
Cast 强制类型转换发生在 Logical Plan 转成 Analyzed Logical Plan阶段,

根据表达式 override def inputTypes() 方法进行校验,然后
childrenResolved 最终和 inputTypes 进行校验

    override protected def coerceTypes(plan: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan = plan resolveExpressions {// Skip nodes who's children have not been resolved e if !e.childrenResolved => e
/*** Casts types according to the expected input types for [[Expression]]s.*/object ImplicitTypeCasts extends TypeCoercionRule {.../*** Given an expected data type, try to cast the expression and return the cast expression.** If the expression already fits the input type, we simply return the expression itself.* If the expression has an incompatible type that cannot be implicitly cast, return None.*/def implicitCast(e: Expression, expectedType: AbstractDataType): Option[Expression] = {implicitCast(e.dataType, expectedType).map { dt =>if (dt == e.dataType) e else Cast(e, dt)}}
private def implicitCast(inType: DataType, expectedType: AbstractDataType): Option[DataType] = {// Note that ret is nullable to avoid typing a lot of Some(...) in this local scope.// We wrap immediately an Option after this.@Nullable val ret: DataType = (inType, expectedType) match {// If the expected type is already a parent of the input type, no need to _ if expectedType.acceptsType(inType) => inType// Cast null type (usually from null literals) into target typescase (NullType, target) => target.defaultConcreteType// If the function accepts any numeric type and the input is a string, we follow the hive// convention and cast that input into a doublecase (StringType, NumericType) => NumericType.defaultConcreteType// Implicit cast among numeric types. When we reach here, input type is not acceptable.// If input is a numeric type but not decimal, and we expect a decimal type,// cast the input to (d: NumericType, DecimalType) => DecimalType.forType(d)// For any other numeric types, implicitly cast to each other, e.g. long -> int, int -> longcase (_: NumericType, target: NumericType) => target// Implicit cast between date time typescase (DateType, TimestampType) => TimestampTypecase (TimestampType, DateType) => DateType// Implicit cast from/to stringcase (StringType, DecimalType) => DecimalType.SYSTEM_DEFAULTcase (StringType, target: NumericType) => targetcase (StringType, DateType) => DateTypecase (StringType, TimestampType) => TimestampTypecase (StringType, BinaryType) => BinaryType// Cast any atomic type to (any: AtomicType, StringType) if any != StringType => StringType// When we reach here, input type is not acceptable for any types in this type collection,// try to find the first one we can implicitly (_, TypeCollection(types)) =>types.flatMap(implicitCast(inType, _)).headOption.orNull// Implicit cast between array types.//// Compare the nullabilities of the from type and the to type, check whether the cast of// the nullability is resolvable by the following rules:// 1. If the nullability of the to type is true, the cast is always allowed;// 2. If the nullability of the to type is false, and the nullability of the from type is// true, the cast is never allowed;// 3. If the nullabilities of both the from type and the to type are false, the cast is// allowed only when Cast.forceNullable(fromType, toType) is (ArrayType(fromType, fn), ArrayType(toType: DataType, true)) =>implicitCast(fromType, toType).map(ArrayType(_, true)).orNullcase (ArrayType(fromType, true), ArrayType(toType: DataType, false)) => nullcase (ArrayType(fromType, false), ArrayType(toType: DataType, false))if !Cast.forceNullable(fromType, toType) =>implicitCast(fromType, toType).map(ArrayType(_, false)).orNull// Implicit cast between Map types.// Follows the same semantics of implicit casting between two array types.// Refer to documentation above. Make sure that both key and values// can not be null after the implicit cast operation by calling forceNullable// (MapType(fromKeyType, fromValueType, fn), MapType(toKeyType, toValueType, tn))if !Cast.forceNullable(fromKeyType, toKeyType) && Cast.resolvableNullability(fn, tn) =>if (Cast.forceNullable(fromValueType, toValueType) && !tn) {null} else {val newKeyType = implicitCast(fromKeyType, toKeyType).orNullval newValueType = implicitCast(fromValueType, toValueType).orNullif (newKeyType != null && newValueType != null) {MapType(newKeyType, newValueType, tn)} else {null}}case _ => null}Option(ret)}...}

Expression 的 inputTypes 校验机制

override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {ExpectsInputTypes.checkInputDataTypes(children, inputTypes)}
object ExpectsInputTypes {def checkInputDataTypes(inputs: Seq[Expression],inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType]): TypeCheckResult = {val mismatches = {case ((input, expected), idx) if !expected.acceptsType(input.dataType) =>s"argument ${idx + 1} requires ${expected.simpleString} type, " +s"however, '${input.sql}' is of ${input.dataType.catalogString} type."}if (mismatches.isEmpty) {TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckSuccess} else {TypeCheckResult.TypeCheckFailure(mismatches.mkString(" "))}}

这里以ShiftLeft 举例

/*** Bitwise left shift.** @param left the base number to shift.* @param right number of bits to left shift.*/
@ExpressionDescription(usage = "_FUNC_(base, expr) - Bitwise left shift.",examples = """Examples:> SELECT _FUNC_(2, 1);4""",since = "1.5.0")
case class ShiftLeft(left: Expression, right: Expression)extends BinaryExpression with ImplicitCastInputTypes with NullIntolerant {override def inputTypes: Seq[AbstractDataType] =Seq(TypeCollection(IntegerType, LongType), IntegerType)override def dataType: DataType = left.dataTypeprotected override def nullSafeEval(input1: Any, input2: Any): Any = {input1 match {case l: jl.Long => l << input2.asInstanceOf[jl.Integer]case i: jl.Integer => i << input2.asInstanceOf[jl.Integer]}}override protected def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {defineCodeGen(ctx, ev, (left, right) => s"$left << $right")}
zip 用法


scala> val numbers = Seq(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
numbers: Seq[Int] = List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)scala> val series = Seq(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
series: Seq[Int] = List(10, 11, 12, 13, 14)scala> numbers zip series
res0: Seq[(Int, Int)] = List((0,10), (1,11), (2,12), (3,13), (4,14))scala>
res1: Seq[(Int, Int)] = List((0,10), (1,11), (2,12), (3,13), (4,14))


scala> val series = Seq(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
series: Seq[Int] = List(10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)scala> numbers zip series
res2: Seq[(Int, Int)] = List((0,10), (1,11), (2,12), (3,13), (4,14))

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