for creation of Brutusin-RPC jar (standalone) projects, with a Tomcat runtime embedded)
1417: remote -> org.brutusin:rpc-tomcat-war (Maven archetype for creation of Brutusin-RPC (standalone and deployable) war projects with a Tomcat runtime available for standalone scenarios)
1418: remote -> org.bsc.processor:java2ts-processor-archetype (-)
1419: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-cockpit-plugin (Plugin for Camunda Cockpit, contains REST-Backend, MyBatis database query, HTML and JavaScript frontend, Ant build script for one-click deployment)
1420: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-demo (Demo application with lots of pre-built parts that uses a shared Camunda BPM engine in a Servlet Container, e.g. Apache Tomcat.Contains: Servlet Process Application, BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5-based start and task forms,JUnit Test with in-memory engine, Maven Plugins or Ant build script for one-click deployment in Eclipse)
1421: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-ejb-war (Process application that uses a shared Camunda BPM engine in a Java EE Container, e.g. JBoss Wildfly.Contains: Camunda EJB Client, Camunda CDI Integration, BPMN Process, Java Delegate as CDI bean, HTML5- and JSF-based start and task forms,configuration for JPA (Hibernate), JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage, Arquillian Test for JBoss AS7 and Wildfly, Maven Plugins or Ant build script for one-click deployment in Eclipse)
1422: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-engine-plugin (Process engine plugin for Camunda BPM.Contains: ProcessEnginePlugin, ParseListener, JUnit Test with in-memory engine, BPMN Process for testing.)
1423: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-servlet-spring-camel-war (Process application that uses a shared Camunda BPM engine in a Servlet Container, e.g. Apache Tomcat.Contains: Servlet Process Application, BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5-based start and task forms,JUnit Test with in-memory engine, Maven Plugins or Ant build script for one-click deployment in Eclipse)
1424: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-servlet-war (Process application that uses a shared Camunda BPM engine in a Servlet Container, e.g. Apache Tomcat.Contains: Servlet Process Application, BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5-based start and task forms,JUnit Test with in-memory engine, Maven Plugins or Ant build script for one-click deployment in Eclipse)
1425: remote -> org.camunda.bpm.archetype:camunda-archetype-spring-boot (Process application that uses the Spring Boot StarterContains: BPMN Process, Java Delegate, HTML5- start and task forms,JUnit Test with in-memory engine and visual process test coverage)
1426: remote -> org.carewebframework:org.carewebframework.mvn.archetype.plugin (-)
1427: remote -> org.carewebframework:org.carewebframework.mvn.archetype.testharness (-)
1428: remote -> org.carewebframework:org.carewebframework.mvn.archetype.webapp (-)
1429: remote -> org.chtijbug.drools:drools-service-runner-archetype (-)
1430: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-daemon (Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to generate a webapp and remotely start and stop a container with the application deployed on it.)
1431: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-multiple-containers (Sample Maven archetype showing how to start / stop multiple containers.)
1432: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-remote-deployment (Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to generate a webapp and deploy it to a remote container.)
1433: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-webapp-functional-tests-module (Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests for a webapp by creating a separate functional-tests module.)
1434: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-webapp-single-module (Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests directly from a single webapp module.)
1435: remote -> org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-archetype-webapp-with-datasource (Sample Maven archetype showing how to configure Cargo and Maven to run functional tests directly from a webapp with datasource. Cargo will be used to configure the datasource on the container.)
1436: remote -> org.codehaus.castor:castor-archetype-codegen-testcase (Maven archetype of a JUnit test case for the Castor XML code generator)
1437: remote -> org.codehaus.castor:codegen-testcase (-)
1438: remote -> org.codehaus.castor:cpa-testcase (-)
1439: remote -> org.codehaus.enunciate.archetypes:enunciate-simple-archetype (-)
1440: remote -> org.codehaus.gmaven.archetypes:gmaven-archetype-basic (-)
1441: remote -> org.codehaus.gmaven.archetypes:gmaven-archetype-mojo (-)
1442: remote -> org.codehaus.groovy.maven.archetypes:gmaven-archetype-basic (-)
1443: remote -> org.codehaus.groovy.maven.archetypes:gmaven-archetype-mojo (-)
1444: remote -> org.codehaus.mevenide.plugins:maven-archetype-nbm (Archetype for Netbeans Modules Maven setup)
1445: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo:gwt-maven-plugin (Mojo's Maven Plugin for GWT)
1446: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo:javascript-ria-archetype (A JavaScript Rich Internet Application template using jQuery and jQuery UI.)
1447: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo:latex-maven-archetype (The LaTeX Maven Archetype is kickstarts your LaTeX / Maven projects.)
1448: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo:xmlbeans-maven-plugin (Runs the xmlbeans parser/code generator against schemas in files and dependent jars.)
1449: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:appclient-javaee6 (Archetype for an Application Client package using Java EE 6.)
1450: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:appclient-javaee7 (Archetype for an Application Client package using Java EE 7.)
1451: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:appclient-jee5 (Archetype for an Application Client package using Java EE 5.)
1452: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:appframework (Archetype for creating application based on JSR 296)
1453: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ear-j2ee14 (Archetype for creating J2EE 1.4 EAR)
1454: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ear-javaee6 (Archetype for EAR package using Java EE 6)
1455: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ear-javaee7 (Archetype for EAR package using Java EE 7)
1456: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ear-jee5 (Archetype for creating JEE 5 EAR)
1457: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ejb-j2ee13 (An archetype which contains a sample J2EE 1.3 EJB Maven project.)
1458: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ejb-j2ee14 (An archetype which contains a sample J2EE 1.4 EJB Maven project.)
1459: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ejb-javaee6 (Archetype for an EJB package using Java EE 6.)
1460: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ejb-javaee7 (Archetype for an EJB package using Java EE 7.)
1461: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:ejb-jee5 (JEE 5 ejb jar archetype)
1462: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:javafx (Archetype for creating a JavaFX application)
1463: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:nbm-archetype (Archetype for development of NetBeans modules in Maven.)
1464: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:nbm-osgi-archetype (Archetype for development of NetBeans modules that can depend on OSGi bundles.)
1465: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:nbm-suite-root (Root project archetype for creating multi module projects developing NetBeans IDE modules. Approximately similar in functionality to module suites in NetBeans Ant projects.)
1466: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:netbeans-platform-app-archetype (Archetype for sample application based on NetBeans Platform. Creates parent POM with branding and empty NBM project.)
1467: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:osgi-archetype (Archetype for development of OSGi bundles using Apache Felix Maven plugin)
1468: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:pom-root (Root project archetype for creating multi module projects)
1469: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:sample-javafx (Sample archetype for creating a JavaFX application)
1470: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:webapp-j2ee13 (J2EE 1.3 web application archetype)
1471: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:webapp-j2ee14 (J2EE 1.4 web application archetype)
1472: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:webapp-javaee6 (Archetype for a web application using Java EE 6.)
1473: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:webapp-javaee7 (Archetype for a web application using Java EE 7.)
1474: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.archetypes:webapp-jee5 (JEE 5 web application archetype)
1475: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.groovy:groovy-maven-archetype (An archetype for creating Maven modules/projects using the Groovy language.)
1476: remote -> org.codehaus.mojo.groovy:groovy-mojo-archetype (An archetype for writing Maven 2 plugins in the Groovy language.)
1477: remote -> org.codehaus.openxma:org.openxma.dsl.sample-archetype (-)
1478: remote -> org.codehaus.sonar.archetypes:sonar-basic-plugin-archetype (Maven archetype to create a basic Sonar plugin)
1479: remote -> org.codehaus.sonar.archetypes:sonar-gwt-plugin-archetype (Maven archetype to create a Sonar plugin including GWT pages)
1480: remote -> org.codelibs:elasticsearch-plugin-archetype (This archetype generates your project for Elasticsearch plugin.)
1481: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty6 (-)
1482: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty7 (-)
1483: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty8 (-)
1484: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-dojo-jetty9 (-)
1485: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty6 (-)
1486: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty7 (-)
1487: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty8 (-)
1488: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-jquery-jetty9 (-)
1489: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-spring-dojo-jetty7 (-)
1490: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-spring-dojo-jetty9 (-)
1491: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-spring-jquery-jetty7 (-)
1492: remote -> org.cometd.archetypes:cometd-archetype-spring-jquery-jetty9 (-)
1493: remote -> org.conventionsframework:conventions-archetype (-)
1494: remote -> org.coosproject.maven.archetypes:coos-plugin-actor (-)
1495: remote -> org.coosproject.maven.archetypes:coos-plugin-api (-)
1496: remote -> org.coosproject.maven.archetypes:coos-plugin-noapi (-)
1497: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-helloworld-war (HelloWorld Crux war application.)
1498: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-module-app (Crux application following the module layout for project.)
1499: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-module-app-archetype (This is the Crux Module App Archetype)
1500: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-module-app-container-archetype (This is the Crux Module Container App Archetype)
1501: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-module-container-app (Crux application following the module container layout for project.)
1502: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-project-jar (Blank Crux jar application.)
1503: remote -> org.cruxframework:crux-project-war (Blank Crux war application.)
1504: remote -> org.ctoolkit.archetype:ctoolkit-microservice-archetype ( Ecosystem: Cloud Toolkit Microservice Archetype Build)
1505: remote -> org.cubeengine.maven.archetypes:archetype-cubeengine-module (This archetype generates a new module for the Cube Engine.)
1506: remote -> org.dd4t:dd4t-spring-mvc-archetype (DD4T Spring MVC Archetype for Maven for Tridion 2013)
1507: remote -> org.dd4t:dd4t-web8-archetype (DD4T Web 8 Spring MVC Archetype for Maven)
1508: remote -> org.debux.webmotion:webmotion-archetype (WebMotion is Java web framework based on the Java EE6 standard)
1509: remote -> org.devnull:devnull-web-archetype (DevNull starter webaapp with Spring MVC, JPA, Groovy and Twitter Bootstrap)
