解读report_nonscan_cells -summary得到的report

在Tetramax中使用 report_nonscan_cells -summary
报告none-scan FF时,会得到如下的报告:


  • C0 (constant zero) - This is a nonscan cell that has been initialized to a 0 state from the test setup procedure and will always retain that state in the presence of the current PI (primary input) constraints.
  • C1 (constant one) - This is a nonscan cell that has been initialized to a 1 state from the test setup procedure and will always retain that state in the presence of the current PI constraints.
  • CU (clock unstable) - This is a nonscan cell that does not have clock-off stability and does not qualify to be a transparent latch (described below).
  • L0 (load 0) - This is a nonscan cell that has been set to a 0 state at the end of the scan chain load, but is not restricted to always retain the state.
  • L1 (load 1) - This is a nonscan cell that has been set to a 1 state at the end of the scan chain load, but is not restricted to always retain the state.
  • TLA (transparent latch) - This is a nonscan DLAT that is not stable when all clocks are off. This allows it the opportunity to behave as a transparent latch when one of its clock inputs is active while the other clock/set/reset inputs are inactive. The transparency condition must occur at the force_pi time of a pattern when all clocks are off.
  • LE (leading edge clock behavior) - This is a nonscan DFF that is stable when all clocks are off and the clock-off state results in a 0 on its clock input lines. An LE cell captures data on the leading edge of a clock pulse.
  • TE (trailing edge clock behavior) - This is a nonscan DFF that is stable when all clocks are off and the clock-off state results in a 1 on its clock input lines. A TE cell captures data on the trailing edge of a clock pulse.
  • LS (level sensitive behavior) - This is a nonscan DLAT that is stable when all clocks are off.

如上面的 #CU=184 的意思是:clock unstable的nonscan cell有184个。

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