本文介绍了Hinton的第二篇胶囊网络论文“Matrix capsules with EM Routing”,其作者分别为Geoffrey E Hinton、Sara Sabour和Nicholas Frosst。我们首先讨论矩阵胶囊并应用EM(期望最大化)路由对不同角度的图像进行分类。对于那些想了解具体实现的读者,本文的第二部分是一个关于矩阵胶囊和EM路由的tensorflow实现。








(图片来自 OpenAI)







(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)


(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)


在人脸检测这个示例中,低层中每一个嘴巴、眼睛和鼻子的检测胶囊都对其可能的父胶囊的姿态矩阵进行预测(投票)。每个投票都是父胶囊的姿态矩阵的一个预测值,它通过将自己的姿态矩阵乘以训练得到的 变换矩阵 WWW来计算。



A higher level feature (a face) is detected by looking for agreement between votes from the capsules one layer below. We use EM routing to cluster capsules that have close proximity of the corresponding votes.

高斯混合模型 & 期望最大化(EM)

我们先来了解一下EM。高斯混合模型将数据点聚类为混合高斯分布,由均值μ" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">μμ\mu和标准差 σσ\sigma描述。下面,我们将数据点聚类为黄色和红色的集群,每一个都由不同的 μμ\mu和 σσ\sigma描述。




在每次迭代中,我们开始于2个高斯分布,之后会根据数据点重新计算其μ" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">μμ\mu和σσ\sigma。



现在,我们探讨更多的细节。一个更高层次的特征(一张脸)通过寻找来自下一层胶囊的投票的协商被检测到。一个从胶囊iii到父胶囊j" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">jjj的投票vijvijv_{ij}可以通过将胶囊iii的姿态矩阵Mi" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">MiMiM_i乘以一个视角不变转换矩阵WijWijW_{ij}计算得到。

一个胶囊 iii作为一个部分-整体关系被归为胶囊j" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">jjj的概率是基于投票 vijvijv_{ij}与其他胶囊投票 (vo1j...vokj)(vo1j...vokj)(v_{o1j}...v_{okj})的接近程度。 WijWijW_{ij}通过成本函数和反向传播学到。它不仅学习了人脸的组成,而且能够保证在经过变换后父胶囊与其子组件的姿态信息匹配。


(图片来源于Geoffrey Hinton)






令vijvijv_{ij}为从胶囊iii到父胶囊j" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">jjj的投票,vhijvijhv_{ij}^h为它的第hhh个元素。我们应用高斯概率密度函数:

来计算vijh" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">vhijvijhv_{ij}^h属于胶囊jjj的高斯模型的概率:



令costij" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">costijcostijcost_{ij}为由胶囊iii激活父胶囊j" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">jjj的成本,它是对数似然取负:

由于低层的胶囊与胶囊 jjj有着不同的关联,我们根据运行时分配概率rij" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">rijrijr_{ij}按比例计算成本。所有下层胶囊的成本为:

我们用下面的公式来确定胶囊 jjj是否会被激活:

原文中,“−bij" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">−bij−bij-b_{ij}”被解释为描述胶囊 jjj的均值和方差的成本。换句话说,如果父胶囊j" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">jjj表示数据点的收益 bjbjb_j高于投票差异造成的成本,我们激活输出胶囊。我们不通过分析来计算 bjbjb_j。相反,我们通过反向传播和成本函数来训练它。



利用EM路由迭代计算出姿态矩阵和输出胶囊的激活值。EM法交替地调用步骤E和步骤M,将数据点拟合到混合高斯模型 。步骤E确定父胶囊每个数据点分配的概率rijrijr_{ij}。步骤M在rijrijr_{ij}的基础上重新计算高斯模型的值。我们重复迭代3次。最终的ajaja_j就是父胶囊的输出。最终的高斯模型的16个μμ\mu将构成父胶囊的4×4姿态矩阵。

(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)

上面的aaa和V" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">VVV分别是激活值和子胶囊的投票。我们用均匀分布初始化分配概率rijrijr_{ij}。即开始时子胶囊与任意父胶囊有同样的关联。我们调用步骤M来计算更新的高斯模型(μ,σ)(μ,σ)(\mu,\sigma)和父激活ajaja_j,基于aaa,V" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">VVV和当前的rijrijr_{ij}。然后我们调用步骤E基于新的高斯模型和新的ajaja_j重新计算分配概率rijrijr_{ij}。


