YDOOK:Pytorch : AI : torch.tensor.size() 与 torch.tensor.shape 的区别


1. torch.tensor.size() 可用通过 :torch.tensor.size(具体的某一子张量矩阵下标) :来获取对应的具体的某一子张量矩阵的维度结构;

2. torch.tensor.shape 不可用通过 :torch.tensor.shape (具体的某一子张量矩阵下标) :来获取对应的具体的某一子张量矩阵的维度结构,

但是可以通过:torch.tensor.shape (具体的某一子张量矩阵下标) 来获取对应的具体的某一子张量矩阵的具体内容;


import torcha1 = torch.zeros(0)
a2 = torch.zeros(1)
a3 = torch.zeros(1, 1)
a4 = torch.zeros(2, 3)
a5 = torch.zeros(2, 3, 5)print('a1 = ', a1)
print('a2 = ', a2)
print('a3 = ', a3)
print('a4 = ', a4)
print('a5 = ', a5)# JY Lin YDOOK
# Print the size of tensor valuables
print('a1.size() = ', a1.size())
print('a2.size() = ', a2.size())
print('a3.size() = ', a3.size())
print('a4.size() = ', a4.size())
print('a5.size() = ', a5.size())# torch.size() 可以指定特定的子维度数组的维度规模
print('a1.size(0) = ', a1.size(0))
print('a2.size(0) = ', a2.size(0))
print('a3.size(1) = ', a3.size(1))
print('a4.size(1) = ', a4.size(1))
print('a5.size(1) = ', a5.size(1))# JY Lin YDOOK
# torch.shape() 可以指定特定的子维度数组的维度下的具体内容
print('a1.shape[0] = ', a1.shape[0])
print('a2.shape[0] = ', a2.shape[0])
print('a3.shape[0] = ', a3.shape[0])
print('a4.shape[0] = ', a4.shape[0])
print('a5.shape[0] = ', a5.shape[0])print('a3.shape[1] = ', a3.shape[1])
print('a4.shape[1] = ', a4.shape[1])
print('a5.shape[1] = ', a5.shape[1])print('a5.shape[2] = ', a5.shape[2])


D:\Anaconda\python.exe F:/AI/Pytorch/AI2/A2.py
a1 =  tensor([])
a2 =  tensor([0.])
a3 =  tensor([[0.]])
a4 =  tensor([[0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0.]])
a5 =  tensor([[[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]],[[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.],[0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]])a1.size() =  torch.Size([0])
a2.size() =  torch.Size([1])
a3.size() =  torch.Size([1, 1])
a4.size() =  torch.Size([2, 3])
a5.size() =  torch.Size([2, 3, 5])a1.size(0) =  0
a2.size(0) =  1
a3.size(1) =  1
a4.size(1) =  3
a5.size(1) =  3a1.shape[0] =  0
a2.shape[0] =  1
a3.shape[0] =  1
a4.shape[0] =  2
a5.shape[0] =  2
a3.shape[1] =  1
a4.shape[1] =  3
a5.shape[1] =  3
a5.shape[2] =  5Process finished with exit code 0

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