
You might not know it, but when I’m not writing here at SitePoint, I regularly post app round-ups and reviews (both on my site and elsewhere). This means I get a lot of pitches from new SaaS owners wanting to see if I’d be interested in covering their app.

您可能不知道,但是当我不在SitePoint上写作时 ,我会定期发布应用综述和评论(无论是在我的网站上还是在其他地方 )。 这意味着我从新的SaaS所有者那里得到了很多建议,希望了解我是否有兴趣介绍他们的应用程序。

Sadly, a lot of these are bad pitches. Bordering on “Nigerian prince” bad. And whether you’re pitching to a blogger with a smaller audience or a review columnist at a major publication (online or off), if you’re sending pitches like some of the ones I’ve received, your chances of getting coverage are next to zero — no matter how good your app is.

可悲的是,其中许多都是不好的建议 濒临“尼日利亚王子”。 而且,无论您是向受众较小的博客作者或是主要出版物(在线或非公开)的评论专栏作家推销,如果您要发送像我所收到的那样的推销信息,那么接下来将有机会获得覆盖零-无论您的应用程序有多好。

If you’re running a new business and have just launched your SaaS, chances are you’re busy. I get it — I do — but sending a sloppy email pitch isn’t going to get you any coverage, and it doesn’t take much more time to send a solid pitch instead. Keep reading and you’ll find out how.

如果您正在开展新业务并且刚刚启动了SaaS,那么您可能很忙。 我知道了-我知道了-但是发送草率的电子邮件提示并不会给您带来任何覆盖,而且发送固定提示不会花费太多时间。 继续阅读,您会发现如何做。

坚实的基音 (A Solid Pitch)

Here’s a pitch email I received from Nikolay at Casual, who kindly agreed to let me share it. He did pretty much everything right:

这是我从Casual的 Nikolay收到的一封推销电子邮件,请允许我分享。 他几乎做对了所有事情:

让我们分解一下: (Let’s break this down:)

  1. Clear subject line. I get a lot of email, so it’s a pet peeve of mine when a pitch email is disguised as something else via an unclear subject line (whether intentionally or not).

    清除主题行。 我收到很多电子邮件,所以当主题电子邮件因主题行不清楚(无论是否有意)而伪装成其他邮件时,这是我的宠儿。

  2. His opening sentence shows that he’s actually checked into my recent review history and the type of content I do. This clearly isn’t a bland copied and pasted pitch email, which automatically endears me to him. Nobody wants to feel like they’re on the receiving end of a form email.

    他的开场白表明,他实际上已经检查了我最近的评论历史以及我所做内容的类型。 这显然不是一副平淡无奇的复制和粘贴推销电子邮件,它自动使我对他很感兴趣。 没有人会想像他们正在接收表单电子邮件。

  3. He nicely asks for a review. Which is the whole purpose of his email.

    他很好地要求进行审查。 这是他电子邮件的全部目的。

  4. He politely reminds me that I had previously mentioned them. Which sparks my memory and automatically makes me think, “Okay, if I liked them before, they’re probably actually a good fit for my audience.”

    他礼貌地提醒我,我之前已经提到过它们。 这激发了我的记忆,并自动使我想到:“好吧,如果我以前喜欢它们,它们实际上很可能适合我的观众。”

  5. And he closes on a friendly but professional note.


I reviewed Casual a few weeks later, and he followed up with a thank you note in addition to the company Twitter handle for re-sharing the tweets of the review article. All in all, a very positive experience for both parties.

几周后 ,我对Casual进行了评论 ,除了对公司Twitter的处理以重新分享评论文章的推文之外,他还提供了感谢信。 总而言之,对双方来说都是非常积极的经历。

音调不好 (A Poor Pitch)

In contrast to that experience, around the same time, I got a pitch to review another project management tool. Here’s how that experience went:

与那次经验形成对比,大约在同一时间,我提出了审查另一个项目管理工具的建议。 这种经历是这样的:

  1. I got the initial pitch email on August 11, which was clearly a form email with one word changed to refer to my site/name.


