
Dundas Chart 6.2 全系列放出

Dundas Chart for .NET 6.1 is here

Dundas Data Visualization is proud to announce the release of Dundas Chart for .NET v.6.1, the latest - and most comprehensive - upgrade of its flagship charting product.

Version 6.1 is the natural continuation of Dundas's award-winning charting technology and extends the feature set of the extremely successful v.6.0.

All Dundas downloads are fully functional and do not timeout - they simply place a watermark on rendered images, allowing you to TRULY evaluate the product. So download a full evaluation copy today.

Click here to download a full evaluation copy.

Dundas Chart for .NET Version 6.1 Features Released January 28th, 2008

Optimized For Visual Studio 2008

You can now utilize the next generation of Microsoft technology! Dundas is proud to offer one of the first controls optimized for Visual Studio 2008.

New Rose Chart Styles

Two new Rose Chart types have been added: Stacked and Radial Gap. Both requested by Dundas customers, Stacked allows you to display one set of data atop another for a more versatile Rose Chart. The Radial Gap offers the option of providing a hole in the center of the Rose Chart - a subtle change, but it offers a similar visual difference in the way a Pie Chart can become a Doughnut Chart.

Vertical Column Labels

A new attribute for 2D column charts, labels can now be painted vertically inside the column, adding greater flexibility when considering labels.

Data Point Label Offset Attribute

With Chart 6.1, you can now customize the exact offset of the data point to the label. It's just another way for Dundas Chart to ensure you have the exact look you want.

Server Scroll Events For AJAX (Web Only)

Developers can now handle chart scroll events on the server side, since the server now intelligently manages AJAX requests. This optimizes the user experience by providing more responsiveness and more bandwidth efficiency. It also better utilizes server resources.

New Custom Colors Property

Custom colors can now be applied for each point individually, giving your charts more visual power and versatility.

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