1510: remote -> org.devocative:deploy-archetype (A Maven archetype to create initial project for deployment)
1511: remote -> org.devocative:dmodule-archetype (A Maven archetype to create initial project for a DModule)
1512: remote -> org.devoxx4kids.bukkit.plugins:bukkit-template (Bukkit Template Plugin)
1513: remote -> org.devoxx4kids.spigot.plugins:spigot-template (Spigot Template Plugin)
1514: remote -> org.dishevelled:dsh-archetype ( maven project archetype.)
1515: remote -> org.drombler.fx:drombler-fx-maven-archetype-application (A sample Drombler FX application template.)
1516: remote -> org.duelengine:duel-mvc-archetype (MVC project archetype using Jersey, Guice, DUEL views, DUEL merge)
1517: remote -> org.duelengine:war-bootstrap-archetype (Simple WAR bootstrap for quick & dirty testing in multiple servlet containers (Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish).)
1518: remote -> org.dynamoframework:dynamo-spring-archetype (-)
1519: remote -> org.dynamoframework:dynamo-spring-archetype-modules (-)
1520: remote -> org.easybatch:easybatch-archetype (Easy Batch maven quick start archetype)
1521: remote -> org.easyrules:easyrules-archetype (Maven archetype to create a skeleton project)
1522: remote -> (Support for developing Hudson plugins with Apache Maven.)
1523: remote -> org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-helloworld-app (Maven Archetype which creates a Scout Hello World Sample Application)
1524: remote -> org.eclipse.scout.archetypes:scout-jaxws-module (Maven Archetype which creates an empty Scout JaxWs Module)
1525: remote -> org.eclipse.xtend:xtend-android-archetype (-)
1526: remote -> org.eclipse.xtend:xtend-archetype (-)
1527: remote -> org.eclipselabs:emf-gwt-jersey (-)
1528: remote -> org.eclipselabs:emf-gwt-rpc (-)
1529: remote -> org.eiichiro.gig:gig-archetype-appengine (An archetype which contains a simple Gig Webapp project for Google App Engine.)
1530: remote -> org.eiichiro.gig:gig-archetype-heroku (An archetype which contains a simple Gig Webapp project for Heroku.)
1531: remote -> org.eiichiro.gig:gig-archetype-webapp (An archetype which contains a simple Gig Webapp project.)
1532: remote -> org.emmalanguage:emma-quickstart (-)
1533: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-content (Content Type Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1534: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-misc (Generic Misc Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1535: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-page-generic (Generic Page Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1536: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-showlet-generic (Generic Showlet Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1537: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-theme-generic (Theme (Page Model) Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1538: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-bundle-widget-generic (Widget Bundle Archetype for Entando.)
1539: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-entando-sample (Entando sample web app Archetype: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.)
1540: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-plugin-generic (Plugin Archetype for Entando:  an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.)
1541: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-portal-bootstrap (Twitter Bootstrap Portal Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal-like platform.)
1542: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-portal-generic (Generic Portal Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source portal-like platform.)
1543: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-web-app-BPM (RedHat BPM web application Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like.)
1544: remote -> org.entando.entando:entando-archetype-webapp-generic (Generic web app Archetype for Entando: an agile, modern and user-centric open source web app like platform.)
1545: remote -> org.eurekaclinical:eurekaclinical-client-archetype (Archetype to create eurekaclinical client projects)
1546: remote -> org.eurekaclinical:eurekaclinical-service-archetype (Archetype for eurekaclinical service projects)
1547: remote -> org.eurekaclinical:eurekaclinical-webapp-archetype (Archetype to create eurekaclinical webapp projects)
1548: remote -> org.exist-db:exist-apps-archetype (Maven Archetype for eXist Apps)
1549: remote -> org.fintrace:microservice-archetype (Spring Boot 2 and Keycloak based Maven Archetype)
1550: remote -> org.flowable:flowable-archetype-unittest (Creates a new Flowable unit test.)
1551: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-basic-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype with configuration for CDI, JSF, JPA and a sample empty page.)
1552: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-minimal-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype with a single page demo of CDI, JSF, JPA and Validation to verify everything works.)
1553: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-sandbox-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype sandbox project for Java EE 6 with CDI, JSF, JPA and a sample model and test data to play around with, try new things, and use as a foundation for tutorials)
1554: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-sandbox-demo-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype containing a complete demo example using CDI, JSF, JPA and validation showcasing a number of features available in Java EE 6 as well as demonstrating how to make them all work together)
1555: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-servlet-basic-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype for servlet containers (Jetty,Tomcat) with just a single page and a persistence provider .)
1556: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-servlet-demo-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype containing servlet based bookmarking application demonstrating JSF, CDI, JPA and Bean Validation on Tomcat/Jetty servlet containers)
1557: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-servlet-minimal-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype containing a minimal Java EE application for servlet containers (Jetty,Tomcat) with a single page demo of CDI, JSF, JPA and Validation to verify everything works.)
1558: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:jee6-servlet-sandbox-archetype (Java EE 6 Knappsack archetype for servlet containers (Jetty,Tomcat) with sandbox data built in.)
1559: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:spring-jsf-jpa-archetype (Spring Knappsack archetype application with setup for JPA and JSF)
1560: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:spring-mvc-jpa-archetype (Spring MVC Knappsack archetype application with setup for JPA)
1561: remote -> org.fluttercode.knappsack:spring-mvc-jpa-demo-archetype (Spring MVC Knappsack demo archetype application with JPA)
1562: remote -> org.fuin.archetypes:emt-xtext-archetype (Maven archetype that creates an Xtext project with a multi module Maven layout and Tycho (manifest-first approach).)
1563: remote -> org.fujion:fujion-archetype-angular (-)
1564: remote -> org.fujion:fujion-archetype-component (-)
1565: remote -> org.fujion:fujion-archetype-fsp (-)
1566: remote -> org.fujion:fujion-archetype-react (-)
1567: remote -> org.fujion:fujion-archetype-webapp (-)
1568: remote -> org.fusesource.fabric:camel-cxf-code-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in code (Java) first.)
1569: remote -> org.fusesource.fabric:camel-cxf-contract-first-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using CXF in contract (WSDL) first.)
1570: remote -> org.fusesource.fabric:camel-drools-archetype (Creates a new Camel project using the Drools rule engine.)
1571: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-empty (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1572: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-guice (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate Guice web application)
1573: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-guice_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate Guice web application)
1574: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-guice_2.9 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate Guice web application)
1575: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-jersey (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1576: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-jersey_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1577: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-jersey_2.9 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1578: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-sitegen (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate static website generation project)
1579: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-sitegen_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate static website generation project)
1580: remote -> org.fusesource.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-sitegen_2.9 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate static website generation project)
1581: remote -> org.geomajas:geomajas-gwt-archetype (Geomajas GWT application archetype)
1582: remote -> org.geomajas:geomajas-plugin-archetype (Geomajas plugin archetype)
1583: remote -> org.geoserver.maven:geoserver-archetype-wfsoutputformat (-)
1584: remote -> org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes:jersey-example-java8-webapp (Jersey (Java8) WebApp Example Archetype.)
1585: remote -> org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes:jersey-heroku-webapp (An archetype which contains a quick start Jersey-based web application project capable to run on Heroku.)
1586: remote -> org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-grizzly2 (An archetype which contains a quick start Jersey project based on Grizzly container.)
1587: remote -> org.glassfish.jersey.archetypes:jersey-quickstart-webapp (An archetype which contains a quick start Jersey-based web application project.)
1588: remote -> org.glassfish.tyrus.archetypes:tyrus-archetype-echo (An archetype which contains a Tyrus echo application.)
1589: remote -> org.glassmaker:org.glassmaker.archetype.basic (-)
1590: remote -> org.grails:grails-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for Grails projects.)
1591: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-flex-spring-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.6, Spring 3 and Hibernate using GraniteDS with RemoteObject API.)
1592: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-spring-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.5, Spring 3 and Hibernate using GraniteDS with RemoteObject API.)
1593: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-cdi-jpa (Base project with Flex 4.5 and CDI using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1594: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-flex-cdi-jpa (Base project with Flex 4.6, CDI and JPA using GraniteDS with Tide API.)
1595: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-flex-seam-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.6, JBoss Seam 2.2 and Hibernate using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1596: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-flex-spring-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.6, Spring 3.1 and Hibernate 3.6 using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1597: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-javafx-spring-jpa-hibernate (Base project with JavaFX 2.2, Spring 3.1 and Hibernate 3.6 using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1598: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-seam-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.5, JBoss Seam 2.2 and Hibernate using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1599: remote -> org.graniteds.archetypes:graniteds-tide-spring-jpa-hibernate (Base project with Flex 4.5, Spring 3 and Hibernate using GraniteDS with the Tide API.)
1600: remote -> org.graphast:servlet31-archetype-webapp (Webapp Archetype for Servlet 3.1)
1601: remote -> org.graphast:servlet31-webapp-archetype (Webapp Archetype for Servlet 3.1)
1602: remote -> org.graphwalker:graphwalker-maven-archetype (-)
1603: remote -> org.graylog:graylog-plugin-archetype (-)
1604: remote -> org.graylog2:graylog2-plugin-archetype (-)
