
The Romanian Space Association (RSA) discovered a new asteroid, which they called BOI2003. RSA is eager to
explore the asteroid BOI2003, so they built a spaceship to carry scientists to the asteroid. The spaceship they built
has some peculiar features. When the spaceship leaves Earth for the first time it should carry exactly S scientists.
When the spaceship arrives at the asteroid BOI2003, a single scientist lands and the spaceship returns to take over
other S scientists.
The first scientist that landed on BOI2003 suspects the existence of a dangerous virus on the asteroid. Thus he
suggests that, until the research is over, not a single scientist that traveled to BOI2003 should leave the spaceship
when it arrives to Earth.
To be more specific, let’s assume that the scientists are denoted by integers starting at 1. The spaceship works in
the following way:
– the first time it leaves Earth, the spaceship carries the scientists 1, 2, ..., S; one of these scientists lands on the
asteroid and the other S-1 scientists return to Earth (but do not get off the ship);
– the second time the spaceship leaves Earth, the scientists S+1, S+2, ..., 2S gather the S-1 scientists that came
back, and the spaceship carries these 2S-1 scientists to BOI2003; one of them lands on the asteroid and the
spaceship returns to Earth with 2S-2 scientists (again, they do not get off the ship);
– the third time, the scientists 2S+1, 2S+2, ..., 3S together with the other 2S-2 scientists who already are on
the spaceship, travel to BOI2003 and one of them lands on the asteroid;
– and so on.
After N rides, a research team consisting of N scientists has been carried over and is working on the asteroid
Write a program that determines the number of possibilities to form the research team.
Input data (file: ship.in)
The single line of the input file contains the integers S and N, separated by a single space.
Output data (file: ship.out)
The single line of the output file contains an integer K, representing the number of possibilities to form the
research team.
1 ≤ S ≤ 10
1 ≤ N ≤ 40
The spaceship has unlimited capacity.
The order in which the members of the team arrive on the asteroid does not matter.
ship.in ship.out
2 3 14
Time limit: 0.4 seconds/test.










  1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
  2 using namespace std;
  3 const int MAX = 100;
  4 struct BIG
  5 {
  6     int len, s[MAX];
  7     BIG()
  8     {
  9         memset(s, 0, sizeof(s));
 10         len = 1;
 11     }
 12     BIG(int num)
 13     {
 14         *this = num;
 15     }
 16     BIG(const char* num)
 17     {
 18         *this = num;
 19     }
 20     BIG operator = (int num)
 21     {
 22         char s[MAX];
 23         sprintf(s, "%d", num);
 24         *this = s;
 25         return *this;
 26     }
 27     string str() const
 28     {
 29         string res = "";
 30         for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
 31             res = (char)(s[i] + '0') + res;
 32         if(res == "") res = "0";
 33         return res;
 34     }
 35     void clean()
 36     {
 37         while(len > 1 && !s[len-1])
 38             len--;
 39     }
 40     BIG operator = (const char* num)
 41     {
 42         len = strlen(num);
 43         for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
 44             s[i] = num[len-i-1] - '0';
 45         return *this;
 46     }
 47     BIG operator + (const BIG& b) const
 48     {
 49         BIG c;
 50         c.len = 0;
 51         for(int i = 0, g = 0; g || i < max(len, b.len); i++)
 52         {
 53             int x = g;
 54             if(i < len) x += s[i];
 55             if(i < b.len) x += b.s[i];
 56             c.s[c.len++] = x % 10;
 57             g = x / 10;
 58         }
 59         return c;
 60     }
 61     BIG operator * (const BIG& b)
 62     {
 63         BIG c; c.len = len + b.len;
 64         for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
 65               for(int j = 0; j < b.len; j++)
 66                 c.s[i+j] += s[i] * b.s[j];
 67         for(int i = 0; i < c.len-1; i++)
 68         {
 69               c.s[i+1] += c.s[i] / 10;
 70               c.s[i] %= 10;
 71         }
 72         c.clean();
 73         return c;
 74     }
 75     BIG operator - (const BIG& b) {
 76         BIG c;
 77         c.len = 0;
 78         for(int i = 0, g = 0; i < len; i++)
 79         {
 80             int x = s[i] - g;
 81             if(i < b.len)
 82                 x -= b.s[i];
 83             if(x >= 0)
 84                 g = 0;
 85             else
 86             {
 87                 g = 1;
 88                 x += 10;
 89             }
 90             c.s[c.len++] = x;
 91         }
 92         c.clean();
 93         return c;
 94     }
 95     bool operator < (const BIG& b) const
 96     {
 97         if(len != b.len)
 98             return len < b.len;
 99         for(int i = len-1; i >= 0; i--)
100             if(s[i] != b.s[i])
101                 return s[i] < b.s[i];
102         return false;
103     }
104     bool operator > (const BIG& b) const
105     {
106         return b < *this;
107     }
108     bool operator <= (const BIG& b)
109     {
110         return !(b > *this);
111     }
112     bool operator == (const BIG& b)
113     {
114         return !(b < *this) && !(*this < b);
115     }
116     BIG operator += (const BIG& b)
117     {
118         *this = *this + b;
119         return *this;
120     }
121 };
122 ostream& operator << (ostream &out, const BIG& x)
123 {
124     out << x.str();
125     return out;
126 }
127 long long s, p, n;
128 BIG f[60][60], C[20];
129 void init(int n)
130 {
131     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
132         for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)
133             C[j] = C[j] + C[j-1];
134 }
135 int main()
136 {
137     freopen("spaceship.in","r",stdin);
138     freopen("spaceship.out","w",stdout);
139     cin >> s >> n;
140     C[0] = 1, C[1] = 1;
142     //Initiate combination array
143     init(s);
144     f[0][0] = 1;
145     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
146     {
147         for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
148         {
149             if (j < i)
150                 p = 0;
151             else
152                 p = 1;
153             for (int k = p; k <= j; k++)
154                 f[i][j] += C[k]*f[i-1][j-k];
155         }
156     }
157     cout << f[n][n] << endl;
158     return 0;
159 }

 1 #include <bits/stdc++.h>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 long long C[11], s, f[41][41], p, n;
 4 void init(int n)
 5 {
 6     for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++)
 7         for (int j = i; j >= 1; j--)
 8             C[j] = C[j] + C[j-1];
 9 }
10 int main()
11 {
12     freopen("spaceship.in","r",stdin);
13     freopen("spaceship.out","w",stdout);
14     cin >> s >> n;
15     C[0] = 1, C[1] = 1;
17     init(s);
18     f[0][0] = 1;
19     for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
20     {
21         for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++)
22         {
23             if (j < i)
24                 p = 0;
25             else
26                 p = 1;
27             for (int k = p; k <= j; k++)
28                 f[i][j] += C[k]*f[i-1][j-k];
29         }
30     }
31     cout << f[n][n] << endl;
32     return 0;
33 }


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