Troubleshooting: High Version Count Issues (文档 ID 296377.1)

In this Document

  Ask Questions, Get Help, And Share Your Experiences With This Article
Troubleshooting Steps
  What is a 'High' Version Count?
  What is shared SQL ?
  What is 'SQL Metadata'?
  Why should I be concerned about 'High' Versions?
  How do I see the versions and why they are not shared ?
  What do the reasons given in v$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR mean?
Version_rpt script:
  What further tracing is available.
  Are there any times when a high version count is expected even though BINDS are being used?
  Enhancement to obsolete parent cursors if Version Count exceeds a threshold
  High Version Count with Adaptive Cursor Sharing
  Known Issues
  Troubleshooting Other Issues
  Discuss High Version Count Issues

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging SQL sharing issues. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in the document to assist in troubleshooting problems. This document does not contain bugs/patches as these topics are addressed in the articles referenced at the bottom of this document.

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Troubleshooting Steps

What is a 'High' Version Count?

There is no definitive definition of what a 'High' number of versions for a particular cursor is, different systems may be able to deal with different ranges of versions, However, AWR reports start reporting versions over 20 for a particular cursor and so that is as good an indicator of a potential problem as any.

Once you start getting into the hundreds or thousands range, then these are definitely 'High' counts and the causes should be examined and the numbers reduced so as to encourage the SQL to be shared. It is important to understand that sometimes high version counts are expected and not a result of any defect.

What is shared SQL ?

The first thing to remember is that all SQL is implicitly sharable. When a SQL statement is entered, the RDBMS will create a hash value for text of the statement and that hash value then helps the RDBMS to easily find SQL already in the shared pool. It is not in the scope of this article to discuss this in any great detail, so let's just assume entering a series of text results in a hash value being created.
所有SQL是隐式共享。当输入SQL语句时,数据库将会为文本的语句创建一个hash value,该值会帮助RDBMS轻易找到SQL在共享池中的位置。

For instance :- 'select count(*) from emp' hashes to the value 4085390015

We now create a parent cursor for this sql and a single child. It does not matter that a SQL statement may never be shared - when it is first parsed a parent and a single child are created. The easy way to think of this is that the PARENT cursor is a representation of the hash value and the child cursor(s) represent the metadata for that SQL

What is 'SQL Metadata'?

Metadata is all the information which enables a statement to run. For instance, in the example I have given EMP is owned by scott and therefore has an OBJECT_ID which points to the EMP table owned by this user. When the user SCOTT logged in, optimizer parameters are initialised in that session for use by the statement, so this too is used by the optimizer and is therefore metadata. There are other examples of Metadata which will be mentioned further in this document.

Let's say this session logs out and back in again now. It then runs the same command again (as the same user). This time we already have the SQL in the shared pool (but we don't know this yet). What we do is hash the statement and then search for that hash value in the shared pool. If we find it, we can then search through the children to determine if any of them are usable by us (ie the metadata is the same). If it is, then we can share that SQL statement
I would still have one version of that SQL in the shared pool because the metadata enabled me to share the statement with the already existent child. The fundamentals are that the parent is not shared, it is the children which determine shareability.

Now - another user 'TEST' has it's own version of EMP. If that user was to now run the select statement above then what would happen is :-

1. The statement is hashed - it is hashed to the value 4085390015
2. The SQL will be found in the shared pool as it already exists
3. The children are scanned (at this point we have one child)
4. Because the OBJECT_ID of the EMP table owned by TEST is different the OBJECT_ID owned by scott we have a 'mismatch'

(Essentially, what happens here is that we have a linked list of children which we move through in turn, comparing the metadata of the current SQL with that of all the children. If there were 100 children then we would scan each of them (looking for a possible mismatch and moving on) until we found one we could share. If we cannot share any (ie. have exhausted the list of children) then we need to create a new child)

5. We therefore have to create a new child - we now have 1 PARENT and 2 CHILDREN.

Why should I be concerned about 'High' Versions?

Unnecessary non-sharing of SQL, and the resultant versions of SQL, is a primary cause of library cache contention. Contention reduces the performance of your database and, in extreme cases, can cause it to appear to 'hang'. When you have unnecessary versions of a cursor, each time that cursor is executed, the parse engine has to search through the list of versions to see which is the cursor that you want. This wastes CPU cycles that you could be using on something else.

How do I see the versions and why they are not shared ?

The easiest way to get version information in a clear format is to use the script in the following article:

Document 438755.1 High SQL Version Counts - Script to determine reason(s)

To find the reasons for mismatches see the following section: What do the reasons given in v$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR mean?

If you are unable to use that script then you can select the same information from the base views as illustrated in the examples below.

Lets use the example above and take a look at what SQL we can use to see this in the shared pool.