1605: remote -> org.grouplens.lenskit:lenskit-archetype-fancy-analysis (-)
1606: remote -> org.grouplens.lenskit:lenskit-archetype-simple-analysis (-)
1607: remote -> org.hibernate:hibernate-search-quickstart (-)
1608: remote -> org.hibernate:hibernate-validator-quickstart-archetype (Aggregator of the Hibernate Validator modules.)
1609: remote -> org.hspconsortium.carewebframework:cwf-webapp-archetype (Template for creating a web application.)
1610: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-build-parent-maven-plugin (-)
1611: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-im-jboss6-activemq-maven-plugin (-)
1612: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-im-jboss6-db-maven-plugin (-)
1613: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-im-jboss6-filesystem-maven-plugin (-)
1614: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-im-jboss6-jms-maven-plugin (-)
1615: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-im-jboss6-sftp-maven-plugin (-)
1616: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-integration-module-jboss6-maven-plugin (-)
1617: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-rt-conf-jboss6-maven-plugin (-)
1618: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-standalone-filesystem-im-maven-plugin (-)
1619: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-standalone-ftp-jms-im-maven-plugin (-)
1620: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-standalone-jms-im-maven-plugin (-)
1621: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-standalone-sftp-jms-im-maven-plugin (-)
1622: remote -> org.ikasan:ikasan-standalone-vanilla-im-maven-plugin (-)
1623: remote -> org.ikasan:jboss6-module-activemq-maven-plugin (-)
1624: remote -> org.imixs.application:imixs-workflow-jee-archetype (Imixs Workflow JEE Archetype provides a JEE Sample Application)
1625: remote -> org.incode.platform.archetype:quickstart-archetype (Domain application leveraging the Incode Platform.)
1626: remote -> org.integratedmodelling:klab-component-quickstart (Use this archetype to quickly populate a Maven project suitable for implementing a new k.LAB component.)
1627: remote -> org.irenical:maven-archetype-jar (For a standard LGPL Java library generation)
1628: remote -> org.irenical.maven:archetype-uservice (-)
1629: remote -> org.jacpfx:JacpFX-empty-quickstart (A simple JacpFX quistart application with two perspectives and four components.)
1630: remote -> org.jacpfx:JacpFX-simple-quickstart (JacpFX arechetype with predefined workbench, perspective and components. This is a good starting point to dive into JacpFX..)
1631: remote -> org.jahia.archetypes:jahia-app-archetype (Archetype for creating a new JahiApp module project to be run on a Digital Experience Manager server)
1632: remote -> org.jahia.archetypes:jahia-module-archetype (Archetype for creating a new module project to be run on a Digital Experience Manager server)
1633: remote -> org.jahia.archetypes:jahia-profileModule-archetype (Archetype for creating a new profile module project to be run on a Digital Experience Manager server)
1634: remote -> org.jahia.archetypes:jahia-templatesSet-archetype (Archetype for creating a new template set project to be run on a Digital Experience Manager server)
1635: remote -> org.jasig.portlet.archetype:jsr286-archetype (-)
1636: remote -> org.javaee-samples:javaee7-arquillian-archetype (JavaEE 7 Arquillian Archetype Sample)
1637: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-groovy-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories with steps classes written in Groovy.)
1638: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-guice-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories configured programmatically but with steps classes composed using Guice.)
1639: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-needle-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories configured programmatically but with steps classes composed using Needle.)
1640: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-pico-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories configured programmatically but with steps classes composed using Pico.)
1641: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-simple-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories configured programmatically.)
1642: remote -> org.jbehave:jbehave-spring-archetype (An archetype to run multiple textual stories configured programmatically but with steps classes composed using Spring.)
1643: remote -> org.jbehave.web:jbehave-web-selenium-flash-archetype (An archetype to run web Flash stories using Selenium.)
1644: remote -> org.jbehave.web:jbehave-web-selenium-groovy-pico-archetype (An archetype to run web stories using Selenium, Groovy and Pico.)
1645: remote -> org.jbehave.web:jbehave-web-selenium-java-spring-archetype (An archetype to run web stories using Selenium, Java and Spring.)
1646: remote -> org.jboss.aerogear.archetypes:jboss-html5-mobile-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 6 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
1647: remote -> org.jboss.aerogear.archetypes:jboss-html5-mobile-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 6 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
1648: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.eap:jboss-javaee6-webapp-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss EAP 6)
1649: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.eap:jboss-javaee6-webapp-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss EAP 6)
1650: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.eap:jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss EAP 6. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1651: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.eap:jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss EAP 6. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1652: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.forge:jboss-forge-html5-archetype (An archetype that contains pre-requisites for demonstrating the use of JBoss Forge. The end-user will be instructed on how to scaffold a new application based on a pre-existing JPA entity. Refer to the embedded Eclipse cheatsheet for additional details.)
1653: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.wfk:jboss-html5-mobile-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 6 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
1654: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.wfk:jboss-html5-mobile-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 6 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
1655: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.wfk:jboss-spring-mvc-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Spring MVC application with Java EE persistence settings (server bootstrapped JPA, JTA transaction management) for JBoss AS7)
1656: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.wfk:richfaces-archetype-kitchensink (JBoss WFK Archetype: Based on the Kitchen Sink Quickstart but adds RichFaces)
1657: remote -> org.jboss.archetype.wfk:richfaces-archetype-simpleapp (JBoss WFK Archetype: RichFaces Archetypes Simple Application)
1658: remote -> (An archetype that generates a skeleton project for implementing a JBoss AS 7 subsystem)
1659: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:bus-quickstart (-)
1660: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:cdi-quickstart (-)
1661: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:cordova-quickstart (-)
1662: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:jaxrs-quickstart (-)
1663: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:jboss-errai-kitchensink-archetype (A starter Errai + Java EE 6 webapp project for use on JBoss AS 7 / EAP 6, generated from the jboss-errai-kitchensink-archetype archetype)
1664: remote -> org.jboss.errai.archetypes:kitchensink-quickstart (A starter Errai + Java EE 6 webapp project for use on JBoss AS 7 / EAP 6, generated from the kitchensink-quickstart archetype)
1665: remote -> org.jboss.maven.archetypes:selenium-testng (-)
1666: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:1.2-basic (-)
1667: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:2.0-basic (-)
1668: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:2.0-basic-archetype (-)
1669: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:jsf2-basic-archetype (-)
1670: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:richfaces-basic (-)
1671: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:richfaces-simpleapp-archetype (-)
1672: remote -> org.jboss.portletbridge.archetypes:seam-basic (-)
1673: remote -> org.jboss.reddeer:jboss-reddeer-archetype (Red Deer Archetype)
1674: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-html5-mobile-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 6 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
1675: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-ear-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1676: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7)
1677: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7.1 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true))
1678: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-archetype-blank (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true))
1679: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7.1 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true))
1680: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7.1 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true). The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1681: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-archetype-blank (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true). The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1682: remote -> org.jboss.spec.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp-ear-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project for JBoss AS 7.1 (by default) or EAP 6 (if the "enterprise" property is true). The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
1683: remote -> org.jboss.spring.archetypes:jboss-spring-mvc-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Spring MVC application with Java EE persistence settings (server bootstrapped JPA, JTA transaction management) for JBoss AS7)
1684: remote -> org.jboss.spring.archetypes:spring-mvc-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter Spring MVC application with Java EE persistence settings (server bootstrapped JPA, JTA transaction management) for JBoss AS7)
1685: remote -> org.jboss.weld.archetypes:jboss-javaee6-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 6 webapp project)
1686: remote -> org.jboss.weld.archetypes:jboss-jsf-weld-servlet-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter JSF webapp project with CDI capabilities for Servlet containers)
1687: remote -> org.jboss.weld.archetypes:weld-jsf-jee (Weld archetype for creating a Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0, CDI 1.0, EJB 3.1 and JPA 2.0 (persistence unit included))
1688: remote -> org.jboss.weld.archetypes:weld-jsf-jee-minimal (Weld archetype for creating a minimal Java EE 6 application using JSF 2.0, CDI 1.0 and EJB 3.1 (persistence unit not included))
1689: remote -> org.jboss.weld.archetypes:weld-jsf-servlet-minimal (Weld archetype for creating an application using JSF 2.0 and CDI 1.0 for Servlet Containers (Tomcat 6 / Jetty 6))
1690: remote -> (Creates a project for developing a Web Service starting from Java code and using JBossWS)
1691: remote -> org.jbpm:jbpm-console-ng-module-archetype (jBPM Console NG Module Archetype)
1692: remote -> org.jbpm:jbpm-workitems-archetype (-)
1693: remote -> (jbundle project archetype)
1694: remote -> org.jbundle.config:org.jbundle.config.archetype (-)
1695: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-cgi-archetype (-)
1696: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-files-archetype (-)
1697: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-proxy-archetype (-)
1698: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-redirect-archetype (-)
1699: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-upload-archetype (-)
1700: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-webdav-archetype (-)
1701: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-website-archetype (-)
1702: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-webstart-archetype (-)
1703: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:jbundle-util-webapp-webstart-reactor-archetype (-)
