How can I (automatically) move to the currently playing track in the playlist?[edit]

By default, double-clicking the status bar will highlight the currently playing track. To make it automatic, select Playback > Cursor follows playback.

preference 设置: (注意右边的 Navigate 栏)


shell integration: Sets "enqueue in foobar2000" as the default (double-click) action, rather than "play in foobar2000"

How can I fill in tags based on file names or directory structure?[edit]

Right click on the file(s) in the playlist → open the Properties dialog → choose "Automatically Fill Values" from its "Tools" menu. For more details, see the Automatically Fill Values page.

How can I make a playlist containing files recently added to the media library?[edit]

One of the information which the official playback statistics component (foo_playcount) collects is the time a file was added to the Media Library. This data is accessible by the %added% field, so you can search by a query such as %added% DURING LAST 2 WEEKS in Facets, Album List, or Media Library Search.

CUI: Column UI

Playlist switcher

Displays your playlists, with the active playlist selected.

  • Left click on a playlist
    Switches to that playlist.

  • Right click on a playlist
    Brings up the context menu containing actions for that playlist, and all of the tracks in that playlist.

  • Middle or double clicking or left button dragging
    Performs various tasks depending on your settings. See configuration section for more details.

  • Dropping files on a playlist with left button
    Switches to that playlist, and adds the tracks to that playlist.

  • Dropping files on an empty area with left button
    Sends files to a new playlist.

  • Dropping files with right button
    Shows context menu allowing you to send the items to the playlist under the mouse, or to a new playlist.
    The colours of this panel can also be adjusted in preferences, as many other settings covered in the preferences section of this document.

用Notepad++高亮foobar的script: (22楼by:ARiel G)

paste into %appdata%\notepad++\UserDefineLang.xml or UserDefineLang.xml whereever you installed np++(没有就新建一个,我是照第一种方法做的,然后就能在语言菜单栏中选foobar2000)


In foobar2000 go to:
Library... Cofigure... Preferences... Columns UI... Playlist View
in the tab Grouping change the original script (which is this)
$if2(%album artist%,<no artist>)[ / %album%]
And this will group together all the mp3 coming from a particular folder, even if they belong to different albums and have different tags...

默认:$if2(%artist%,<no artist>)[ / %album%]

anlternative stripe (交错条纹)


//This is the default script for the title of the main window during playback.

[%album artist% - ][%album% - ]%title%[ '//' %track artist%] $div(%_filesize%,1048576).$num($div($mul($mod(%_filesize%,1048576),100),1048576),2) MB


**And you can also add $tab() to the end of grouping code to remove that horizontal line.

You will need foo_playcount then Library/Playback Statistics/Show recently added will create an autoplaylist for you.






//产生 alternate strips 效果,同时为group指定颜色



如: $puts(temp,%artist%)$if($get(temp),yes,no)    → yes (即使%artist%为空)

但可以这样:$puts(temp,[%artist%])$if($get(temp),yes,no)    → no

title formatiing 默认不理睬回车,要输出可以用:$crlf() 或 $char(10)

to put several elements at the same place, you have to add Tab Stacks (Enable layout editing mode, then right-click on the UI element and "Add splitter"/"Add panel").


%queue_index%  queue的优先级高于列表,在ELPlaylist中可在behaviour栏下设置中键单击音轨目加入queue,所有的queue播放完后就按播放列表播放当前歌曲的下一首。

打开 Preferences →Advanced →Display →Properties Dialog →Standard Fields,在后面加入 “Add Rating=RATING;”,现在打开属性窗口,就会发现里面出现了Rating属性,可直接在其中输入数值1-5.

Playback Statistics插件,可用来评分,并且由于是peter自己开发的,可直接为它设置快捷键,如alt+1设为评1星,alt+2设为评2星……但有一点这个信息不会写入歌曲,但可喜的是能在 Preferences →Advanced →Tools →Playback Statistics中设置立即写入信息,于是现在评分就方便极了,并且同时为多个歌曲评分。

Text Tools, 非常棒的工具,能通过Title Formating语句复制歌曲信息到Clipboard,支持多个文件。

Usage: See Preferences / Tools / Text Tools;  context menu / Utils / Text Tools.

Playback Statistics 插件能在Properties中写入数据,不知道这是怎么做到的,因为我无法手动修改这部分的数据,也不知道这样有什么好处,因为在直接在系统中查看属性还是以Metadata中的Rating字段为主,也就是如果在那里将Rating改为4,这首歌在Wmp中的评级就是4,即使在Propertie栏中它还为5星。


还有一点:在Title Format搜索歌曲时,也不要使用%Rating%,因为这样也是按Properties中信息,而直接用Rating则是metadata数据优先,要想知道哪些歌曲只有Metadata评级而没有Properties评级,可以使用 Rating PRESENT AND %Rating% MISSING 搜索



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