Looking for a quick and easy way to convert your DVDs or ISOs to MKV files? Today we take a look at the MakeMKV Beta which gets the job done very well.

寻找快速简便的方法将DVD或ISO转换为MKV文件吗? 今天我们来看看MakeMKV Beta,它可以很好地完成工作。

Installing and Using MakeMKV


Download and install MakeMKV (See download link below) If converting a DVD, place it into your optical drive. When you open MakeMKV you will be greeted by it’s minimalistic interface. Click on the DVD to hard drive button to open the DVD, or the folder icon on the top menu to browse for an ISO file.

下载并安装MakeMKV(请参阅下面的下载链接)如果要转换DVD,请将其放入光盘驱动器中。 当您打开MakeMKV时,它将被其简约的界面所吸引。 单击DVD到硬盘驱动器按钮以打开DVD,或单击顶部菜单上的文件夹图标以浏览ISO文件。

MakeMKV will open the disc or file.


Once the disc or file is opened, you’ll see the titles listed in the window on the left. Double-click on the titles to expand the tree structure.

打开光盘或文件后,您会在左侧窗口中看到标题。 双击标题以展开树结构。

Remove any title or tracks you don’t want to convert by unselecting the check box to the left.


On the right side of the window, click the folder icon to select browse for your file output directory. When ready, click the MakeMkv button to begin the conversion process.

在窗口的右侧,单击文件夹图标以选择浏览到文件输出目录。 准备就绪后,单击MakeMkv按钮开始转换过程。

Conversion will proceed.


When the conversion is finished. Click OK.

转换完成后。 单击确定

That’s all there is to it! Your MKV file is ready to play.

这里的所有都是它的! 您的MKV文件已准备好播放。



MakeMKV is currently still in beta and during the beta phase it will rip both DVD and Blu-ray for free. However, the DVD ripping functionality will always remain free. After 30 days if you want to continue ripping Blu-ray discs, you’ll need to purchase a license. DVD rips are very quick…typically around 15-20 minutes depending on the length of the movie.

MakeMKV目前仍处于测试阶段,在Beta阶段,它将免费翻录DVD和Blu-ray。 但是,DVD翻录功能将始终保持免费。 30天后,如果您要继续翻录蓝光光盘,则需要购买许可证。 DVD翻录非常快,通常大约15到20分钟,具体取决于电影的长度。

MakeMKV is available for Windows, Mac, Linux and will rip and convert DVDs to MKV files. Not all media players natively support MKV playback, so if you’re having trouble playing MKV files, try downloading VLC Media player, or the latest version of the DivX codec.

MakeMKV可用于Windows,Mac,Linux,并将翻录 DVD 并将其转换为MKV文件。 并非所有媒体播放器本身都支持MKV播放,因此,如果您在播放MKV文件时遇到问题,请尝试下载VLC媒体播放器或最新版本的DivX编解码器。

Download MakeMKV


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/15195/convert-dvds-and-iso-files-to-mkv-with-makemkv/


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