Nginx's Moscow office is being searched due to the criminal case brought by Rambler Group提起刑事诉讼,正在对Rambler Group (the official response of the company's press office to this issue and confirmation of claims against Nginx is below). The photo of the search warrant is provided as the evidence of the criminal case initiated on December 4, 2019 under Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 'Violation of Author's and Neighboring Rights'.Nginx的莫斯科办事处进行搜查(该公司新闻办公室对此事的正式答复以及对Nginx的索赔的确认在下面)。 提供了搜查令的照片作为根据俄罗斯联邦《违反作者的权利和邻接权》刑法第146条于2019年12月4日提起的刑事案件的证据。

Nginx搜索凭单 (Nginx search warrant)

It is assumed the complaintant is Rambler, and the defendant is still an 'unidentified group of persons', and in the long run — the founder of Nginx, Igor Sysoyev.

假定申诉人是漫步者,而被告仍然是一个“身份不明的人”,从长远来看,它是Nginx的创始人Igor Sysoyev。

The point of the claim: Igor started working on Nginx as an employee of Rambler and only after the tool became popular he founded a separate company and attracted investments.


It is not clear why Rambler revised its 'property' only 15 years later.


The first information about the searches and the criminal case was published on Twitter by @igorippolitov, apparently an employee of Nginx. According to Ippolitov, representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs forced him to remove the tweet, but there are still screenshots and photos of the search warrant, which are now distributed online.

有关搜索和刑事案件的第一条信息由@igorippolitov (显然是Nginx的雇员)发布在Twitter上。 根据Ippolitov的说法,内务部的代表强迫他删除了这条推文,但仍然有搜查令的屏幕截图和照片,现在已经在网上发布。

So far there has been no official confirmation by Sysoyev or Nginx officials that the search was conducted. Perhaps this is due to the peculiarities of the criminal proceedings.

到目前为止,尚未由Sysoyev或Nginx官员正式确认进行了搜索。 也许这是由于刑事诉讼程序的特殊性。

If the document photographed by Nginx's employee is real, the criminal case was initiated under parts B and C of the Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which means 'on an especially large scale'… 'committed by a group of persons by previous concert or by an organised group':


shall be punishable by compulsory labour for a term of up to five years, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to six years accompanied by a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand roubles or in the amount of a wage/salary or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years or without such.


Thus, Sysoyev and other founders are at risk not only of losing the project, but also up to 6 years in prison.



From an interview with Igor Sysoyev to Hacker magazine on Habr (based on Windev's comment to this news):

从对Igor Sysoyev的采访到哈伯 (Habr)的Hacker杂志(基于Windev对这则新闻的评论 ):

—有趣的是,您既在Rambler上也在Nginx上工作。 漫步者没有任何权利? 这是一个微妙的问题。 您如何设法保留该项目的权利? (— Interestingly, you had been working both for Rambler and on Nginx. Rambler didn't have any rights? It's such a delicate question. How did you manage to keep the rights to the project?)

— Yes, it's a pretty delicate question. Of course, you are not the only one interested in this question, we also have worked on it quite thoroughly. In Russia, the legislation is arranged in such a way that the company owns what is done within the labor duties or under a separate contract. So, there should be a contract with a person, where it would be said: it is necessary to develop a software product. At Rambler I worked as a system administrator, developing in my spare time, and the product was released under the BSD license as open source software from the very beginning. In Rambler, Nginx began to be used when the main functionality was ready. Moreover, even the first use of Nginx was not in Rambler, but in and

是的,这是一个非常微妙的问题。 当然,您不是唯一对此问题感兴趣的人,我们也对此进行了相当详尽的研究。 在俄罗斯,法律的安排方式是,公司拥有在劳动职责范围内或根据单独的合同进行的工作。 因此,应该与人签订合同,说:开发软件产品是必要的。 在Rambler,我以系统管理员的身份工作,在业余时间进行开发,并且该产品从一开始就以BSD许可证的形式发布为开源软件 。 在Rambler中,主要功能就绪后便开始使用Nginx。 而且,即使首次使用Nginx也不在Rambler中,而是在Rate.ee和zvuki.ru中

UPD#2: (UPD #2:)

According to unconfirmed information, Sysoyev and Konovalov were apprehended.

根据未经证实的消息 ,Sysoyev和Konovalov被捕。

UPD#3: (UPD #3:)

The commentary was published by the editorial office of the media and the Kommersant newspaper:


In this regard Rambler Internet Holding has assigned the right to bring claims and actions related to the violation of the rights to Nginx to Lynwood Investments CY Ltd, which has the necessary competence to restore justice in the issue of ownership.