在步骤M中,我们计算 μμ\mu和 σσ\sigma,基于子胶囊的激活 aiaia_i,当前 rijrijr_{ij}和投票 VVV。步骤M也会重新计算父胶囊的成本和激活aj" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ajaja_j。 βvβv\beta_v和 βαβα\beta_\alpha会分别地训练。在我们的实现中,每一次路由迭代后 λλ\lambda(温度参数的倒数)增加1。


步骤E中,我们基于新的 μμ\mu, σσ\sigma和 ajaja_j重新计算分配概率 rijrijr_{ij}。如果投票越接近更新的高斯模型的 μμ\mu,分配则增加。

We use the ajaja_j from the last m-step call in the iterations as the activation of the output capsule jjj and we shape the 16 μ" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">μμ\mu to form the 4x4 pose matrix.



然而,一个胶囊的输出,包括激活值和姿态矩阵,是通过EM路由计算得到的。我们使用EM路由计算父胶囊的输出,基于变换矩阵 WWW和子胶囊的激活值和姿态矩阵。然而,没有错误的情况下,矩阵胶囊仍然在很大程度上取决于通过反向传播训练的变换矩阵Wij" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">WijWijW_{ij}和参数 βvβv\beta_v和 βαβα\beta_\alpha。



矩阵胶囊需要一个损失函数来训练WWW,βv" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">βvβv\beta_v和βαβα\beta_\alpha。我们选择传播损失(spread loss)作为反向传播的主要损失函数。第iii类(不是真标签t" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">ttt)的损失被定义为:

atata_t是目标类(真标签)的激活值, aiaia_i是类 iii的激活值。


如果真标签和错误的类之间的边距小于m" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">mmm,我们通过 m−(at−ai)m−(at−ai)m-(a_t-a_i)的平方惩罚它。 mmm开始为0.2,在每一代训练后线性增加0.1。m" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">mmm达到最大值0.9后会停止增长。从较低的边距开始训练可以避免在早期阶段出现太多的死胶囊。






(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)



(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)

ReLU Conv1是一个常规的卷积层,其卷积核为5x5,步长为2,32(A=32)个输出通道(特征映射),激活函数为ReLU。




ConvCaps2的输出胶囊通过1x1卷积核连接到Class Capsules,每一个分类由一个胶囊表示(在MNIST中,有10个类别,E=10)。

我们使用EM路由来计算ConvCaps1,ConvCaps2和Class Capsules的姿态矩阵和输出激活值。在CNN中,我们在空间维度上滑动相同的过滤器来计算同一特征映射。在检测相同的特征时不考虑位置。同样地,EM路由中,我们在空间维度上共享相同的转换矩阵WiWiW_i来计算投票。


  • 一个3x3过滤器
  • 32个输入、输出胶囊
  • 一个4x4姿态矩阵



使用 输出形状
MNIST 图片 28, 28, 1
ReLU Conv1 常规卷积层,5x5卷积核,32个输出通道,步长为2,有填充 14, 14, 32
PrimaryCaps 改进的卷积层,1x1卷积核,步长为1,无填充,输出32个胶囊。共需要 32x32x(4x4+1)个参数。 pose (14, 14, 32, 4, 4), activations (14, 14, 32)
ConvCaps1 胶囊卷积,3x3卷积核,步长为2,无填充。共需要3x3x32x32x4x4个参数。 poses (6, 6, 32, 4, 4), activations (6, 6, 32)
ConvCaps2 胶囊卷积,3x3卷积核,步长1,无填充 poses (4, 4, 32, 4, 4), activations (4, 4, 32)
Class Capsules 胶囊卷积,1x1卷积核。共需要32x10x4x4个参数 poses (10, 4, 4), activations (10)


