

a debatable issue 一个有争议的问题

a debatable claim一个有争议的主张

as a proverb goes 正如一句谚语所云

as regards 至于,关于

regarding 至于,关于

with regard to 至于,关于

as far as… be concerned 就……而言

as concerns 至于,关于

concerning 至于,关于

in point of 至于,关于

when it comes to 说到

in reference to 至于,关于

with reference to 至于,关于

with relation to至于,关于

be concerned with 关于

as to 至于,关于

with respect to 至于,关于

in respect to 至于,关于

be the subject of much debate 成为很多争议的主题

can be defined as 可定义为

exaggerating 夸大的

express the wishes of 表达……的愿望

form a low opinion of 对……很反感

have an ill opinion of 对……很反感

it is debatable whether… would actually work ……是否可行是有争议的

just as an old saying goes 有句老话说得好

one of the most hotly debated issues人们辩论最激烈的问题之一

optimistic 乐观的

refer to指的是

stand for 代表,表示

there has been an intense debate over 在……问题上出现了激烈的争论

voice the desire of 表达……的愿望


heartily approve of sth. 完全赞同某事

thoroughly approve of the decision that 衷心拥护……的决定

ad.ocate the doctrine of 倡导……的信条

agree entirely with sb. that (完全)同意某人的观点,即……

agree fully with sb. that (完全)同意某人的观点,即……

agree to do sth. 同意做某事

appreciate 赞赏

assent to 赞成,同意

be a firm supporter of 完全支持

be all for 赞成

be worthy of praise 值得表扬


deserve commendation值得称赞

be commendable 值得表扬

consent 表扬,赞赏


express agreement with sb. 表示对某人的赞同

express agreement with the view that 表示对某观点的赞同

favor 赞同

be in favor of 赞同

gain public favor of 得到广泛拥护

gain wide favor of 得到广泛拥护

give hearty support to 坚决赞同

have a favorable opinion of 赞成

have good reason to believe 完全有理由相信

have the general consent of sb. 受到某人的一致赞扬

it is widely agreed that 人们广泛赞成

it is universally agreed that 人们广泛赞成

it stands to reason that(某事)有道理

regard…as reasonable 认为……合理

repeatedly emphasize 反复强调

speak highly of 高度赞扬

form a high opinion of 做出很高评价

strongly support the view of 坚决赞成某个观点


there is no denying that 不可否认

win the approval of 得到……赞同

with this point of view I agree with sb. 在这一点上我同意某人的观点


hold a negative attitude to对……持相反意见

hold a conservative view to对……持保守的态度

at first glance it looks as if… , but… 乍看起来好像……,但是……

it may seem that…, however… 看起来……,然而……

but actually(引出不同意见)然而,实际上

however, in truth(引出不同意见)然而,实际上

in reality, however (引出不同意见)然而,实际上

can’t stand the idea that 不同意……的观点

differ with sb. in the respect that 在……方面与某人意见不一致

disagree with 不同意

I can hardly approve of 我几乎无法同意

I can’t see any ad.antage in 我看不出……有什么好处

it is doubtful that 是值得怀疑的

object to 反对

on the surface 表面看来

it appears as if 表面看来

one drawback is 一个缺点/弊病就是

the truth of the matter is 事实上

seem forced 显得牵强

be offensive to 有悖于

what I can’t stand is 我不能容忍的是


at first 首先

first 首先,第一

first of all 首先

firstly 首先

in the beginning 起初

in the first place 首先,第一

to begin with 首先,第一

on one hand 一方面

for one thing 首先

for another其次

after 此后

next 然后

then 然后

second 第二,第二点


in the second place 第二

on the other hand 另一方面

besides 此外

also 而且

meanwhile 与此同时

third 第三点,第三

thirdly 第三


lastly 最后

last but not least 最后的但同样重要的

what is more 而且,此外

what is worse 更糟的是

more importantly 更重要的是

in addition 此外

moreover 而且,此外

furthermore 而且,此外


according to statistics根据统计数字

according to statistical evidence 根据统计数字为证

for example例如

for instance 例如

let me cite… as proof 让我以……为证

illustrate one’s point with facts 用事实来说明

by way of examples 通过举例

in illustration of 例证

such as 比如

like 比如

and so on 等等

and so forth等等

a good example of 一个很好的例子

a case of 一个实例

a case in point 一个实例

take… for example 以……为例

take… as an example 以……为例

take example to do 举一个例子来做

provide an example of 举一个例子

illustrate examples from 从……举几个例子

draw examples in 从……举出几个例子

find examples among 从……举出几个例子






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