
Apple isn’t the first manufacturer to put two cameras on their phone (LG, HTC and Huawei all beat them to it), but Apple’s iPhone 7 Plus is the first to really make a splash. But what’s the advantage of this shiny new two-camera setup? Let’s have a look.

苹果并不是第一个在手机上安装两个摄像头的制造商(LG,HTC和华为都击败了它们),但是苹果的iPhone 7 Plus是第一个真正引起轰动的人。 但是,这种崭新的两相机设置的优点是什么? 我们来看一下。

相机规格 (The Camera Specs)

The iPhone 7 Plus has two 12 megapixel cameras, side by side. The first is a wide-angle camera similar to the camera that has always been on iPhones. It’s got a lens with an aperture of f/1.8 and a focal length that’s equivalent to about 28mm on a full frame camera. If you’ve ever used an iPhone’s camera or smartphone camera in general, it will feel pretty familiar.

iPhone 7 Plus具有两个并排的12百万像素相机。 第一个是类似于iPhone上一直使用的广角相机。 它的镜头的光圈为f / 1.8 ,焦距相当于全画幅相机上的约28mm 。 如果您曾经使用过iPhone的相机或智能手机的相机,那将非常熟悉。

The difference is in the second camera. It’s got a lens with an aperture of f/2.8 and a full frame equivalent focal length of about 56mm. This means things will appear twice as large when shot with this camera as they do with the wide-angle camera—roughly how things look with your eyes. You can see that in the comparison shots below which were taken a few seconds apart from the same spot.

区别在于第二台相机。 它的镜头的光圈为f / 2.8,全画幅等效焦距约为56mm。 这意味着使用本相机拍摄时,事物的出现将是使用广角相机拍摄时事物的两倍 —大致来说,您的眼睛看起来如何。 您可以在下面的比较镜头中看到,它们是从同一地点分开拍摄了几秒钟。

There’s one other difference between the two cameras: the wide-angle camera has optical image stabilization, while the telephoto one doesn’t.

两款相机之间还有另一个区别:广角相机具有光学防抖功能 ,而长焦相机则没有。

使用两台相机 (Using the Two Cameras)

Using the two cameras is easy. Open your iPhone’s camera app. If you’re in any mode except Portrait, you’ll see a 1x button at the bottom. Tap it to switch to the telephoto camera.

使用两个摄像机很容易。 打开iPhone的相机应用。 如果您处于除纵向以外的任何其他模式,则底部会显示一个1x按钮。 点击它以切换到长焦相机。

何时使用每台相机 (When to Use Each Camera)

Both cameras have different uses. The wide-angle camera should probably still be your go-to. Unless you’ve a reason to use the telephoto camera, the wide-angle camera has a few advantages: it has a faster aperture, optical image stabilization, and a wider angle (which makes it more forgiving to use).

两种相机都有不同的用途。 广角相机可能仍然是您的首选。 除非您有理由使用远摄相机,否则广角相机具有一些优点:它具有更快的光圈,光学图像稳定功能和更宽的角度(这使它更易于使用)。

The wider aperture means that more light gets let in so your iPhone can use a faster shutter speed. The optical image stabilization keeps your photos sharp even when the shutter speed drops lower than you’d want. Finally, the wider angle means that any camera shake from your hands will have much less effect on the image. Combined, these mean that, especially in low light, you’ll get better pictures from the wide-angle camera.

更大的光圈意味着更多的光线可以进入,因此您的iPhone可以使用更快的快门速度 。 光学图像稳定功能即使在快门速度下降到所需水平以下时也能使照片保持清晰。 最后,更宽的角度意味着从您的手中晃动任何相机都会对图像产生较小的影响。 结合起来,这意味着,尤其是在弱光条件下,您将从广角相机中获得更好的图像。

The telephoto camera’s advantage is that it can zoom in further while still taking full resolution images. If you want to get closer, you don’t have to crop the photo. This is great for when you can’t get any nearer with your feet like when you’re doing touristy things, watching sports from the sidelines, or trying to get a photo of a skittish dog. As long as the light is good, the advantages of the wide-angle camera won’t really come into play.

长焦相机的优势在于它可以进一步放大,同时仍可以拍摄全分辨率图像。 如果您想离得更近,则不必裁剪照片。 当您无法双脚靠近时,例如当您在做旅游事情,在场外观看体育比赛或试图拍摄张开狗的照片时,这非常有用。 只要光线好,广角镜的优势就不会真正发挥出来。

Finally, there’s also the iPhone’s new “Portrait Mode”, which uses both cameras together—it’s technically in beta, but works well the vast majority of the time. The telephoto camera is used to take the main photo while the wide-angle camera is used to build a depth map of the scene. This means your iPhone can selectively blur different areas and make it look like it was taken using a DSLR, an effect that until now you needed to use an app like Photoshop to achieve. You can see an example in the image above.

最后,还有iPhone的新“肖像模式”,该模式同时使用两个摄像头-从技术上讲,它处于Beta测试阶段,但在大多数情况下效果良好。 远摄相机用于拍摄主照片,而广角相机用于建立场景的深度图。 这意味着您的iPhone可以有选择地模糊不同区域,并使它看起来像是使用DSLR拍摄的效果,直到现在,您仍需要使用Photoshop之类的应用来实现这种效果 。 您可以在上图中看到一个示例。

The iPhone 7 Plus is undoubtedly a step forward for smartphone cameras. Although you should probably default to the wide-angle camera, the telephoto is really useful in certain circumstances when you can’t physically get closer, or want to use Portrait mode.

iPhone 7 Plus无疑是智能手机相机的一大进步。 尽管您可能应该默认使用广角相机,但是在某些情况下,当您无法亲近或想要使用人像模式时,长焦真的很有用。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/309205/why-does-my-iphone-have-two-cameras/


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