def capsules_net(inputs, num_classes, iterations, batch_size, name='capsule_em'):"""Define the Capsule Network model"""with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:# ReLU Conv1# Images shape (24, 28, 28, 1) -> conv 5x5 filters, 32 output channels, strides 2 with padding, ReLU# nets -> (?, 14, 14, 32)nets = conv2d(inputs,kernel=5, out_channels=32, stride=2, padding='SAME',activation_fn=tf.nn.relu, name='relu_conv1')# PrimaryCaps# (?, 14, 14, 32) -> capsule 1x1 filter, 32 output capsule, strides 1 without padding# nets -> (poses (?, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4), activations (?, 14, 14, 32))nets = primary_caps(nets,kernel_size=1, out_capsules=32, stride=1, padding='VALID',pose_shape=[4, 4], name='primary_caps')# ConvCaps1# (poses, activations) -> conv capsule, 3x3 kernels, strides 2, no padding# nets -> (poses (24, 6, 6, 32, 4, 4), activations (24, 6, 6, 32))nets = conv_capsule(nets, shape=[3, 3, 32, 32], strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], iterations=iterations,batch_size=batch_size, name='conv_caps1')# ConvCaps2# (poses, activations) -> conv capsule, 3x3 kernels, strides 1, no padding# nets -> (poses (24, 4, 4, 32, 4, 4), activations (24, 4, 4, 32))nets = conv_capsule(nets, shape=[3, 3, 32, 32], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], iterations=iterations,batch_size=batch_size, name='conv_caps2')# Class capsules# (poses, activations) -> 1x1 convolution, 10 output capsules# nets -> (poses (24, 10, 4, 4), activations (24, 10))nets = class_capsules(nets, num_classes, iterations=iterations,batch_size=batch_size, name='class_capsules')# poses (24, 10, 4, 4), activations (24, 10)poses, activations = netsreturn poses, activations

ReLU Conv1

ReLU Conv1是一个简单的CNN层。我们使用Tensorflow slim API的slim.conv2d来创建CNN层,卷积核3x3,步长2,激活函数为ReLU。(使用slim API是为了使代码更精简,可读性更强)

def conv2d(inputs, kernel, out_channels, stride, padding, name, is_train=True, activation_fn=None):with slim.arg_scope([slim.conv2d], trainable=is_train):with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:output = slim.conv2d(inputs,num_outputs=out_channels,kernel_size=[kernel, kernel], stride=stride, padding=padding,scope=scope, activation_fn=activation_fn)tf.logging.info(f"{name} output shape: {output.get_shape()}")return output



def primary_caps(inputs, kernel_size, out_capsules, stride, padding, pose_shape, name):"""This constructs a primary capsule layer using regular convolution layer.:param inputs: shape (N, H, W, C) (?, 14, 14, 32):param kernel_size: Apply a filter of [kernel, kernel] [5x5]:param out_capsules: # of output capsule (32):param stride: 1, 2, or ... (1):param padding: padding: SAME or VALID.:param pose_shape: (4, 4):param name: scope name:return: (poses, activations), (poses (?, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4), activations (?, 14, 14, 32))"""with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:# Generate the poses matrics for the 32 output capsulesposes = conv2d(inputs,kernel_size, out_capsules * pose_shape[0] * pose_shape[1], stride, padding=padding,name='pose_stacked')input_shape = inputs.get_shape()# Reshape 16 scalar values into a 4x4 matrixposes = tf.reshape(poses, shape=[-1, input_shape[-3], input_shape[-2], out_capsules, pose_shape[0], pose_shape[1]],name='poses')# Generate the activation for the 32 output capsulesactivations = conv2d(inputs,kernel_size,out_capsules,stride,padding=padding,activation_fn=tf.sigmoid,name='activation')tf.summary.histogram('activations', activations)# poses (?, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4), activations (?, 14, 14, 32)return poses, activations

