1. 场景


2. C#脚本

C#脚本绑定在Main Camera上,其代码如下:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System;public class PointManController : MonoBehaviour {public GameObject Hip_Center;public GameObject Spine;public GameObject Shoulder_Center;public GameObject Head;public GameObject Shoulder_Left;public GameObject Elbow_Left;public GameObject Wrist_Left;public GameObject Hand_Left;public GameObject Shoulder_Right;public GameObject Elbow_Right;public GameObject Wrist_Right;public GameObject Hand_Right;public GameObject Hip_Left;public GameObject Knee_Left;public GameObject Ankle_Left;public GameObject Foot_Left;public GameObject Hip_Right;public GameObject Knee_Right;public GameObject Ankle_Right;public GameObject Foot_Right;private GameObject[] nodes; private int BONE_POINTS_COUNT=20;private VectorLine bodyLine;private VectorLine leftHandLine;private VectorLine rightHandLine;private VectorLine leftLegLine;private VectorLine rightLegLine;private Vector3[] bodyPoints;private Vector3[] leftHandPoints;private Vector3[] rightHandPoints;private Vector3[] leftLegPoints;private Vector3[] rightLegPoints;private int BODY_POINTS_COUNT=4;private int HAND_POINTS_COUNT=5;private int LEG_POINTS_COUNT=5;private int ENLARGE_SIZE = 100;private StreamReader reader;private float time=0;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {nodes = new GameObject[20] {Hip_Center, Spine, Shoulder_Center, Head,Shoulder_Left, Elbow_Left, Wrist_Left, Hand_Left,Shoulder_Right, Elbow_Right, Wrist_Right, Hand_Right,Hip_Left, Knee_Left, Ankle_Left, Foot_Left,Hip_Right, Knee_Right, Ankle_Right, Foot_Right};         int lineWidth = 2;// init points and linesbodyPoints = new Vector3[BODY_POINTS_COUNT];bodyLine = new VectorLine("Line",bodyPoints,Color.red,null,lineWidth,LineType.Continuous);leftHandPoints = new Vector3[HAND_POINTS_COUNT];leftHandLine = new VectorLine("Line",leftHandPoints,Color.red,null,lineWidth,LineType.Continuous);rightHandPoints = new Vector3[HAND_POINTS_COUNT];rightHandLine = new VectorLine("Line",rightHandPoints,Color.red,null,lineWidth,LineType.Continuous);leftLegPoints = new Vector3[LEG_POINTS_COUNT];leftLegLine = new VectorLine("Line",leftLegPoints,Color.red,null,lineWidth,LineType.Continuous);rightLegPoints = new Vector3[LEG_POINTS_COUNT];rightLegLine = new VectorLine("Line",rightLegPoints,Color.red,null,lineWidth,LineType.Continuous);// init stream readerreader = new StreamReader("data.txt");   readFrameData ();}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {time += Time.deltaTime;if (time >= 0.1) {readFrameData();time = 0;}bodyLine.Draw3D ();leftHandLine.Draw3D ();rightHandLine.Draw3D ();leftLegLine.Draw3D ();rightLegLine.Draw3D ();}bool readFrameData(){string str;str = reader.ReadLine ();if (null == str) {return false;}// parse a frame datastring [] split = str.Split(new Char [] { ':' });print ("The points number is:" + split.GetLength(0));if( split.GetLength(0) != BONE_POINTS_COUNT+1 ){print("The points number(" + split.GetLength(0) + ")" + "is not " + BONE_POINTS_COUNT);return false;}else{int i  = 0;foreach (string s in split) {                      if (s.Trim() != ""){string [] split2 = s.Split( new Char[] {','});string sx = split2[0];string sy = split2[1];string sz = split2[2];float fx = Convert.ToSingle(sx) * ENLARGE_SIZE;float fy = Convert.ToSingle(sy) * ENLARGE_SIZE;float fz = Convert.ToSingle(sz) * ENLARGE_SIZE;setPointData(i,fx,fy,fz);//print( i + ":" + fx + "," + fy + "," + fz + ":");}   i++;}             }return true;}void setPointData(int i,float x, float y, float z){// i is the JointID (0 -19)int index;if (i >= 0 & i <= 3) {// BodybodyPoints[i].x = x;bodyPoints[i].y = y;bodyPoints[i].z = z;      if(2 == i){leftHandPoints [0] = bodyPoints [2];rightHandPoints [0] = bodyPoints [2];}else if(0 == i){leftLegPoints [0] = bodyPoints [0]; rightLegPoints [0] = bodyPoints [0];}nodes[i].transform.position = bodyPoints[i];}else if (i >= 4 & i <= 7) {// Left handindex = i - 3;leftHandPoints[index].x = x;leftHandPoints[index].y = y;leftHandPoints[index].z = z;nodes[i].transform.position = leftHandPoints[index];}else if (i >= 8 & i <= 11) {// Right handindex = i - 7;rightHandPoints[index].x = x;rightHandPoints[index].y = y;rightHandPoints[index].z = z;nodes[i].transform.position = rightHandPoints[index];}else if (i >= 12 & i <= 15) {// Left Legindex = i - 11;leftLegPoints[index].x = x;leftLegPoints[index].y = y;leftLegPoints[index].z = z;nodes[i].transform.position = leftLegPoints[index];}else if (i >= 16 & i <= 19) {// Right Legindex = i - 15;rightLegPoints[index].x = x;rightLegPoints[index].y = y;rightLegPoints[index].z = z;nodes[i].transform.position = rightLegPoints[index];}}

3. 数据格式及示例




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