
发布时间:2010-01-11 15:47:34来源:红联作者:linuxcui

[i=s] 本帖最后由 linuxcui 于 2010-1-12 09:01 编辑 [/i]



1、Which command will output the exit status of the previous command (a 1 or a 0)?

A. echo $?

B. echo $1

C. echo $EXIT

D. exitstatus

2、The content of the ~/myscript.sh file is as follows:

shift echo $2

What will be the output of the command: ~/myscript.sh alpha beta gamma delta?

3、Writing a shell script you want to check if the file foobar exists and is owned by the user who runs the script. Which of the following test commands will check this?

A. test -e foobar

B. test -r foobar

C. test -b foobar

D. test -o foobar

E. test -O foobar

4、You are writing a script and want to test the exit status of a process. Which of the following is true?

A. The normal exit value differs

B. You can’t test the normal exit value

C. The normal exit value is $EXIT

D. The normal exit value is 0

5、In the following command and its output, echo $$


What is 12942?

A. the process ID of the echo command

B. the process ID of the current shell

C. the process ID of the last command excuted

D. The process ID of the last backgrounded command

6、Which of the following is the best way to list all defined shell variables?

A. env

B. set

C. env -a

D. echo $ENV

7、You create a script named "/tmp/src" that runs under the bash shell. When you try to invoke it by typing "/tmp/scr", you get an error message saying "bash: /tmp/src: Permission denied". What could be wrong? Select the best response.

A. The script file was probably deleted by another user

B. The path for the bash shell is wrong in the first line

C. The permissions on the script file deny execute access

D. The script should be moved to the user’s home directory

E. Users are not allowed to execute scripts from the /tmp directory

8、What is described by the PS1 and PS2 environment variable?

A. Postscript Level 1 and Level 2 capabilities

B. Shortcuts for the commands "ps" and "ps uax"

C. The different levels for the Power Save Mode

D. The normal prompt and the following prompt of the shell

E. PS2 is a link to the mouse-port of a ps/2 mouse, PS1 doesn't exist

9、Which of the statements is the result of the following command? export PS2=”[\u\w]\\$ ”

A. The primary bash prompt uses underlining and white background (black foreground)

B. The primary bash prompt includes the username and working path

C. The secondary bash prompt terminal prompt uses underlining and white background (black foreground)

D. The secondary bash prompt includes the username and working path

E. The bash prompt maps mouse button one as Ctrl-U (undo) and mouse two as Ctrl-W (write line to file)

10、What is the correct first line of any bash shell script? A. #!/bin/bash

B. #!

C. /bin/bash

D. /#!/bin/bash

E. #


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