ConvCaps1, ConvCaps2



  • 使用kernel_tile来覆盖(卷积)之后投票和EM路由要用到的姿态矩阵和激活值
  • 计算投票:调用mat_transform来生成投票,根据子胶囊中“tiled”的姿态矩阵和转换矩阵。
  • EM路由:调用matrix_capsules_em_routing来计算父胶囊的输出胶囊(姿态矩阵和激活值)。
def conv_capsule(inputs, shape, strides, iterations, batch_size, name):"""This constructs a convolution capsule layer from a primary or convolution capsule layer.i: input capsules (32)o: output capsules (32)batch size: 24spatial dimension: 14x14kernel: 3x3:param inputs: a primary or convolution capsule layer with poses and activationspose: (24, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4)activation: (24, 14, 14, 32):param shape: the shape of convolution operation kernel, [kh, kw, i, o] = (3, 3, 32, 32):param strides: often [1, 2, 2, 1] (stride 2), or [1, 1, 1, 1] (stride 1).:param iterations: number of iterations in EM routing. 3:param name: name.:return: (poses, activations)."""inputs_poses, inputs_activations = inputswith tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:stride = strides[1] # 2i_size = shape[-2] # 32o_size = shape[-1] # 32pose_size = inputs_poses.get_shape()[-1]  # 4# Tile the input capusles' pose matrices to the spatial dimension of the output capsules# Such that we can later multiple with the transformation matrices to generate the votes.inputs_poses = kernel_tile(inputs_poses, 3, stride)  # (?, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4) -> (?, 6, 6, 3x3=9, 32x16=512)# Tile the activations needed for the EM routinginputs_activations = kernel_tile(inputs_activations, 3, stride)  # (?, 14, 14, 32) -> (?, 6, 6, 9, 32)spatial_size = int(inputs_activations.get_shape()[1]) # 6# Reshape it for later operationsinputs_poses = tf.reshape(inputs_poses, shape=[-1, 3 * 3 * i_size, 16])  # (?, 9x32=288, 16)inputs_activations = tf.reshape(inputs_activations, shape=[-1, spatial_size, spatial_size, 3 * 3 * i_size]) # (?, 6, 6, 9x32=288)with tf.variable_scope('votes') as scope:# Generate the votes by multiply it with the transformation matricesvotes = mat_transform(inputs_poses, o_size, size=batch_size*spatial_size*spatial_size)  # (864, 288, 32, 16)# Reshape the vote for EM routingvotes_shape = votes.get_shape()votes = tf.reshape(votes, shape=[batch_size, spatial_size, spatial_size, votes_shape[-3], votes_shape[-2], votes_shape[-1]]) # (24, 6, 6, 288, 32, 16)tf.logging.info(f"{name} votes shape: {votes.get_shape()}")with tf.variable_scope('routing') as scope:# beta_v and beta_a one for each output capsule: (1, 1, 1, 32)beta_v = tf.get_variable(name='beta_v', shape=[1, 1, 1, o_size], dtype=tf.float32,initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer())beta_a = tf.get_variable(name='beta_a', shape=[1, 1, 1, o_size], dtype=tf.float32,initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer())# Use EM routing to compute the pose and activation# votes (24, 6, 6, 3x3x32=288, 32, 16), inputs_activations (?, 6, 6, 288)# poses (24, 6, 6, 32, 16), activation (24, 6, 6, 32)poses, activations = matrix_capsules_em_routing(votes, inputs_activations, beta_v, beta_a, iterations, name='em_routing')# Reshape it back to 4x4 pose matrixposes_shape = poses.get_shape()# (24, 6, 6, 32, 4, 4)poses = tf.reshape(poses, [poses_shape[0], poses_shape[1], poses_shape[2], poses_shape[3], pose_size, pose_size])tf.logging.info(f"{name} pose shape: {poses.get_shape()}")tf.logging.info(f"{name} activations shape: {activations.get_shape()}")return poses, activations


def kernel_tile(input, kernel, stride):"""This constructs a primary capsule layer using regular convolution layer.:param inputs: shape (?, 14, 14, 32, 4, 4):param kernel: 3:param stride: 2:return output: (50, 5, 5, 3x3=9, 136)"""# (?, 14, 14, 32x(16)=512)input_shape = input.get_shape()size = input_shape[4]*input_shape[5] if len(input_shape)>5 else 1input = tf.reshape(input, shape=[-1, input_shape[1], input_shape[2], input_shape[3]*size])input_shape = input.get_shape()tile_filter = np.zeros(shape=[kernel, kernel, input_shape[3],kernel * kernel], dtype=np.float32)for i in range(kernel):for j in range(kernel):tile_filter[i, j, :, i * kernel + j] = 1.0 # (3, 3, 512, 9)# (3, 3, 512, 9)tile_filter_op = tf.constant(tile_filter, dtype=tf.float32)# (?, 6, 6, 4608)output = tf.nn.depthwise_conv2d(input, tile_filter_op, strides=[1, stride, stride, 1], padding='VALID')output_shape = output.get_shape()output = tf.reshape(output, shape=[-1, output_shape[1], output_shape[2], input_shape[3], kernel * kernel])output = tf.transpose(output, perm=[0, 1, 2, 4, 3])# (?, 6, 6, 9, 512)return output

