
  • nums[i] <= known_sum,更新已知范围为:[1,known_sum + nums[i] )
  • nums[i] >  known_sum,  添加known_sum进数组才能达到最大的范围,所以已知范围更新为:[1,known_sum *2  )
class Solution {
public:int minPatches(vector<int>& nums, int n) {int cnt = 0, i = 0;for (long known_sum = 1; known_sum <= n;) {if (i < nums.size() && nums[i] <= known_sum) {known_sum += nums[i++];}else {known_sum <<= 1;cnt++;}}return cnt;}

本文是leetcode 330 Patching Array  的题解,更多题解可见


本文由 hrwhisper 原创发布
出处:细语呢喃 > leetcode Patching Array

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