

Msfconsole Command

MSFconsole有许多不同的命令选项可供选择。 根据不同的输出,以下是Metasploit命令的核心集。

back          Move back from the current context
banner        Display an awesome metasploit banner
cd            Change the current working directory
color         Toggle color
connect       Communicate with a host
edit          Edit the current module with $VISUAL or $EDITOR
exit          Exit the console
get           Gets the value of a context-specific variable
getg          Gets the value of a global variable
go_pro        Launch Metasploit web GUI
grep          Grep the output of another command
help          Help menu
info          Displays information about one or more module
irb           Drop into irb scripting mode
jobs          Displays and manages jobs
kill          Kill a job
load          Load a framework plugin
loadpath      Searches for and loads modules from a path
makerc        Save commands entered since start to a file
popm          Pops the latest module off the stack and makes it active
previous      Sets the previously loaded module as the current module
pushm         Pushes the active or list of modules onto the module stack
quit          Exit the console
reload_all    Reloads all modules from all defined module paths
rename_job    Rename a job
resource      Run the commands stored in a file
route         Route traffic through a session
save          Saves the active datastores
search        Searches module names and descriptions
sessions      Dump session listings and display information about sessions
set           Sets a context-specific variable to a value
setg          Sets a global variable to a value
show          Displays modules of a given type, or all modules
sleep         Do nothing for the specified number of seconds
spool         Write console output into a file as well the screen
threads       View and manipulate background threads
unload        Unload a framework plugin
unset         Unsets one or more context-specific variables
unsetg        Unsets one or more global variables
use           Selects a module by name
version       Show the framework and console library version numbers


一旦你使用完特定模块后,或者无意中选择了错误的模块,可以发出后退命令back以移出当前上下文。 然而,这不是必需的。 就像在商用路由器中一样,您可以从其他模块中切换模块。 注意,如果全局设置变量,变量将只会延续。

msf auxiliary(ms09_001_write) > back
msf >



msf > banner_                                                    _
/     /         __                         _   __  /_/ __
| |  / | _____               ___   _____ | | /   _
| | /| | | ___ |- -|   /    / __ | -__/ | || | || | |- -|
|_|   | | | _|__  | |_  / - __    | |    | | __/| |  | |_|/  |____/  ___/ / \___/   /     __|    |_  ___Frustrated with proxy pivoting? Upgrade to layer-2 VPN pivoting with
Metasploit Pro -- type 'go_pro' to launch it now.=[ metasploit v4.11.4-2015071402                  ]
+ -- --=[ 1467 exploits - 840 auxiliary - 232 post        ]
+ -- --=[ 432 payloads - 37 encoders - 8 nops             ]



msf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > show optionsModule options (exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi):Name     Current Setting  Required  Description----     ---------------  --------  -----------RHOST   yes       The target addressRPORT    445              yes       Set the SMB service portSMBPIPE  BROWSER          yes       The pipe name to use (BROWSER, SRVSVC)Exploit target:Id  Name--  ----0   Automatic Targetingmsf exploit(ms08_067_netapi) > check[*] Verifying vulnerable status... (path: 0x0000005a)
[*] System is not vulnerable (status: 0x00000000)
[*] The target is not exploitable.
msf  exploit(ms08_067_netapi) >



msf > color
Usage: color >'true'|'false'|'auto'>Enable or disable color output.


msfconsole中内置了一个小型Netcat,支持SSL,代理,pivoting和文件传输。 通过发出带有IP地址和端口号的connect命令,您可以从msfconsole中连接到远程主机,就像直接使用Netcat或Telnet一样。

msf > connect 23
[*] Connected to
DD-WRT v24 std (c) 2008 NewMedia-NET GmbH
Release: 07/27/08 (SVN revision: 10011)
DD-WRT login:


msf > connect -h
Usage: connect [options]  Communicate with a host, similar to interacting via netcat, taking advantage of
any configured session pivoting.OPTIONS:-C        Try to use CRLF for EOL sequence.-P <opt>  Specify source port.-S <opt>  Specify source address.-c <opt>  Specify which Comm to use.-h        Help banner.-i <opt>  Send the contents of a file.-p <opt>  List of proxies to use.-s        Connect with SSL.-u        Switch to a UDP socket.-w <opt>  Specify connect timeout.-z        Just try to connect, then return.msf >