mat_transform提取转换矩阵参数作为一个可训练的Tensorflow变量w" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">www,然后将它与经过“tiled”处理的输入矩阵相乘,生成父胶囊的投票。

def mat_transform(input, output_cap_size, size):"""Compute the vote.:param inputs: shape (size, 288, 16):param output_cap_size: 32:return votes: (24, 5, 5, 3x3=9, 136)"""caps_num_i = int(input.get_shape()[1]) # 288output = tf.reshape(input, shape=[size, caps_num_i, 1, 4, 4]) # (size, 288, 1, 4, 4)w = slim.variable('w', shape=[1, caps_num_i, output_cap_size, 4, 4], dtype=tf.float32,initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=0.0, stddev=1.0)) # (1, 288, 32, 4, 4)w = tf.tile(w, [size, 1, 1, 1, 1])  # (24, 288, 32, 4, 4)output = tf.tile(output, [1, 1, output_cap_size, 1, 1]) # (size, 288, 32, 4, 4)votes = tf.matmul(output, w) # (24, 288, 32, 4, 4)votes = tf.reshape(votes, [size, caps_num_i, output_cap_size, 16]) # (size, 288, 32, 16)return votes

EM routing编码


def matrix_capsules_em_routing(votes, i_activations, beta_v, beta_a, iterations, name):"""The EM routing between input capsules (i) and output capsules (j).:param votes: (N, OH, OW, kh x kw x i, o, 4 x 4) = (24, 6, 6, 3x3*32=288, 32, 16):param i_activation: activation from Level L (24, 6, 6, 288):param beta_v: (1, 1, 1, 32):param beta_a: (1, 1, 1, 32):param iterations: number of iterations in EM routing, often 3.:param name: name.:return: (pose, activation) of output capsules."""votes_shape = votes.get_shape().as_list()with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:# Match rr (routing assignment) shape, i_activations shape with votes shape for broadcasting in EM routing# rr: [3x3x32=288, 32, 1]# rr: routing matrix from each input capsule (i) to each output capsule (o)rr = tf.constant(1.0/votes_shape[-2], shape=votes_shape[-3:-1] + [1], dtype=tf.float32)# i_activations: expand_dims to (24, 6, 6, 288, 1, 1)i_activations = i_activations[..., tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis]# beta_v and beta_a: expand_dims to (1, 1, 1, 1, 32, 1]beta_v = beta_v[..., tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis]beta_a = beta_a[..., tf.newaxis, :, tf.newaxis]# inverse_temperature schedule (min, max)it_min = 1.0it_max = min(iterations, 3.0)for it in range(iterations):inverse_temperature = it_min + (it_max - it_min) * it / max(1.0, iterations - 1.0)o_mean, o_stdv, o_activations = m_step(rr, votes, i_activations, beta_v, beta_a, inverse_temperature=inverse_temperature)# We skip the e_step call in the last iteration because we only # need to return the a_j and the mean from the m_stp in the last iteration# to compute the output capsule activation and pose matrices  if it < iterations - 1:rr = e_step(o_mean, o_stdv, o_activations, votes)# pose: (N, OH, OW, o 4 x 4) via squeeze o_mean (24, 6, 6, 32, 16)poses = tf.squeeze(o_mean, axis=-3)# activation: (N, OH, OW, o) via squeeze o_activationis [24, 6, 6, 32]activations = tf.squeeze(o_activations, axis=[-3, -1])return poses, activations


λλ\lambda是温度参数的倒数。在我们的实现中,开始为1,在每一个迭代中增加1。原论文并没有指定 λλ\lambda是如何增加的,你可以尝试不同的方案。这是我们的源码:

# inverse_temperature schedule (min, max)
it_min = 1.0
it_max = min(iterations, 3.0)
for it in range(iterations):inverse_temperature = it_min + (it_max - it_min) * it / max(1.0, iterations - 1.0)o_mean, o_stdv, o_activations = m_step(rr, votes, i_activations, beta_v, beta_a, inverse_temperature=inverse_temperature)

