
'Method' — Disparity estimation algorithm
'SemiGlobal' (default) | 'BlockMatching'


'DisparityRange' — Range of disparity
[0 64] (default) | two-element vector

视差图范围,默认是[0 64]


'BlockSize' — Square block size
15 (default) | odd integer



'ContrastThreshold' — Contrast threshold range
0.5 (default) | scalar value


'UniquenessThreshold' — Minimum value of uniqueness
15 (default) | non-negative integer

视差唯一性百分比,视差窗口范围内最低代价是次低代价的(1 + uniquenessRatio/100)倍时,最低代价对应的视差值才是该像素点的视差,否则该像素点的视差为 0 。


'DistanceThreshold' — Maximum distance for left-to-right image checking
[] (disabled) (default) | non-negative integer



The distance threshold specifies the maximum distance between a point inI1 and the same point found from I2. The function finds the distance and marks the pixel in the following way:

Let p1 be a point in image I1.
Step 1: The function searches for point p1's best match in image I2 (left-to-right check) and finds point p2.
Step 2: The function searches for p2's best match in image I1 (right-to-left check) and finds point p3.
If the search returns a distance between p1 and p3 greater thanDistanceThreshold, the function marks the disparity for the point p1 as unreliable.

'TextureThreshold' — Minimum texture threshold
0.0002 (default) | scalar value

最小纹理阈值,This parameter applies only when you set Method to'BlockMatching'.


% close all;
 I1 = imread('E:left\l1.png');
%   I1 = imresize(I1, 0.2);
 I2 = imread('E:\right\r1.png');
%   I2 = imresize(I2, 0.2);
% figure,  imshow(I1);
% figure
% imshow(stereoAnaglyph(I1,I2));
% title('Red-cyan composite view of the stereo images');

disparityRange = [0 128];
disparityMap = disparity(rgb2gray(I1),rgb2gray(I2),'BlockSize',...

%disparityMap = disparity(rgb2gray(I1),rgb2gray(I2));

title('Disparity Map');
colormap jet

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