  2. The product itself doesn’t look like it’s intended for my target audience (typically solopreneurs, freelancers, or at largest, teams of up to five people), so I replied that I would cover it if they set up a test environment for me to save me some time.


  3. I didn’t hear back for over two weeks.


  4. In the meantime, I received several spammy comments on my articles around the web, clearly written by marketing people for this app, suggesting I look into reviewing it.


  5. Less than a week after the initial pitch (three days, to be specific), I had another person pitch me via Twitter on covering it and using it in my own freelance writing practice. Not only did they repeat the pitch, but they attempted to debate with me when I replied that it didn’t look like it was intended for freelancers — by saying that Gantt charts are useful for freelancers. Whether that’s true or not, and I’d argue it isn’t, few freelancers would pay $50/month for a project management tool for that feature — and rightly so, given that they can get it elsewhere for free.

    最初的推销后不到一周(具体来说,是三天),我让另一个人通过Twitter向我推销,报道了它并将其用于我自己的自由写作实践中。 他们不仅重复了演讲的内容,而且当我回答它看起来不适合自由职业者时,他们尝试与我辩论,说甘特图对自由职业者很有用。 不管这是真的还是假的(我会说不是),很少有自由职业者会为该功能的项目管理工具每月支付50美元-这样做是对的,因为他们可以免费在其他地方获得它 。

  6. When I did hear back from the marketing person, weeks later, they said they’d set up a account with a sample project… but as far as I can tell, they’d just set me up an account, period. And then the marketing person followed up less than week later asking when the review would be up.

    几周后,当我确实收到营销人员的回音时,他们说他们将为一个示例项目设置一个帐户……但是据我所知,他们只是为我设置了一个帐户。 然后,营销人员不到一周的时间就跟进,询问何时进行审核。

I’m a huge fan of being proactive with social media marketing — I wrote a whole article about it for FastCompany. But this is not the way to do it. The whole experience left a bad taste in my mouth and they’ve virtually guaranteed I will never write about them or mention them in any app round-ups.

我非常乐于主动参与社交媒体营销-我为FastCompany撰写了整篇文章 。 但这不是这样做的方法。 整个体验让我很讨厌,他们几乎保证我永远不会写任何关于它们的信息,也不会在任何应用摘要中提及它们。

这种方法有什么问题? (What was wrong with this approach?)

  • A form email. It’s not interesting, it seems cold and unfriendly, and unless your product is seriously amazing or has a great angle, it’s not compelling at all.

    表格电子邮件。 没什么好玩的,它看起来冷酷而且不友好,并且除非您的产品令人惊叹或具有大角度,否则它绝对不会令人信服。

  • A lack of audience fit. If the person typically does reviews from a freelancer’s POV, pitching them an enterprise-level app is going to seem out of place, and vice versa.

    缺乏观众适合度。 如果此人通常从自由职业者的POV进行评论,则向他们推荐企业级应用似乎不合适,反之亦然。

  • Not just a lack of audience fit, but an attempt to argue with the writer about what their audience will be interested in. Different writers have different niche audiences, and as tempting as it can be to convince someone it really is a fit, if they say it’s not, it’s probably not, and trying to convince them otherwise will seem patronizing and borderline rude.


  • Repetitive pitches from different people on different platforms. Nobody likes to feel like they’re being barraged.

    来自不同平台上不同人员的重复宣传。 没有人喜欢觉得自己受到了指责。

  • Slow reply time, followed by a too-fast follow up. I only do one review per week, so following up less than week later to see if I had done the review yet would be too fast even if the person hadn’t just taken over two weeks to reply to me.

    回复时间慢,随后跟进得太快。 我只是每周做一个检讨,跟进不到一周之后,看看我做了检讨又是即使该人没有刚刚接手两周回复我太快。

这就是事情:作家想要内容 (Here’s the Thing: Writers Want Content)

They’re always seeking out new things to review or write about. They want to hear from you, but they’re also very busy (and probably have a backlog of pieces they could be working on at any given moment). In other words, you have to make it easy for them to write about you and your company.