在最后一个迭代后,ajaja_j是最终的输出胶囊jjj的激活值。均值μjh" role="presentation" style="position: relative;">μhjμjh\mu^h_j用于相应姿态矩阵的第h个元素的最终值。我们稍后将这16个元素整理成一个4x4姿态矩阵。

# pose: (N, OH, OW, o 4 x 4) via squeeze o_mean (24, 6, 6, 32, 16)
poses = tf.squeeze(o_mean, axis=-3)# activation: (N, OH, OW, o) via squeeze o_activationis [24, 6, 6, 32]
activations = tf.squeeze(o_activations, axis=[-3, -1])



m_step计算父胶囊的均值和方差。ConvCaps1中均值和方差的形状分别为(24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16)和(24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 1)。


def m_step(rr, votes, i_activations, beta_v, beta_a, inverse_temperature):"""The M-Step in EM Routing from input capsules i to output capsule j.i: input capsules (32)o: output capsules (32)h: 4x4 = 16output spatial dimension: 6x6:param rr: routing assignments. shape = (kh x kw x i, o, 1) =(3x3x32, 32, 1) = (288, 32, 1):param votes. shape = (N, OH, OW, kh x kw x i, o, 4x4) = (24, 6, 6, 288, 32, 16):param i_activations: input capsule activation (at Level L). (N, OH, OW, kh x kw x i, 1, 1) = (24, 6, 6, 288, 1, 1)with dimensions expanded to match votes for broadcasting.:param beta_v: Trainable parameters in computing cost (1, 1, 1, 1, 32, 1):param beta_a: Trainable parameters in computing next level activation (1, 1, 1, 1, 32, 1):param inverse_temperature: lambda, increase over each iteration by the caller.:return: (o_mean, o_stdv, o_activation)"""rr_prime = rr * i_activations# rr_prime_sum: sum over all input capsule irr_prime_sum = tf.reduce_sum(rr_prime, axis=-3, keep_dims=True, name='rr_prime_sum')# o_mean: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16)o_mean = tf.reduce_sum(rr_prime * votes, axis=-3, keep_dims=True) / rr_prime_sum# o_stdv: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16)o_stdv = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(rr_prime * tf.square(votes - o_mean), axis=-3, keep_dims=True) / rr_prime_sum)# o_cost_h: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16)o_cost_h = (beta_v + tf.log(o_stdv + epsilon)) * rr_prime_sum# o_cost: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 1)# o_activations_cost = (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 1)# yg: This is done for numeric stability.# It is the relative variance between each channel determined which one should activate.o_cost = tf.reduce_sum(o_cost_h, axis=-1, keep_dims=True)o_cost_mean = tf.reduce_mean(o_cost, axis=-2, keep_dims=True)o_cost_stdv = tf.sqrt(tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(o_cost - o_cost_mean), axis=-2, keep_dims=True) / o_cost.get_shape().as_list()[-2])o_activations_cost = beta_a + (o_cost_mean - o_cost) / (o_cost_stdv + epsilon)# (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 1)o_activations = tf.sigmoid(inverse_temperature * o_activations_cost)return o_mean, o_stdv, o_activations



e_step主要负责在m_step更新输出激活值 ajaja_j和高斯模型的 μμ\mu和 σσ\sigma后,重新计算路由分配(形状为:24,6,6,288,32,1)。

def e_step(o_mean, o_stdv, o_activations, votes):"""The E-Step in EM Routing.:param o_mean: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16):param o_stdv: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16):param o_activations: (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 1):param votes: (24, 6, 6, 288, 32, 16):return: rr"""o_p_unit0 = - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(votes - o_mean) / (2 * tf.square(o_stdv)), axis=-1, keep_dims=True)o_p_unit2 = - tf.reduce_sum(tf.log(o_stdv + epsilon), axis=-1, keep_dims=True)# o_p is the probability density of the h-th component of the vote from i to j# (24, 6, 6, 1, 32, 16)o_p = o_p_unit0 + o_p_unit2# rr: (24, 6, 6, 288, 32, 1)cdzz = tf.log(o_activations + epsilon) + o_prr = tf.nn.softmax(zz, dim=len(zz.get_shape().as_list())-2)return rr

