
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

Did someone recently recommend you listen to a podcast? If your response was, “What’s a podcast?” we’ve got the answer, and more! Here’s a crash course on podcasts and how you can listen to them on your smartphone.

最近有人推荐您听播客吗? 如果您的回答是“什么是播客?” 我们有答案,还有更多! 这是播客的速成班,以及如何在智能手机上收听它们。

什么是播客? (What’s a Podcast?)

Think of podcasts as internet radio or an audio series. They are shows that regularly release new episodes you can listen to via an app on your phone.

将播客视为互联网广播或音频系列。 它们显示定期发布新的情节,您可以通过手机上的应用程序收听。

Like blogs, podcasts (mostly) also live freely on their own websites. While this is great for independent creators, it can make podcasts confusing for first-time listeners.

像博客一样,播客(大多)也可以在其自己的网站上自由生活。 虽然这对独立创作者非常有用,但它会使初次收听的人感到困惑。

You can find the same podcast on hundreds of podcast apps and websites. However, some are exclusive to certain platforms (like Spotify) or apps.

您可以在数百个播客应用程序和网站上找到相同的播客。 但是,某些是某些平台(例如Spotify)或应用程序所独有的。

In this article, we’ll cover podcasts that are freely available as RSS feeds and that you can listen to on any podcast app.


To start listening, all you need is a podcast app. Search for the podcast you want, subscribe to it, and then the app will download new episodes for you in the background automatically.

要开始收听,您只需要一个播客应用即可。 搜索所需的播客,进行订阅,然后该应用程序将在后台自动为您下载新剧集。

Tap the Play button to listen to an episode.


如何在iPhone和iPad上管理播客 (How to Manage Podcasts on iPhone and iPad)

If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can use the built-in Podcasts app to get started. Once you get the hang of it, you can move on to a more feature-rich third-party podcast app (which we cover below).

如果您拥有iPhone或iPad,则可以使用内置的Podcasts应用程序来开始使用。 一旦掌握了它,就可以继续使用功能更丰富的第三方播客应用程序(我们将在下面介绍)。

在Podcasts应用程序中订阅和下载Podcast (Subscribe to and Download Podcasts in the Podcasts App)

Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the “Browse” tab to discover new podcasts you might like.

在iPhone或iPad上打开Podcasts应用。 点按“浏览”标签以发现您可能喜欢的新播客。

If you already have a podcast in mind or someone’s recommended one to you, tap the “Search” tab, and then type the name of the podcast.


When you find the podcast you want, tap it.


Next, you see the podcast description and a list of episodes. You don’t have to subscribe to a podcast to play an episode or add a few to your library.

接下来,您将看到播客描述和剧集列表。 您无需订阅播客即可播放情节或将一些内容添加到库中。

Tap the episode to play it or tap the plus sign (+) next to the episode to add it to your Library. You can do this for a couple of podcasts until you figure out what you like.

点击情节以播放它,或点击情节旁边的加号(+)将其添加到您的媒体库。 您可以对几个播客执行此操作,直到您确定自己喜欢什么为止。

To subscribe to a podcast, just tap “Subscribe.” The Podcasts app will list new episodes in the “Listen Now” section. New episodes of podcasts you subscribe to are downloaded automatically in the background.

要订阅播客,只需点按“订阅”。 Podcasts应用程序将在“立即收听”部分列出新的剧集。 您订阅的播客的新剧集会在后台自动下载。

If you want to download a specific episode, tap the plus sign (+) next to the episode to add it to your Library. Similar to the Apple Music app, a Download icon appears; tap it to save the episode to your phone or tablet.

如果要下载特定的剧集,请点击剧集旁边的加号(+),将其添加到您的媒体库中。 与Apple Music应用类似,将出现“下载”图标。 点按即可将剧集保存到手机或平板电脑。

在Podcasts应用中播放和删除Podcast (Play and Delete Podcasts in the Podcasts App)

After you subscribe to a few podcasts or add episodes to your Library, it’s time to start listening to them.