1704: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.cgi-archetype (-)
1705: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.files-archetype (-)
1706: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.proxy-archetype (-)
1707: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.redirect-archetype (-)
1708: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.upload-archetype (-)
1709: remote -> org.jbundle.util.webapp:org.jbundle.util.webapp.webdav-archetype (-)
1710: remote -> (-)
1711: remote -> org.jclouds:jclouds-compute-service-archetype (Maven archetype for a provider of a Compute service)
1712: remote -> org.jclouds:jclouds-rest-client-archetype (Maven archetype for a provider of a rest-speaking service)
1713: remote -> org.jeasy:easy-rules-archetype (Maven archetype to create a skeleton project)
1714: remote -> org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-archetype-js (Kotlin single-module JavaScript project archetype)
1715: remote -> org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-archetype-jvm (Kotlin single-module JVM project archetype)
1716: remote -> org.jibx.ota.osgi:jibx-ota-osgi-archetype (-)
1717: remote -> org.jibx.schema.config:opentravel-ws-archetype (-)
1718: remote -> (-)
1719: remote -> (-)
1720: remote -> (-)
1721: remote -> (-)
1722: remote -> (-)
1723: remote -> (-)
1724: remote -> (-)
1725: remote -> (-)
1726: remote -> (-)
1727: remote -> (-)
1728: remote -> (-)
1729: remote -> (-)
1730: remote -> (-)
1731: remote -> (-)
1732: remote -> (-)
1733: remote -> (-)
1734: remote -> (-)
1735: remote -> org.jini.maven-jini-plugin:jini-service-archetype (Archetype for Jini service project creation)
1736: remote -> org.jnario:jnario-archetype (Maven archetype for setting up a jnario project.)
1737: remote -> org.jooby:jooby-archetype (-)
1738: remote -> org.jorm-unit:jorm-unit-sample-archetype (Archetype that creates a sample project with jorm-unit sample test)
1739: remote -> (JRebirth Archetype used to build a new fresh application)
1740: remote -> org.juzu:juzu-archetype (-)
1741: remote -> (Support for developing Hudson plugins with Apache Maven.)
1742: remote -> org.keedio.storm.topology.maven:storm-topology-archetype (Maven archetype to quickly generate storm topology projects.)
1743: remote -> org.kie:kie-drools-archetype (A basic kjar template with Drools rule example, JUnit 4 and logging binding.Use property droolsVersion to specify which version of Drools to use in generated kjar.Use property exampleWithCEP for a CEP rule example and related JUnit test case.Use property pomEclipseCompatible for pom-plug-in settings for Eclipse (will setup org.eclipse.m2e lifecycle-mapping plug-in).)
1744: remote -> org.kuali.rice:rice-archetype-quickstart (This is a archetype which creates a Kuali Rice based application. It uses a basic project structure demonstrating war overlays, service implementation, unit and integration testing.  It is configured in a bundled integration model with Kuali Rice.)
1745: remote -> org.kualigan.kuali.contrib:kc-contrib-archetype (An archetype used to create projects intended to become customizations added to kuali projects via Maven dependencies)
1746: remote -> org.kualigan.kuali.contrib:kfs-contrib-archetype (An archetype used to create projects intended to become customizations added to kuali projects via Maven dependencies)
1747: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:kc-archetype (-)
1748: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:kfs-archetype (-)
1749: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:kfs3-archetype (-)
1750: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:kfs4-archetype (-)
1751: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:kr-archetype (-)
1752: remote -> org.kualigan.maven.archetypes:lb-copy-archetype (Archetype used when copying databases. Creates a database project for the lb-maven-project to use in copying/exporting a database)
1753: remote -> org.leapframework:archetype-dataapi (-)
1754: remote -> org.leapframework:archetype-webapi (-)
1755: remote -> org.luismmribeiro.archetype:JEE7Archetype (The JEE7 Archetype is a Java project that implements a complete 3-layer architecture using JEE7 andseveral other Java technologies. The goal of this archetype is to provide a complete, ready to work, 3-layerarchitecture, multi-module project.)
1756: remote -> org.makumba:makumba-archetype (Archetype for a makumba web-application)
1757: remote -> org.meruvian.midas:midas-archetype-blank (Generates blank Midas project template)
1758: remote -> org.meruvian.yama:yama-archetype (-)
1759: remote -> org.meruvian.yama:yama-jaxrs-archetype (-)
1760: remote -> org.meruvian.yama:yama-starter-archetype (-)
1761: remote -> org.meruvian.yama:yama-struts-archetype (-)
1762: remote -> org.minijax:minijax-archetype (Archetype for a new Minijax application)
1763: remote -> org.minijax:minijax-archetype-quickstart (Archetype for a new Minijax application)
1764: remote -> org.mixer2:mixer2-springmvc-archetype (archetype for SpringMVC web application with mixer2)
1765: remote -> org.mobicents.servlet.sip.archetypes:maven-archetype-sipapp (Archetype providing a default layout to start building SIP Servlets Applications.)
1766: remote -> org.mobicents.servlet.sip.archetypes:mss-testing-embeddedTomcat6-archetype (-)
1767: remote -> org.mobicents.servlet.sip.archetypes:mss-testing-embeddedTomcat7-archetype (-)
1768: remote -> org.mortbay.jetty.archetype:jetty-archetype-assembler (-)
1769: remote -> org.mortbay.jetty.archetype:jetty-archetype-fileserver (-)
1770: remote -> org.mule.extensions:mule-extensions-archetype (-)
1771: remote -> org.mule.ibeans:ibean-archetype (An archetype for creating an empty ibean maven project)
1772: remote -> (Creates a new iBean project that talks to an external service i.e. Twitter, Amazon S3, Flickr). The project will define the dependencies and documented samplecode for the ibean itself and a a working testcase.)
1773: remote -> (-)
1774: remote -> (Creates a new cloud connector project.)
1775: remote -> (An archetype for creating a Mule example application.)
1776: remote -> (An architype for creating a Mule Module. It provides options for adding certain mule features and configuring themodule for Muleforge.)
1777: remote -> (An architype for creating Mule applications.)
1778: remote -> (Archetype for Mule 2.0 and above transport projects.)
1779: remote -> (A simple maven tool to create mule applications)
1780: remote -> (-)
1781: remote -> (-)
1782: remote -> (A simple maven tool to create mule applications)
1783: remote -> (-)
1784: remote -> org.multiverse:multiverse-project-archetype (Skeleton for a project using Multiverse)
1785: remote -> org.mwolff:command-archetype (An archetype for building the command framework.)
1786: remote -> org.n52:servlet3-jetty-webapp-archetype (-)
1787: remote -> org.nakedobjects:application-archetype (-)
1788: remote -> org.nakedobjects:remoting-support (-)
1789: remote -> org.nakedobjects.archetypes:application (-)
1790: remote -> org.nakedobjects.plugins:hibernate-support (-)
1791: remote -> org.nakedobjects.plugins:html-war (-)
1792: remote -> org.nakedobjects.plugins:htmlviewer-war (-)
1793: remote -> org.nakedobjects.prototyping:application (-)
1794: remote -> org.nakedobjects.prototyping:icons (-)
1795: remote -> org.nakedosgi:bundle-archetype (-)
1796: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-appengine-blog-archetype (-)
1797: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-core-demo-archetype (-)
1798: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-jpa-demo-archetype (-)
1799: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-servlet-archetype-simple (-)
1800: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-servlet-jpa-blog-archetype (-)
1801: remote -> org.ninjaframework:ninja-servlet-jpa-blog-integration-test-archetype (-)
1802: remote -> org.objectweb.fractal.cecilia:maven-archetype-cecilia-app (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia applications,having a source tree template already filled.)
1803: remote -> org.objectweb.fractal.cecilia:maven-archetype-cecilia-application (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia applications, having asource tree template already filled.)
1804: remote -> org.objectweb.fractal.cecilia:maven-archetype-cecilia-library (This archetype is useful to quick start Cecilia components libraryprojects, having a source tree template already filled.)
1805: remote -> org.objectweb.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-binding-component (>This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI binding component project.)
1806: remote -> org.objectweb.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-assembly (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service assembly project.)
1807: remote -> org.objectweb.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-engine (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service engine project.)
1808: remote -> org.objectweb.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-unit (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service unit project.)
1809: remote -> org.ojbc.archetypes:ojb-connector-archetype (-)
1810: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-api-archetype (ONOS OSGi API bundle archetype)
1811: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-bundle-archetype (ONOS OSGi bundle archetype)
1812: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-cli-archetype (ONOS Apache Karaf bundle archetype)
1813: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-rest-archetype (ONOS REST API bundle archetype)
1814: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-ui-archetype (ONOS UI Custom-View overlay archetype)
1815: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-uitab-archetype (ONOS UI Table-View overlay archetype)
1816: remote -> org.onosproject:onos-uitopo-archetype (ONOS UI Topology-Overlay overlay archetype)
1817: remote -> org.opencoweb:admin-archetype (-)
1818: remote -> org.opencoweb:coweb-archetype (-)
1819: remote -> org.openehealth.ipf.archetypes:ipf-archetype-basic (-)
1820: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes:openengsb-tooling-archetypes-connector (Archetype to produce new Connector project)
1821: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes:openengsb-tooling-archetypes-domain (Archetype to produce new Domain project)
1822: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes:org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes.connector (Archetype to produce new Connector project)
1823: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes:org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes.domain (Archetype to produce new Domain project)
1824: remote -> org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes.clientproject:org.openengsb.tooling.archetypes.clientproject.root (Archetype to produce new client project)
1825: remote -> org.opengis.cite:ets-archetype-testng (A template for creating an executable test suite (ETS) based on the TestNG framework.)
1826: remote -> org.openimaj:openimaj-quickstart-archetype (Maven quickstart archetype for OpenIMAJ)
1827: remote -> org.openimaj:openimaj-subproject-archetype (Maven archetype for creating OpenIMAJ subprojects with the most of the standard configuration completed automatically)
1828: remote -> org.openjdk.jcstress:jcstress-java-test-archetype (Generates JCStress test project.)
1829: remote -> org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-groovy-benchmark-archetype (Generates Groovy benchmarking project, uses JMH bytecode processors)
1830: remote -> org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-java-benchmark-archetype (Generates Java benchmarking project, uses JMH annotation processors)
1831: remote -> org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-kotlin-benchmark-archetype (Generates Kotlin benchmarking project, uses JMH bytecode processors)
1832: remote -> org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-scala-benchmark-archetype (Generates Scala benchmarking project, uses JMH bytecode processors)
1833: remote -> org.openjdk.jmh:jmh-simple-benchmark-archetype (Basic archetype for simple JMH-driven benchmark.)
1834: remote -> org.openl.rules:openl-simple-project (-)
1835: remote -> org.openl.rules:openl-simple-project-archetype (-)
1836: remote -> org.openmrs.maven.archetypes:openmrs-sdk-archetype-module-platform (-)
1837: remote -> org.openmrs.maven.archetypes:openmrs-sdk-archetype-module-refapp (-)