Class capsules

回想前面几节,ConvCaps2的输出喂给Class capsules层。ConvCaps2的输出姿态矩阵形状为(24, 4, 4, 32, 4, 4)。

  • batch size为24
  • 4x4空间输出
  • 32个输出通道
  • 4x4姿态矩阵

Class capsules使用1x1过滤器,而不是ConvCaps2中的3x3过滤器。它输出10个胶囊,每一个胶囊表示MNIST中10个类别中的一个,而不是一个2维的空间输出(ConvCaps1中为6x6,ConvCaps2中为4x4)。Class capsules的代码结构与conv_capsule相似。它调用方法计算投票,然后使用EM路由计算胶囊输出。

def class_capsules(inputs, num_classes, iterations, batch_size, name):""":param inputs: ((24, 4, 4, 32, 4, 4), (24, 4, 4, 32)):param num_classes: 10:param iterations: 3:param batch_size: 24:param name::return poses, activations: poses (24, 10, 4, 4), activation (24, 10)."""inputs_poses, inputs_activations = inputs # (24, 4, 4, 32, 4, 4), (24, 4, 4, 32)inputs_shape = inputs_poses.get_shape()spatial_size = int(inputs_shape[1])  # 4pose_size = int(inputs_shape[-1])    # 4i_size = int(inputs_shape[3])        # 32# inputs_poses (24*4*4=384, 32, 16)inputs_poses = tf.reshape(inputs_poses, shape=[batch_size*spatial_size*spatial_size, inputs_shape[-3], inputs_shape[-2]*inputs_shape[-2] ])with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:with tf.variable_scope('votes') as scope:# inputs_poses (384, 32, 16)# votes: (384, 32, 10, 16)votes = mat_transform(inputs_poses, num_classes, size=batch_size*spatial_size*spatial_size)tf.logging.info(f"{name} votes shape: {votes.get_shape()}")# votes (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16)votes = tf.reshape(votes, shape=[batch_size, spatial_size, spatial_size, i_size, num_classes, pose_size*pose_size])# (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16)votes = coord_addition(votes, spatial_size, spatial_size)tf.logging.info(f"{name} votes shape with coord addition: {votes.get_shape()}")with tf.variable_scope('routing') as scope:# beta_v and beta_a one for each output capsule: (1, 10)beta_v = tf.get_variable(name='beta_v', shape=[1, num_classes], dtype=tf.float32,initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer())beta_a = tf.get_variable(name='beta_a', shape=[1, num_classes], dtype=tf.float32,initializer=initializers.xavier_initializer())# votes (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16) -> (24, 512, 10, 16)votes_shape = votes.get_shape()votes = tf.reshape(votes, shape=[batch_size, votes_shape[1] * votes_shape[2] * votes_shape[3], votes_shape[4], votes_shape[5]] )# inputs_activations (24, 4, 4, 32) -> (24, 512)inputs_activations = tf.reshape(inputs_activations, shape=[batch_size,votes_shape[1] * votes_shape[2] * votes_shape[3]])# votes (24, 512, 10, 16), inputs_activations (24, 512)# poses (24, 10, 16), activation (24, 10)poses, activations = matrix_capsules_em_routing(votes, inputs_activations, beta_v, beta_a, iterations, name='em_routing')# poses (24, 10, 16) -> (24, 10, 4, 4)poses = tf.reshape(poses, shape=[batch_size, num_classes, pose_size, pose_size] )# poses (24, 10, 4, 4), activation (24, 10)return poses, activations

为了整合class capsules中预测类的空间位置,我们为ConvCaps2中每个胶囊的投票的前两个元素的感受野中心添加缩放的x,y坐标。这称为Coordinate Addition。根据论文,这促进了模型训练变换矩阵,以生成这两个元素的值来表示特征相对于胶囊感受野中心的位置。Coordinate Addition的动机是利用投票的前2个元素(v1jk,v2jk)(vjk1,vjk2)(v^1_{jk},v^2_{jk})来推断预测类的空间坐标(x,y)。