SCOTT runs select count(*) from emp

I can now run the following to see the PARENT statement and it's hash value and address

select sql_text, hash_value,address from v$sqlarea where sql_text like 'select count(*) from emp%';

SQL_TEXT                 HASH_VALUE    ADDRESS
------------------------ ------------ ----------------
select count(*) from emp 4085390015   0000000386BC2E58

To see the CHILDREN (I expect to see 1 at this point) :-

  • Version 9.2.X.X and below :

    select * from v$sql_shared_cursor where kglhdpar = '0000000386BC2E58'
  • Version 10.0.X.X and above:
    select * from v$sql_shared_cursor where address = '0000000386BC2E58'


ADDRESS          KGLHDPAR         U S O O S L S E B P I S T A B D L T R I I R L I O S M U T N F
---------------- ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000000386BC2D08 0000000386BC2E58 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 

We can see we have a single child (ADDRESS 0000000386BC2D08).
The mismatch information (U S O O S L etc) is all N because this is the first child. Now, if I log in as another user and run the same select (select count(*) from emp) and look again I will get the following output:-

ADDRESS          KGLHDPAR         U S O O S L S E B P I S T A B D L T R I I R L I O S M U T N F
---------------- ---------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
0000000386BC2D08 0000000386BC2E58 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N
0000000386A91AA0 0000000386BC2E58 N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y N N N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N N 

We can now see the 2nd child ( 0000000386A91AA0) and also the reasons why it could not be shared with the first (The 'Y's denote a mismatch). The reasons are:


This is because the objects under my new user do not map to those of SCOTT (the current child). A mismatch occurs because I cannot access SCOTTs objects and translation fails since we have different object_ids for the objects in each of our schemas.

What do the reasons given in v$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR mean?

Below are the list of reasons as well as some worked examples (Those denoted by ** are the ones most often seen) :-

New in 11g :


    Debug mismatch Session has debugging parameter plsql_debug set to true


    Load optimizer stats for cursor sharing


    Check ACL mismatch


    Flashback archive mismatch


    Failed to lock user and schema


    Remote mapping mismatch


    Runtime heap mismatch


    Hash mismatch. Set to "Y" if sharing fails due to a hash mismatch, such as the case with mismatched histogram data or a range predicate marked as unsafe by literal replacement (See Bug 3461251)

New in 11.2:


    Cursor marked for purging. The cursor has been marked for purging with dbms_shared_pool.purge


    Bind length upgradeable and could not be shared because a bind variable size was smaller than the new value being inserted (marked as BIND_MISMATCH in earlier versions).


    Cardinality feedback. Cardinality feedback is being used and therefore a new plan could be formed for the current execution.


    The bind value's selectivity does not match that used to optimize the existing child cursor. When adaptive cursor sharing is used and the cursor is bind aware, then if the selectivity is outside of the current ranges and a new plan is desirable then a new child is raised with this as the reason code for non-sharing of the previous plan. For an example, see Document 836256.1. After each execution in the example, run:

    select sql_id, address, child_address, child_number, BIND_EQUIV_FAILURE from v$sql_shared_cursor where sql_id='19sxt3v07nzm4';

    ... once the cursor is marked as bind aware and a second plan is seen then the following will be the resultant output:

    ------------- ---------------- ---------------- ------------ -
    19sxt3v07nzm4 000000007A1C0DE0 000000007A1BF980            0 N
    19sxt3v07nzm4 000000007A1C0DE0 000000007A10DDB0            1 Y

    As can be seen, the new version is created due to BIND_EQUIV_FAILURE

There is no longer  ROW_LEVEL_SEC_MISMATCH in 11.2.

Version_rpt script:

The script version_rpt can also be run to produce a summary report of the v$sql_shared_cursor view with additional diagnostic information. The script can be found in:

Document 438755.1 High SQL Version Counts - Script to determine reason(s) 

Running the Script:
Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using SQL_ID (10g and up):

select b.* from v$sqlarea a ,table(version_rpt(a.sql_id)) b where loaded_versions >=100;

Generate reports for all cursors with more than 100 versions using HASH_VALUE:

select b.* from v$sqlarea a ,table(version_rpt(null,a.hash_value)) b where loaded_versions>=100;

Generate the report for cursor with sql_id cyzznbykb509s:

select * from table(version_rpt('cyzznbykb509s'));

What further tracing is available.

In 10G it is possible to use CURSORTRACE to aid the investigation of why cursors are not being shared. This event should only be used under the guidance of support and the resultant trace file is undocumented. To get the trace for a particular SQL statement you first of all need to get the hash_value (See the above select from v$sqlarea). You then set the trace on using:-

alter system set events 'immediate trace name cursortrace level 577, address hash_value';

(levels 578-580 can be used for high level tracing (577=level 1, 578=level 2, 580=level 3)

This will write a trace file to user_dump_dest each time we try to reuse the cursor.
To turn off tracing use:-

alter system set events
'immediate trace name cursortrace level 2147483648, address 1';

Please note: Bug 5555371 exists in 10.2 (fixed in where cursor trace cannot fully be turned off and single line entries will still be made to the trace file as a result. The w/a is to restart the instance. How invasive this BUG is depends on the executions of the cursor (and the size of the resultant trace file additions)

In 11.2 there is also cursordump:

alter system set events 'immediate trace name cursordump level 16'

(please ensure system , not session, is used as the level meaning changes)

This dumps some additional information such as expanding on the parameters for 'optimizer_mismatch' issues.