1838: remote -> org.openmrs.maven.archetypes:openmrs-sdk-archetype-submodule-owa (-)
1839: remote -> org.openntf.maven:odp-maven-archetype (-)
1840: remote -> org.openntf.sbt:sbt.sso.webapp-archetype (-)
1841: remote -> org.opensingular:singular-default-requirement-archetype (Singular server)
1842: remote -> (Archetype for creating a basic OpooPress site with sample plugin.)
1843: remote -> (Archetype for creating a blank OpooPress site.)
1844: remote -> (Archetype for creating a blank OpooPress theme project.artifactId must be start with prefix: 'opoopress-theme-'.')
1845: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.construct:maven-archetype-osgi-bundle (-)
1846: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.construct:maven-archetype-osgi-project (-)
1847: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.construct:maven-archetype-osgi-service (-)
1848: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.construct:maven-archetype-osgi-wrapper (-)
1849: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.construct:maven-archetype-spring-bean (-)
1850: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.exam:maven-archetype-paxexam-junit ()
1851: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.exam.archetypes:exam-glassfish41-archetype (Archetype for Pax Exam tests on GlassFish 4.1)
1852: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.exam.archetypes:exam-karaf-archetype (Archetype for Pax Exam tests on Karaf)
1853: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.exam.archetypes:exam-osgi-archetype (Archetype for Pax Exam tests on OSGi frameworks)
1854: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.exam.archetypes:exam-wildfly80-archetype (Archetype for Pax Exam tests on WildFly 8.0)
1855: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.web.archetypes:wab-archetype (-)
1856: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.web.archetypes:wab-gwt-archetype (-)
1857: remote -> org.ops4j.pax.web.archetypes:war-archetype (-)
1858: remote -> org.orienteer:orienteer-archetype-jar (An maven archetype for custom Orienteer jar modules)
1859: remote -> org.orienteer:orienteer-archetype-war (An maven archetype for custom Orienteer based WAR)
1860: remote -> org.ow2.jasmine.kerneos:kerneos-module-archetype (-)
1861: remote -> org.ow2.jasmine.kerneos:kerneos-war-archetype (-)
1862: remote -> org.ow2.jasmine.probe:jprobe-collector-archetype (-)
1863: remote -> org.ow2.jasmine.probe:jprobe-outer-archetype (-)
1864: remote -> org.ow2.jonas.camel:camel-archetype-simple-route (-)
1865: remote -> org.ow2.kerneos:kerneos-application-archetype (-)
1866: remote -> org.ow2.kerneos:kerneos-flex-archetypes-application (-)
1867: remote -> org.ow2.kerneos:kerneos-flex-archetypes-module (-)
1868: remote -> org.ow2.kerneos:kerneos-flex-archetypes-module-fragment (-)
1869: remote -> org.ow2.kerneos:kerneos-module-archetype (-)
1870: remote -> org.ow2.orchestra:orchestra-extension-archetype (Generates extensions for Orchestra)
1871: remote -> org.ow2.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-binding-component (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI binding component project.)
1872: remote -> org.ow2.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-assembly (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service assembly project.)
1873: remote -> org.ow2.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-engine (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service engine project.)
1874: remote -> org.ow2.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-service-unit (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI service unit project.)
1875: remote -> org.ow2.petals:maven-archetype-petals-jbi-shared-library (This project is Maven 2 archetype associated to a JBI Shared Library project.)
1876: remote -> org.ow2.shelbie:shelbie-command-archetype (-)
1877: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for analyser. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1878: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for configurable. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1879: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for indexer. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1880: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for queuemanager. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1881: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for reportprovider. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1882: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for resourcecontainer. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1883: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for any WebLab service. It should be used in conjunction with interfaces specific archetypes. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1884: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for searcher. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1885: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for sourcereader. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1886: remote -> (The Archetype used to generate a stub for trainable. This should be called through the weblab-archetype-plugin and not directly.)
1887: remote -> org.owasp:dependency-check-plugin (-)
1888: remote -> org.parallelj:parallelj-archetype (ParallelJ is a Java framework for parallel computing. It provides flow modeling and execution. This archetype projects allows to create a project skeleton using ParallelJ.)
1889: remote -> org.parallelj:parallelj-archetype-web (ParallelJ is a Java framework for parallel computing. It provides flow modeling and execution. This archetype projects allows to create a project skeleton using ParallelJ.)
1890: remote -> org.parancoe:parancoe-pluginarchetype (-)
1891: remote -> org.parancoe:parancoe-webarchetype (-)
1892: remote -> org.patterntesting:patterntesting-tools (PatternTesting Tools (patterntesting-tools) is the container fortools around PatternTesting like the Ant extensions and Maven plugin.)
1893: remote -> org.peelframework:peel-flink-bundle (-)
1894: remote -> org.peelframework:peel-flinkspark-bundle (-)
1895: remote -> org.peelframework:peel-spark-bundle (-)
1896: remote -> org.pousse-cafe-framework:pousse-cafe-simple-meta-app-archetype (Pousse-Café is a framework assisting in writing DDD-based applications. This is a simple meta-app archetype.)
1897: remote -> org.proyecto-adalid.meta:meta-jee2-archetype (Adalid platform JEE2 meta-project archetype)
1898: remote -> org.pustefixframework:pustefix-archetype-application (Pustefix Archetype for Applications)
1899: remote -> org.pustefixframework:pustefix-archetype-basic (Pustefix archetype creating a basic application)
1900: remote -> org.pustefixframework.maven.archetypes:pustefix-archetype-module (Pustefix Archetype for Modules)
1901: remote -> org.qianalyze:QiAnalyzeModule-Archetype (The archetype to create a new QiAnalyze Module for more information visit
1902: remote -> org.qianalyze.sample:QiAnalyzeModule (The archetype to create a new QiAnalyze Module for more information visit
1903: remote -> org.qooxdoo:qooxdoo-archetype-desktop (An archetype to create a qooxdoo application)
1904: remote -> org.qooxdoo:qooxdoo-archetype-gui (An archetype to create a qooxdoo application)
1905: remote -> org.quattor.maven:cfg-module (-)
1906: remote -> org.quattor.pan:panc-maven-archetype (-)
1907: remote -> org.rauschig:maven-archetype-bundle (A maven archetype that incorporates common artifacts for OSS development and OSGi compatibility)
1908: remote -> org.resthub:resthub-jpa-backbonejs-archetype (-)
1909: remote -> org.resthub:resthub-jpa-backbonejs-multi-archetype (-)
1910: remote -> org.resthub:resthub-mongodb-backbonejs-archetype (-)
1911: remote -> org.resthub:resthub-mongodb-backbonejs-multi-archetype (-)
1912: remote -> org.rhq:rhq-plugin-archetype (-)
1913: remote -> org.rhq.maven:smartgwt-war-archetype (archetype for a Maven project for a SmartGWT web application (WAR))
1914: remote -> org.richfaces.archetypes:richfaces-archetype-kitchensink (A starter Java EE 6 webapp project for use on JBoss AS 7 / EAP 6, generated from thejboss-javaee6-webapp archetype)
1915: remote -> org.richfaces.archetypes:richfaces-archetype-simpleapp (-)
1916: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-console-template (-)
1917: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-cross-platform-kotlin-template (-)
1918: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-cross-platform-template (-)
1919: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-default-template (-)
1920: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-single-view-template (-)
1921: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-console (-)
1922: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-cross-platform (-)
1923: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-cross-platform-kotlin (-)
1924: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-ios-single-view (-)
1925: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-ios-single-view-no-ib (-)
1926: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-tvos-single-view (-)
1927: remote -> org.robovm:robovm-templates-tvos-single-view-no-ib (-)
1928: remote -> org.sadiframework:sadi-service-archetype (-)
1929: remote -> org.sakaiproject.maven-archetype:sakai-wicket-maven-archetype (The Sakai Wicket Maven Archetype allows you to generate a sample Sakai app via a single Maven command.The app is based on Apache Wicket which integrates nicely with Sakai.The app demonstrates how to get a Sakai tool styled, internationalised and registered, setup your own APIs, wire them up with Spring and inject them via annotations.The 1.1 and up releases also include multi database support via Spring JDBC. It could easily be used as a base for a real tool.)
1930: remote -> org.scala-tools.archetypes:liftweb-archetype-blank (Archetype - blank project for liwftweb)
1931: remote -> org.scala-tools.archetypes:liftweb-archetype-hellolift (Archetype - hellolift sample liwftweb application)
1932: remote -> org.scala-tools.archetypes:scala-archetype-simple (The maven-scala-plugin is used for compiling/testing/running/documenting scala code in maven.)
1933: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-guice_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate Guice web application)
1934: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-guice_2.11 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate Guice web application)
1935: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-jersey_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1936: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-jersey_2.11 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate web application)
1937: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-sitegen_2.10 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate static website generation project)
1938: remote -> org.scalatra.scalate.tooling:scalate-archetype-sitegen_2.11 (An archetype which creates an empty Scalate static website generation project)
1939: remote -> org.sculptorgenerator:sculptor-maven-archetype (Maven archetype for a business tier project using the Sculptor code generator)
1940: remote -> org.sculptorgenerator:sculptor-maven-archetype-ear (Maven archetype for a EAR project using the Sculptor code generator)
1941: remote -> org.sculptorgenerator:sculptor-maven-archetype-parent (Maven archetype for a parent project using the Sculptor code generator)
1942: remote -> org.sculptorgenerator:sculptor-maven-archetype-web (Maven archetype for a WAR project using the Sculptor code generator)
1943: remote -> org.seedstack:addon-archetype (SeedStack archetype for creating an add-on.)
1944: remote -> org.seedstack:batch-archetype (SeedStack archetype for running Spring Batch jobs.)
1945: remote -> org.seedstack:cli-archetype (SeedStack archetype for running command-line based applications.)
1946: remote -> org.seedstack:domain-archetype (SeedStack archetype for reusable domains.)
1947: remote -> org.seedstack:rest-archetype (SeedStack mono-module WAR dedicated to REST-only projects, like micro-services)
1948: remote -> org.seedstack:web-archetype (SeedStack archetype for serving REST API and other Web resources.)
1949: remote -> org.siqisource.agave:archetypes-quickstart (-)
1950: remote -> (archetype for javaee7 minimum web application,useful for self study and developing new application.)
1951: remote -> (archetype for javaee7 web application with useful tips)