他们一直在寻找新的事物进行审查或撰写。 他们希望听到你的声音,但他们也很忙的(也可能有,他们可以在任何时刻被工作件的积压)。 换句话说,您必须使他们易于撰写有关您和您的公司的信息。

这意味着,如果您想获得覆盖,则需要遵循以下提示: (Which means that, if you want to get coverage, you need to follow these tips:)

  • Checking for audience fit. It’ll take less than ten minutes to see if your SaaS fits in with what the writer typically covers, and it’ll save you a lot more than that in wasted pitching time.

    检查观众是否合适。 只需不到十分钟的时间即可查看您的SaaS是否符合作者通常所涵盖的内容,并且比浪费的投稿时间节省了很多。

  • Customizing the email. This should take 3-5 minutes per email, tops. Add a note about what they’ve reviewed last, what you like about their site, or why you think their audience might be interested.

    自定义电子邮件。 每个电子邮件最多需要3-5分钟。 添加关于他们最近评论的内容,您对他们的网站的喜欢程度或您为什么认为他们的受众感兴趣的注释。

  • Follow up at reasonable intervals. This is going to depend on how regularly the writer posts reviews or coverage, and how much interest they expressed in reviewing your product. If they said they were interested and that they’d get to it, but you haven’t heard anything two or three weeks later, it’s okay to follow up. If they didn’t reply to your email or express interest, follow up once two weeks later, and if you don’t hear back after that, it’s probably safe to assume they’re not interested.

    合理间隔进行跟进。 这将取决于作者发表评论或报道的频率,以及他们对您的产品发表评论的兴趣。 如果他们说他们有兴趣并且愿意解决,但是两三周后您仍然没有听到任何声音,可以跟进。 如果他们没有回复您的电子邮件或表示有兴趣,请在两周后跟进一次,如果您在此之后没有收到回音,则可以肯定地认为他们不感兴趣。

  • Share the review or post on your social channels. Not only does this create social proof for your app, it’s a nice gesture of goodwill to the writer.

    分享评论或发布在您的社交渠道上。 这不仅为您的应用程序创建了社交证明,而且对编写者而言是一种很好的善意。

  • Send a thank you note afterwards. It’s just polite.

    之后发送感谢信。 很有礼貌

  • If you’ve got more than one person pitching, use a CRM app to keep track of who’s been pitched and when. This will prevent the reviewer feeling bombarded from all angles. Here’s a few suggestions for apps to use, and if you work from inside Gmail or Google Apps, Streak is another great (free!) option. With the proliferation of apps out there, there is no excuse for annoying repeat pitches.

    如果您的推销员不止一个,请使用CRM应用程序来跟踪谁被推销以及何时推销。 这样可以防止审稿人从各个角度受到轰炸。 以下是一些有关要使用的应用程序的建议 ,如果您是在Gmail或Google Apps内部工作的, Streak是另一个不错的选择(免费!)。 随着各种应用的泛滥, 没有烦人的重复推销的借口。

  • If you have a marketing person or team working for you, check in on what they’re doing to make sure they’re following the above guidelines. Sadly, the second scenario outlined above was with a SaaS that had a team behind it — which means the marketing budget is being wasted (because I can guarantee with tactics like that, their success rate for getting coverage is pretty low).

    如果您有市场营销人员或团队为您工作,请检查他们在做什么,以确保他们遵循上述准则。 令人遗憾的是,上面概述的第二种情况是在SaaS背后拥有一个团队-这意味着营销预算正在浪费(因为我可以用这样的策略保证,它们获得覆盖率的成功率很低)。

The results of these additions to your PR strategy will likely result in pitching to less people, with a higher success rate. Which means that the same amount of time will be involved (or less!), with better results. And who doesn’t want that?

这些添加到您的PR策略中的结果可能会导致向更少的人推销产品,并具有较高的成功率。 这意味着将花费相同的时间(或更短的时间!),从而获得更好的结果。 谁不想要那个?

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/pitch-saas/



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