In later versions of the RDBMS there are also enhancements which dump more information as to the actual reason a child cursor could not share (ie the parameter differences). This information can be found in the REASON column of v$sql_shared_cursor and is in XML format. See Bug 16770590 for example.

Are there any times when a high version count is expected even though BINDS are being used?

Consider the following where cursor_sharing=SIMILAR

select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > 100;
select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > 101;
select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > 102;
select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > 103;
select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > 104;

SELECT sql_text,version_count,address
WHERE sql_text like 'select /* TEST */%';

SELECT * FROM V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR WHERE kglhdpar = '&my_addr';

You will see several versions , each with no obvious reason for not being shared


One of the cursor sharing criteria when literal replacement is enabled with cursor_sharing as similar is that bind value should match initial bind value if the execution plan is going to change depending on the value of the literal. The reason for this is we _might_ get a sub optimal plan if we use the same cursor. This would typically happen when depending on the value of the literal optimizer is going to chose a different plan. Thus in this test case we have a predicate with > , if this was a equality we would always share the same child cursor. If application developers are ready to live with a sub-optimal plan and save on memory , then they need to set the parameter to force.

"The difference between SIMILAR and FORCE is that SIMILAR forces similar statements to share the SQL area without deteriorating execution plans.
Setting CURSOR_SHARING to FORCE forces similar statements to share the SQL area potentially deteriorating execution plans."

It is also possible to tell from 10046 trace (level 4/12 - BINDS) if a bind is considered to be unsafe
The flag oacfl2 in 9i and fl2 in 10g will show if a variable is unsafe.

bind 0: dty=2 mxl=22(04) mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=10 oacfl2=500 size=24
bfp=1036d6408 bln=22 avl=04 flg=09
bind 1: dty=2 mxl=22(04) mal=00 scl=00 pre=00 oacflg=10 oacfl2=500 size=24
bfp=1036d4340 bln=22 avl=04 flg=09

In 10g ( and 11g using the example query above this looks like:

alter session set cursor_sharing=force;
alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever,level 12';

select /* TEST */ * from emp where sal > :"SYS_B_0"
BINDS #3071441600:
oacdty=02 mxl=22(03) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00
oacflg=10 fl2=0300 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0
kxsbbbfp=295c96f0 bln=22 avl=03 flg=09

The "fl2=0300" entry indicates that this is and Unsafe literal and the bind was generated by replacement :

#define UACFBLTR 0x00000100 /* Bind was generated by LiTeRal replacement */
#define UACFUNSL 0x00000200 /* UNSafe Literal */

The 0x200 entry being the important flag for determination of literal 'safety'.
For additional details on this topic see:

Document 377847.1 Unsafe Literals or Peeked Bind Variables
Document 261020.1 High Version Count with CURSOR_SHARING = SIMILAR or FORCE

Enhancement to obsolete parent cursors if Version Count exceeds a threshold

In 11gr2, an issue of Child cursors growing very long was introduced.  An enhancement request was filed to address this issue Bug 10187168. When the child cursors grow beyond certain count be it 20 or 100, it obsoletes the parent cursors.  In order to activate this enhancement bug set following:

1. If and above, set the following parameters:

"_cursor_obsolete_threshold"  to 100 (this is the number of child cursor after which we obsolete it) 

2. If, then set:

"_cursor_features_enabled" to 1026
event 106001 with value 100 (as the parameter _cursor_obsolete_threshold is not present) 

To show obsoleted cursor, run following query:

select count(*) as version_count, sql_id
from v$sql
where is_obsolete = 'N'
group by sql_id
having count(*) > 125;

For more information, please read the following article regarding the enhancement involved:

Document 10187168.8 Enhancement to obsolete parent cursors if Version Count exceeds a threshold

High Version Count with Adaptive Cursor Sharing

With introduction of adaptive cursor sharing in 11g, there may be increased version count due to more child cursors.  The adaptive cursor sharing is meant to adapt execution plans, depending on the selectivity of the bind variable.  For more information on adaptive cursor sharing, please review following note:

Document 740052.1 Adaptive Cursor Sharing Overview

Some known issues with Adaptive Cursor Sharing Overview:

Document 7213010.8 Bug 7213010 - Adaptive cursor sharing generates lots of child cursors
Document 8491399.8 Bug 8491399 - Adaptive Cursor Sharing does not match the correct cursor version for queries using CHAR datatype 

Known Issues

A list of known issues can be found in:

Document 120655.1  VIEW: "V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR" Reference Note

Troubleshooting Other Issues

For guidance troubleshooting other performance issues take a look at:

Document 1377446.1 Troubleshooting Performance Issues

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