在这方面,Rambler Internet Holding有权将与侵犯Nginx权利有关的索赔和诉讼移交给Lynwood Investments CY Ltd,Lynwood Investments CY Ltd具有在所有权问题上恢复公正的必要能力。

漫步者集团新闻服务 (press service of Rambler Group)

According to Kommersant, Lynwood Investments is associated with Rambler Group co-owner Alexander Mamut. Through this company the businessman owned the British book chain Waterstones.

根据Kommersant的说法,Lynwood Investments与Rambler Group的共同所有者Alexander Mamut有关联。 通过这家公司,商人拥有英国图书连锁公司Waterstones。

Kommersant published some more statements by Rambler's press office:


Nginx是专有的 (Nginx is a proprietary)

creation Igor Sysoyev has developed as part of his employment with Rambler since the early 2000s, so

自2000年代初以来,Igor Sysoyev的工作就发展成为Rambler的工作之一,因此

未经Rambler Group允许,任何使用该程序的行为均侵犯专有权 (any use of the program without the permission of the Rambler Group is a violation of an exclusive right)


蓝巴勒海峡集团针对Kommersant的新闻办公室 (Rambler Group's press office for Kommersant)

UPD#4: (UPD #4:)

Russian businessman Igor Ashmanov, who was the COO of Rambler at the beginning of the 00s, commented on the news about the search at the Nginx's office on

00年代初担任Rambler首席运营官的俄罗斯商人Igor Ashmanov在roem.ru上Nginx的办公室对有关搜索的消息发表了评论:

>Sysoyev worked during working hours, in Rambler's office, on Rambler's equipment. 'His free time began after he left the office'.

  1. This is bullshit. There is no such thing in our legislation. It needs to proved, you need to get work assignment [to consider worker's creation belongs to company]. 'On official equipment' or 'during working hours' — this doesn't work. Everything is possible — and the intellectual property belongs to the author.
  2. Besides, when hiring Sysoyev — I hired him in 2000 — it was specifically mentioned that he had his own project and he had the right to run it. It was called something like mod_accel at the time and he gave it the name Nginx somewhere between 2001–2002.

    I can testify about it in court, if necessary.

    And my partner in '

    Ashmanov and Partners' and Kribrum, Dmitry Pashko — technical director of Rambler and Sysoyev's supervisor back then — I think [can do it] too.

  3. He worked in Rambler as a sysadmin.

    Software development was not the part of his job description at all.

  4. I don't think Rambler can show a single piece of paper, not to mention a non-existent assignment to develop web server.

> Sysoyev在工作时间内在蓝巴勒邦的办公室里使用蓝巴勒德的设备。 “他的空闲时间是他离开办公室后开始的”。

  1. 这是胡扯。 我们的立法中没有这样的事情。 它需要证明,您需要获得工作分配(以考虑工人的创造属于公司)。 “在官方设备上”或“在工作时间” —这不起作用。 一切皆有可能-知识产权归作者所有。
  2. 此外,在聘请Sysoyev时( 我于2000聘用了他),特别提到他拥有自己的项目,他有权运行该项目。 当时它被称为mod_accel之类的东西,他在2001–2002年间给它取了一个Nginx的名字。



    阿什曼诺夫(Ashmanov)和合伙人(Partner 's)以及克里布(Kribrum) ,德米特里·帕什科(Dmitry Pashko)–当时的蓝巴勒(Rambler)技术总监和Sysoyev的主管–我认为[也可以做到]。

  3. 他在Rambler担任系统管理员。


  4. 我认为Rambler不能只展示一张纸,更不用说开发Web服务器时不存在的任务了。

UPD#5: (UPD #5:)

The source of who is familiar with Nginx employees claims Sysoyev and Konovalov were released from the Moscow police station and both had their phones confiscated.

熟悉Nginx员工的thebell.io消息人士称, Sysoyev和Konovalov从莫斯科警察局被释放,他们的手机都被没收了。

UPD#6: (UPD #6:)

After questioning the CEO of Nginx shared his thoughts on the search and its motivation with Forbes. According to Konovalov, the searches were carried out at home, and not just at the company's office:

问完之后,Nginx的首席执行官与《福布斯》分享了他对搜索及其动机的看法 。 根据Konovalov的说法,搜索是在家里进行的,而不仅仅是在公司办公室进行:

They came to me at 7 a.m. — special police with machine guns… some people with my picture asking neighbours where I live, even though I had never holed up.


福布斯 (Forbes)

Nginx CEO believes the reason for the criminal case and searches was the sale of the project to F5 company for $670 million:


If we hadn't sold the company or sold it cheaply, or went bankrupt, none of this would have happened.


Konovalov is also grateful to the community for the wave of support:


I haven't read the news yet, but I have heard of a huge wave of support. A many thanks to everyone. We're just very glad that there is such support.

我还没有读过新闻,但是我听到了巨大的支持热潮。 非常感谢大家。 我们很高兴获得如此支持。

In the near future Konovalov and Sysoev are planning to develop a plan to protect Nginx from Rambler's claims.



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