Chinese checkers

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I think almost everyone play Chinese checkers when we were young.

Recently, hft777 is fond of playing Chinese checkers. But he is puzzled with how many steps at least to move all his pieces to his opposite position.

To make the problem simple, now we take a line into account. There are n positions on a line, numbered from 0 to n-1.At fast, two same balls is on 0 and 1 position, and every time you can move a ball left or right, or you can move a ball on the position x to the position z on the other side of the ball on the position y, and |x-y|=|y-z|. And you must mark sure the ball can’t move out of the bounder, and the two balls can’t be on one same position. Now, hft777 wants to how many steps at least to move the two same to the n-2, n-1 positions.


The first line of the input is one integer t, the number of testcase.
For each testcase, one integer n for a line, corresponding to the length of the line. 2≤n<1000 


For each testcase output the minimum steps.









using namespace std;
const int N = 1010;
int step[N][N];
int que[N*N][2];
int head, tail;void bfs(int n)
{int x, y, nx, ny;memset(step, 0, sizeof(step));step[0][1] = 0;que[0][0] = 0;que[0][1] = 1;head = 0;tail = 1;while(head < tail){x = que[head][0];y = que[head++][1];if((x == n - 1 && y  == n - 2) || (x == n - 2 && y == n - 1))return ;int mmax = max(x, y);int mmin = min(x, y);x = mmin;y = mmax;if(x - 1 > 0) //后面的球向后走1步{nx = x - 1;ny = y;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}if(x + 1 < n && x + 1 != y) //后面的球向前走1步{nx = x + 1;ny = y;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}if(y - 1 > 0 && y - 1 != x) //前面的球向后走1步{nx = x;ny = y - 1;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}if(y + 1 < n) //前面的球向前走一步{nx = x;ny = y + 1;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}if(y * 2 - x < n) //后面的球跨过前面的球向前跳{nx = y;ny = y * 2 - x;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}if(x * 2 - y >= 0) //前面的球跨过后面的球向后跳{nx = x * 2 - y;ny = x;if(!step[nx][ny]){step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;que[tail][0] = nx;que[tail++][1] = ny;}}}
}int main()
{int T, n;bfs(1005);scanf("%d",&T);while(T--){scanf("%d",&n);if(n == 2)printf("0\n");elseprintf("%d\n", step[n-2][n-1]);}return 0;


using namespace std;const int N = 1010;
struct node
{int x;int y;
int step[N][N];void bfs(int n)
{queue <node> que;node a, b, c;memset(step, 0, sizeof(step));a.x = 0;a.y = 1;que.push(a);while(!que.empty()){b = que.front();que.pop();int x = min(b.x, b.y);int y = max(b.x, b.y);if((x == n - 1 && y == n - 2) || (x == n - 2 && y == n - 1))return ;if(x - 1 > 0)  //后面的球向后走1步{int nx = x - 1;int ny = y;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}if(x + 1 < n && x + 1 != y)   //后面的球向前走1步{int nx = x + 1;int ny = y;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}if(y - 1 != x && y - 1 > 0)  //前面的球向后走1步 {int nx = x;int ny = y - 1;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}if(y + 1 < n)   //前面的球向前走一步{int nx = x;int ny = y + 1;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}if(y * 2 - x < n)   //后面的球跨过前面的球向前跳{int nx = y;int ny = y * 2 - x;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}if(x * 2 - y > 0)   //前面的球跨过后面的球向后跳 {int nx = x * 2 - y;int ny = x;if(!step[nx][ny]){c.x = nx;c.y = ny;que.push(c);step[nx][ny] = step[x][y] + 1;}}}
}int main()
{bfs(1005);int T, n;scanf("%d",&T);while(T--){scanf("%d",&n);if(n == 2)printf("0\n");elseprintf("%d\n",step[n-2][n-1]);}return 0;

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