1952: remote -> (This project is generated from org.sitoolkit.archetype:sit-ad-archetype)
1953: remote -> org.sitoolkit.archetype:sit-archetype (This project is generated from org.sitoolkit.archetype:sit-archetype)
1954: remote -> org.sitoolkit.tester:sit-tester-archetype (archetype for sit-tester)
1955: remote -> org.sitoolkit.wt:sit-wt-archetype (archetype for sit-wt)
1956: remote -> org.sitoolkit.wt:sit-wt-project (archetype for sit-wt)
1957: remote -> org.slf4j:slf4j-archetype (The slf4j Archetype)
1958: remote -> org.slick2d:slick2d-basic-game-archetype (Maven archetype for a Slick2D based game)
1959: remote -> org.smartboot.maven.archetype:smartboot-archetype (smartboot-archetype)
1960: remote -> org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-archetypes-application (-)
1961: remote -> org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-archetypes-library (-)
1962: remote -> org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-archetypes-modular-webapp (-)
1963: remote -> (-)
1964: remote -> org.spilth:java8-junit4-quickstart (A Maven Archetype for creating a Java 8 project using Junit 4)
1965: remote -> org.spilth:java8-minimal-quickstart (A Maven Archetype for creating a minimal Java 8 project)
1966: remote -> org.spilth:java9-minimal-quickstart (A Maven Archetype for creating a minimal Java 9 project)
1967: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-actuator-archetype (Spring Boot Actuator Sample)
1968: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-actuator-log4j-archetype (Spring Boot Actuator Log4J Sample)
1969: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-actuator-noweb-archetype (Spring Boot Actuator Non-Web Sample)
1970: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-actuator-ui-archetype (Spring Boot Actuator UI Sample)
1971: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-amqp-archetype (Spring Boot AMQP Sample)
1972: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-aop-archetype (Spring Boot AOP Sample)
1973: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-batch-archetype (Spring Boot Batch Sample)
1974: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-data-jpa-archetype (Spring Boot Data JPA Sample)
1975: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-data-mongodb-archetype (Spring Boot Data MongoDB Sample)
1976: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-data-redis-archetype (Spring Boot Data Redis Sample)
1977: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-data-rest-archetype (Spring Boot Data REST Sample)
1978: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-integration-archetype (Spring Boot Integration Sample)
1979: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-jetty-archetype (Spring Boot Jetty Sample)
1980: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-profile-archetype (Spring Boot Profile Sample)
1981: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-secure-archetype (Spring Boot Security Sample)
1982: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-servlet-archetype (Spring Boot Servlet Sample)
1983: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-simple-archetype (Spring Boot Simple Sample)
1984: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-tomcat-archetype (Spring Boot Tomcat Sample)
1985: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-traditional-archetype (Spring Boot Traditional Sample)
1986: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-web-jsp-archetype (Spring Boot Web JSP Sample)
1987: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-web-method-security-archetype (Spring Boot Web Method Security Sample)
1988: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-web-secure-archetype (Spring Boot Web Secure Sample)
1989: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-web-static-archetype (Spring Boot Web Static Sample)
1990: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-web-ui-archetype (Spring Boot Web UI Sample)
1991: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-websocket-archetype (Spring Boot WebSocket Sample)
1992: remote -> org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-sample-xml-archetype (Spring Boot XML Sample)
1993: remote -> org.springframework.osgi:spring-osgi-bundle-archetype (Spring OSGi Maven2 Archetype)
1994: remote -> (Spring Web Services Maven2 Archetype.)
1995: remote -> org.sqlproc:sqlproc-archetype-simple-jdbc (SQL Processor Archetype for Simple JDBC Application)
1996: remote -> org.sqlproc:sqlproc-archetype-simple-spring (SQL Processor Archetype for Simple Spring Application)
1997: remote -> org.stackbox.archetypes:hadoop-v1-mr (A set of maven3 archetypes during my career in Miaozhen Systems)
1998: remote -> org.stackbox.archetypes:webapp-ssm-basic (A set of maven3 archetypes during my career in Miaozhen Systems)
1999: remote -> org.structr:structr-base-archetype (Structr is an open source framework based on the popular Neo4j graph database.)
2000: remote -> org.structr:structr-simple-example-archetype (Structr is an open source framework based on the popular Neo4j graph database.)
2001: remote -> org.structr:structr-ui-archetype (Structr is an open source framework based on the popular Neo4j graph database.)
2002: remote -> org.sweble.wikitext:swc-example-basic-archetype (An archetype that creates a simple application which is able to parse a pagewritten in Wikitext and render it as HTML.)
2003: remote -> org.sweble.wikitext:swc-example-serialization-archetype (An example project that contains a simple application that is able to parsea page written in Wikitext and serialize it to XML, JSON or binary.)
2004: remote -> org.sweble.wikitext:swc-example-xpath-archetype (An archetype that creates a simple application which is able to parsea page written in Wikitext and perform an XPath query on that document.)
2005: remote -> org.switchyard.archetypes:switchyard-application (-)
2006: remote -> org.syncope:syncope-archetype (Syncope archetype)
2007: remote -> org.tango-controls:jtango-maven-archetype (This is a custom archetype to generate skeleton JTango projects. JTango is a Java implementation of Tango controls - open source SCADA framework.)
2008: remote -> org.teavm:teavm-maven-webapp (An archetype that creates a simple web application with enabled TeaVM)
2009: remote -> org.teavm.flavour:teavm-flavour-application (Archetype for simple Flavour application)
2010: remote -> org.teiid.arche-types:connector-archetype (-)
2011: remote -> org.teiid.arche-types:preparser-archetype (-)
2012: remote -> org.teiid.arche-types:translator-archetype (-)
2013: remote -> org.teiid.arche-types:udf-archetype (-)
2014: remote -> org.telosys.starterkits:angularHtml5offline-starterkit (archetype for starter Kit angular Html5 offline)
2015: remote -> org.telosys.starterkits:struts-jpa-starterkit (archetype for starter Kit Struts)
2016: remote -> org.terasoluna.batch:terasoluna-batch-archetype (Archetype project for TERASOLUNA Batch Framework for Java (5.x))
2017: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2018: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2019: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-jpa-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project (JPA) (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2020: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2021: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3) (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2022: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-multi-web-blank-mybatis3-jpa-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Multi Project (MyBatis3) (JPA) (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2023: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-web-blank-archetype (Web Blank Project using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2024: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-web-blank-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Project (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2025: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-web-blank-mybatis3-archetype (Web Blank Project (MyBatis3) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2026: remote -> org.terasoluna.gfw.blank:terasoluna-gfw-web-blank-mybatis3-jpa-archetype (Web Blank Project (MyBatis3) (JPA) using TERASOLUNA Server Framework for Java (5.x))
2027: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-grpc-systemtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Google gRPC applications with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2028: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-guice-integrationtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to integration test Google Guice modules and services with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2029: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-hk2-integrationtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to integration test HK2 modules and services with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2030: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-jersey-systemtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Jersey 2 Application with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2031: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-resourceprovider-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to create a reusable ResourceProvider implementation.)
2032: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-spring-integrationtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to integration test Spring modules with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2033: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-spring-systemtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Spring MVC application with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2034: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-springboot-systemtest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to system test Spring Boot application with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2035: remote -> org.testifyproject.archetypes:junit-unittest-archetype (Creates a new quickstart project to unit test Java code with Testify, JUnit4, Mockito, and AssertJ.)
2036: remote -> org.tinygroup:buproject (-)
2037: remote -> org.tinygroup:flowcomponent (-)
2038: remote -> org.tinygroup:org.tinygroup.developarchetype (-)
2039: remote -> org.tinygroup:org.tinygroup.flowcomponentarchetype (-)
2040: remote -> org.tinygroup:org.tinygroup.plugincomponentarchetype (-)
2041: remote -> org.tinygroup:org.tinygroup.uicomponentarchetype (-)
2042: remote -> org.tinygroup:org.tinygroup.weixinarchetype (-)
2043: remote -> org.tinygroup:plugincomponent (-)
2044: remote -> org.tinygroup:servicecomponentarchetype (-)
2045: remote -> org.tinygroup:uicomponent-archetype (-)
2046: remote -> org.tinygroup:webappproject (-)
2047: remote -> org.tinygroup:webappprojectarchetype (-)
2048: remote -> org.tomitribe:tomitribe-crest-archetype (-)
2049: remote -> org.trailsframework:trails-archetype (-)
2050: remote -> org.trailsframework:trails-secure-archetype (-)
2051: remote -> org.tynamo:tynamo-archetype (-)
2052: remote -> org.uberfire:uberfire-component-archetype (UberFire Component Archetype)
2053: remote -> org.uberfire:uberfire-project-archetype (UberFire Project Archetype)
2054: remote -> org.umlg:umlg-archetype (Generates a Umlg application with Umlg's datatypes, validation profile and a rest interface)
2055: remote -> org.visallo:visallo-plugin-archetype (Generate a project for Visallo plugin development)
2056: remote -> org.walkmod:walkmod-plugin-archetype (Archetype to create a walkmod plugin)
2057: remote -> org.wicketstuff.scala:wicket-scala-archetype (Basic setup for a project that combines Scala and Wicket, depending on the Wicket-Scala project. Includes an example Specstest.)
2058: remote -> org.wicketstuff.scala:wicketstuff-scala-archetype (Basic setup for a project that combines Scala and Wicket,depending on the Wicket-Scala project. Includes an example Specstest.)
2059: remote -> org.wikbook:wikbook.archetype (-)
2060: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-html5-mobile-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 7 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
2061: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-html5-mobile-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a Java EE 7 application using HTML5, and JAX-RS to support both desktop and mobile web browsers)
2062: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-javaee7-webapp-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly)
