
A corrupt SD card is a digital photographer’s worst nightmare. All those amazing photos ruined because a few 1s and 0s are in the wrong place? While you might be able to recover your images from a corrupt card, you don’t want to be in this situation in the first place, and that means knowing how to format your SD cards properly.

损坏的SD卡是数码摄影师的噩梦。 所有这些令人惊叹的照片都毁了,因为几个1和0放在错误的位置? 尽管您可以从损坏的卡中恢复图像 ,但您不想一开始就处于这种情况,这意味着知道如何正确格式化SD卡。

It also means you should be working with high-quality SD cards. Over on our sister site, ReviewGeek, we took a look at the best SD cards for your camera. Our pick, a 16GB SanDisk Extreme is just $11. There is no excuse not to be using the best.

这也意味着您应该使用高质量的SD卡。 在我们的姊妹网站ReviewGeek上,我们看了适合您相机的最佳SD卡 。 我们选择16GB SanDisk Extreme的价格仅为11美元 。 没有理由不使用最好的。

删除VS格式 (Deleting VS Formatting)

When your camera’s SD card is full, you’re probably tempted to pop it into your computer, delete a few photos from it, and then go back to shooting. Don’t do this!

当相机的SD卡已满时,您可能会想将其弹出到计算机中,从中删除几张照片,然后再返回拍摄。 不要这样!

Just deleting files from an SD card is a bad idea for a few reasons:


  • All the additional operations increase the chance of data getting corrupted.所有其他操作都会增加数据损坏的机会。
  • Deleting a few photos is a very slow way to get space back on a card.删除几张照片是一种很慢的方式来恢复卡上的空间。
  • SD card performance degrades with use.SD卡的性能会随着使用而降低。

Instead, you should format your SD cards when you run out of space (or whenever you want really). Formatting wipes the card clean and sets the Digital Camera Image (DCIM) folder structure up again. And it does all that without the downsides of just deleting things.

相反,应在空间不足时(或真正需要的时候)格式化SD卡。 格式化会将卡擦干净,然后再次设置数码相机图像(DCIM)文件夹结构。 它所做的所有事情都没有删除东西的缺点。

首先,保存和备份照片 (First, Save and Backup the Photos)

Now, first things first. Don’t format a card that contains photos you haven’t backed up somewhere else. Remember, when it comes to data security, “One is none, and two is one.”

现在,第一件事。 请勿格式化包含未备份照片的存储卡。 请记住,在数据安全性方面,“ 一个不是一个,而两个是一个 。”

I recommend you import your photos into Lightroom and then back them up to a cloud storage provider like Dropbox or Google Photos. This way you have your photos nicely organized and, even if something happens to your computer or your external drive, they are safe. Unless you shoot an incredible amount of RAW files, photos don’t take up that much space and cloud storage is super cheap.

建议您将照片导入Lightroom ,然后将其备份到Dropbox或Google Photos之类的云存储提供商 。 这样,您的照片会井井有条,即使计算机或外部驱动器发生故障,它们也很安全。 除非您拍摄大量的RAW文件,否则照片不会占用太多空间,并且云存储非常便宜。

在相机中格式化存储卡 (Reformat the Card in Camera)

Once you’re sure that you have all the photos of your SD card and they’re fully backed up, it’s time to format the card.


I’m going, to be honest here: what I’m recommending is, in part, a bit of received wisdom. There are other ways to format SD cards and (as long as you don’t try to change the format or add partitions or do anything else weird) they’ll work too. But the standard advice from most photographers and every camera manufacturer is that the best way to format an SD card is to do it with your camera to minimize the ways anything could go wrong. It’s also the quickest and most convenient way since you do not have to faff around with any additional software.

老实说,我要去:我所建议的部分是一些已接受的智慧。 还有其他格式化SD卡的方法,(只要您不尝试更改格式或添加分区或做其他奇怪的事情),它们也将起作用。 但是大多数摄影师和每个相机制造商的标准建议是,格式化SD卡的最佳方法是用相机进行操作,以最大程度地减少可能出现问题的方式。 这也是最快,最方便的方法,因为您无需花时间去使用任何其他软件 。

So, with the caveat that modern operating systems are good and you can format an SD card however you like if you want to (and don’t do anything other than format it), our advice is still to stick with the manufacturer recommendations and do it with the camera.


The process varies a bit from camera to camera, but in general, it should be something like this.


With a Canon camera, go to Menu > Setup > Format Card. Select the card you want to format and then OK. Your camera will take a few moments, and then you’ll have a fresh SD card ready to go.

使用佳能相机,进入菜单>设置>格式化存储卡。 选择要格式化的卡,然后单击确定。 您的相机将花费一些时间,然后您将可以使用新的SD卡。

With a Nikon camera, go to Menu > Setup > Format Memory Card. Select the card you want to format and then OK. After a few moments, you’ll have a formatted SD card.

使用尼康相机,进入菜单>设置>格式化存储卡。 选择要格式化的卡,然后单击确定。 片刻之后,您将拥有一张格式化的SD卡。

If for any reason you’re struggling to find the format card option, check out your camera’s user manual.


The chance of something going wrong with your SD cards is pretty slim, but it can and does happen. Properly formatting your cards—and using high-quality ones to begin with—is the best way to prevent it from happening.

SD卡出现问题的可能性很小,但确实可以而且确实会发生。 正确格式化卡(并一开始使用高质量的卡)是防止其发生的最佳方法。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/367276/how-to-safely-format-sd-cards-for-your-camera/



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