edit命令将使用$ VISUAL或$ EDITOR编辑当前模块。 默认情况下,这在Vim中打开的当前模块。

msf exploit(ms10_061_spoolss) > edit
[*] Launching /usr/bin/vim /usr/share/metasploit-framework/modules/exploits/windows/smb/ms10_061_spoolss.rb##
# This module requires Metasploit: http//
# Current source:
##require 'msf/core'
require 'msf/windows_error'class Metasploit3 > Msf::Exploit::RemoteRank = ExcellentRankinginclude Msf::Exploit::Remote::DCERPCinclude Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMBinclude Msf::Exploit::EXEinclude Msf::Exploit::WbemExecdef initialize(info = {})


grep命令类似于Linux grep。 它匹配另一个msfconsole命令的输出中的给定模式。 以下是在搜索包含字符串“oracle”的模块时使用grep匹配包含字符串“http”的输出的示例。

msf > grep
Usage: grep [options] pattern cmdGrep the results of a console command (similar to Linux grep command)OPTIONS:-A   Show arg lines of output After a match.-B   Show arg lines of output Before a match.-c        Only print a count of matching lines.-h        Help banner.-i        Ignore case.-k   Keep (include) arg lines at start of output.-m   Stop after arg matches.-s   Skip arg lines of output before attempting match.-v        Invert match.
msf >
msf > grep http search oracleauxiliary/scanner/http/oracle_demantra_database_credentials_leak      2014-02-28       normal     Oracle Demantra Database Credentials Leakauxiliary/scanner/http/oracle_demantra_file_retrieval                 2014-02-28       normal     Oracle Demantra Arbitrary File Retrieval with Authentication Bypassauxiliary/scanner/http/oracle_ilom_login                                               normal     Oracle ILO Manager Login Brute Force Utilityexploit/multi/http/glassfish_deployer                                 2011-08-04       excellent  Sun/Oracle GlassFish Server Authenticated Code Executionexploit/multi/http/oracle_ats_file_upload                             2016-01-20       excellent  Oracle ATS Arbitrary File Uploadexploit/multi/http/oracle_reports_rce                                 2014-01-15       great      Oracle Forms and Reports Remote Code Executionexploit/windows/http/apache_chunked                                   2002-06-19       good       Apache Win32 Chunked Encodingexploit/windows/http/bea_weblogic_post_bof                            2008-07-17       great      Oracle Weblogic Apache Connector POST Request Buffer Overflowexploit/windows/http/oracle9i_xdb_pass                                2003-08-18       great      Oracle 9i XDB HTTP PASS Overflow (win32)exploit/windows/http/oracle_beehive_evaluation                        2010-06-09       excellent  Oracle BeeHive 2 voice-servlet processEvaluation() Vulnerabilityexploit/windows/http/oracle_beehive_prepareaudiotoplay                2015-11-10       excellent  Oracle BeeHive 2 voice-servlet prepareAudioToPlay() Arbitrary File Uploadexploit/windows/http/oracle_btm_writetofile                           2012-08-07       excellent  Oracle Business Transaction Management FlashTunnelService Remote Code Executionexploit/windows/http/oracle_endeca_exec                               2013-07-16       excellent  Oracle Endeca Server Remote Command Executionexploit/windows/http/oracle_event_processing_upload                   2014-04-21       excellent  Oracle Event Processing FileUploadServlet Arbitrary File Uploadexploit/windows/http/osb_uname_jlist                                  2010-07-13       excellent  Oracle Secure Backup Authentication Bypass/Command Injection Vulnerability


msf > helpCore Commands
=============Command       Description-------       -----------?             Help menubanner        Display an awesome metasploit bannercd            Change the current working directorycolor         Toggle colorconnect       Communicate with a host
...snip...Database Backend Commands
=========================Command           Description-------           -----------db_connect        Connect to an existing databasedb_disconnect     Disconnect from the current database instancedb_export         Export a file containing the contents of the databasedb_import         Import a scan result file (filetype will be auto-detected)


