
默认你已经配置好jest了, 如果没有可以看我往期的笔记

  1. 安装 jest-stare 依赖
npm install jest-stare --dev
  1. 配置 package.json 文件
{"name": "jest-stare","version": "1.0.0","scripts": {"test-rep": "jest --reporters default jest-stare"},"keywords": [],"author": "","license": "ISC","dependencies": {"jest-stare": "^@2.3.0"             // 注意:版本号要与安装 jest-stare 时一致},"reporters": ["default", "jest-stare"],"testResultsProcessor": "./node_modules/jest-stare"
  1. 配置 jest.config.js 文件
module.exports = {// Indicates whether the coverage information should be collected while executing the test// collectCoverage: true,     // 这个可以依据个人需求选择是否输出测试覆盖率// Use this configuration option to add custom reporters to Jest// reporters: undefined,// jest.config.js 文件中 reporters 可以忽略,可以在 package.json 中添加 jest-stare"reporters": ["default",["jest-stare",{"resultDir": "results/jest-stare","reportTitle": "jest-stare!","additionalResultsProcessors": ["jest-junit"],"coverageLink": "../../coverage/lcov-report/index.html","jestStareConfigJson": "jest-stare.json","jestGlobalConfigJson": "globalStuff.json"}]]
  1. 创建测试文件 demo.test.ts
// demo.test.ts
describe("suit 1", () => {test('第一个测试', () => {console.log(1);});test('第二个测试', () => {expect(1).toBe(1);});test.skip('第三个测试', () => {expect(3).toBe(3);});test('第四个测试', () => {expect(4).toBe(5);});});describe("suit 2", () => {test('第五个测试', () => {expect(5).toBe(5);});
  1. 运行
npm run test-rep
  1. 运行效果



jest-stare 字段使用举例

如果想使用 使用 jest-stare 下的字段配置测试报告格式需要在 package.json 文件中添加 jest-stare 字段 举例:

  "jest-stare": {"resultDir": "results/jest-stare",            // 配置输出报告的路径"reportTitle": "jest-stare!",               // 设置输出报告的 title"additionalResultsProcessors": ["jest-junit"],"coverageLink": "../../coverage/lcov-report/index.html","jestStareConfigJson": "jest-stare.json","jestGlobalConfigJson": "globalStuff.json"}

jest-stare 字段列表

字段 环境变量 默认值 描述 举例
resultDir JEST_STARE_RESULT_DIR jest-stare set the results directory “resultDir”: “results/jest-stare”
resultJson JEST_STARE_RESULT_JSON jest-results.json indicate the raw JSON results file name “resultJson”: “data.json”
resultHtml JEST_STARE_RESULT_HTML index.html indicate the main html file name “resultHtml”: “main.html”
log JEST_STARE_LOG true specify whether or not jest-stare should log to the console “log”: false
jestStareConfigJson JEST_STARE_CONFIG_JSON undefined request to save jest-stare config raw JSON results in the file name “jestStareConfigJson”: “jest-stare-config.json”
jestGlobalConfigJson JEST_STARE_GLOBAL_CONFIG_JSON undefined request to save global config results in the file name “jestGlobalConfigJson”: “global-config.json”
report JEST_STARE_REPORT undefined boolean, set to false to suppress creating a HTML report (JSON only retained) “report”: false
reportTitle JEST_STARE_REPORT_TITLE jest-stare! string, indicate the title of the report “reportTitle”: “my title”
reportHeadline JEST_STARE_REPORT_HEADLINE jest-stare string, indicate the headline of the report “reportHeadline”: “my headline”
reportSummary JEST_STARE_REPORT_SUMMARY undefined boolean, shows the report summary “reportSummary”: true
additionalResultsProcessors JEST_STARE_ADDITIONAL_RESULTS_PROCESSORS undefined add additional test result processors to produce multiple report “additionalResultsProcessors”: [“jest-junit”]
coverageLink JEST_STARE_COVERAGE_LINK undefined link to coverage report if available “coverageLink”: “…/…/coverage/lcov-report/index.html”
disableCharts JEST_STARE_DISABLE_CHARTS undefined hide the doughnut charts in the HTML report “disableCharts”: true
hidePassing JEST_STARE_HIDE_PASSING undefined hide passing tests in the report on page load “hidePassing”: true
hideFailing JEST_STARE_HIDE_FAILING undefined hide failing tests in the report on page load “hideFailing”: true
hidePending JEST_STARE_HIDE_PENDING undefined hide pending tests in the report on page load “hidePending”: true

Jest 测试框架配置 jest-stare相关推荐

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