

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import find_peaksdef fft_unwrap(freq, phs, pk_th=0.0, unwrap_th=1.5*np.pi, precision=1.e-3):'''Unwrap phs assuming phs is linear function wrt freq. freq: array_like, phs = a*freq + bphs: array_like, in rad, phase to unwrapunwrap_th: float, if the phase range is smaller than 2*pi, fft will break down, and we use numpy.unwrap insteadprecision: float, we will padding 0 to make the k after fft have interval smaller than precision.return: ndarray, phs after unwrap'''# phs in radisort = np.argsort(freq)freq = np.array(freq)[isort]phs = np.array(phs)[isort]dfreq = freq[1]-freq[0]y = np.exp(1.J*phs)n = 1./(precision*dfreq)n = int(2**np.ceil(np.log2(n)))if n < y.shape[0]:n = y.shape[0]valid = np.isfinite(y)y0 = y[valid][0]phs0 = phs[valid][0]freq0 = freq[valid][0]y = y/y0 # normalizey[~valid] = 0.y = y - y.mean()fft = np.fft.fft(y, n=n)fftfreq = np.fft.fftfreq(fft.shape[0], d=dfreq)fft = np.abs( np.fft.fftshift(fft) )fftfreq = np.fft.fftshift(fftfreq)*2*np.pi#plt.figure()#plt.plot(fftfreq, fft)ipk, pk_dict = find_peaks(fft, height=0.)pk_heights = pk_dict['peak_heights']isort = np.argsort(pk_heights)pk_heights = pk_heights[isort]ipk = ipk[isort]#print(fftfreq[ipk])#print('highest peak: %s'%pk_heights[-1])unwrap_phs = np.unwrap(phs[valid])print('second highest peak: %s (%.2f of highest)'%(pk_heights[-2], pk_heights[-2]/pk_heights[-1]) )print('maximum phase difference after np.unwrap: %s'%(unwrap_phs.max()-unwrap_phs.min()))if pk_heights[-2]>pk_heights[-1]*pk_th and unwrap_phs.max()-unwrap_phs.min()<unwrap_th:# all in one period#plt.figure()#plt.plot(freq, phs, 'o', label='data')phs[valid] = np.unwrap(phs[valid])#plt.plot(freq, phs, '.', label='unwrap')#plt.legend()#plt.show()return phselse:k = fftfreq[ipk[-1]]phs_pred = phs0 + k*(freq-freq0)dphs = phs_pred - phsnphs = np.around(dphs/2./np.pi)#plt.figure()#plt.plot(freq, phs, 'o', label='data')phs = phs + nphs*2*np.pi#plt.plot(freq, phs, '.', label='unwrap')#plt.plot(freq, phs_pred, '-', label='pred')#plt.legend()#plt.show()return phsif __name__ == '__main__':for ii in range(10):x = np.linspace(0., 1.8*np.pi, 201) + (np.random.rand()-0.5)*2*np.piw = 1.ns = ( np.random.rand(*x.shape) - 0.5 )*1.5phs0 = w*x#mask = int(x.shape[0]/1.5)#inds = np.random.choice(np.arange(x.shape[0]), replace=False, size=mask)inds1 = np.arange(30, 50)inds2 = np.arange(60, 80)inds3 = np.arange(100,120)inds = np.concatenate([inds1, inds2, inds3])phs0[inds] = np.nany = np.exp(1.J*(phs0 + ns))phs = np.angle(y)phs1 = fft_unwrap(x, phs)plt.plot(x, phs1, 'o', label='unwrap')plt.plot(x, phs, '*', label='phs')plt.plot(x, w*x, '.', label='phs0')plt.legend()plt.show()


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