Professor Xi gained his undergraduate degree in physics from Xi’an Science and Technology University and his masters in system engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University. In 1987 he was the first person in mainland China to be awarded a doctoral degree in the field of management engineering, while in 1993 became the youngest supervisor of PhD candidates in management engineering in China. In 1987 he established HeXie theory and later extended it with his research team into the HeXie (Harmony) Management Theory, one widely recognised in academic circles.

As a visiting professor, he has conducted joint research projects in universities in Canada, America, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Much of his research in China has been designated as national key projects. His research and teaching areas cover development mechanism and strategic analysis of social and economic system, strategic management and policy analysis, decision-making and decision support systems, management behaviour and firm theory, organisational behaviour and leadership, and educational management.

He has successfully supervised over 200 masters and PhD students, while as an author or co-author has published more than 300 academic papers and 30 books. He has received many prizes at provincial and ministerial levels, including National Labour Medal and Young Chinese Scientist Award.

Professor Xi sits on a variety of national-level boards and holds a wide range of titles, including Chairperson of the Business Administration Education Steering Commission under the Ministry of Education and Deputy Dean of SHAANXI MBA College. He is also the founder and chief editor of ManaMaga, a magazine and journal focused on management, as well as an editorial board member of several Chinese academic journals.

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