
Basic CV

Name: xxx nationality: China

Current location: Guangzhou National: Han

Exit and Entry: Hunan tall: 170 cm ? 60 kg

Marital Status: Single Age: 24 years old

Training Certification: integrity badge:

Job search intention and work experience

Personnel types: ordinary job ?

Position: Computer: Network. System administrator computer technical support computer systems integration engineer

Work Experience: 1 Title: Intermediate

Job type: full-time can be reported for duty - at any time

Monthly requirements: 2000 - 3500 hope that the working area: Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen

Personal experience: Letts 2006.8-2007.11 Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Technology Systems Engineer

Industry: Information Technology and the Internet (computer hardware and software, communications)

1, is responsible for internal backup and restore data, users create and some of the domain of conventional operations, monitoring and management of the paper company, DNS, IIS, mail, Active Directory servers; is responsible for internal staff training and technical guidance, coupled with superior account a number of other tasks.

2, in the company outsourcing the work of the project responsible for project implementation, testing.

Performance: to participate in the following systems engineering and technical support to program implementation:

1, Beijing Bo Li Technology Co., Ltd. a special new Active Directory Solutions

2, systems engineering solutions for the Bank of China

Reasons for leaving: Contract expired

Project experience:

Bank of China 2007.2-2007.9 system solutions

Software Environment: window server2003, System Mangerment Server2003, Microsoft Operations Manager2005, ISA2006

Project Description:

In order to more systematic management of the banking system users and computer resources, deployment of Windows Server2003 Active Directory can be an effective centralized management of users and computer resources (such as the use of Group Policy) (GPO) strict definition of user rights), in favor of day-to-day maintenance work, as Windows Server2003 Active Directory has a hierarchical structure, it can be very good support after the business development bank. For statistical purposes within the banking system resources, to update the aging and the reduction of excess resources, reduce abuse of resources in order to save costs. Internal systems of banks to strictly terminal management (such as patch management, software distribution), the use of the System Mangerment Server2003. In order to make good work of internal servers using Microsoft Operations Manager2005 monitor incidents and reduce loss. ISA2006 internal use in the bank between the various server farm deployment of a variety of fracture can be severe restrictions on the opening up of the implementation of strict in the application-layer strategy to avoid the potential risks associated with the heavy paper with a result of significant losses to enter.

Responsibility Description:

Responsible for supporting the project solution, responsible for project implementation and post-test monitoring

Educational background

Graduate institutions: Beijing Union University

Highest level of education: college graduates - 2005-07-01

Studies by one: computer technology and applications II studies:

By education and training experience: 2002.9-2005.7 Beijing Union University College of Computer Technology and Application

2005.7-2006.7 Beijing Beida Jade Bird Fuchengmen good news flagship training center for network engineers BENET Beida Jade Bird Information Systems Engineer international certification

The basic courses are:

1, Win2003server Active Directory, security, strategy, management and troubleshooting

2, ISA server architecture and management

3, Linux services, configuration and management of the management and use of SQLserver2000/2005

4, CISCO series switch VLAN / TRUNK / ETHERCHANNEL / VTP / STP technology, configuration and troubleshooting

5, CISCO router series HSRP / ACL / NAT configuration, RIP / OSPF configuration and troubleshooting techniques

Language ability

Foreign Language: English General

Mandarin level: the level of ordinary Chinese: General

The ability to work and other expertise

Previously engaged in system integration services, are familiar with system integration services and management processes. Proficient in the management and use of server technology to build proficiency in the use of micro-technology and management services based on the Windows platform on the Windows platform has gained a better understanding of service, often engaging in Windows platform for server configuration and management of maintenance work; such as: AD, DNS, DHCP , IIS, WSUS, DFS, VS2005, SQL, ISA, Forefront Client Services, SMS, MOM, Exchange, LCS2005, OCS2007, Sharepoint (WSS), etc., all of these services which can cover most of the IT business services to enterprises which business processes to provide a healthy and safe environment and support. Familiar with the network load balancing and cluster services, use Network Load Balancing and Cluster Service for high availability to improve service. Familiar with the Cisco line of network equipment that can make use of Cisco networking equipment to form series of large-scale enterprise network management.

Hobbies: Internet, reading, sports. Used in the spare time Dreamwear, Fireworks, Photoshop, will be some simple C # programming techniques.

Detailed personal autobiography


I work in a conscientious and responsible, initiative, good team work, critical thinking, like to accept new things, understanding, and have a high technological level and rich experience in IT management, the areas suitable for IT management and after-sale pre-sales technical support to the work of . I sincerely hope that your company gave me an opportunity, I will do my ability to do a good job, so rest assured that the company satisfied with the growth of companies.

Personal Contact


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