info命令将提供有关特定模块的详细信息,包括所有选项,目标和其他信息。 请务必在使用前仔细阅读模块说明,因为有些说明可能会产生相反的效果。


msf  exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) > info exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index Name: Microsoft SRV2.SYS SMB Negotiate ProcessID Function Table DereferenceModule: exploit/windows/smb/ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_indexVersion: 14774Platform: WindowsPrivileged: YesLicense: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)Rank: GoodProvided by:Laurent Gaffie hdm sf Available targets:Id  Name--  ----0   Windows Vista SP1/SP2 and Server 2008 (x86)Basic options:Name   Current Setting  Required  Description----   ---------------  --------  -----------RHOST                   yes       The target addressRPORT  445              yes       The target portWAIT   180              yes       The number of seconds to wait for the attack to complete.Payload information:Space: 1024Description:This module exploits an out of bounds function table dereference in the SMB request validation code of the SRV2.SYS driver included with Windows Vista, Windows 7 release candidates (not RTM), and Windows 2008 Server prior to R2. Windows Vista without SP1 does not seem affected by this flaw.References:  exploit(ms09_050_smb2_negotiate_func_index) >

运行irb命令将使您进入实时Ruby解释器shell,您可以在其中发出命令并动态创建Metasploit脚本。 此功能对于理解Framework的内部结构也非常有用。

jobs是在后台运行的模块。 jobs命令提供列出和终止这些作业的功能。

msf > jobs -h
Usage: jobs [options]Active job manipulation and interaction.OPTIONS:-K        Terminate all running jobs.-h        Help banner.-i   Lists detailed information about a running job.-k   Terminate the specified job name.-l        List all running jobs.-v        Print more detailed info.  Use with -i and -lmsf >


msf exploit(ms10_002_aurora) > kill 0
Stopping job: 0...[*] Server stopped.


load命令会从metasploit插件库里加载插件。参数在shell上以key = val的形式传递。

msf > load
Usage: load  [var=val var=val ...]Loads a plugin from the supplied path.  If path is not absolute, first looks
in the user's plugin directory (/root/.msf4/plugins) then
in the framework root plugin directory (/usr/share/metasploit-framework/plugins).
The optional var=val options are custom parameters that can be passed to plugins.msf > load pcap_log
[*] PcapLog plugin loaded.
[*] Successfully loaded plugin: pcap_log



msf > loadpath /home/secret/modulesLoaded 0 modules.


msf > unload pcap_log
Unloading plugin pcap_log...unloaded.



msf > resource
Usage: resource path1 [path2 ...]Run the commands stored in the supplied files.  Resource files may also contain
ruby code between  tags.See also: makerc

某些攻击(如Karmetasploit)使用资源文件在karma.rc文件中运行一组命令来创建攻击。 稍后,我们将讨论在Karmetasploit之外,如何有效攻击。

msf > resource karma.rc
[*] Processing karma.rc for ERB directives.
resource (karma.rc_.txt)> db_connect postgres:toor@
resource (karma.rc_.txt)> use auxiliary/server/browser_autopwn

批处理文件可以大大加快测试和开发时间,并允许用户自动执行许多任务。 除了从msfconsole中加载批处理文件外,还可以使用-r标志在启动时传递它们。 下面的简单示例创建一个批处理文件,以在启动时显示Metasploit版本号。

root@kali:~# echo version > version.rc
root@kali:~# msfconsole -r version.rc_                                                    _
/     /         __                         _   __  /_/ __
| |  / | _____               ___   _____ | | /   _
| | /| | | ___ |- -|   /    / __ | -__/ | || | || | |- -|
|_|   | | | _|__  | |_  / - __    | |    | | __/| |  | |_|/  |____/  ___/ / \___/   /     __|    |_  ___Frustrated with proxy pivoting? Upgrade to layer-2 VPN pivoting with
Metasploit Pro -- type 'go_pro' to launch it now.=[ metasploit v4.8.2-2014021901 [core:4.8 api:1.0] ]
+ -- --=[ 1265 exploits - 695 auxiliary - 202 post ]
+ -- --=[ 330 payloads - 32 encoders - 8 nops      ][*] Processing version.rc for ERB directives.
resource (version.rc)> version
Framework: 4.8.2-2014022601
Console  : 4.8.2-2014022601.15168
msf >