Tap the “Listen Now” tab. Here, you see all the latest episodes from podcasts you’ve subscribed to. Tap a podcast to play the latest episode or tap the “Episodes” button below a podcast to see all available episodes in the queue.

点击“立即收听”标签。 在这里,您可以查看已订阅的播客中的所有最新剧集。 点击播客以播放最新剧集,或者点击播客下方的“情节”按钮以查看队列中所有可用的剧集。

After a podcast begins, you can tap the Now Playing bar to open the playback screen.


Here, you can skip around, change the speed of the podcast, and more.


The Podcasts app also has a Queue feature. If you know which episode you want to play next, tap the Menu button, and then tap “Play Next” or “Play Later” in the Share sheet.

Podcasts应用程序还具有队列功能。 如果您知道接下来要播放的情节,请点击“菜单”按钮,然后在“共享”表中点击“下一个播放”或“以后播放”。

On the “Now Playing” screen, you can swipe up to reveal the sleep timer, show notes, chapters, and the “Playing Next” section. This is where you can manage the queue. Use the Handle icons to change the order of upcoming episodes.

在“正在播放”屏幕上,您可以向上滑动以显示睡眠计时器,显示笔记,章节和“下一个播放”部分。 您可以在此处管理队列。 使用“句柄”图标可以更改即将播放的剧集的顺序。

To manage the episodes you’ve downloaded, go to the “Library” tab, and then tap “Downloaded Episodes.”


To delete an episode, swipe left on it, and then tap “Remove.”


To unsubscribe to a podcast, open the podcast page, and tap the Menu button.


Tap “Unsubscribe” in the Share Sheet.


适用于iPhone和iPad的替代播客应用 (Alternative Podcast Apps for iPhone and iPad)

There are many great podcast apps you can use on your iPhone or iPad. The best one for you depends on your needs and taste. Like our sister site, we recommend Overcast. It’s simple to use but packs powerful features.

您可以在iPhone或iPad上使用许多出色的播客应用。 最适合您的食物取决于您的需求和口味。 像我们的姊妹站点一样,我们建议使用“阴暗” 。 它使用简单,但具有强大的功能。

If you need a cross-platform app, we recommend Pocket Casts. You can also listen to podcasts on your Mac if it’s running macOS Catalina.

如果您需要跨平台应用程序,我们建议使用Pocket Casts 。 如果Mac运行的是MacOS Catalina,则还可以在Mac上收听播客。

如何在Android上收听播客 (How to Listen to Podcasts on Android)

Unfortunately, there isn’t a built-in podcast app for Android. The Google Search app has a built-in Podcasts feature that lets you subscribe and listen to podcasts. You can also download the Google Podcasts app if you’d rather have more of a cohesive structure.

不幸的是,没有适用于Android的内置播客应用。 Google搜索应用程序具有内置的播客功能,可让您订阅和收听播客。 如果您希望拥有更紧密的结构,也可以下载Google Podcasts应用。

However, if you’re going to download a podcast app from the Play Store, we recommend you use Pocket Casts. It’s been around for years, and most of the features are now available for free.

但是,如果您要从Play商店下载播客应用,建议您使用Pocket Casts 。 它已经存在多年了,现在大多数功能都是免费的。

Pocket Casts has a rich podcast directory and an easy-to-use interface. It also includes features like silence removal, volume boost, and playlist management (which you can customize).

Pocket Casts具有丰富的播客目录和易于使用的界面。 它还包括静音消除,音量增强和播放列表管理(您可以自定义)等功能。

如何在Pocket Cast上管理播客 (How to Manage Podcasts on Pocket Casts)

After you install the Pocket Casts app, head to the “Discover” section, and browse around. Tap “Search Podcasts” at the top of the screen if you want to search for a specific podcast.

安装Pocket Casts应用后,转到“发现”部分,然后浏览。 如果要搜索特定的播客,请点击屏幕顶部的“搜索播客”。

Tap the “Play” button next to any podcast episode you want to listen to.