下面的伪代码说明了关键思想。ConvCaps2输出的姿态矩阵形状为(24, 4, 4,32, 4, 4)。即空间维度为4x4。 我们使用的胶囊的坐标来定位在下面C1C1C1对应的元素(一个4x4矩阵),其含有空间胶囊的感受野中心缩放的x坐标。我们把这个元素的值增加v1ikvik1v^1_{ik}。对于投票的第二个元素v2jkvjk2v^2_{jk},使用C2重复同样的过程。

# Spatial output of ConvCaps2 is 4x4
v1 = [[[8.],  [12.], [16.], [20.]],[[8.],  [12.], [16.], [20.]],[[8.],  [12.], [16.], [20.]],[[8.],  [12.], [16.], [20.]],]v2 = [[[8.],  [8.],  [8.],  [8]],[[12.], [12.], [12.], [12.]],[[16.], [16.], [16.], [16.]],[[20.], [20.], [20.], [20.]]]c1 = np.array(v1, dtype=np.float32) / 28.0
c2 = np.array(v2, dtype=np.float32) / 28.0


def coord_addition(votes, H, W):"""Coordinate addition.:param votes: (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16):param H, W: spaital height and width 4:return votes: (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16)"""coordinate_offset_hh = tf.reshape((tf.range(H, dtype=tf.float32) + 0.50) / H, [1, H, 1, 1, 1])coordinate_offset_h0 = tf.constant(0.0, shape=[1, H, 1, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float32)coordinate_offset_h = tf.stack([coordinate_offset_hh, coordinate_offset_h0] + [coordinate_offset_h0 for _ in range(14)], axis=-1)  # (1, 4, 1, 1, 1, 16)coordinate_offset_ww = tf.reshape((tf.range(W, dtype=tf.float32) + 0.50) / W, [1, 1, W, 1, 1])coordinate_offset_w0 = tf.constant(0.0, shape=[1, 1, W, 1, 1], dtype=tf.float32)coordinate_offset_w = tf.stack([coordinate_offset_w0, coordinate_offset_ww] + [coordinate_offset_w0 for _ in range(14)], axis=-1) # (1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 16)# (24, 4, 4, 32, 10, 16)votes = votes + coordinate_offset_h + coordinate_offset_wreturn votes

Spread loss


mm<script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1855">m</script>的值从0.1开始。每一个迭代之后,我们将值增加0.1,直到达到0.9的最大值。这样可以防止在训练的早期阶段出现太多的死胶囊。

def spread_loss(labels, activations, iterations_per_epoch, global_step, name):"""Spread loss:param labels: (24, 10] in one-hot vector:param activations: [24, 10], activation for each class:param margin: increment from 0.2 to 0.9 during training:return: spread loss"""# Margin schedule# Margin increase from 0.2 to 0.9 by an increment of 0.1 for every epochmargin = tf.train.piecewise_constant(tf.cast(global_step, dtype=tf.int32),boundaries=[(iterations_per_epoch * x) for x in range(1, 8)],values=[x / 10.0 for x in range(2, 10)])activations_shape = activations.get_shape().as_list()with tf.variable_scope(name) as scope:# mask_t, mask_f Tensor (?, 10)mask_t = tf.equal(labels, 1)      # Mask for the true labelmask_i = tf.equal(labels, 0)      # Mask for the non-true label# Activation for the true label# activations_t (?, 1)activations_t = tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(activations, mask_t), shape=(tf.shape(activations)[0], 1))# Activation for the other classes# activations_i (?, 9)activations_i = tf.reshape(tf.boolean_mask(activations, mask_i), [tf.shape(activations)[0], activations_shape[1] - 1])l = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(tf.maximum(0.0,margin - (activations_t - activations_i))))tf.losses.add_loss(l)return l




(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)



Class Capsules中的姿态矩阵被解释为图像的潜在表示。通过调节第一个2维姿态,并通过解码器重构(类似于之前的胶囊论文),我们可以将胶囊网络从MNIST数据中学到的信息可视化。

(图片来源于论文Matrix capsules with EM routing)



计算投票和EM路由的部分代码是从Guang Yang和Suofei Zhang的实现修改而来。我们的源码放在github上,运行方式:

  • 根据环境配置mnist_config.py和cap_config.py
  • 运行train.py之前运行download_and_convert_mnist.py。




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