
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;typedef void (*func)(); //含简单的定义一个函数指针,很容易用这个方法来实现指令,用作各种handler等等void print()
{cout << "print" <<endl;
}class A
{typedef void (A::*classfunp)();//指明这个函数指针是指向类A的,不能指向其他类的函数public:classfunp g;void print(){cout << "A::print" << endl;}void h(){g = &A::print;  // 将函数print在A中的地址赋给函数指针g。使用&this->print报错为forbids taking the address of a bound memeber function to from a pointer to memeber function,意思就是不能将一个成员函数的地址当成一个指向成员函数的指针,下面解释,为什么(this->*g)();  //去掉this不对,因为g并不是A的一个成员变量,报错为:must use .* or->* to call point-to-member function}};
int main()
{        A a;  a.h(); returnr 0;


4.2Array-to-pointer conversion [conv.array]
1An lvalue or rvalue of type “array ofN T” or “array of unknownbound of T” can be converted to an rvalue
oftype “pointer to T.” The result is a pointer to the first elementof the array.
2 A string literal(2.13.4) that is not a wide string literal can be converted to anrvalue of type “pointer to
char”; awide string literal can be converted to an rvalue of type “pointerto wchar_t”. In either case,
theresult is a pointer to the first element of the array. Thisconversion is considered only when there is an
explicitappropriate pointer target type, and not when there is a general needto convert from an lvalue to an
rvalue.[Note: this conversion is deprecated. See Annex D. ] For the purposeof ranking in overload resolution
(,this conversion is considered an array-to-pointer conversion followedby a qualification
conversion (4.4).[Example: "abc" is converted to “pointer to const char”as an array-to-pointer conversion,
andthen to “pointer to char” as a qualification conversion. ]
4.3Function-to-pointer conversion [conv.func]
1An lvalue of function type T can be converted to an rvalue of type“pointer to T.” The result is a pointer to
2 [Note: See 13.4 foradditional rules for the case where the function is overloaded.]



typedef void (*func)();
void f();
void f(int);func p = f;


signal(intsigno, int (*handler)());



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