Metasploit中的route命令允许您通过会话或“comm”路由套接字,从而提供基本的pivoting功能。 要添加路由,请传递目标子网和网络掩码,然后传递会话(comm)编号。

meterpreter > route -h
Route traffic destined to a given subnet through a supplied session.Usage:route [add/remove] subnet netmask [comm/sid]route [add/remove] cidr [comm/sid]route [get] route [flush]route [print]Subcommands:add - make a new routeremove - delete a route; 'del' is an aliasflush - remove all routesget - display the route for a given targetprint - show all active routesExamples:Add a route for all hosts from to through session 1route add 1route add 1Delete the above routeroute remove 1route del 1Display the route that would be used for the given host or networkroute get >meterpreter > routeNetwork routes
==============Subnet           Netmask          Gateway------           -------          -------```
msfconsole包含广泛的基于正则表达式的搜索功能。 如果您对所需内容有一个大概的了解,可以通过搜索进行搜索。 在下面的输出中,正在搜索MS Bulletin MS09-011。 搜索功能将在模块名称,描述,引用等定位此字符串。请注意,Metasploit模块的命名约定使用下划线与连字符。
msf > search usermap_scriptMatching Modules
================Name                                Disclosure Date  Rank       Description----                                ---------------  ----       -----------exploit/multi/samba/usermap_script  2007-05-14       excellent  Samba "username map script" Command Executionmsf >***help***
您可以使用内置关键字系统进一步优化搜索。msf > help search
Usage: search [keywords]Keywords:app       :  Modules that are client or server attacksauthor    :  Modules written by this authorbid       :  Modules with a matching Bugtraq IDcve       :  Modules with a matching CVE IDedb       :  Modules with a matching Exploit-DB IDname      :  Modules with a matching descriptive nameplatform  :  Modules affecting this platformref       :  Modules with a matching reftype      :  Modules of a specific type (exploit, auxiliary, or post)Examples:search cve:2009 type:exploit app:clientmsf >***name***
msf > search name:mysqlMatching Modules
================Name                                               Disclosure Date  Rank       Description----                                               ---------------  ----       -----------auxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_enum                                    normal     MySQL Enumeration Moduleauxiliary/admin/mysql/mysql_sql                                     normal     MySQL SQL Generic Queryauxiliary/analyze/jtr_mysql_fast                                    normal     John the Ripper MySQL Password Cracker (Fast Mode)auxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_authbypass_hashdump  2012-06-09       normal     MySQL Authentication Bypass Password Dumpauxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_hashdump                              normal     MYSQL Password Hashdumpauxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_login                                 normal     MySQL Login Utilityauxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_schemadump                            normal     MYSQL Schema Dumpauxiliary/scanner/mysql/mysql_version                               normal     MySQL Server Version Enumerationexploit/linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_getname            2010-01-25       good       MySQL yaSSL CertDecoder::GetName Buffer Overflowexploit/linux/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello              2008-01-04       good       MySQL yaSSL SSL Hello Message Buffer Overflowexploit/windows/mysql/mysql_payload                2009-01-16       excellent  Oracle MySQL for Microsoft Windows Payload Executionexploit/windows/mysql/mysql_yassl_hello            2008-01-04       average    MySQL yaSSL SSL Hello Message Buffer Overflow
msf >***platform***
使用type让你过滤模块类型,比如auxiliary,post,exploit等。msf > search type:postMatching Modules
================Name                                                Disclosure Date  Rank    Description----                                                ---------------  ----    -----------post/linux/gather/checkvm                                            normal  Linux Gather Virtual Environment Detectionpost/linux/gather/enum_cron                                          normal  Linux Cron Job Enumerationpost/linux/gather/enum_linux                                         normal  Linux Gather System Information
使用author关键字可以让你搜索到你最喜欢的作者写的模块msf > search author:dookieMatching Modules
================Name                                                       Disclosure Date  Rank     Description----                                                       ---------------  ----     -----------exploit/osx/http/evocam_webserver                          2010-06-01       average  MacOS X EvoCam HTTP GET Buffer Overflowexploit/osx/misc/ufo_ai                                    2009-10-28       average  UFO: Alien Invasion IRC Client Buffer Overflow Exploitexploit/windows/browser/amaya_bdo                          2009-01-28       normal   Amaya Browser v11.0 bdo tag overflow

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