When you find a podcast you like, tap “Subscribe” to add it to the Podcasts tab.


Unlike other podcast clients, Pocket Casts doesn’t download new podcast episodes automatically in the background.

与其他播客客户端不同,Pocket Casts不会在后台自动下载新的播客剧集。

To enable this feature, go to the “Profile” tab and tap the Settings icon.


In the list that appears, tap “Auto Download.”


Toggle-On the “New Episodes” option and Pocket Casts will now automatically download new episodes from your subscriptions in the background.

切换到“新剧集”选项,Pocket Casts现在将在后台从您的订阅中自动下载新剧集。

If you’d rather manage your downloads yourself, go to any podcast, and then tap the episode title for the detailed view. Here, you can tap the Download button to save that individual episode.

如果您想自己管理下载,请转到任何播客,然后点按剧集标题以获取详细视图。 在这里,您可以点击“下载”按钮以保存该单独的情节。

播放和删除Pocket Cast中的播客 (Play and Delete Podcasts in Pocket Casts)

After you set up your subscriptions, go to the “Podcasts” tab. Here, you see a grid of the podcasts to which you’re subscribed. Tap a podcast to see all of the available episodes.

设置订阅后,转到“播客”标签。 在这里,您可以看到订阅的播客的网格。 点击一个播客以查看所有可用的剧集。

Tap the Play button to start playback.


The Now Playing bar appears at the bottom of the screen; tap it to expand the playback controls.

屏幕下方将显示“正在播放”栏; 点击以展开播放控件。

Here, you can manage playback effects, set a timer, view show notes, and more.


Pocket Casts also has a stellar queue feature. When you see the episode you want to play next, tap it to go to the detailed view, and then tap “Up Next.” You can do this for multiple episodes.

Pocket Casts还具有恒星队列功能。 当您看到要播放的下一集时,请点按以进入详细视图,然后点按“上一页”。 您可以对多个剧集执行此操作。

Return to the Now Playing screen, and then swipe up to see the “Up Next” queue. Here, you can use the Handle icons to rearrange the queue or tap “Clear Queue” to remove all upcoming episodes. Swipe left to remove an individual episode from the queue.

返回到“正在播放”屏幕,然后向上滑动以查看“ Up Next”队列。 在这里,您可以使用“句柄”图标重新排列队列,或点击“清除队列”以删除所有即将发生的情节。 向左滑动即可从队列中删除单个剧集。

To manage your downloaded episodes, tap the “Profile” tab, and then tap “Downloads.”


Swipe left on a downloaded episode, and then tap the Delete button to erase it.


You can also tap the Menu button and go to the “Manage Downloaded Files” section to delete all unplayed, playing, or played episodes.


After you select the episodes you want to delete, scroll down and tap “Delete X Episodes,” where “X” is the number of episodes you’ve selected.

选择要删除的情节后,向下滚动并点按“删除X个情节”,其中“ X”是您选择的情节数。

To unsubscribe from a podcast, open its page and tap the green check mark. In the popup that appears, tap “Unsubscribe” to confirm.

要取消订阅播客,请打开其页面,然后点击绿色的复选标记。 在出现的弹出窗口中,点击“取消订阅”进行确认。

Android的替代播客应用 (Alternative Podcast Apps for Android)

In addition to the Google Podcasts app, you can also try Podcast Addict. This all-in-one podcast client also features live streams, SoundCloud channels, Twitch streaming, and more. The Spotify and TuneIn Radio apps also have podcasts.

除了Google Podcasts应用程序外,您还可以尝试Podcast Addict。 这个多合一的播客客户端还具有实时流,SoundCloud频道,Twitch流等等。 Spotify和TuneIn Radio应用程序还具有播客。

For even more options, take a look at our list of the best podcast apps for Android.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/448805/how-to-listen-to-podcasts-on-iphone-ipad-or-android/



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