2063: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-javaee7-webapp-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly)
2064: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
2065: remote -> org.wildfly.archetype:wildfly-javaee7-webapp-ear-blank-archetype (An archetype that generates a starter Java EE 7 webapp project for JBoss Wildfly. The project is an EAR, with an EJB-JAR and WAR)
2066: remote -> org.wildfly.archetypes:wildfly-subsystem (An archetype that generates a skeleton project for implementing a WildFly 8 subsystem)
2067: remote -> org.wildfly.camel.archetypes:wildfly-camel-archetype-cdi (Creates a WildFly Camel CDI application)
2068: remote -> org.wildfly.camel.archetypes:wildfly-camel-archetype-spring (Creates a WildFly Camel Spring application)
2069: remote -> org.wildfly.swarm:archetype (-)
2070: remote -> org.wiperdog:wiperdog-osgi-bundle-archetype (-)
2071: remote -> org.wiperdog:wiperdog-osgi-ipojo-archetype (-)
2072: remote -> org.wisdom-framework:wisdom-default-project-archetype (-)
2073: remote -> org.wisdom-framework:wisdom-simple-watcher-archetype (-)
2074: remote -> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.archetypes.bundle (This is an archetype for an OSGi bundle)
2075: remote -> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.archetypes.component (This is an archetype for a Carbon Component which consumes an OSGi service registered by Carbon Kernel)
2076: remote -> (-)
2077: remote -> (-)
2078: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.carbon.extension.esb.connector-archetype (-)
2079: remote -> (Platform Parent pom hold the properties, plugins which are required to build carbon components, carbonfeatures and products)
2080: remote -> (Platform Parent pom hold the properties, plugins which are required to build carbon components, carbonfeatures and products)
2081: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.extension.siddhi.aggregator-archetype (-)
2082: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.extension.siddhi.function-archetype (-)
2083: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.extension.siddhi.streamfunction-archetype (-)
2084: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.extension.siddhi.streamprocessor-archetype (-)
2085: remote -> org.wso2.carbon.extension.archetype:org.wso2.extension.siddhi.window-archetype (-)
2086: remote -> org.wso2.iot:iot-devicetype-archetype (WSO2 IoT Device Type Archetype)
2087: remote -> org.wso2.msf4j:msf4j-microservice (This an archetype for WSO2 MSF4J microservice)
2088: remote -> (Default server war dependencies)
2089: remote -> org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype:siddhi-archetype-execution (-)
2090: remote -> org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype:siddhi-archetype-io (-)
2091: remote -> org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype:siddhi-archetype-map (-)
2092: remote -> org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype:siddhi-archetype-script (-)
2093: remote -> org.wso2.siddhi.extension.archetype:siddhi-archetype-store (-)
2094: remote -> org.xaloon.archetype:xaloon-archetype-wicket-jpa-glassfish (-)
2095: remote -> org.xaloon.archetype:xaloon-archetype-wicket-jpa-spring (-)
2096: remote -> org.xillium:xillium-arch (-)
2097: remote -> org.xwiki.commons:xwiki-commons-component-archetype (Make it easy to create a maven project for creating XWiki Components.)
2098: remote -> org.xwiki.rendering:xwiki-rendering-archetype-macro (Make it easy to create a maven project for creating XWiki Rendering Macros.)
2099: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-archetype-component (An archetype that generates a starter ZK component project)
2100: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-archetype-datahandler (An archetype that generates a starter ZK datahandler project)
2101: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-archetype-extension (An archetype that generates a starter ZK extension project)
2102: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-archetype-theme (An archetype that generates a starter ZK theme project)
2103: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-archetype-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter ZK CE webapp project)
2104: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-ee-eval-archetype-webapp (An archetype that generates a starter ZK EE-eval webapp project)
2105: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-ee-eval-archetype-webapp-spring (An archetype that generates a starter ZK EE-eval webapp project with Spring)
2106: remote -> org.zkoss:zk-ee-eval-archetype-webapp-spring-jpa (An archetype that generates a starter ZK EE-eval webapp project with Spring and JPA)
2107: remote -> pl.bristleback:webapp-archetype (Web archetype for Bristleback Websocket Framework)
2108: remote -> pl.najda:dw-archetype (Archetype for building an initial structure of directories and files for Dropwizard web services. Contains a simple web service (available at http://localhost:8082/hello-world) with sources - to simplify development.)
2109: remote -> (Basic Java 8 archetype. Options:
-testLibrary: [junit, testng, none]. DEFAULT: junit. Adds the requested test library to the POM deps.
-compilerMode: [simple, test-only, retrolambda-main, retrolambda-all]. DEFAULT: simple.
--simple: everything is compiled as Java 8.
--test-only: set up test for Java 8, and main for Java 7.
--retrolambda-main: main code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda.
--retrolambda-all: all code is compiled as Java 8, and then converted to Java 7 via retrolambda.NOTE: Retrolambda support provided "as is" - if you have any problems, please file a ticket on the GitHub page!)
2110: remote -> (Customizable cruft-free Scala archetype. Options:
-sourceFolders: [all-in-src-java, scala-only, both-split-src]. DEFAULT: all-in-src-java.
--all-in-src-java: Scala and Java code are both in src/main/java (same for test). Plays nicely with IDEs.
--scala-only: only src/main/scala set up, and set as source folder.
--both-split-src: both src/main/java and src/main/scala. Can play merry havock with IDEs, so not the default.
-testLibrary: [scalatest, specs2, scalacheck-only, junit-only]. DEFAULT: scalatest.
--scalatest: adds Scalatest AND Scalacheck AND JUnit for most of your testing needs.
--specs2: adds specs2 AND Scalacheck AND JUnit.
--scalacheck-junit: adds Scalacheck AND JUnit.
--junit-only: adds JUnit ONLY.
-scalaVersion: 2.10.x+. DEFAULT: 2.11.2.
*The Scala tool version is generated automatically.
*Some Scala versions may not be compatible with selected test library versions. Adjust as necessary.)
2111: remote -> pro.savant.circumflex:webapp-archetype (-)
2112: remote -> ro.coderdojo.spigot:spigot-template (Spigot Plugin for CoderDojo Workshops)
2113: remote -> ro.coderdojo.spigot:spigot-template-simple (Spigot Simple Plugin)
2114: remote -> ro.pippo:pippo-quickstart (-)
2115: remote -> ru.circumflex:circumflex-archetype (-)
2116: remote -> (-)
2117: remote -> (-)
2118: remote -> ru.send-to.archetypes:dto-plugin-javaee7 (-)
2119: remote -> ru.send-to.archetypes:ear-plugin-javaee7 (-)
2120: remote -> ru.send-to.archetypes:ejb-plugin-javaee7 (-)
2121: remote -> ru.send-to.archetypes:root-pom-blank-javaee7 (-)
2122: remote -> ru.send-to.archetypes:root-pom-javaee7 (-)
2123: remote -> ru.send-to.versionManagement:vesions-plugin-javaee7 (Versions management plugin archetype)
2124: remote -> ru.stqa.selenium:webdriver-java-archetype (Archetype for a Maven project intended to develop tests with Selenium WebDriver and JUnit/TestNG)
2125: remote -> ru.stqa.selenium:webdriver-junit-archetype (Archetype for a Maven project intended to develop tests with Selenium WebDriver and JUnit)
2126: remote -> ru.stqa.selenium:webdriver-junit5-archetype (Archetype for a Maven project intended to develop tests with Selenium WebDriver and JUnit5)
2127: remote -> ru.stqa.selenium:webdriver-testng-archetype (Archetype for a Maven project intended to develop tests with Selenium WebDriver and TestNG)
2128: remote -> (Archetype for creating a basic client for Cocaine Application Engine.)
2129: remote -> (Archetype for creating a basic worker for Cocaine Application Engine.)
2130: remote -> (-)
2131: remote -> se.hiq.oss:oss-project-archetype (Archetype for HiQ OSS Projects)
2132: remote -> se.vgregion.javg.maven.archetypes:javg-minimal-archetype (-)
2133: remote -> se.walkercrou:ghp-maven-archetype (Quickstart for developers wanting to integrate the GHP Maven Plugin)
2134: remote -> sk.seges.sesam:sesam-annotation-archetype (-)
2135: remote -> sk.upjs.jpaz2.archetypes:jpaz2-archetype-launcher (An archetype which contains a sample Java project with empty launcher and JPAZ2 as a dependency.)
2136: remote -> sk.upjs.jpaz2.archetypes:jpaz2-archetype-novice (An archetype which contains a sample Java project for JPAZ2 novices. The launcher instantiates a pane which animates moves and turnings.)
2137: remote -> sk.upjs.jpaz2.archetypes:jpaz2-archetype-quickstart (An archetype which contains a sample Java project with launcher. The launcher instantiates WinPane, SmartTurtle (extending Turtle), and ObjectInspector.)
2138: remote -> sk.upjs.jpaz2.archetypes:jpaz2-archetype-theater (An archetype which contains a sample Java project based on theater subpackage included in JPAZ2.)
2139: remote -> systems.manifold:archetype (Archetype to demonstrate the structure of a basic project using Manifold.)
2140: remote -> tech.iooo.maven.archetypes:iooo-spring-mvc-quickstart-archetype (iooo spring mvc quickstart archetype)
2141: remote -> tk.skuro:clojure-maven-archetype (A simple Maven archetype for Clojure)
2142: remote -> top.lshaci:framework-archetype (top lshaci framework maven archetype)
2143: remote -> top.marchand.archetype:sie-xf-prio-dep-import-generic ([ELS] Modèle de projet d'import Flash basé sur l'importeur générique)
2144: remote -> (A Maven Archetype that allows users to create a Fresh Kite project)
2145: remote -> (This archetype provides a common skelton for the Java packages.)
2146: remote -> (This archetype provides a skelton for the Java Web Application packages.)
2147: remote -> (Create a single project with jUnit, Mockito and slf4j dependencies.)
2148: remote -> (Archetype for generating a custom Atlas webapp)
2149: remote -> (Maven archetype to create a new GATE plugin project.)
2150: remote -> (An archetype which contains a sample Argo (UIMA) Analysis Engine)
2151: remote -> (An archetype which contains a sample Argo (UIMA) Reader)
2152: remote -> (-)
2153: remote -> (A basic Java EE7 Maven archetype)
2154: remote -> (So Long archetype for RESTful spring services with an AngularJS frontend. Includes debian deployment)
2155: remote -> us.fatehi:schemacrawler-archetype-maven-project (-)
2156: remote -> us.fatehi:schemacrawler-archetype-plugin-command (-)
2157: remote -> us.fatehi:schemacrawler-archetype-plugin-dbconnector (-)
2158: remote -> us.fatehi:schemacrawler-archetype-plugin-lint (-)
2159: remote -> ws.osiris:osiris-archetype (Maven Archetype for Osiris)
2160: remote -> xyz.luan.generator:xyz-gae-generator (-)
2161: remote -> xyz.luan.generator:xyz-generator (-)
Choose a number or apply filter (format: [groupId:]artifactId, case sensitive contains): 1191:
Choose org.apache.maven.archetypes:maven-archetype-quickstart version:
1: 1.0-alpha-1
2: 1.0-alpha-2
3: 1.0-alpha-3
4: 1.0-alpha-4
5: 1.0
6: 1.1
7: 1.3
Choose a number: 7: 5
[INFO] Using property: groupId =
[INFO] Using property: artifactId = my-app1
Define value for property 'version':  1.0-SNAPSHOT: : test1.0
[INFO] Using property: package =
Confirm properties configuration:
artifactId: my-app1
version: test1.0
package: cn.luxh.appY: : Y
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Using following parameters for creating project from Old (1.x) Archetype: maven-archetype-quickstart:1.0
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Parameter: basedir, Value: C:\burns\maven-project
[INFO] Parameter: package, Value:
[INFO] Parameter: groupId, Value:
[INFO] Parameter: artifactId, Value: my-app1
[INFO] Parameter: packageName, Value:
[INFO] Parameter: version, Value: test1.0
[INFO] project created from Old (1.x) Archetype in dir: C:\burns\maven-project\my-app1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 18:46 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2018-05-21T15:37:51+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 14M/175M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------C:\burns\maven-project>


  1. 解决IDEA 在使用maven创建项目pom文件project出错的问题(亲测有效)

    在使用IDEA创建项目的时候,写pom文件project一直报错,一直认为是版本号冲突,clean 重构 都没用,哪怕是重新创建新的项目,project依然出错. 多次确定自己引入依赖没有问题,原因可 ...

  2. eclipse中使用maven创建项目JDK版本默认是1.5解决方法

    请看解决方案: 1. 修改maven的settings.xml文件. 添加以下行,jdk版本改为自己需要的版本: <profile> <id>jdk-1.7</id> ...

  3. 使用maven创建项目和cannot change version web module 3.0

    近期下载了最新的Eclipse mars.2, 这个eclipse自带了maven插件,于是就用maven尝试创建一个java web项目. 第一步,例如以下图所看到的选择 Maven Project ...

  4. 使用maven创建项目连接mysql

    了解什么是maven: Maven项目对象模型(POM),可以通过一小段描述信息来管理项目的构建,报告和文档的项目管理工具软件. Maven 除了以程序构建能力为特色之外,还提供高级项目管理工具.由于 ...

  5. [JSP]解决Maven创建项目失败

    来源: 新建Maven项目时遇到这个错误: Unable to create project from arc ...

  6. maven创建项目tomcat部署工件失败

    Tomcat部署老失败 这几天给我恶心坏了 原来是创建的项目不对,一样的以webapp结尾,但完全不是一个项目

  7. Maven创建项目生成jar包并执行

    刚接触java和maven,记录一下入门的学习记录 任务: 该任务中,如何编写接口类网上比较容易找到,本文主要记录一下使用maven-assembly-plugin插件打包jar并运行部分,项目结构: ...

  8. MAVEN创建项目后缺少文件夹

  9. maven创建java项目_使用maven命令行创建java项目

    一.先创建一个quick-start项目: 使用 mvn archetype:generate 进行创建,如果没有指定参数或者项目类型,交互系统首先会询问创建项目的基本类型, 如下所示,默认为类型7. ...


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